《The Star-Crossed Lovers from District 12 (Wattys Finalist 2013)》Chapter 12
I break down into tears and collapse. This can’t be happening. My life is over. My love is gone. I thought I had him and I don’t. I will never be able to see him the same way. Last time we got lucky. This time we will probably have to shoot him because he will be insane. Or worse, I could watch him get shot. If that ever happened I would shoot be self regardless.
“No, you’re lying,” I say.
“I’m sorry,” she says holding onto my shoulder. Haymitch runs over.
“What’s wrong?” he asks. He squats down next to me and starts to rub my back.
“Peeta is hijacked again because he couldn’t fight flash backs,” says Paylor.
“That’s impossible, we have him taking medication for it every day.”
“Well he might’ve forgotten to take it today.”
“He never forgets,” I say with tears running down my face
“Why don’t we just bring you back to your room, Paylor make sure Peeta captured and is heavily guarded in the Control Room so she won’t go insane without him,” he says. He grabs me by my shoulders and gets me into a car. I can’t stop crying.
“Katniss, it’s okay. We’ll figure all of this out,” he says. I know he’s trying to get me to feel better but I’m a mess. When we were at home Peeta said that nightmares don’t come true, but in this case it is coming true. He said he wasn’t going to get hijacked again. He lied and now I can’t bear it. The first time wasn’t as bad because I wasn’t head over heels in love with him. I was still worried and a little in love but now he’s my husband and he has uncontrollable actions that no one can stop now. Odds are by the end of this he will have to be shot and I will not have a husband and probably turn into Annie. I don’t know what to do so when I get back to the loft I do the only thing I can think of. I call Gale.
“Hello,” he says.
“Gale it’s me,” I say.
“Hey Catnip, what’s wrong it sounds like you’ve been crying and you never cry,” he says. I start to cry again. “What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Peeta’s……. Peeta’s……. hijacked again,” I say.
“I’ll be right there,” he says then I hear a click. The next day Gale shows up at my door. I just go straight into his arms.
“Katniss we’ll figure this out alright,” he says. I just nod my head.
“Have you seen him since?” he asks. I shake my head.
“Who told you?”
“Paylor, he saw a picture of Snow and couldn’t fight the flashbacks, so he’s not technically hijacked, but he isn’t sane,” I say. Gale grabs my hand and we go into the elevator.
“Has he been taking his medication?”
“Everyday since he got it.”
“Then we could have trouble.” This makes me cry again.
“Where are we going?” I ask trying to catch my breath. I’ve been crying all of yesterday, all night, and all day today. I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep. Not without Peeta.
“We are going to see Peeta,” he says tightening his grip on my hand. We go down stairs and into the car and we go to see Peeta.
“They have him in the Control Room. Haymitch told me,” says Gale. So we go onto the hovercraft and go to the arena. I get us up into the Control Room and sure enough once we walked through an extra room they have there, there Peeta was there behind some glass. Haymitch, Beetee and some Capitol doctors are sitting behind the glass.
“Is he going to be alright?” I ask.
“Do you want the truth?” asks Haymitch. I nod my head.
“Doctors say that he’s as bad as he was when we saved him from Snow. But his levels have been all over the place. One second his blood pressure will be normal and he will be calm and the next it will spike and we have to sedate him,” he says. I just go right into Gale and start to cry on his shoulder.
“He won’t be good during the Games so I’ll be mentoring,” says Haymitch. I walk away from Gale and I go up to the glass. I put out my hand on the glass and stare at Peeta. I love and miss him so much. Why did this have to happen me not once but twice to the person I love. I start to cry again. Snow is such a…such a…I hate him. It’s his fault.
“When is the earliest I can see him?” I ask.
“Probably about the time when the mentors can talk with you on why you should save their tributes,” says Haymitch. I just leave. I can’t handle this anymore. Gale comes after me.
“Katniss we’ll get him back together before you know it. We’ve done it before,” he says.
“Yeah and you did so well the last time that he’s back to the way he was two years ago,” I say.
“Yeah, two years ago. That is two years ago that he was like this. I don’t know about you but I think that’s pretty long. And to me I feel like those two years with Peeta were the happiest of your life,” he says. They were the best years of my life because I was happy. I was in love with someone I thought I would never talk to. Peeta was the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. I wish I would’ve cherished those two years with him a lot more. I thought this would never happen again. This thing is the only thing that breaks us a part. When he’s like this I feel that there is a wall of fire separating us. Like no matter how hard we try we can’t get to each other.
“They were,” I say. He gives me a hug and holds me.
“Katniss we can get him back within a few weeks. With the technology we have now it won’t take as long as it did two years ago, but the only way we can is if you stay with it. You can’t give up on him, because if you give up on him he will give up on you,” he says.
“I won’t,” I say.
“No, you can’t,” he says.
“I swear,” I say. Gale gives me a kiss on the cheek.
“Everything will be alright Catnip,” he says. I smile.
