《Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark》Legend Of Zelda: Ocarania Of The Damned
The Evil has returned, and I fear that things are far worse than any soul on this world can comprehend. There is a haunting of sorts yes, and it is the most evil thing on this Earth. I don't think that I'll last much longer. I feel as though my fate was determined from the moment that I purchased the Nintendo 64. I shall continue from where I had left off.
I fell to the ground, covering my ears as the haunting scream stabbed into my mind like a rusty knife. I laid there kicking and screaming. My eyes locked onto something standing above me; the same black mass that I had seen torturing Mario, that had been torturing me, was there.
Everything in entire room turned to black. It's face was that of a young male, though cloaked in shadow that much was clear. He wore a smirk that made me feel both terror and anger. He was mocking me, treating me like a simple plaything. After that, I remember losing consciousness and nothing short of nightmares.
I walked down a dark flight of stony stairs, moving slowly through the shadows, surrounded from both sides by a wall that followed me all the way down. Both sides were lit slightly by torches. As I descended I could hear painful, blood curdling screams. The sounds of splattering blood was eerily complimented with the deadly silence after. As I moved further down I heard a woman's voice calling for mercy. She begged for death. "I'll do it myself if you want, just please no more!"
She sobbed. "I just can't take it anymore."
After awhile I could no longer hear her voice, and once again, the silence set me on edge. It took me awhile to realize that I had no control over my functions and movements, only my mind belonged solely to me. I remember thinking that I was being controlled by something, especially once I noticed that a black mist surrounded me. I reached the bottom of the stairs.
I smirked as I entered through the large door at the end of a small hallway. The room was almost pitch black, but two torches at the very end of the room showed me a man that stood high above head with a rope wrapped around his neck and hands bound behind his back. He was suspended in mid-air, floating in the darkness. I grinned and walked up to him.
"How did I get here?" The old man asked while he struggled to get free. Nothing held him, at least nothing that I could see, but it appeared that he had trouble with every movement that he made. I couldn't make out his face, although his voice sounded awfully familiar which scared me even more. Suddenly, the silence was broken like a knife upon skin with hundreds... no... thousands of agonizing screams!
Most of them, if not all of them, were painful to even listen to. It was a massacre, certainly. I tried to cover my ears but I could not make the slightests movement. I also felt... amused by this. Like some other side of me loved listening to the death screams of all those people. I was bloodthirsty. The screams continued for several minutes until there was nothing left but crying.
A little girl's, and I wasn't mistaken. The old man screamed, "Please let me out of here!" I wouldn't let him go though. His fate already belonged to me. Like a lightning bolt I was in front of him. I drove something sharp, I don't even know what it was, into his chest. He bled all over but not a drop of blood so much as touched me. I pulled it from his chest then again I jabbed it into his body.
I did it again... and again... and again, again, again, and once more for fun! I tightened the rope, choking him for a moment, moved close to his face and smelled the fear on his body. I forced his eyes closed, drove a needle into his eyelid and through his pupil so that he may bleed some more. I sewed both of his eyes shut along with his mouth. I drew back so that I may watch my... favorite part. The rope dropped and snapped his neck instantly. Everything from there on seems like a blur to me. That's all I can remember...
As I wrote that I felt something... dark coming over me. I can't explain what, or why. I... I just wish I could have done something to save him now... you see, it was more than just any dream, more than a nightmare. Now that I know the truth I must dwell in my own regret...
I woke up in bed. I was not sure of how I had got there when I had passed out in the living room. I sat up instantly, and looked around the room. The clock read 11:15am. My girlfriend was standing in the doorway just staring at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked her. I didn't get an immediate response. There was a vacancy in her eyes, as if she was hypnotized, and it made me question if it were really her. I asked her is she was okay, again I got no response. When she finally spoke all that she said to me was "I'm in a Zelda mood. Let's play Zelda." I was very confused by this because we had agreed the night prior to take the system and the game back.
