《The Star-Crossed Lovers from District 12 (Wattys Finalist 2013)》Chapter 4


Gale decided to leave the next day because he didn’t want to intrude with any wedding planning, which is his way of saying “I can’t believe you would do this to me. Marry someone your best friend hates? Don’t expect me coming back any time soon.” That hurt watching him leave like that. I knew that he was thinking that, and he knew that I knew. We decide to get married on March 23 because it was the day the Prim died so we wanted to turn a sad day into a happy day. It is about a three months to our wedding and we need to start planning the basic things, like who’s coming, who will wed us, the maid of honor and the best man, the dress and the guest list. While at the bakery Peeta and I start to make out the guest list. We wanted the wedding to be small so there will be about fifteen people attending, that includes the wedding party. When we were done the people we chose to come were Haymitch, Effie, Plutarch, my mother, President Paylor, Annie, Beetee, Faluvis, Octavia, Veina, Gale, Claudia, Delly, Johanna, and Caesar. After the guest list Peeta and I start to choose our best man and maid of honor.

“I think I want Gale to be my best man,” he says.

“Really, I thought you two were still a little on edge about each other,” I say.

“No, I think we are fine now, because if we were still on edge he wouldn’t have told me where to propose to you at.”

“Okay, but who didn’t talk to me for two years and just left because he didn’t want to be around me.”

“He said he didn’t want to intrude with any wedding planning.”

“You mean our wedding that is still three months away and he left five months ago. We didn’t even start planning this wedding until a month afterwards. I know Gale. He was not happy that I said yes to your proposal.”

“Well if he is the good friend that you always talked about then he will support you on your decisions and be so happy for you that he can’t bare it.” I give him a kiss then wrap my arms around him. I’m so lucky to have him. He knows me better than I know myself. “So who is going to be your maid of honor. Effie?”

“No, she will probably just ruin the dress by adding crazy colors and huge puffy flowers,” I say.

“Okay,” he says. We think about it for a while. Right when I say I was going to give up Peeta throws out another idea.


“How about Annie?”

“No, she will be too busy with the baby.” We think a little longer. “Wait I got it!” I blurt out.


“Why her?” he asked in a confused tone.

“She was the only girl at Thirteen that sort of got what I was going through, and she would be the person I would talk to when I was bored.”

“Your decision, if your happy I’m happy.” He kisses me on the cheek.

“Who will wed us?” I ask.

“I think Caesar should because he would make the wedding entertaining.”

“Well I don’t want the wedding to be a joke,” I say. “I want the person that is going to wed us to be serious, like Haymitch,” I say. Peeta just starts to laugh.

“Haymitch, he is drunk all the time.”

“Well I think he should wed us because he has been with us for four years, and he sort of, not really, got us together.”

“You do have a point, and all we would have to do is make sure he doesn’t drink for at least forty eight hours until our wedding and he should be fine.”

“See I can have good ideas to.”

“You always have good ideas,” he says. He begins to rub my back. It feels nice having his strong arms around me. He starts to whisper into my ear. “Katniss, once this wedding is over we should start a family,” he says.

“But you are all the family I need.”

“No, I mean like have some kids and become parents.”

“Just because the games are over and I am getting married doesn’t mean we should have kids!” I say pulling away from him. I storm out the door. Peeta comes running after me. This is the first real fight we have ever been in. I am so mad. I know he wants to have kids, but he knows I don’t. Peeta finally catches up to me at the City Circle.

“Katniss, Katniss wait, can we at least talk about this,” he says trying to grab my hand.

“What is there to talk about, you knew I didn’t want to have kids!” I yell at him.

“I thought you changed!” he yells back. He drops to his knees. This is the first time I have ever seen him cry. I couldn’t bear it for another second. I drop down to where he is and start to rub his back.

“Just tell me one thing.” I start to stroke his hair. He knows I’m listening.


“Why don’t you want to have kids with me? I thought you loved me enough to start a family with me.”

“You are the only family I need. I already told you that. I love you with my whole heart but why do we need kids to make us happy. You’re my world and I thought I was yours, isn’t that enough for you?”

“Yes it is, but wouldn’t it be nice having your own kids running around the house, laughing, playing, and I wouldn’t be the only one in the house that says I love you.” That makes me choke up. I’ve never thought of it like that. I thought Peeta was the only thing I needed in my life, but maybe having kids wouldn’t be that bad. What am I thinking? I can’t have kids, I won’t. Even though the Games are over, I have a bad feeling they will come back. Now Peeta is looking at me. His eyes red and welled up with tears. He knows I’m thinking about what he just said. That shimmer in his eyes is making my heart drop. He wants kids so bad. I just don’t even know what to think. I can’t give him what he wants. I feel like I should just run away from this. Go home and lock myself in our room and just sit there and cry. I feel like I can’t even face Peeta anymore. He holds onto my arm. He doesn’t want me to leave without answer.

“Well say something,” he says. I feel like I can’t, but I know I have to. I gather up as much courage as I can and start to talk.

“Peeta I can’t have kids.”


“I’m afraid that I’m going to mess up their life just like my mother did to me and Prim when my father died, not be there for them when they need us the most. I afraid that if something big happens and I lose it, I will never be able to make it up to my kids.” I just lied to his face. The Games won’t come back, but if I told him he would probably think I’m crazy or something.

“Everyone will have that fear of change but the only way to conquer it is to do it. I know you said you didn’t want to have kids but your personality has changed and I thought maybe your thoughts about kids have to. I’m sorry I even brought it up.” I wipe away his tears.

“Peeta,” I whisper “you don’t need to apologize. You never know maybe someday we will have kids, but right now I’m still absorbing the thought that I’m getting married and we are nineteen.” He laughs a little. I smile and I help him up and we walk home with our arms around each other. When we get home Peeta starts to help Greasy Sae make dinner. He has always had a passion for cooking even though he already was a baker. I think it’s cute. I decide to go upstairs. I start doing a check list in my head about the wedding. We got the best man and maid of honor. We also have who is going to wed us. I felt like I was missing something and that something is a dress. So I call my prep team. I told them how I was getting married and they were excited. But when I told them I still needed a dress they were in shock. So when I asked them to make the dress they were silent. They said they don’t know anything about making clothes. But when I told them that I would help they took a sigh of relief because Cinna taught me everything he knew. I told them to be here tomorrow because Peeta was going to be at the bakery. The next day they arrived by hovercraft, but they had something with them. They can see the suspicion on my face.

“It’s a surprise,” says Flauvis. So they sit me down on the couch and told me to close my eyes. I had no idea what was going on. All I heard was a plastic bag coming off of something. When they told me to open my eyes I about cried.

“Is it what I think it is?”

“It is exactly that,” says Veina.

“Don’t you love it?” asks Octavia. I nod my head. I don’t just love it I really love it. The heavy white silk, and the low neckline. A tight waist and sleeves that fall from my wrists to the floor. And pearls everywhere. The only difference is, is that it isn’t burnt. But I do know one thing. Cinna made it.


Didn't see that coming did you??? Vote if you liked it and comment what you liked and disliked. I really want your feedback. I don't know if any of you even read what I left in Chapter 1, but I said that I was still figuring out a plot for my new book. I can tell you that you will cry at some parts and it will be a shocking ending. It is called "My Endless Summer"

Love, Bookjunkie001

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