“Now stay happy and think positive. We’ve got Peeta under control so all you have to think about is the games,” he says.
“Thank you,” I say. I leave the Control Room where they are keeping Peeta and go back to our room at the Training Center. When I get there I see Peeta’s suitcase open. I can see my vow in it from here. I go over and pick it up and just hold onto it. Do I dare open it? I decide to. When I open it I realize that there are more pages here than just my vow. There are at least six pages here. The first three are mine but then I see Peeta’s vow. I begin to read it and it mostly says how much he loves me. But on the last page was his feeling for me in the games. When we were in the first games in the cave he thought that he finally got me. That even thought he was sick he was positive that I would be his forever. When I told him that I did it all for the camera’s he said that his heart stopped and fell into a million pieces. His heart slowly got pieced back together when we became friends. But when we kissed on the beach in the second games his heart was whole again. He loved me again, but who said he ever stopped. The two years we were dating each other were the best of his life like they were to me. Once I said yes to marrying him he felt like the happiest guy in the world. He felt like he got me, and he got me forever. He knew that we would stay together.
I start to feel something running down my face. I wipe it away and when I pull back my hand it’s wet. I’ve been crying. I feel like my life is empty without him even though it’s only been a couple hours. I love him so much, why did Snow have to do this to him. It’s his fault that we can’t be together, and that Peeta’s mind will never be the same.I start to pace then throw a vase against the wall. It shatters into a million pieces. I lay on the bed and curl up in a ball where he slept and bawl for at least an hour. I can’t stay here in this room. Since Peeta’s hijacked there is no need for me to be in this room. So I pack up my stuff and head to the room in the Control Room where I will be sleeping during the games.
When I get there I start to unpack. Once I think I’m almost done I see a little shimmer of gold from under my clothes. I pick it up and it’s the locket Peeta gave me. I put it on. We are apart and I promised I would wear it. I start to get ready for bed when I have an idea. I grab my vow and head over where Peeta is. I see Haymitch staring at him through the glass.
“Haymitch? I ask.
“Yeah sweetheart?” he asks.
“I was hoping you could give this to Peeta once he starts to get better,” I say.
“Why don’t you give it to him when you can meet him?” he asks.
“I thought it would help with the healing,” I say. He gives me a hug.
“We’ll try, but if it doesn’t work I think it will be more affective if you read it to him, and also read him yours,” he says taking it. I don’t stay and go back to my room and go to bed. The bed feels so empty when Peeta isn’t next to me. I eventually fall asleep but it’s not for long. I wake up with a nightmare. It’s the nightmare that I had where we were both in separate cells side by side and Peeta said that he didn’t love me. But this time he killed me and I was defenseless. But I had the opportunity to kill him but I couldn’t. I loved him too much to do such a thing. Just like in the 74th games. I’m drenched in tears. I move over to the other side of the bed to cuddle up to Peeta but I feel nothing there. After that I can’t fall back asleep. All I do is lay on the bed and think. Eventually I fall asleep and when I wake up I wake up to the noises of yelling and machines going off. I get on my robe and go see what is going on. The noise is coming from Peeta’s room. When I go in there I see doctors running everywhere with papers flying. Haymich and Gale watch Peeta through the glass. And when I look I see that Peeta is squirming around on the table, probably trying to get free. I go over to Haymitch and Gale and asked what was wrong but neither of them gave a response. Gale eventually gets up and brings me out into the hall. I shake my head.
“Why is he like this?”
“Did you see him last night?” I shake my head.
“You swear?”
“I swear.”
“We thought you visited him, but since you didn’t who knows what happened,” he says. I feel terrible. “What we think happened was he couldn’t fight a flashback about you and he’s been like that since five in the morning,” he says.
“How do you know?”
“We tested he brain waves.”
“Will he be okay?” I ask.
“Yeah, we just got to make sure he takes a brake. But from now on that door to his room will be locked at night because we can’t risk having this happen again, in case anyone tries to sneak in there” he says. I just nod my head. “I’ll see you at the Reaping, but I hope you won’t see me.” After that I go back to my room. I sit on my bed in a ball and start to cry. I’m surprised I even have any water in me to keep crying. I lock my door and I don’t open it for food. I feel famished, but I don’t care. I don’t come out until Reaping day. With Peeta hijacked and Gale in the Reaping I feel like my life is falling apart right in front of my face. I decide to call my mom but she doesn’t pick up or return my calls. That makes one less person I can talk to. I don’t even want to leave but Peacekeepers knock down my door and tell me to get ready. So I prop my door up against a wall and go into the shower. When I get out I towel dry it and just brush through so my hair is down. I put on my pants and my Gamemaker jacket and go downstairs. In the elevator I put my locket over my heart and start to cry. When I get to the lobby Haymitch, Effie, Gino, and my prep team are all down there. Effie walks up to me and straightens my posture. “Just because you’re going through a tough time doesn’t mean you can slouch during big big big occasion,” she says. Gino comes up to me and gives me a hug. “Stay strong because I know you love him with your whole heart. If you give up he gives up,” he says. I’ve heard that too much lately. I nod my head and Gino and Effie both leave in a car, and my prep team and I go to the prep room. Haymitch goes to the prep room with us and once they’re done I dismiss them so it’s just me and Haymitch.