When I reminded her of this she said, "Don't be silly! Why would I want to take it all back when we were having so much fun! Come on, I want to play Ocarina of Time! It's your favorite... isn't it?" She walked into the living room on her own. I couldn't help but notice her eyes. Naturally, they were hazel green, but today they looked... dark; black almost. I stood from my bed and walked into the room where she held out Ocarina of Time to me. As much as I love Ocarina, I told her just to wait for a little while.
I used the bathroom, brushed my teeth, showered, changed, and even though she told me to hurry every five minutes or so, I was ready in about a half an hour. I didn't want to play Nintendo 64, not after all that had happened last night. I told her what I had done after she had gone to bed and everything that had happened. "I know." She told me. "I know everything." I asked her how, but she just laughed and gave me the game. She commanded me to play
The console still had Super Mario 64 in it. I knelt down and I felt another presence move swiftly across the room. I turned around to look; the apartment had become darker, like night had already settled in. It was only noon. She asked me what was wrong, I told her nothing and not to worry. "Just tired." I explained. Something was not right... it was like she was a completely different person entirely.
I turned on the Nintendo 64 with Mario still in it. Nothing came on, the screen just remained black. I tried it a few times... I wanted to see what came up when I started the game. It just refused to start. Finally, I took the game out and as I put the Ocarina of Time into the system, I could hear a voice saying something to me. It was like when you think to yourself, but it wasn't anything that came from my own thoughts. I remember it well: telling me to enjoy the game. "It's my favorite too." Unwillingly, I started the game.
I felt cold as a strong breeze passed through the room like a winter blast. A shiver went down my spine. My girlfriend sat next to me, very close to my side. The iconic title screen was skipped; it went straight to the file select screen. I had a file on the game that had everything finished, hearts, medallions, side quests, everything was done. It was gone, replaced by a file that didn't say Link, like I often used, but the name of the file was "Death". This made me feel even more uncomfortable than I had already been.
My girlfriend, being more adventurous than usual, told me to load the file. I put my thumb on the A button, but hesitated. I knew full well that I was in for more head games and I feared what may have come from it. She pushed the A button for me and looked at me with a devilish smile. "There you go." She told me. I focused my attention on the game.
I was greeted with child Link at the Sacred Forest Meadow, and at first, everything appeared normal; the hearts were all there and he held the Kokiri Sword and Deku Shield. The calm before the storm, I thought to myself. I began to look around the area and found nothing out of the ordinary except Saria, whom usually sat on the stump when you visit this area as a child, was missing from her place. I moved to the stump to examine it more when I heard a laugh come from the game. I turned Link around as fast as I could move my fingers. Standing in the center of the Sacred Forest Meadow was Ocarina of Time's antagonist, Ganondorf.
He had the image he bore when you confronted him as adult Link. "I suppose that you expected more from this, didn't you? More blood perhaps?". I tried to attack him but my Kokiri sword went right through him. "A foolish effort. You're in my world now..." The screen was full of static although I could still make out Link through it all. The forest, once green and vibrant was now a mere shadow of its former self.
The ground was burned and cracked, flames spewing through them in an unholy blaze. The sky had a dark red hue to it and was covered in pure smoke which came from the small village below.
Link walked through the Lost Woods. The trees were all dead and had people hanging from them by rope, some with their necks snapped. There were also people inside the trees... people who reached out, limbs resembling branches, grabbing hold of Link's arm and pulling him, forcing the legendary hero to pull away with all the might that he had. His shocked expression was nothing more than fear of the unknown. As Link began to move away, more hanging bodies fell from the trees, all surrounding Link in a complete circle. "I lived a religious life. Please spare me!" The voice of a women above called out. "I don't deserve this, please!" A man screamed in pain and struggled with his rope.
As I got a good look around I noticed the same scene on nearly every tree all over the woods. Limbs from the ground grabbed onto Link's feet. They began to claw and tear at him, ripping his tunic to shreds and disarming him of his sword and shield. I could see Link fighting, I button mashed to try and help, but my aid was to no avail. I watched as Link's legs were torn from his body first, with blood spewing from the fresh wounds in small hose-like blasts.
