《Please Andy..》Baby swarek;


Soo.... I know I said this was the last chapter but I had to bring baby swarek into the world. Enjoy✊

Andy just woke up and got dressed and went to visit Mrs Rodriguez.

"Hi Mrs.Rodriguez." Andy said to the bakery shop owner.

"Hello,Andy dear,wheres sam today?"

"Oh,went to work early this morning." Andy said looking down at her feet miserbly.

"Sweetie,what happened?" Mrs.Rodriguez asked.

Andy had known Mrs.Rodriguez since she moved in with Sam and they just grew together and became friends.

"We had a really big argument last night!"

"Wanna talk about?"


Andy was sat on the couch waiting for Sam to come home. He'd been over an hour late so Andy was worried and paranoid.

After about 30 more minutes of waiting anxiously Sam came though the door.

"Hey sweethe-"

"Am I not good enough?" was all Andy could say.


"I said am I not good enough?" Andy repeated again.

"Baby, I don't understand?" Sam asked confused.

"Just because I'm pregnant and fat and ugly and got bigger boobs and just because I can't see my feet or anything." Andy kept rambling on about how she thought Sam might have been somewhere else.

"Andy,Andy listen"

"No,its ok" At that point Andy started sobbing obviously because of her being pregnant she and Sam couldn't have sex anymore until the baby was around six weeks old and Andy thought that he was going around getting what she couldn't give.

'ANDY! I had to stay for a little while longer because Peck left for while, that's all! I would never cheat on you. Look at you- your beautiful and your not fat or ugly. You could weight 20 stone and I'd still love you. I mean I might tell you to lose some weight but you don't have to. "


Andy just burst out laughing.

"I'm so sorry,please Sam I love you millions don't leave me!"



"Sweetheart" Mrs.Rodriguez nodded to the door just as Sam walked in.

"What are you doing outside,you should be resting." Sam said to Andy.

"Well, me and baby are hungry and we need food, guessing your with Ollie today?"

"Guessed right." sam said.

"Same for Officer Shaw?"

"Please." sam said politely.


"Thanks speak to you later Andy."

"See that he treats me like a normal person and not his fiancée who happens to be pregnant with his baby!"

"Just give him some time Andy"

"I guess,see you soon Mrs.Rodriguez."


"Sammy man,whats happening between you and McNally?" Oliver asked, knowing something is wrong.

"I dunno,we're drifting apart." Sam said sadly.

"Sammy what about baby swarek?"

"Baby swarek?" Sam asked amused.

"Look sammy,she's pregnant she's bound to be a little annoying and disrespectful to us meeennn-"

"Men? Ollie my man, I'm the only man here!"

"Shut up Sammy,look end the end of this your gunna have the best thing that ever happened to you and to top it off you getta marry this woman!!"

"I know and I love her too bits but-"

"Then show her"

As soon as the guys stopped talking they heard Andy arguing with someone.

"Dude I freaking work here!"

"Not without a pass you don't."

"She's with me!"

Andy spun around and smiled, she loved seeing him even when their arguing.



Andy some sort of ran and hugged Sam so tight he might have died from lack of oxygen.

"Missed cha!"

"Did ya?" Andy nodded her head proudly.

"Mee too."

"Got you a coffee and Oliver a muffin"

"Officer Swarek?" the new officer asked.

"Mhhh" Sam mumbled while kissing Andy.

"Doesn't matter, sorry ma'am!"

"Don't worry about it."

Sam and Andy started walking though the division when all you heard was...

"MCNALLYYYYYY...." Andy turned to see Dov,Chris,Gail,Traci,Jerry and Chloe running up to her.

"Hey guys"


Mwahhhh😆 yes I know I'm evil, I'll update the baby coming tonight or tomorrow.

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