《》74 Epiphanies
"McNally?" Sam said as McNally threw a pillow on him and as soon as he rolled over the bed "Yo. Up and at 'em. It's 10 after 8:00. We got to get a move on!" Andy said while coming back down stairs "Why why are you hollering at me? Come up here and say hello." Sam said in bed "No! You can't see me until the ceremony." Andy replied "Hey. Get over here." Andy continued as she put the dog lead on their dog who was on the patio "That's ridiculous" Sam yelled down stairs "It's actually tradition." Andy replied to him "It's a superstition." He replied back
"Look, I'm gonna take Boo for a walk and then take him to the sitter's, okay? Uh, you have like 40 minutes to get ready and get out of here. Also, don't forget that Oliver's taking you, all right? Traci's gonna take me. Uh, do you have the music on your phone?" Andy explained to Sam while she had the dog in her arms and picking up a piece of paper off the counter "I do." Replied Sam "Okay. What about your vows?" She asked "I do memorized. Would you please come up here and say hello?" He asked her [Sighs] "Okay. Close your eyes. I'll know if you're cheating." She said as she put the down on the floor and ran upstairs "My eyes are closed. See? A perfect match, McNally, you and me. 'Cause you are very high-maintenance, and I can fix anything I love you." Sam said when he kissed her as Andy was on top of Him "Let's go." She replied as she got off "Okay. Okay. Let's do this thing." Sam said to him self as he rubbed his eyes.
"Nash, where are we on the Lindsay McConnell murder?" Jarvis said as he walked pass her "Uh, I've been working it all night with Gail and Detective Anderson. Gail was the first on scene. And we're still not sure what happened." Nash replied as they both went upstairs "What are you, new? The husband did it. The husband always did it." He asked her "Okay, but I've had him in interview for four hours. His story hasn't changed. He said he came home from work last night and he found her dead." She explained to Jarvis "And you bought that?" He asked her "Okay, sir, it's just that it's Andy and Sam's wedding day. I'm the maid of honor" she said desperately "Do you know who Daniel McConnell is?" He asked
"The defense lawyer? Yeah." She replied back to him "He's also the victim's uncle. He called me six times. He wants to know if we're laying any charges. And tonight I'm having dinner at a charity fundraiser. Guess who's sitting at my table. Before you go anywhere today, I need a working theory, Detective. I'm sorry about the timing." Jarvis said to Tracey just before he walked into his office.
"Traci. Aren't you supposed to be helping Andy?" Said price who was with Dov and Chris "Yeah, I am, but I'm not, clearly." Tracey replied to them all as she turned around "Okay.
What do you need?" Dov asked her "The flowers are being delivered probably right now to the sally port. I need you and Chris to drive them up to the church." She explained "All right." Chris said "In my locker, you're gonna find, um, um, um, ribbons for the Mason jars, and the projector Oh, my God. The slide show. I was supposed to do it last night. It's a surprise." Tracey continued explaining "No, it's cool. I will stay. Hey, I got you covered, right? Okay, a little star transition, a little slo-mo, a little Phil Collins I got this." Price said to Tracey as she came up stairs as the boys went on their mission "Nash! Any day." Detective Anderson said competing out from one the rooms upstairs "Two minutes? Thank you." Tracey asked her.
"We have tons of time." Oliver said to Sam as he was driving to the church "I should have picked the route." Sam thought "Do not worry." Oliver replied "It's not us I'm worried about." Sam said to Oliver as he got out his cellphone and pressed Andy's number.
Sam & Andy's place....
[Cellphone vibrating] "Hey. Did Traci call you?" Andy said on the phone to Sam as she was doing her makeup "No." Sam replied "It's just a little snag. Uh, she got held up at work, but she's already sending a car." She explained "Well, can you push it up? I I traffic is impossible all the way out of town. You know what? Change of route. 407 to the 9 to the 5, okay? Tell everybody." Sam asked her "Yes, I got it. I got it. I love you. I got to go. Don't worry." She said in a rush "Love you." Sam replied "Listen to her, buddy. Remember my wedding? My cousin, and he left our rings on a city bus. I had to chase that thing for like 10 blocks. Okay? These things always have a way of working themselves out." Oliver explained to Sam.
