《Destroy Me (Book 1) A Supernatural Story》10-This Isn't Real


(Based off Season 3 x 14)

Calliope sits there her head in her hands, scared of what just happened. Whatever was going on with this town, it scared the crap out of her. Hearing her parents voices again after going through seeing them with the dreamroot, was shaking her up. She sits there on the bed, shaking her leg, as she is getting impatient waiting for Dean to get back. Suddenly she hears the door knob turning and she reaches for the gun under her pillow holding it out infront of her pointed at the door.

"Whoa, Whoa it's me!" Dean shouts holding his hands up in defense, so she doesn't shoot him.

"I'm..I'm sorry" she says as she shakily puts the gun down on the table beside her.

"It's alright, tell me what happened" he says as he closes the door behind him, and sits down beside her.

"I was trying to figure out what is going on, when my phone rang. I didn't even look thinking it might have been you or at least Sam, and when I answered I got static. I then thought it was you playing a prank on me, but I heard..I heard my mom's voice." She cries to him, "Then my dad's voice came through and the phone call dropped right after." She tells him as she keeps crying. Dean places and arm around her pulling her close to him, and holding her.

"It's gonna be okay, we are gonna figure this out. I know what you're feeling. Before I uh got your call, I got one too, it was my dad" he tells her.

"Your dad, did you call Sam" she asks him.

"I was going to but then you called me and I came straight here" he tells her.

"You should, you should call him. He's going to need to know" she says as she pulls away from Dean.

"Yeah, I will" he says as he gets up and takes his phone out calling Sam. As Dean calls his brother Calliope goes back to her laptop trying to research what was happening.

"Sam's on the way" She hears Dean say, and she looks up at him.

"You didn't tell him about my call did you?" she asks him.

"No I just told him, about my call" he tells her as he then sits down on the opposite bed.

"Umm, okay" Calliope says as the two of them sit there in silence waiting for Sam to come back.

After a few minutes they here the door of the motel room open and both look up to see Sam walk in. "Hey, what happened?" Sam asks the two of them. They both share a look as Dean goes on to explain the odd call he gotten earlier. Sam sits down at the desk, unsure what to say.

"Dad? You really think it was Dad" Sam asks his brother.

"I don't know maybe" Dean tells him.

"Well, what did he sound like?" Sam asks.

"Like Oprah! Like Dad, he sounded like Dad, what do you think?" Dean tells him.

"What did he say?" Sam asks his brother.

"My name" Dean answers him.

"That's it?" Sam asks.

"Call dropped out" Dean tells him.

"Why would he even call in the first place, Dean?" Sam asks him.

"I don't know man. Why are ghosts calling anybody in this town? But I mean other people are hearing from their loved ones, why can't we? It's at least a possibility, right?" Dean asks his brother still not mentioning how Calliope got a call too.


"Yeah, I guess" Sam says to him.

"I got one to Sam" Calliope says to him, and he looks over at her. "It was my parents" she tells him.

"Callie, I'm sorry" Sam says to her.

"Nothing to be sorry about Sam, it's not your fault I got a call from my dead parents. Nor is it your fault Dean got one from your dead dad. We just got to figure this out that's all" she tells them.

"Okay, so what if..what if it really is Dad? Or really Callie's parents, What happens if they call back?" Dean says to the two of them.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks his borhter.

"What do we say?" Dean asks him.

" Hello?" Sam suggests.

"Hello? That's what you come back with Hello" Dean says frustrated with his brother. Sam doesn't say anything, as Dean then grabs his jacket and storms out of the motel room.

Calliope sits there looking at Sam, expecting him to go after his brother, but Sam just shrugs and then opens his laptop, doing research.

"Aren't you going after him?" Calliope says to him.

"Knowing Dean, he's probably going to clear his head at a bar, and pick up some girl" Sam tells her.

"Oh, I'm guessing that's something he usually does when he gets frustrated" Calliope asks him.

"Yeah, typical Dean" Sam replies as he goes back to looking things up on his computer. Calliope goes back to working on this case, trying to find anything, every once and awhile she would glance at her phone worried that it's going to go off again. She really didn't know what she was going to do if the ghosts of her parents called again.

It's about three hours later that Dean comes waltzing back into the motel room, "Find anything" he asks the two of them. Calliope just shrugs her shoulders at him indicating she got nothing.

"After three hours I have found no reason why anything supernatural would be going on here" Sam tells his brother.

"Well, you know you think a Stanford education and a highschool hook up rate of zero point zero would produce better results than that" Dean says to his brother, and Calliope gives him a stern look.

"Hilarious" Sam replies to his brother.

"Sammy, you're just looking in the wrong places, pal" Dean says to him.

"And what are the right places, Dean" Sam asks him.

Dean then reaches into his pocket, taking what looks like a pamphlet out, "Motel pamphlet rack" he says tossing them each one. "Milan, Ohio. Birthplace of Thomas Edison" he informs them. Calliope picks the pamphlet up and looks at it, a Thomas Edison museum.

"Yeah, right, so what?" Sam says to him, that's when Calliope spots something on the pamphlet.