“How is he?” I ask.
“I’m just going to say it. He’s doing worse. We showed him your wedding picture and his and your vows and he’s not that convinced. In fact when we showed re-runs of you and him in the cave and on the beach he started calling you a mutt again. Katniss, I don’t know if he’ll ever be the same,” he says. I cover my face so he doesn’t see me cry. Waterproof mascara is my best friend today.
“So what you’re saying is I’ve been married to the man I’ve loved for two years for one week and now he probably won’t love me ever again?” I say. Haymitch just pats me on the back and he leaves. I curl up in a ball on the chair and just sit there thinking about all of this. This is the longest Peeta and I have been a part. I decide to get up and find President Paylor to hear what she saw. Once I find her, she is coming out of a meeting.
“President Paylor,” I say.
“Hey, Katniss. How are you doing?” she asks. I’m sick of all of this sympathy. They don’t care, they just want to make sure I’m happy so the Games will run smoothly.
“I just want to know what you saw,” I say.
“Well, I was going to show him where you two would meet during the games and we passed a large picture of President Snow and he just froze in his spot staring at the picture. Next thing I know his hands are on the wall and he’s trying to fight flash backs. He drops to his knees and puts his hands over his face. When I see his face again his eyes, they looked different, I can’t really describe what they looked like but it really scared me. Then, he starting yelling ‘where is the mutt so I can kill her’. I just called for security and it took three guys to pin him down. They took him to the lab and after he was tested they confirmed that he was hijacked,” she says.
“Wow, I didn’t know you can get hijacked without using trackerjacker venom,” I say.
“Well I guess you can,” she says. I just stand there in silence for a few seconds trying to picture it in my head but something doesn’t add up but I can’t figure out what. He has seen millions of pictures of Snow since the last time he was hijacked and he didn’t even have a flashback. “Well, you need to be somewhere Mrs. Mellark, or Ms. Everdeen, I don’t know which to use, but I’ll meet you there,” she says.
“Mrs. Mellark, please,” I say. She nods her head and she puts her hand on my shoulder to comfort me then leaves. I look at my ring and I try to think of all the good things Peeta and I did together. Then I think to myself if this doesn’t work out at least I got two happy years with him and a week of marriage with him. I take the hovercraft to the Capitol’s Justice Building and I get an escort inside. Haymitch, Effie, and Paylor were already there.
“You ready?” asks Haymitch. I nod my head. We all walk out of City Hall and me Haymitch and Paylor sit down on some seats on the side while Effie goes up to the microphone.
“Welcome children of the Capitol. As you all know this is your first year for The Hunger Games and we have quite an exciting year planned for all of you lucky girls and boys. The winners shall be bathed in riches and will become an icon of all of Panem. Now before we begin your Head Gamemaker, Mrs. Katniss Mellark made you all a video on what you can look forward to in the arena. The video begins to play and I scan the crowd for Gale and Claudia when I realize that I forgot to talk to Claudia’s friend. If Gale doesn’t volunteer, Claudia might die. I guess I got so mixed up in all of this Peeta drama I forgot. I eventually find both of them and they have fear written all over there face. Once the video is over Effie begins to talk again.
“Now let’s give a big round of applause for your Head Gamemakers Katniss Mellark,” says Effie. I walk up to the podium and Gale and I immediately lock eyes. My hands start to get sweaty, and I can feel my heart rate go up. But I go through my speech like it was a breeze. Effie walks back up to the podium while I sit back down. “As usual ladies first then the boys and I will go back and forth until we have twelve girls and twelve boys.” She walks over to the ladies bowl and it’s not Claudia that she picks. So then she goes over to the boys bowl and she doesn’t pick Gale. She keeps on going back and forth until there are eleven girls and eleven boys standing on the stage. I begin to give up hope until she picks the last girl name she walks over to the microphone and says, “Claudia Templesmith.” Her voice projects throughout the City Circle. Templesmith, where have I heard that last name before. Then it hits me Claudia is Claudius Templesmith’s daughter. A chill runs through my bones. She comes up on stage and gives me a sad glare. I see Gale’s face and it looks like he’s about to die. Two people he cares about have been in The Hunger Games. Me, now Claudia. Effie walks over to the boys bowl and picks a name that’s not Gale’s and my heart drops. I about cry until I hear,
“I volunteer,” in the crowd. I look to see who is coming up on the stage and it’s Gale.
I'll leave you with that...Comment what you liked and disliked and vote if you liked the chapter! Oh, and the picture is who I would cast as Claudia! I really want to know how to become better writer so please either comment of pm me if you got any ideas :)
Love, Bookjunkie001
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The Three Keys
I'm not interested in continuing this any longer.
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