《Falling (A Sam Evans Fan Fiction)》Sexy


Haley sighed as she held her warm coffee as she listened to people look at her while she walked down the hallway. The past week was horrible. All she heard were people joking about her throwing up on stage during alcohol awareness week. Frankly, she was very sick of it, and she felt hurt.

Just as she was going to make a detour to the bathroom she was joined by Sam who sent her a smile.

"Hey." He said.

She smiled, thankful to have someone join her. "Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine. I mean what about you? I've been hearing everyone talk about you.." he trailed off.

"I'm fine..." she said, trying to hide the fact that she wanted to cry and sink into the floor. She wasn't only bothered by the jokes and comments, she was struggling.

"Well, are we still good for Wednesday ?" He asked.

"Yeah definitely. I'll be there at 4:30. Looking forward to it." She clarified. Her and Sam were hanging out, and doing homework together. She was also helping to look after his siblings. She quite enjoyed the time they had together.

Suddenly Mercedes snapped her out of her thoughts. "Did you hear? Brittany's pregnant."

Hearing the news, Haley choked on her coffee. "What? No, that's impossible." she said as Sam tried to calm her down.

"Quinn told me." Mercedes said.

"I bet she heard it from either Tina or Santana." "Haley said, still in shock. "Oh my God, I hope Artie's fine."

"Alright, folks. Regionals is in a week.It's time to get deep into our set list." Mr. Schue said before he frowned at Artie's expression. "Artie, you okay?"

"My life is over. How am I supposed to support a baby? How could you not tell me this?" He looked at Brittany.

"Wait. Brittany, are you pregnant?" Asked Mr. Schue.

"Definitely. I'm so sorry, Artie. I didn't want to upset you. I thought I could surprise you when I dropped him off. Pretty sure it's a boy."

"Brittany, honey, babies aren't delivered like mail. It's more complicated than that." Haley explained gently.

"Wait, Brittany have you been to a doctor yet? That's the only way to be sure." Mr. Schue asked Brittany.

"I don't need to go to a doctor. I just need to look outside my window. Three days ago, a stork built its nest on top of my garage. I'm not stupid, it's obviously getting ready to bring me my baby. I know where babies come from. "

At her explanation, Haley breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god there won't be another teen pregnancy this year." She muttered.


During the next glee meeting Mr. Schue wrote on the whiteboard. "Sexy." he announced.

"I really hope that's not one of the requirements for Regionals, because with Berry in those tights, we don't stand a chance." Santana commented.

"Yeah, she clearly doesn't' understand fashion and trends." Haley said.

"No, this isn't about Regionals. I'm less worried about that right now and more worried about the fact that it's become clear to me that some of you have been lacking when it comes to understanding the...The, uh...The intricacies of adult relationships."

A few of the students laughed at his formulation of the sentence.

"Yeah, anyways. Along with preparing for our Regionals next week, I want to spend the week educating ourselves about some of those intricacies." He continued.


"Is this the appropriate forum for that?" Rachel asked, clearly disgusted/

"Look, whenever we had uh, issues in the past that are on our minds or giving us problems, it's always helped us to sing about it. So, this week I have invited a special guest: Ms. Holiday!"

As Ms. Holiday entered, everyone cheered.

"Hola, clase." Okay, so: sex. It's just like hugging, only wetter."

"Yeah it is." Artie agreed. Haley sent him a disapproving look.

"Okay, so let's start with the basics. Finn, is it true that you thought you got your girlfriend pregnant via hot tub?"

He defended himself. "I have always been dubious."

"And Brittany, you think that storks bring babies?" she asked Brittany.

"I get my information from Woody Woodpecker cartoons." Brittany answered.

"Well, that's all going to end right here, right now. Because, today, we are going to get under the covers, all together, and get the ditty on the dirty."

"I'm so turned on right now." Puck muttered, very entranced.

"Clearly you are...it's gross." Haley whispered, as Sam laughed at her response.

"Ah, what about those of us who choose to remain celibate?" Asked Rachel.

"Oh, well, I admire you. Although I think you're naive and possibly frigid, I do admire your choice." Ms. Holiday responded.

"I think this is a good time for a song." Mr. Schue said, clearly growing uncomfortable.

"Oh! Yes, okay. Rule number one: every intimate encounter that you're ever going to have in your life is going to start with a touch. Hit it!"


After they finished Ms. Holiday turned to look at them as they cheered. "So just remember...Whenever you have sex with somone, you're having sex with everyone they've ever had sex with. And everybody's got a random."


Every sat and watched in complete silence as Santana, Brittany alongside Ms. Holiday performed a beautiful rendition of Landslide. Haley was already aware of what was happening, as she and Santana had discussed the topic the previous night. She felt her heart hurt when she saw Santana getting emotional as the song finished and she went over to Brittany, giving her a hug. Haley had to admit that she was very proud of both of them.

"Can I just applaud this trio for exploring the uncharted world of Sapphic charm? Brava, brava." Rachel said.

"Rachel, I warn you now...shut your mouth. Santana is one of my best friends, and I would so love to slap you again, because whenever you speak it's irritating and you are often insane. And you ruin the important moments." Haley commented, as Rachel shut her mouth.

"Look, just because I sang a song with Brittany doesn't mean that you can put a label on me." Santana replied, angrily. "Is that clear?"


Afterwards in the auditorium, Rachel, Quinn, Puck and sang Afternoon Delight alongside Ms. Pillsbury.

"I don't get it." Sam whispered to Haley as they watched the performance.

"I'm kinda foggy on the whole reason they are performing this particularly inappropriate song, but there will be a concrete explanation I'm sure." Haley assured him.