"Sam keep reading" she then tells him, and Sam just sighs, but looks closer at the brochure. "You're kidding" he then says to both of them.

"So what we go to this museum, check out this thing and see if that might be causing these mysterious phone calls" Sam says to him.

"That's the plan" Dean says.

"Well, let's get going then" Calliope says to them, as she gets up grabbing her jacket, and heading for the door. The boys just look at her, "What we need to get this figured out, so your car or mine?" she then says to them.

"Uh, mine" Dean replies to her as the boys then follow her out of the room, and toward the Impala.

"And we're walking. And here we have one of the museum's most unique possessions" the perk tour guide says as they follow her into the next room. "Thomas Edison's spirit phone," she says to them."Did you know that Mr Edison, as well as being one of America's most beloved inventors, was also a devout occultist. Ooh!" she makes quotation marks with her fingers.


"What's with the quote-y fingers?" Dean whispers to her and she nudges him, letting him know to be quite.

"He spent years working on this, his final invention, which he was convinced could be used to communicate with the dead. Pretty spooky, huh" the tour guide says as she looks at her watch then twirls her fingers around in the air indicating that they need to move on to the next room. "And we're walking. We are walking. We are walking. And we're not touching that" she says to a kid that was about to try and pick up an object," And we're walking. And stop" they hear her say as the tour group had moved on and the three of them stay back. Once they group is all gone, Sam takes out the EMF and holds it out over the spirit phone.

"Anything?" Dean asks his brother.

"Nothing" Sam replies, getting no reading on the EMF.

"What do you think?" Dean asks Calliope.

"Personally, this seems a little odd. I think it's just a pile of junk" she tells him.

"It's not even plugged in" Dean then says.

"Maybe it didn't work that way" Sam suggests.

"Okay, maybe it's like a radio tower, broadcasting the dead all over town" Dean suggests to them.

"It could be" Calliope tells him as she continues to look around at the phone.

"You know this caller ID is 100 years old, right? Right around the time this thing was built" Dean says to thim.

"Yeah, but why would it all of sudden start working now?" Sam asks him.

"I don't know. But as long as the mouldy are calling the freshers around here it's the best reason we've got" Dean suggests.

"Yeah, maybe" Sam says to him.

"So maybe it really is Dad" Dean says to his brother.

"Dean I don't know if that's the case" Calliope tells him as the three of them start to make their way out of the museum.

"You got a call too from your parents, how can you not think that" he says to her.

"Dean I watched my parents die, I held them while they died, so for me this isn't real it's just some weird spirit thing" she says as they head out to the Impala.

Calliope was trying to get some sleep in the motel bed, but things were going all through her mind at the moment. She could tell by the sounds of typing at the laptop that she wasn't the only one that couldn't sleep at the moment. She rolled over and saw Dean was seated at Sam's laptop, clearly still trying to figure this all out. Just as she is about to sit up and say something to him, she hears his phone vibrate, and he quickly grabs it, heading into the bathroom. That's when her phone also goes off, she looks at this time and sees the strange number appearing on the caller ID. Shakily she presses the answer button, and hears breathing in the phone.

"Mom? Dad?" she questions as she quietly gets up from the bed, grabs a nearby shirt at the end of the bed, and pulls it on as she leaves the motel room. She heads toward her car, and leans against it as she hears a reply.

"Calliope it is mom" she hears her mother say and she has tears stroll down her cheek.

"This can't..this can't be real" she says to her mother.

"Yes my calliope, it's me, and we need you" she hears her mother say to her.

"Where..where are you" she cries asking.

"I'm in a safe place, one that you can come be with me and your father" her mother tells her.

"No..I can't..I can't do that" Calliope says her voice shaking.

"You can my callie lily, it's not that hard" her mother tells her.

"God, I wish I could but I just can't" Calliope says.

"I can help" her mother says and that is when Calliope gets a cold chill.

"This isn't right, I'm sorry" Calliope then hangs up her phone, her hands shaking as she stays in place.

She wipes the tears from her face, and rubs her hand through her hair, this case was really getting confusing. She wanted it so badly to be her mother, but knew it was impossible. She hears the motel room door open, and looks to see Dean coming out.

"Hey I saw that you were gone, and got worried?" he says to her.

"Uhh, I got another call" she tells him.

"Oh" he says to her.

"Yeah, and from what I saw before I came out here, you got one too" she says to him.

"Yes it was my dad again" he tells her.

"Want to talk about it?" she asks him.

"Not really do you?" he asks her.

"Not really" she says. "We should probably go back and get some sleep" she adds.

"Sleep sounds good" he agrees with her, and the two of them head back inside the motel.

"Umm did you want to share the bed?" Calliope asks hi,

"You sure?" he asks her.

"I mean it's probably more comfortable then the couch" she says to him.

"I guess it is, I promise to stay on my side" he smiles at her as they go back inside, Calliope closing the door behind her. The two of them head toward the bed, both laying down on their own sides of the bed, both trying to get some sleep.

