《Falling (A Sam Evans Fan Fiction)》The Rocky Horror Glee Show


Over the next few days, Haley felt alone. She knew that Quinn and Sam's date at Breadstix had been successful. They were all over each other, whether it was flirting, or walking down the hallways. The list went on. She couldn't hang out with both of them at the same time, only separately, and they were rarely separable. She had missed a few days of school, because she felt miserable.

As they sat in the choir room, Kurt leaned over to her. "Are you going out for Halloween?" he asked, trying to lift her mood.

"Probably not, I'll be at home studying, or watching rom-com movies, so if you are a hopeless romantic, like me, feel free to join." she responded sarcastically, with pain evident in her voice.

"I'm going as a peanut allergy." Brittany said aloud, causing Haley to laugh and said. "That is genius Britt, maybe I'll join you." Brittany smiled at her.

Kurt looked at the girls and shook his head, laughing lightly before they turned their attention to Mr. Schue who walked into the choir room.

"Great news guys! I've had a little inspiration. This weeks' musical lesson isn't really a lesson. It's a musical." He said as he waved around the paper he had in his hands.

"Please be Evita. Please be Evita. Please be Evita."Rachel whispered to herself quietly.

"Rocky Horror!" he announced.

"I've never seen it." Finn said.

"Mr. Schue?" Rachel raised her hand.


"While I admire your choice of a groundbreaking 70s musical, aren't you worried that the adult themes might be a point of controversy?"

"I believe that it might not be the most appealing and appropriate musical choice, especially after the chaotic response from Britney week." Haley pointed out.

"Seriously." Kurt nodded in agreement before continuing. "A school in Texas couldn't even do Rent. It caused an outrage and they had to cancel the show."

"Isn't that the whole point of the arts?" Mr. Schue asked the group. "Pushing boundaries? Doing things people say you can't do for the sake of self-expression?"

"We just don't want this to be taken too far. It is a bit much. Frankly, Rocky Horror could possibly cause another outrage in our school. I don't want our group becoming controversial to the point of Coach Sylvester finding out. We all know it won't end well." Haley rambled, trying to make another point.

"Look, I figured it all out." He continued to speak. "I cut out some of the more risque sections and I'm sending home permission slips to all your parents to make sure they're okay with it. And we're going to charge admission and use the proceeds to help pay for transportation to Nationals in New York!"

Haley's face lit up, until she suddenly frowned remembering that her parents were not around. "I'll have to do something to fix this." she thought, trying to formulate a plan in her head.

"Oh! Finn and I will play Brad and Janet." Rachel said proudly, only to win the approval.


"Wow. That is a shocker." Haley mumbled sarcastically.

"And I'll be playing the guy in the wheelchair, right?" Artie asked, as Mr. Schue nodded in response.

"That's what I was thinking." He turned to look at Kurt. :And I thought Kurt could play the role of Frankenfurter."

"No." Kurt suddenly said, shaking his head. "There is no way I'm playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets and wearing lipstick!"

"Why, 'cause that look was last season?" Santana smirked when Kurt gave her a pointed look.

"I'll do it!" Mike said from across the room, surprising everyone.

"Really? It's like the male lead." Tina replied.

"I know but I'm feeling a little more confident about my singing voice after our duets project." he retorted.

"Great!" Mr. Schue said. "I have no problem with that! Now, we're a little short on female roles. So, we're going to have to double up on Columbia's and Magenta's."

"It's standard practice on Broadway." Rachel spoke up, causing Haley to roll her eyes. "It'll preserve your voices.

"I'd like to preserve you in a jar in my basement." Mercedes said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Sam, I'd like you to play the role of the creature." Mr. Schue continued, causing Sam confusion.

"From the black lagoon?" He asked.

"Rocky." Quinn was quick to correct him. She continued. "He's like the Frankenstein character except blonde. You'll kill the part. He's cute just like you."

"Better start working on those abs." Santana added, causing Sam to look at her.

"Are you kidding me? You could cut glass with these babies." He said proudly and confidently. "I have no problem showing off my body."

"Okay!" Mr. Schue excitedly cheered, as the rest of the club joined in. "Looks like we got ourselves a show!"


"Alright, places, Finn and Rachel. I'm going to start with Damn It, Janet." directed Mr. Schue.

"Oh, I cannot wait until Finn takes his top off so we can all see the hot mess underneath." Santana said with a smirk.

"What are you talking about?" Finn asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"You can't have sloppy-joe's every day for lunch and think you can get away with it." Brittany added, as Santana laughed along with her.

"Um, that's incredibly rude!" Rachel defended him, as both Haley and Quinn rolled their eyes.

"Is it? Guys whisper behind our backs about how we look every day! They objectify us all the time." Quinn said.

"It's true. Women are often objectified. And no offense." She gestured to the guys in the room. "But men tend to see women as objects. We women are often portrayed in shows and a variety of contexts as objects that men can just play with, or even be touched, or used. Women never got equal human rights or fair treatment." Haley added.

"She sort of has a point." Tina agreed.

"Yeah, earlier today, Artie asked me if he could make a gigantic omelet when I'm done with the ostrich eggs I'm smuggling in my bra. Santana pointed out.