Outside back at the station Duncan came out and saw Dov and Chris loading a truck up with the flowers "Fellas. Sup? Um, I got a quick question. What's the whole situation with the plus-one?" Duncun asked them both "I'm taking Chloe." Dov replied as he buzzy loading flowers Duncan replied "Oh. Well, she's technically invited, so you're supposed to bring somebody else." "Don't think it works that way." Dov said to him "Diaz, my man" Duncun asked "Nope." Chris said to Duncun straight away.
"So, is this my lucky day or what? Just in time for the bachelor party. You guys got dancers? Better hope so." Jay Asked the boys coming out from know where Dov soon replied "Sorry. Who are you?" "My name's Jay Swarek. I'm the father of the groom. But I guess you guys wouldn't recognize me. I'm sure that my picture didn't end up in his wallet." Jay said to them all looking surprised "Seriously? You're Sam's dad?" Chris said with shock "Yes, I am. Now, he told me I should meet you guys and hook up here and we'll drive up together. Is that all right?" Jay asked them "Yeah, but" chris asked "Don't worry about it. You relax, there, Nancy. Special parole. Just a day pass for good behaviour. It's a special occasion. Come on. Let's go." Jay said as he cut them off and got into the truck. [Car door closes]
Sam & Andy's place....
[Sighs] "My vows." As Andy was in the mirror looking at her wedding dress on then looking for her vows on the counter [Knock on door] "Uh You're supposed to call when you get here. Nick. Hi." Andy continued as she opened the front door "You look beautiful." Nick said to her "Oh. Thank you." Andy said "I thought you weren't supposed to put that on yet." Nick asked her "Well, yeah. I was just trying it on one more time you know, make sure it was perfect. Come in. You're coming, right?" Andy asked him as they walked in and Nick closed the door "No. Actually, I'm, uh, I'm heading to Vancouver in two hours. I don't know for how long, but I figure it's worth a shot, right?" Nick explained to her "Ohh. Okay." Andy said to him "Do you need anything before I, uh Before I go?" Nick asked her "Uh, I mean, something borrowed, something blue. Uh, my vows. How about those? 'Cause I lost them." She said with worry and freaking out.
"Okay, well, where was the last place you, uh, you saw them?" Asked Nick "Here, actually, on the counter." Andy said as she bent down but [Fabric rips] "This is not happening." Andy continued as she came up looking at Nick madly "Sewing kit?" Nick asked "Eh my bag, right there." Andy said pointing to it "Oh, come on!" Andy mentioned "Let's see." Nick asked Andy "How bad is it?" Andy asked "Um You want to take that off? 'Cause if I stitch you into there, you will not be able to get out." Nick said "Uh Uh, fine. Just do it. It's fine. Yeah. I don't have time." Andy replied back "All right." Nick answered "I mean, you know what you're doing, right?" Andy mentioned "Of course I do." He said confidently "Teach you how to sew in the army?" She asked "Yes, ma'am." He replied "Ow! Man!" She said "Deep breath in." He asked her.
[Chuckles] "You're happy, huh?" She asked him "Yeah. Yeah, I really am. Good." He said back "I'm glad." She said with hope "What about you?" He asked her while still sewing her in her wedding dress "Over the moon. I mean, the Marlo stuff is a little tricky. Um But I don't know. I actually can't believe we made it this far." She explained "Well, I actually can't believe I'm stitching you into your wedding dress. There we go." He replied
"Thank you. [Sighs] Thank you, thank you. If I had to ask the driver to do it, that would have been pretty awkward." She said with delight "Something borrowed." Nick said while putting his sunglasses on her "Thank you. [Cellphone vibrating] Um Have a great flight." She said in a rush "You have a great, uh Wedding. Break break a leg." Nick said going out the front door "Okay. Bye. I'm coming. I'm coming. Hmm? No, I don't have 40 minutes. No, it's my wedding, guy! Okay. You know what? Don't uh, don't even come. I'll drive myself." She said to deliver on the phone stressing out picking up her things and got into Sam's truck and headed to the church.
