《Infinity || Dan Smith》Nineteen.


"Does this dress look okay to you?" Charlie asks while she spins around in her dress in the middle of the street. Thankfully for Dan and Charlie, nobody is around.

"It looks perfect!" — Dan shouts a little too loud, but he doesn't seem to care — "You must be fucking freezing though?" Charlie shrugs her shoulders back...she's been trying to brave the bitter London air ever since they left the dress shop.

Charlie has always been too stubborn to tell anyone that she is in need to help, or in this case warmth. Dan who is trying to woo Charlie, then holds his hoodie out towards her. The only reason why he isn't wearing it is because he's in a new suit. It's not really a designer brand, but it'll do for the formal-ish event that's happening right now.

But they're aware that they're late.

Charlie on the other hand gratefully takes the hoodie off of him as she slips into it. As soon as she puts it on she feels a little warmer. The winters cold can be a pain in the bum, but Charlie doesn't mind this time of year. It's the summer she hates...

"Better?" Dan asks while Charlie bumps the side of her body into Dan's deliberately.

"Much better. Thank you..." she politely says with a big smile.

Dan then points to her black trainers. "Nice outfit coordination, by the way." Charlie nods her head while she looks down at her very questionable outfit, she then laughs a little seeing what Dan means.

"Yeah...it's totally not accidental."

After a giggle, Charlie and Dan looks at each other in silence. It's the awkward kind, especially after last night. After the kiss...they then kissed again...and after that kiss they snogged their way back to the hotel that they was staying in...

The rest is inevitable...

"Did I ever say thanks for inviting me to present a Brit award with you?" Charlie points towards Dan with a curious look on her face.


Dan smiles before shaking his head slightly. "Sorry about that. Last night was...wild and my manners clearly went down the drain." She rolls her eyes backwards trying to make herself seem 'cool' so that Dan would like her even more.

Regardless of how Charlie is acting Dan loves her anyway.

"Yeah. It was pretty wild." Dan says with a proud smile. It was the first time he's had sex with another woman since before Holly died. It was a big deal for Dan, but he enjoyed it to his disbelief.

Dan has always been a sucker for intimacy.

He wants to hold a lover in his arms, to be that person's protector. He expects the same back, which is a fair deal considering Dan isn't like other guys. He needs reassurance and love...otherwise he'll feel hopeless and completely alone without it.

Dan is also a guy who defeats toxic masculinity on the daily. As well as being a male feminist, and mentally fragile guy...but to say the very least Charlie adores that about him.

But what Dan really wants is someone to love...and Charlie just might be that perfect person.

"We should do that again...sometime." Since Charlie and Dan never really talked about creating a relationship, since they both are playing it as a 'friends with benefits' thing.

When really they both love each other.

"Yeah..." — Dan's voice nervously trails off while he scratches the back of his neck — "I mean...or we can...go on an actual date?"

Charlie's eyes widen a little before she blushes a bright pink. "I thought the Brits was our first date?" Dan shrugs his shoulders back, he clearly forgot everything which happened before their passionate night.

"Oh yeah..." Dan laughs while a black cab that Charlie called twenty minutes ago, slowly pulls up besides them. Charlie only gave the street name and the Notting Hill area, she told the woman on the phone 'find the two fanciest looking people on the curb'. While the woman wasn't impressed she recited what Charlie told her to her cabbie husband.


"Ladies first..." Dan laughs while Charlie and Dan quickly walk into the middle of the road and get inside of the cab.

"The O2 arena is it?" The cabbie asks just to be sure.

"Yeah mate. We're a bit late."


As soon as Charlie and Dan get out of the taxi, they're quickly guided away from all of the award attendees. The one guiding them is Kate, Dan's mate who's been texting him nonstop. She was worrying that he would be a no show. But luckily for both Kate and her job, Dan's turned up...and with a co-presenter.

It's quite an orgasmic sight for Kate.

"Fuck you!" She laughs as soon as they walk though a long corridor where hundreds of familiar faces stand around.

Some of the artists are warming up their vocals. While the others, like George Ezra, tune their instruments with a massive smile on their faces...considering that it's a pretty big award show for those who are British. Most of their crew's however are too busy shouting over the top of each other, and the music that's coming from the actual arena.

Dan and Kate loudly talk whilst Charlie walks ever so slowly behind them. She is so caught up in the absurdity of behind the scenes drama that she ends up stopping completely, it's all too much for the humble actress. What scares the the most, other than being surrounded by celebrities, is how claustrophobic and tight the hallway is. She feels the walls towering inwards towards her and it's terrifying.

However, Dan doesn't realise since he's too busy talking to Kate about the night's hectic schedule. It's only until he hears a ruckus behind him, that he looks back briefly. Of course once he looks, he stops what he is saying and spots a very timid Charlie backing away from a mess on the floor...which looks like she has accidentally caused.

"Are you okay?" Dan asks while doing a brisk jog.

In silence Charlie nods her head, Dan the puts his hand on her back for support and reassurance. "She made me trip over mate." The crew member points at Charlie in a arsehole fashion. Like she's nothing but a piece of dirt.

"And?" Dan snaps back while Charlie uncomfortably crosses her arms. She has always hated confrontation.

"These camera's were for Jess Glynne's performance which is fucking next." Kate then walks over and gasps at the clearly broken and damaged cameras. Almost immediately, seeing her friend for the first time in a long time look lovingly towards someone, Kate then tells the crew member off. Although she has no authority to do so, she tells him that it was his fault for not looking where he was going.

"Are you okay?" Dan quickly asks while Charlie holds her neck. The unsettling feeling of nerves and unworthiness possesses her mind.

"I'm so-so-so sorry, Dan. I didn't meant to stop walking, I just can't breathe. I shouldn't be here. Take me to the cameras...or something." He doesn't question her about why she would want go out there and face the white flashing lights and screams of fans. Instead, Dan nods his head and points her in the direction of the opening to the red carpet.

Much to the crew's members horror, he watches Charlie run off to the red carpet while his manager angrily calls for him in the distance. Dan on the other hand stands to the side and watches Charlie put on a fake smile before she disappears into what he calls 'hell'.

Despite not feeling worthy enough to be at the Brits, Charlie sure does know how to grace the red carpet with nothing but her elegance and humbleness.

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