Calliope awoke to a heavy arm wrapped around her waist, a light smile plays on her lips as she tries to pull away. Carefully she moves Deans arm off her body, and she gets out of the bed. Going to her bag, she takes out her tights, and a work out bra, and quietly changes. Grabbing her headphones out of her purse she puts them in her phone and puts it into her arm band as she grabs a motel key, then leaves the room. Hoping the jog would help clear her mind of everything that was happening.

Half way through her jog, she gets a text. Stopping she looks at her phone to see that it's Sam asking where she went. She quickly text him back saying she just went for run that she will be back soon. She continued on her run, making her way back toward the motel. Entering the motel, she looks to see Dean already up and dressed. Looking around she doesn't see Sam, "Where's your brother?" she asks as she takes the headphones out.

"Not really sure, he had left before I woke, which you had done too I noticed" he says to her, as she grabs a change of clothes.

"Yeah I needed to go for a run" he tells him, as she then grabs a donut that he had left out. She starts to eat it as she heads to the bathroom with her change of clothes wanting a nice shower after her run.

Stepping back out of the bathroom, after a nice hot shower she sees Dean working away on the laptop.

"Hey still trying to figure out what's going on?" she asks him as she tosses her things back into her bag.

"Just something I might have an idea about" he tells her.

"What is it exactly?" she asks him as she closes her bag.

"I'm not going to say until I know for sure" he tells her.

"Does this have to do with last night and the call you got?" she asks him.

"Maybe" he says just as the door opens and Sam walks into the motel room.

"So what's up?" Calliope says to Sam as she sits down on the bed.

"This girl Lanie, her mom's ghost spooked her out pretty bad last night" he explains to her.

"That is awful" she tells him.

"Yeah it does" he says to her as he looks over at Dean who is back working at the laptop, "What are you doing?" he asks.

"I think Dad's right. I think the demon is here. Check it out" he tells them, as he then hands his brother some papers he had printed out and goes over to his bag.

"What is this, weather reports?" Sam asks his brother as he then passes the papers to Calliope.

"Omens, Demonic omens, electrical storms everywhere we've been the past two weeks" Dean explains to his brother.

"Ahh I don't remember any lightning storms" Sam tells his brother.

"Well, I don't remember you studying meteorology as a kid either. But I'm telling you, that bastards's been tailing me..wearing some poor dude's meat" Dean says.

"And you think it' following you because" Calliope asks him.

"I guess I'm big game, you know. My ass is too sweet to let outta sight" he smirks at her.

"You tell yourself that" she says as Dean then snatches the papers from her.

"You know you like my ass" he says to her.

"Dean, look, I wanna believe this man, I really do" Sam says ignoring the little flirting that was going on between the two of them.

"Then believe it! If we get this sucker, it's Miller Time" Dean smiles.

"Yeah that's another thing, Dad rattles off an exorcism that can kill a demon. I mean not just send it back to hell, but kill it" Sam says to his brother.

"I've checked it out" Dean says walking past his brother and back over to his stack of papers, picking one up. "This is heavy duty dark-ages, fifteenth century" he says showing both of them.

"Yeah I checked that out too Dean, and so did Bobby and so did Sammy" Calliope tells him recognizing the words on the paper.

"Okay, and?" he asks her.

"Well, it's defently an exorcism, there's just no proof that it can kill a demon" she tries to tell him.

"No evidence it can't" Dean suddenly says to her.

"Oh, Dean, come on" Sam says to his brother.

"Hey, as far as I know the only one out of the three of us that's actually been to hell is Dad" he says to them. "Okay, maybe he picked up a couple of tricks there, like which exorcisms work" he adds.

"Maybe it does, look I hope it does too, but we gotta be sure" Sam tells him.

"Why aren't we sure?" Dean asks,

"Because we don't know what's going on around here, Dean. I mean some guy blew his brains out, a little girl is scared out of her wits." Sam sasys frustrated with his brother.

"Wow, man, a couple of civvies are freaked out by some ghosts. News flash, Sam people are supposed to be freaked out by ghosts" Dean says clearly pissed.

"Did Dad tell you where to find the demon?" Sam asks him.

"I'm waiting for the call" Dean says angrily as he takes his cell from his pocket.

"I told Lanie I'd stop by" Sam then says to Calliope who nods at him understanding he was leaving.

"Okay, yeah No you go hang out with jailbait. Just uh, watch out for Chris Hansen" Dean then says getting Sam's attention. "Meanwhile, I'll be here, you know getting ready to save my life" he adds. Sam just turns back again toward the door, "You are unbelieveable, you know that? I mean for months we've been trying to break this demon deal. Now dad's about to give us the address ad you can't accept it? The man is dean and you're still butting heads with the guy" Dean shouts at his brother.

"That's not what this is about" Sam says facing his brother once again.

"Then what is it?" Dean ask him.

"The fact is, we got no hard proof here, Dean. After everything, you're still just going on blind faith" Sam yells at him.

"Yeah, well, maybe, you know, maybe that's all I got, okay" Dean says to him.

"Please, Just please don't go anywhere until I get back, okay, Dean" he says to him, and Dean doesn't say a word. "Please" he adds.

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