Back at the station....
"So, what do we know?" Tracey asked pacing around the room Gail replied "Lindsay McConnell she's found dead last night, bottom of the basement stairs. Blunt-force trauma to the head, blood on the hammer lying next to her on the floor. Husband comes home, 6:00 P.M. said he found her that way." Leaning on the shelf "Dreaming Oh! Sh my bad. I must be dreaming Shh! Sorry. Sorry." Said price as the music started playing on the laptop "Coroner's report. Dead nine hours. Time of death approximately an hour after hubby left for work." Detective Anderson said coming through the door handing Tracey the file "If the husband did it, what's his motive?" Tracey asked everyone "What do you mean, "what's his motive?" They were married. So that's his motive they were married." Anderson mentioned with her feet up on the desk.
"But, I mean, it's all pretty thin. They were married a couple years. Everyone said they were happy." Tracey explained "Everyone's happy. What does that even mean? You're happy when you're with someone at first and all their little quirks seem cute. And then after a while, you hate the way that they chew their food and find yourself holding a hammer. Know what I mean" Detective Anderson mentioned "Wonder what she was making for dinner. Looks like a marinade of some kind. Maybe Piri Piri? Mmm. That's what my mom would be making. Portuguese specialty." Price said as she walked up to the board then walking pass everyone "Who is that muppet?" Anderson mentioned when price left the room.
[Pop music playing over stereo] Andy was driving on the road when she was thinking of some new vows I, Andrea McNally, take you, Samuel Swarek, to be my partner in life, loving what I know of you and trusting what I do not know yet which better not be a lot, because I hate surprises. Oh, man. I promise to honor you and cherish you" learn how to read a map. And I promise that if we ever get married again, I will leave way more time to get to you. She said turning back round again.
In the truck Dov, Chris & Jay....
"Hey, do me a favor. Take a right right here." Jay asked Dov & Chris "A right. This isn't the way out of town." Chris asked "I got to make a quick pit stop. Do you mind? Now, come on. It's a wedding. I I'm coming empty-handed. I got to get a wedding present. Please?" Jay asked kindly "All right, but make it quick." Dov asked him nicely "No problem." He said to Dov 'Okay, good. This one?" Chris asked him pulling up in front go the house "Yeah, perfect. A buddy of mine's in there. He's waiting for me. He's got it. Okay. Be right back. Cops." Jay said getting out of the truck heading to the front door "We're sure he knows this guy, right?" Chris mentioned to Dov concerned [Doorknob rattles] "Looks like nobody's home." Dov replied both looking out the window.
"Hey! Are you crazy? You're standing in the middle of a highway!" Andy said to this girl who was flagging her down in the middle on the road "Yeah, hi. Um, I really need a ride." Starr asked Andy "Okay, but stand on the shoulder, man, okay? You're gonna get hit." Andy explained "Geez. Uh, whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no. What are you what are you doing?" Andy said to Starr as she opened the truck door and jumping in "You said "okay." Starr said "No, I said, "okay, stand on the shoulder," not, "okay, I can give you a ride." Andy explained to her again "Look. Please? Okay? Just like 20 minutes north to Uxbridge. It's like 20 minutes north. Please." Starr asked her "Fine. Buckle up. I'm in a rush. Okay." Andy said stressfully "Thank you." Starr replied to Andy [Seat belt clicks]
"Where you coming from?" Andy asked Starr making small talk while driving "A friend's house. It's hard to get around, living out here. It's, uh used to ride my bike, actually, but then it it broke. Is that a is that a wedding dress? You getting married or something?" Starr explained and asked Andy [Chuckling] "I am, actually. To a guy named Sam." Andy said very excitedly "That's awesome. I'm happy for you." Starr answered "Well, thank you. You have a boyfriend or?" Andy replied to Starr "I I used to, yeah. He went to jail. But he was kind of a jerk anyways, though, so You know, it's not a a great loss." Starr told her "That's good." Andy said to Starr as she was still driving.