As they finished, everyone clapped, many of them wore confused and shocked facial expressions. Haley giggled at Brittany who clearly enjoyed the number.

"Hi! Um, Holly here." Ms. Holiday said. "So, I'm a little confused. Isn't this a strange song for the Celibacy Club to sing?"


"What why?" Asked Ms. Pillsbury. "It's so wholesome. It was written during the Bicentennial to celebrate America and fireworks, and..."

"No, it's about sneaking out for a nooner." Ms. Holiday confirmed.

"My thoughts exactly.." Haley muttered.. Realizing how dirty the context of the song really was.

"Yes, exactly! A nooner is when you have a dessert in the middle of the day, right? Right, Carl?" Ms. Pillsbury asked.

"Well, regardless, great job, guys. Great number." Mr. Schue said.

"It was fantastic." agreed Ms. Holiday.

"Hey, Glee Club, let's go." Mr. Schue directed the group.

As Haley and Sam made their way out of the auditorium, they couldn't help but laugh at the performance. They headed out of school, ditching Haley's last class of the day to go to his house for their scheduled hangout.


Haley was helping Mary in the kitchen. While they prepared dinner, they chatted and laughed.

"So Sam told me that you were the first person, and first friend he met at McKinley." She said.

"Yeah, that's right." She smiled back at her.

"I'm so glad you two met. He's mentioned you a lot." She explained, making Haley blush and look away.

"He's definitely sweet and one of my closest friends." Haley responded.

After exchanging a few more questions and answers, the questions Haley feared came into the conversation.

"So tell about your parents, or upbringing. If you are comfortable." She said, making Haley sigh.

"It's okay. Well, actually I really didn't have parents. My dad was mentally abusive, while I ignored me and always seemed unaware of my presence. I never felt properly raised you know? I grew up really independently, with no one to talk to... or do things with, even have the mature grown up talks and lessons with. I'm actually living with Burt and Carol, Finn and Kurt's parents. They are like my parents, people I love and trust. And Finn and Kurt are like the brothers I never had. However, I am still sad, and I suffer from anxiety, and occasionally depression. It's been an emotionally endured hell of a ride." Haley explained, holding back tears.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry. Well if it's any consolation, you can always come to me if you ever need to talk, or need support and encouragement. I'm here for you." Mary replied.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that." Haley answered, as Mary pulled her into a hug.

Just as they pulled away, Sam walked into the kitchen and asked Haley if she wanted to go upstairs, to which she agreed. They had homework to do and he wanted to try to see if she would be vulnerable, and let him in. He tried to take Santana's advice from the previous two weeks.


Once they were up in his room, they got to talking and doing homework. After about half an hour of working, Sam spoke up.

"I just want you to know Hay, that I'm here for you, and I'm a safe person. If you ever need someone, which I know you do, please feel free to talk to me." He said gently as he looked at her, hoping that some part of her would become vulnerable.

"Thank you Sam." She began, trying to hold back her tears. "I really appreciate i-it." and suddenly feeling vulnerable and exposed, she began to cry. She tried to assure herself she would be okay, and that it was a completely safe place and safe person, whom she had had feelings for, for a long time.

At her breakdown, Sam rushed over to her, enveloping her in a comforting hug while whispering comforting things in her ears, and slowly bringing her to the end of his bed where he sat them down.

"Hey, Hay, I need you to breathe okay? Yeah deep breaths, that's it." He tried to bring her breathing back to a normal pace. After a few deep breaths, he spoke again. "If you are comfortable, I want you to tell me what's been going on, and even if it's past struggles too, I'm here to listen. I just want to help you. Please talk to me."

Haley sniffled, before taking a deep and continuing. She explained all her anxiety and depression struggles, childhood and abuse/ignorance, insecurities, and the past week's jokes and conversations all about her barf on stage during alcohol awareness week. After she explained, she continued to cry, hiding her face in his chest as he held her close, rocking them back and forth, and he kissed her on the head before he replied.

After a little while, she had managed to calm down. Thankful for the company.

"This felt really good...Thank you for listening. I hope I'm not a burden..." She said looking up at him.

"Like I said before, you will never be one. You have to convince yourself that you matter, and that you aren't pathetic." He said, bringing her into one last hug.

After they walked downstairs and stood by the door, she turned to look at him.

"Well I should probably go..." She said.

"I'll walk you out." He replied as they walked outside together, in silence.

As they stood at the end of his driveway, they awkwardly smiled at each other.

"So...goodnight." Haley sent him a small smile.

"Night, Hay." He said, as smiling back down at her.

Sam looked into her eyes, letting himself get lost in them, while Haley did the same.

Not knowing what to do, Haley decided to slowly make a move since their faces were a few inches apart. She began to cautiously lean in.

Sam seemed to get the hint too. He began leaning in. He leaned his forehead against hers, as their noses touched.

She smiled, closing her eyes as he captured her lips in his, gently wrapping his arms around her, as she wrapped hers around his neck.

The kiss was intimate and sweet, but not short. It felt longer than it was. It felt right. After they pulled away, Sam pressed a quick kiss to her lips, and then another intimate one, both which she reciprocated.

They kept their foreheads against each other, until they pulled away.

Haley took her arms away from around his neck and looked down, before she looked back up at him.

"Well. I should go now..." Haley said, breaking the silence. "Thanks for having me." She smiled.

"Thanks for coming Hay." Sam smiled back at her.

As she said bye to him, she began to slowly walk down the sidewalk. He watched her and then began to walk back to his house. Both couldn't contain their smiles.


The #SALEY content in this chapter is immaculate, I must admit;)

Original Song and Night of Neglect are coming later✨✨


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