I could see the veins as they stuck from the hole, and parts of bone, now drenched by blood. Then, it was his arms, ripped off in a matter of a few seconds, now the same image as his legs. Finally, they ripped his heads off... I was given the game over screen, with the sad music playing, only this time it was complimented with a cruel laugh. I resumed playing.
Through the foggy screen I saw fire raining from the sky. But, inside the fire were people, burning as they fell from the heavens, their screams echoing from the Heavens all the way to Hell. These were once the Kokiri children. I watched as they dropped into the Kokiri Forest and people who looked to be from my world. Dare I question my sanity at this time? I watched as other Kokiri children, all dressed in black robes, forced innocent people on to spikes. Their blood splattered all over there faces and clothes. Scariest thing is was that they remained alive through the ultimate impalement and were left to there suffer there. Then, I got a view of Link standing before the Great Deku Tree.
All of it's leaves were dead, the original brownish color of the tree was turned to black, its dark eyes had red circles dwelling deep within and from them poured blood tears. Hanging far above, in the Deku Tree's branches, were all of the Kokiri children. Not the ones I had already seen, but there were the real one's from the actual game; the cloaked ones I had seen were merely a darker version of them.
They were joined by real people, or people that appeared to be real, who were the only ones that struggled and screamed. In the center of the Kokiri children hung Saria.. I was wrong, she was the only one that was alive, and like all of the real people she had crows pecking at her body, eating her alive. I watched as one ripped out her eyeball and devoured it without a second thought. I felt sick to my stomach. Blood dripped all over the ground where I saw one more cloaked Kokiri like figure standing beneath the Deku Tree.
I felt compelled to move forward, to see who this creature was. I pushed the analog stick forward and walked up to the demon. He held in his hand a scythe of sorts. Perhaps this was "Death"? He turned to look at me. It was Mido. His face was decrepit and destroyed, black and cracked with glowing red like the Deku Trees. I drew Link back as quickly as I could but in that exact instant I saw Mido took his Scythe and doive it through Link's chest. The blade stuck through his back, his heart was sliced into pieces. Link dropped to both knees and looked straight into Mido's demonic eyes.
I saw him lift Link like he was nothing at all and hold him into the air. He pulled the scythe up, the blade cut through his body as if he were a piece of wet tissue, straight through the hero's head. The scythe was removed in the most gruesome style imaginable. I could see Link's brain matter thrown about carelessly, his split in two skull through the intense amount of blood that streamed from his body. The game over screen returned, but this time no music played. There was only a sole, evil laugh that penetrated my heart. The game resumed itself this time.
The static soon vanished from the screen and I was greeted with an eerie scene. I got a full view a Hyrule Field engulfed in realistic flames! Smoke and screams filled the air in satanic fashion. A swirling black cloud cloaked the world in shadow, with a red moon shining through every moment or so. The camera moved forward to show me hundreds among hundreds of dead bodies littering the once brilliant fields with their bloody corpses.
They all looked lifelike, and not one of them were on any game that I had ever seen. The river that once went from Hyrule Castle all the way to Zora's Doman was filled not with water, but pure blood. Bodies were forced face down into the hellish crimson river with the appearance of having been drowned there. The bodied seemed to twitch and move... like they were fighting to live once again.
Finally, the camera took me down towards the drawbridge that went too Hyrule Castle Market. There, surrounded by pikes which held the impaled skeletal remains of what was once people, was adult Link, standing mightily as lord of this realm. His tunic had been turned to black and his eyes glowed a fierce bright red. He wore an evil grin on his face. In his left hand he held a demonic version of the Master Sword. The blade had become more jagged, the handle area was black and blood dripped from the entire sword. He was the reason for the massacre that I had heard in my dream. He has become a demonic shadow of what he once was. Link was "Death".