"Sexist much? You are disgusting towards women. Don't make repeat that" Haley leaned towards Artie, who tried to look innocent and brave as she talked to his face.

"I'm super looking forward to seeing Sam in his gold bikini." Brittany said, causing Sam to smirk.

"It's going to be abulous."

"Can we get on with rehearsal? Finn asked. Haley could sense the awkward and uncomfortable mood that flew through the room.

"Yeah!" Rachel added in agreement.

"I agree, yes. Let's stay focused, guys. Alright, Riff Raff, Columbia and Magenta team one, take your places. Let's rock n' roll."


Mike's parents had refused to let him participate in Rocky Horror, so Dr. Howell had auditioned by singing Hot Patootie. Everyone was up and cheering, clearly enjoying the song and liveliness.

However when they finished, Mr. Schue and oddly, Coach Sylvester (who seemed to be helping), seemed unimpressed.

"Wait, wait! This will not do!" Coach Sylvester said, causing Carl to frown.

"Excuse me?" He asked/

"For this musical to continue we need a Frankenfurter, not an Eddie! Eddie was eliminated in my rewrites!"

"Sue's right. You want to play in our sandbox? Sing a Frankfurter number."

"Well, I'm sorry, bro. I think it's fine to wear that Franken-bustier in the privacy of your own home -- I'm freaky like that." he explained, winking at Ms. Pillsbury. :But, don't you think it's a little inappropriate in a high school musical? At least if I play Eddie, I won't have to grind up against the students."

Haley shared a glance with Santana and said. "He has a point Mr. Schue." Santana agreed.

"You know Eddie's an important role. If I did it I'd be showing my support for the arts." Carl continued.

"Are you telling me how to direct my show?" Mr. Schue sarcastically asked.

"Will, Will!"

"Mr. Schue?" asked Mercedes. "I'd like to play Frakenfurter. I was re-reading the script yesterday and it said, Don't dream it, be it. And it's my dream to play a lead role so, I figure, why not me? I mean, I'd be all kinds of crazy sexy in that outfit. And I can reinterpret the number a little bit, making it more modern. I'd really like a chance Mr. Schue."

"Well, there you go, Will." Coach Sylvester said. : You killed two birds with one stone here today. Congratulations! Look, you got yourself a Frankenfurter and an Eddie. This is outstanding!" He only sighed in response.


"Okay, guys. Places!" Mr. Schue called into the microphone as the curtains began to open.

"Um, Mr. Schue?" Finn called, as he stepped into visible eyesight. "I know I'm supposed to be in my underwear for this scene and I'm totally down with that but, um, I thought I'd save it for the opening, if that's okay?"

After Finn received a thumbs up, Sam stepped onto the stage, completely naked. He only wore some tight fitting gold shorts. Haley was drawn to him, suddenly shaking herself and she looked away. She had noted that he was uncomfortable and that she shouldn't stare.

"Um, also, Ms. Pillsbury?" he called covering his front while he spoke. "Is there a way I can wear some gold board shorts or something? These are really short and I'm afraid I'm going to show off some nuttage."


"We'll take a note." Mr. Schue cut her off. "We can't stop guys! It's a dress rehearsal. C'mon, keep going! And action."


After they finished their incredible rendition of Sweet Transvestite. Carl crashed through the wall on with his motorcycle.

"Now that's an entrance!" Ms. Pillsbury said dreamily.

"Mr. Director, did I take that wall out right? He asked, taking off his helmet.

"You're two acts early, Carl!: Mr. Schue said, annoyance laced in his voice. "You're supposed to bust through the dinner party scene!"

"Well, I was sort of feeling my entrance in this scene." He shrugged in response.

"What the f is happening?" Haley whispered to Santana who gave her a "I don't know." face.

"Such good, good interesting impulses." Ms. Pillsbury said as she clapped, clearly in a trance.

"Bravo, Carl! Bravo."


After the catastrophic and dramatic week, it was finally over.

"I want to apologize for putting you guys through all of this, particularly, Finn and Sam." Mr. Schue said during their last meeting of the week.

"It's cool, Mr. Schue. I'm sure all the teasing will die down by the time our tenth reunion rolls around." Finn said.

"And I got asked to be June in the men of McKinley High calendar." Sam added after Finn finished speaking.

"I'm definitely buying one." Haley said aloud to Santana who smiled, knowing she was still in pain from Quinn and Sam being together.

"I'm happy for you but we still can't do the musical. I was wrong. Rocky Horror isn't about pushing boundaries or making an audience accept a certain rebellious point of view. Those were my reasons for doing it adn they aren't worth risking what we have here. When I was younger and they started midnight shows of Rocky Horror it wasn't for envelope-pushers. It was for the outcasts. People on the fringes who had no place left to go but were searching for some place, any place where they felt like they belonged. Sound familiar? The truth is, with that perspective Rocky Horror is the perfect show for this club."

"Well, then why aren't we putting it on?" asked Santana.

"We're still going to perform Rocky Horror." he clarified, causing everyone to cheer. "We're just not doing it for an audience, we're doing it for ourselves."



You all might get an extra chapter tonight!! I know I said the last one I'd release today would be Never Been Kissed, but I'm really on a writing roll. Just full of surprises. Keep a look out:)

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