《》Rescue Party


Once we departed from the island I got some food from the canteen and brought it to (Y/N) and he looked so cute eating and he was also having trouble reaching for a bottle of water which was sitting on the table next to him so I picked it up and helped him drink and he looked even cuter the way he was holding onto the bottle until he eventually stopped drinking and I put it back on the table.

Victoria-Do you need anything else (Y/N)?~

(Y/N)-N-No but I am tired, I'm just gonna take a nap for a while.

Victoria-Okay than hun~

I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over his entire body except for his head.

Victoria's Mind-Cutie~

He drifted off to sleep and I gave him a small kiss on the head and walked out of the room to my other duties but the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about (Y/N).

Once I was finished I noticed we were almost near the shore and so I went back to the infirmary where (Y/N) was and I saw he was still asleep and I couldn't help but give him a small kiss on the cheek before I began to shake him and he opened his eyes and looked at me.


Victoria-Perfect, your awake~

(Y/N)-Victoria? what's going on?

Victoria-Well we're almost to the docks now and we'll have to get off the boat.

(Y/N)-Oh alright.

Victoria-Hows your ankle?

(Y/N)-Its still sore but I think I'll be fine.

He got off the bed and tried to stand up but when he tried to walk he almost fell onto the ground but I stopped him before he could hit the floor.

Victoria-Whoa there! Don't get up so soon, we don't want you hurting your ankle even more. Let me help you~


I wrapped my arm around his stomach and led him towards the exit of the ship just as it reached the dock and I lead him outside towards my car and opened the door to the passenger seat next to the driver seat and I got in the drivers seat.

(Y/N)-Where are we going?

Victoria-We're going back to my apartment.

(Y/N)-B-But what about my parents?

Victoria-It's okay we'll bring you back to your parents but it may take a while since we're all the way in Florida and they're in California.


Victoria-But don't worry, You'll be with them again.

Victoria's Mind-Unfortunately...

Me and Kong were both swimming towards where we saw the boat carrying (Y/N) go and after a long swim we finally arrived at a dock where the boat and many others which looked just like it were sitting and located behind a human city.


Godzilla's Mind-Don't worry (Y/N), I'm coming baby and no one will ever take you from me again!~

I was sitting in Victoria's apartment living room and watching TV while she was doing something in her bathroom until she eventually came out and patted me on the shoulder.

Victoria-Come on (Y/N), Your bath is ready~


I got up and walked to the bathroom before Victoria came in and got my hair wet and began to wash my hair and body.

(Y/N)-I-I can wash myself-

Victoria-Shhh, Its alright honey just let me help you~

She continued to wash me until I was fully clean and Victoria drained the bath and dried me off.

Victoria-I left some clean clothes for you in my room, Do you need help getting them on?

(Y/N)-N-No thanks I got it.

Victoria-Okay than~

I went to the bedroom and put my new clothes on before I walked back to the couch with Victoria and sat down with her and I decided to turn in a movie and she pulled me closer to her forcing me to cuddle with her and I tried to move away but she wouldn't let me so I just sat there with her until suddenly I heard sirens form outside.



I began to panic and Victoria picked me up and rushed me out of the apartment and out the building into her car where she began to speed down the street while the city was beginning to shake and I could hear people screaming but I was too scared to care until I looked up and Victoria had her hand on my shoulder but she was continuing to focus on the road.

Victoria-Don't worry (Y/N) I'm going to get you to safety, Your going to be oka-

Suddenly something came crashing down and Victoria screamed and tried to turn but it was too late and caused her to crash into it and hit her head hard. I was okay but I saw Victoria and I checked to see if she was still alive and I could still hear her heart beating but she must have been knocked out when she hit her head. I got out of the car when I saw the thing lift up and I peaked around the building corner where it came from and saw Godzilla and Kong who must have followed the boat!

(Y/N)'s Mind-I gotta stop them before they destroy the whole city!

I went inside the building and went up the stairs until I reached the very top of the building and I made a circle with my hands to make my voice louder.


They stopped and they looked over at me in shock.


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