《The Star-Crossed Lovers from District 12 (Wattys Finalist 2013)》Part 2- Maybe he Lied?- Chapter 10
I pull away, get up and go over to get the door. I look back and Peeta’s face has sadness written all over it. I mouth I love you to him and he smiles. There was another knock at the door. I open up the door and an Avox gives me a note then leaves.
“What does it say?” he asks.
“It says I’m suppose to go to the City Circle, but you can come with me. But you would have to go straight to the City Circle and I would meet you there. First I have to go to the Prep Room to get fitted for my Gamemaker jacket. We are doing final touches on the stage, and I have to rehearse to what I’m going to say because I need to have a speech,” I say.
“Oh, well at least I can spend some more time with you,” he says.
“Wait there is more. It says that you are also required to write a speech because you are the Head Gamemakers husband,” I say.
“Well okay. I guess I’ll get ready. What time am I suppose to be there,” he asks.
“Doesn’t say,” I say. He gets up and walks over to me.
“Well I’ll see you at the City Circle,” he says. He gives me a kiss. I blush. I’m so lucky to have him.
“Bye,” I say.
“Bye,” he says while walking away from me. I walk out the room and to the elevator. I click the button that the prep room is on, then I am on my way. When I get down there I see a man wearing all black, and he has light blue hair combed to the side with streaks of purple in it. He is also wearing bright green eye shadow and has many piercings in his ears. Nothing like Cinna.
“Hello Katniss Mellark, congrats on the marriage, all of Panem knows that you’re a Mellark now. Anyways I am Gino your new stylist. Every time you make a public appearance I will be the person you come to for clothes to wear at those public appearances,” “Really?” I think. Why is he giving me this talk? I’ve met stylists before. “But right now you are here to get fitted for you Gamemaker jacket, but since this is the first time ever it is a female Gamemaker I thought a different style that has a more feminine touch to it would be more appropriate,” he says.
“That sounds great,” I say.
“So just let me get your measurements and I will start working on the jacket,” he says. So he takes my measurements then tells me to come back in about five hours to pick up the jacket. So I give him a hug goodbye then I go up the elevator to the main floor. When the elevator stops I see a car waiting right out the front doors for me to take me to the City Circle. The car drives me to the City Circle, and there was a huge stage that was half complete right in the middle of it. I see Peeta from the car widow, and his hair is combed back. He waves to me, and I wave back. He starts to walk towards the car. Once the car stops I get out and run into his arms. He gives me a kiss on the cheek, and while he was doing that I messed up his hair.
“Should’ve seen that coming,” he says. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my forehead.
“How was your fitting?” he asks.
“Good my new stylists name is Gino, but he doesn’t shut up, and he’s not as down to earth as Cinna was. But while he was rambling off about the jacket I was thinking of you,” I say. He smiles and gives me a long kiss. While we were kissing Haymitch comes over and splits us apart.
“It hasn’t been that long since you’ve seen each other,” he says. We both give him a hug, we haven’t seen him since the wedding.
“I think you guys should know that they have very strict rules here about public displays of affection. If Presidet Paylor saw you guys doing that here who knows what she would do. It’s just a fair warning,” he says. Peeta and I look at each other and by the look I his eyes I can tell that he got the message. “Follow me, you both need to write your speeches,” he says.
“What are we even suppose to talk about, I mean the Gamemaker is never at the reaping, and neither is their spouse,” says Peeta.
“Well we thought that changing it up would be more interesting. And all you have to talk about is your experience in the games, the good and the bad parts,” says Haymitch. Peeta nods his head. “As for you Katniss, you have to talk about your encounter with Snow good and bad, and why you decided to take this job, and just to keep he crowd pleased, your love life with Peeta” he says. Haymitch brings us to a table inside of City Hall. Do I really have to talk about my love life with Peeta, it’s kind of personal.
“Katniss you have two hours. Peeta, take as long as you need.” He gave us each a piece of paper and a pen and left us.
“I can’t believe they have rules for displaying affection here,” Peeta says.
“I know, also I don’t know why I need to include our love life in the speech. I think it’s a violation of privacy.” He just shrugs and starts to write his speech. I start to also but once I get to where I have to talk about me and Peeta, I freeze. Once my two hours are up I thought I had a pretty good speech. Haymitch comes and gets me.
“You must go to the Control Room immediately so you can tell the Control Room specialists what you want the climate and location to be, and the rest of that crap” he says. I start to follow him out of the room when I realized I won’t see Peeta for about six to eight hours. Then I come up with an idea.
“Haymitch I left the pen in there. I’ll meet you outside,” I say. I start to walk back over to the room. He tries to stop me but I don’t listen. When I get in there Peeta looks up at me. He about says something but I stop his words with a kiss.