It was at that time that I felt... drawn in... like something had been pulling me into the game itself. It sounds insane, I know, but it's the truth. I looked arounid at the world I was in now. This was Hell given in the form of a once great classic video game. I stood in Link's place; I had total control of his body. I kept the satanic Master Sword in hand although I was certain that this wouldn't help much here. I couldn't think- I had to act! I surveyed the horror around me.
Each body that I saw, each that lied there dead surrounding me, all had horrified, painful looks on their faces. Some had their jaw pushed so far down there throats that I was certain they had choked on them. Some were decapitated with blood still squirting from the veins in their necks. I looked out, away from the Market, and saw somebody over by the Lon Lon Ranch entrance. I went, although terrified, to investigate, stepping on the bodies and through the blood that covered the field.
The person in the game was a little girl, resting on both knees and covering her face with blood stained hands. She wore a pink dress similiar to that of Zelda's. She looked so... lifelike. I immediately recognized her crying from my dream, undoubedly. She looked up at me, removing her hands from her face. Blood covered her clothes and tears streamed down her cheeks. "Please." She begged. "I've been here for so long. Can you help me? My parents are gone and I don't know what to do. I just want to go home." I knelt down to her. I was not sure if this was some kind of trick or if she was really somebody that needed my help. I held out my hand but once our hands touched I was pushed back by an awesome force, thrown like a feather in the wind. When I hit the ground I rolled over bodies of the dead.
I had blood covering my body entirely. I could hear the little girl screaming as loud as I believed she could. "Help! Somebody help!" I pushed myself to my feet and rushed to her... but I was too late. She was hung on a rope with stab wounds that penetrated her skin through her chest and abdomen. Her cute eyes were sown shut along with her mouth. Blood dripped from her body into the pool under her feet. The rope appeared to go nowhere at all, she just hung there with nothing to support her.
I backed away from her body when I saw something moving behind her. Materializing from the shadows was the black mass that was plaguing my life. This was my first confrontation with the creature that had killed Mario before my eyes. I could see only a pair of bright red eyes through the shadows. After a moment or so he again revealed his features to me. I backed away, I looked at my sword then back at him. I stared into his red eyes in fear and he returned the look with satisfaction on his face.
I don't know what came over me. I tried to attack him, to fight back before I suffered the same horrid fate as all of those before me. He simply knocked me aside, throwing me back into the litter of dead bodies. What was that thing? Who was he? Why was he doing this to me? I felt my head throbbing. I came back to reality for a moment. He was... doing something to me.
I had to fight it, I couldn't let him hurt me. I understood then why this system and game were returned so often. The game itself was just like any normal game... it was the system that was haunted. Something had possessed the Nintendo 64 and I was the unfortunate one to receive it. Dear God, did my uncle know about this? Did he know there was more to this system than meets the eye? Is he the cause of all of this?
There had to be a way to stop it. I dropped the controller and staggered to my feet. I walked into the bedroom and grabbed my phone off of the charger. I tried calling his cell phone, no answer. Then, I tried his store phone, again nobody answered. Finally, I called his house phone. There was an answer this time but it wasn't my uncle. "Play the game." It told me. "It's our favorite." The phone hung up. I looked at my cell; I no longer had signal. I needed to find my uncle, maybe he knew more about this. I hurried to the door, removed the chain lock, turned the knob and... the door was jammed. It appeared that I was trapped here, in the place I had once called home and felt my safest.
"He's gone, no need to worry about him." My girlfriend walked up behind me and said. "I believe that we were in the middle of something." I turned around and looked into her black eyes. I asked her who she really was, accusing her of being someone else entirely. I asked her what she had done to my uncle... "How could you say such a thing?"
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I Call It Love (Yandere Boys X Reader)
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This one is the series of MaAn OSI will write my random thoughts and moments between MaAn.....check it out...... I'm sure you will enjoy......Hit ⭐ button if you liked it and follow my stories....❤️❤️
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