《》The Experiment


I began to regain consciousness after that kaiju stabbed me in the side and I passed out for some reason. I looked around and I felt my arms and legs were restrained and I saw they were in shackles and I was chained to the wall of some sort of room like in a humans place.

???-Oh good, You're finally awake.

I saw a figure sitting in some sort of throne before it turned and I saw a kaiju with yellow hair that looked like two dragons.

Godzilla-Wh-Who are you?

Ghidorah-Oh your right, Where are my manners? I am Queen Ghidorah, the queen of the Ghidorah Empire and ruler of Planet X. And you my friend are my first experiment.

Godzilla-What do you mean by experiment?

Ghidorah-*Chuckle* Well you see I have scoured the universe for planets and galaxies to colonize to expand my empire and once one of my subjects informed me that you were considered "Queen" on your planet I just had to see you for myself and maybe use you for my own uses. By the way, I wish to thank you Godzilla.

Godzilla-For what?

Ghidorah-For the little human as you call it. He makes a very good pet.

Godzilla-*Growl* My son is not your pet!

I tried to charge an atomic beam but nothing was working.

Ghidorah-Nice try, But I have a device implanted into your stomach so you can't use your little atomic beam ability. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go see my pet.

She left the room and I kept on struggling and trying to get free but nothing was working.

Godzilla-Ghidorah! I swear if you touch a single hair on his head so help me god I'll skin you alive!

I was laying down on top of my crate and I was trying to rest but it wasn't very comfortable. I than saw the door open and Ghidorah walked in and picked up the crate and she sat down and put the crate on her lap.


Ghidorah-Hello again, Pet.

She rubbed my head and pushed me on my stomach and rubbed my stomach.

Ghidorah-Hmm, You know I should give you a real name.

(Y/N)-B-But I have a real name.

Ghidorah-I know, "Puppy"~

(Y/N)-B-But my name is (Y/N)!

Ghidorah-Not anymore it's not~

She than picked me up and carried me over to the table and opened the crate and the inside looked just like my room back at my house.

(Y/N)-Woah! But why does it not appear on the outside.

Ghidorah-Well I had one of my subjects engineer the inside of your crate to look just look your old home.

She put me in the crate and closed it.

Ghidorah-Now you just stay here Puppy, Mama will be right back~

She left the room and I just crawled into my new bed and got under the covers to take a nap.

I entered the chamber where Gigan and Megalon were waiting with Godzilla for me to tell them to begin the experiment.

Gigan-We're awaiting your orders Queen Ghidorah.

Ghidorah-Your all clear, Begin the extraction.

Gigan had a syringe connected to her left hook and she stuck the needle in Godzilla and began to extract her blood from her body. Once the syringe was full Godzilla's skin was becoming pale and she eventually passed out.

Megalon-Well that was easy she didn't even flinch.

Gigan-So when can we begin constructing the new doomsday device?

Ghidorah-I'll have one of my subjects send you some blueprints than you can begin but that's all for now.

Gigan-Yes my queen.

I left the chamber and went back to my throne room and pulled out a stool from under the table and sat down watching (Y/N) sleep through the glass opening of his room.

Ghidorah's Mind-So adorable, So helpless~

I tapped slightly on the glass and I saw his eyes open and he yawned stretching his arms.


Ghidorah-Did you sleep good Puppy?~



I opened the crate and reached my hand in and pulled him out of the bed. He tried to get up but I held him down with a single finger.

[Y/N)-Hey! Let me up!

He kept struggling and he even tried to bite me but it was just a little nip and it tickled more than it hurt.

Ghidorah-Awww you're so cute when you're mad~

I stopped and he just turned away from me and pouted.

Ghidorah-Oh don't be so mad Puppy, It was just innocent fun.

He wasn't responding to me and I was going to stand him annoying so I picked him up by his jacket and held him above my face and opened my mouth like I was going to eat him.


He was holding onto my hand tightly and I slowly lowered him down and laid him on my tongue and closed my mouth. I wasn't going to eat him I just wanted to give him a little scare so he knows who's in charge.

(Y/N)-Lemme Out!! Lemme Out!!! *Muffled*

I opened my mouth and let him land onto my palm and he was curled up in a ball and shaking.

Ghidorah-I wasn't going to eat you Puppy I just want you to know your place, Now are you going to submit?

He just looked at me and nodded and I smiled and rubbed him against my dress to wipe al the saliva off than put him in my shirt collar again for him to sleep.

Ghidorah-Goodnight, Puppy~.

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