“I’ll see you tonight,” I say. He smiles. I grab the pen then run outside where Haymitch is waiting in a car for me.
“It was a pen, why’d you need to go back and get it?” he asks. I just look out the window and pretend that I don’t hear him.
“You went back to kiss Peeta goodbye, didn’t you,” he says. I still just look out the window, but now I smile. Every time I hear his name I get butterflies in my stomach. I can tell he has a smile on his face. “I never will have a relationship like you have with him, if I even have one.” I hate it when he talks about his failure of a love life. It makes me feel terrible for him. My smile slowly fades away.
We sit in silence all the way to the Control Room. When I get there I get a Peacekeeper escort into the building. From there I go into an elevator that takes us down to a hovercraft. We are in the hovercraft for about forty minutes. “Where are we going?” I ask.
“To the arena, the Control Room is above the grid in the sky,” says Haymitch. When we get there we are where the tributes get ready for the arena. Haymitch knocks on a wall. A keypad comes out of the wall as well as a finger scan. He does something on the finger scan. “Put your finger on the scanner. It will take some blood, and the door behind this wall will only open with your blood and the code,” he says. “What is the code?” I ask. “2500925579,” he says. So I type in the code and I put my finger on the scanner. The wall slides open and behind it is an elevator. We go into the elevator and it takes us up into a hall way. We go down the hall, turn the corner and there is the Control Room. It is all white and blue. The Control Room specialists are wearing white shirts, pants and shoes. Haymitch guides me over to a young man, maybe in his twenties. “Katniss, I would like to introduce you to Sean, the Head Control Room Specialist.” We shake hands.
“I can’t believe I am meeting Katniss Mellark. The Mockingjay,” he says all giddy like a schoolgirl. I smile.
“I can’t believe I am meeting Sean the Head Control Room Specialist,” I say copying his voice. We laugh.
“Okay on a more serious note, what do you want the location and climate to be in the arena,” he says. “The same as it was in the 74th Games, just make the altitude a little higher so we can do some more terrors,” I say. He nods his head then walks away. Did I just say that? I really need to bring my mind back to reality. I can’t turn into one of them, them people that actually enjoy the Games. I’m here because of love, kindness, and Prim. Anything else I have to put to the side. Except for Peeta. Peeta is my husband, my happiness, my life.
“Follow me,” says Haymitch. I follow him and he brings me to a room. “You are going to have to move your luggage into here so you can stay in the Control Room in case anything happens in the arena and they need you,” he says.
“What about Peeta, could he stay here with me?” I ask.
“No, he can’t, he is a mentor so he has to stay in the Capitol to get his tributes sponsors. Katniss, I’m sorry but starting next week is the Reaping and after that you two won’t be able to see each other until the Games are over. The only time you will see each other is when each mentor gets an hour or so to spend with the Head Gamemaker to convince the Head Gamemaker to save his/hers tributes life, but after that you won’t be able to see each other,” says Haymitch. I just nod my head. “We have only had the one acception and it was with Finnick and Annie. But Finnick was a mentor and Annie was a tribute. Also Annie would scream all night unless she was with him.”
“What if he isn’t a mentor?”
“But he is.”
“But what if he wasn’t?”
“He still couldn’t stay because he would be a distraction.” I fight back tears and let out anger.
“I have nightmares every night. I can’t sleep without Peeta,” I say.
“Then you’re going to scream, you are going to have to learn to live without him.”
“Why?! I need him and he needs me!” I storm out of the Control Room and back on the hovercraft. I tell the pilot to leave without Haymitch. There is a phone on the hover craft and I use it to call Peeta. I decide to call the room that we are in. It rings for a while, and right before I hang up I hear a “Hello?”
“Peeta it’s me,” I say trying to hide the anger and sorrow in my voice.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You sound upset,” he says. I guess I didn’t do a good job of hiding the sadness in my voice. He knows me too well, I can’t hide anything from him. I decide to just come out and say it.
“Peeta after the Reaping we only get to see each other once during the Games. After that we can’t see each other until the Games are over,” I say. I hear a sigh then silence.
“I asked why and Haymitch said it was because you were a mentor,” I say.
“I love you,” he says.
“I love you to,” I say. “Stay in the room, I’ll be there in about a half hour,” I say.
“Okay,” he says. He hangs up. He must be taking this very hard. I know I am. The Games can be anywhere between a few days to a week. I get back to the Capitol and I get into a car that brings me back to the Training Center. When I get there I go into the elevator and I press the number “twelve” and go up to our room. When I get there I see Peeta sitting on the couch in the living room. He turns around so he can see me. He gets up and starts walking towards me. I just run into his arms. He puts his arms around me and kisses my head. I think he’s crying. I start to rub his back.
“I never want to let go of you,” he says. I start to cry. We just stand there embraced in each other’s arms for a couple minutes. We pull away from each other and give each other a long kiss.
“I love you so much,” I say going back into his arms.
“I love you more,” he says. He picks me up and puts me on the couch. He sits down next to me and I cuddle up next to him. We turn on the news. All the news is saying is that the Capitol Citizens are in shock, and that I’m the Head Gamemaker. It also says that Peeta is a mentor and that he will be the first to pick his tributes. We decide that we can’t watch it anymore. We just sit there in silence in each other’s arms. Haymitch comes in.
“Katniss you have much more to do,” he says.
“Well right now I’m taking my time with Peeta. Paylor agreed to let me see Peeta whenever I want before the games,” I say. He sighs.
“Okay, but if everything is off schedule it’s your fault. Wait till Effie hears this,” he says. He leaves the loft. He looks at me. Both of our eyes are still puffy from crying.
“Go, we have all night with each other and you have duties to fulfill,” he says.
“But Peeta-,” I say. He cuts me off.
“Go, I will be waiting for you,” he says. He gives me a kiss. He picks me up and brings me over to the elevator. He calls the elevator, and when it shows he puts me down in it. “I love you,” he says. Then the doors shut and I wonder why Peeta wanted me to leave? I go down to the main floor to see Haymitch waiting there.
“Peeta made you go didn’t he?” he asks. I avoid contact and stay silent. “Well don’t be acting like this around Gino, he needs you in the Prep Room ASAP,” he says. So I take my time to go to the Prep Room and when I get there I see Gino, and he doesn’t seem too happy.
“What took you so long?” he asks. I don’t say anything, but he saw my red, puffy, eyes and knew what I was going through. “Well since it was for love I’ll let it slide, but don’t let it happen again,” he says. This guy is way different than Cinna, he’s a lot more strict. Cinna would know what I’m going through. He leaves to go and grab the jacket. When he comes out with the jacket I was dumbfounded. It was a light green coat outlined in orange, with a yellow mockingjay stitched in at the left shoulder. “Thinking you weren’t wearing the mockingjay pin I stitched it on. I also used the orange to remind you of Peeta. If you miss him all you have to do is look at the jacket,” he says. Okay maybe he’s not that bad, and the mockingjay pin was a nice touch since I leave it Prims old room with the door locked. Then I realize that I brought the locket.
“Can I wear something that Peeta gave me with this?” I ask. He smiles.
“Of course.” I smile. “You two sure have been through a lot together.”
“Yeah, but I would do it all again to be with him,” I say. He starts to tear up.
“Young love is just amazing, I never had the feeling that you have. I had a wife for a year when she left me for a fisher in Four after she was there for a couple of months on “business”. Ever since that I’ve never loved again. I had a few girlfriends but I never loved them the way I loved her,” he says.
“What was her name,” I ask.
“Fadila,” he says. I go up and give him a hug. It must really hurt to be the stylist for one of the most famous person in Panem for being in love. “Thanks,” he says.
“It’s the least I could do. Plus it’s what Peeta does to me when I feel sad or even crying. He just gives me a hug and for some reason when I’m in his arms I feel safe, and I feel that there is no reason to cry if I have him,” I say. He just smiles.
“Well let’s see how this fits,” he says. He slides the jacket on me. It’s a beautiful jacket and it fits like a glove.
“Fits perfect,” I say. “Thank you, I love it.”
“I thought you would. It’s getting late, why don’t you go back to your husband,” he says. I give him another hug.
“You are pretty great,” I say.
“You’re pretty great too,” he says. I leave the Prep Room, get in a car and go straight to the Training Center. I go right up to the loft that we are staying and I find out that Peeta is just about to go to bed.
“Hey,” I say. “Hey, can I see the coat?” he says. I lift it up. He smiles.
“Nice, I think it really is you,” he says.
“You know what would look good with it,” I say giving him the coat. I go over to my suitcase and start going through it.
“What?” he says. I lift up the locket that he gave me in the arena, the second time. His jaw drops. I know he thinks it’s perfect. He probably didn’t even know I still had it from so long ago.
“This would look great with it,” I say. He smiles from ear to ear.
“And I’m going to wear it every time we are apart all the time,” I say. He comes up and kisses me.
“Thank you,” he says.
“No need to thank me.” He wraps his arm around me. While I’m in his arms I think about when we are going to be apart. I hold him close. I can’t lose Peeta again.
Think Katniss is spending too much time with the Capitol? Comment! And Vote if you liked the chapter!
Love, Bookjunkie001
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