Back at the station....
'Okay, I'm in the kitchen, I'm cutting chicken. My husband wakes up. He comes downstairs." Detective Nash said acting it out pacing up and down trying to get a theroy then Gail replied "I'm the husband. And I don't like the way you chew. I grab a hammer. Smack!" Gail shouted "So, why am I at the bottom of the basement stairs? Why am I just gonna, like, leave the hammer lying next to you and then head to work?" Tracey asked everyone [Blows nose] "What's your problem?" Gail asked province who was still making the slide show for Andy and Sam's wedding "Oh, it's just it's just so special, you know? It's just the end of an era. All the moments just Coming together." Price mentioned emotionally [Chuckles] "Yeah. You weren't even around for all those moments. You're just walking in the last act of the show." Gail said in a creepy way "It's the best part, Gail." Price replied to her putting her headphones back on.
At the church couple of hours until the wedding starts.....!
Sam was standing at the top of the isle and asked Oliver "I I think she should be here by now. Even with traffic, it's an hour's drive." as he came up the isle carrying their suits and bags and yarrow "Sam Yeah, hey. You know, w w we're in great shape, okay? Father Jean Pierre is here. Chris and Dov left with the rest of the flowers on schedule. And look who I ran into." Oliver replied to Sam "Hey. Hey. Did you get my present?" Sarah asked the boys while she was carrying purifying ritual walking up the isle "Is that your present?" Sam asked his sister "No. No. Yarrow. Oh. You hang it above your bed, and I guarantee you seven years of passion." Sarah said grabbing it off Oliver "Oh. Only seven years? [Both chuckle] Hey, uh, what's what's with the smoke?" Sam asked holding the yarrow "Oh, it's a purifying ritual. It's gonna cleanse all the negative energy." Sarah said going around Sam and walking off "Oh. Nice." Sam said to her as Oliver was putting it around himself.
"Hello? Duncan, it's Epstein. I need you to run an address for me. 139 west 22nd Street. I want to know who lives there, if they have a criminal record, if they have any connection to a guy named Jay Swarek. Call me back. Okay." Dov asked Duncun on the phone "I'm on it. I'm on it. Um, hey. Uh, any word about the whole plus-one thing? Uh Okay." Duncun said as Dov hang up "Come on. We're good. Let's go." Jay said getting back into the truck [Car door closes] "Did you get your present?" Chris asked him "Yeah. Right here. [Engine turns over] So, let's shake a leg. Come on." Jay replied to the both of them as they went back on the road again.
"So, what's your name?" Andy asked while still driving "Starr. With two r's." Starr replied "Cool You seem really anxious. And I actually thought I had cornered the market on anxiety today." Andy mentioned "I'm fine. I I, um, I mean, I just had a a bit of a bad ride before you. But I'm all good now." Starr explained "A bad ride?" Andy said "Yeah, just a creepy driver, kind of. He, uh, he was a big shot." Starr said "What does that mean?" Andy questioned "Like, $100 kicks, you know, big, fancy convertible, thought he owned the world." Starr continued
"Hey, what happened to your hand?" Andy asked looking at her hand "Uh y you know, I" Starr mumbled "You can tell me. It's okay." Andy said to Starr "No, I I really don't want to talk about it, okay?" Starr said to Andy [Cellphone chimes] "So, how did how did you meet this Sam guy?" Starr said changeling the convocation "Uh, in an alleyway. I basically kicked his ass. Um, Starr, did you get into it with the driver back there? Because I passed by a red convertible that was on the side of the road. Is that him? Is that who you're talking about?" Andy explained and mentioned.
"Um You know, I'm actually good I'm good to get out here now, actually." Starr said freaking out "No, that's okay. I can take you to Uxbridge." Andy said back to her" Why are you turning around? Okay, pull over. Let me out of this truck." Starr said looking out the window "No! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Let me out! Hey! Tell me what happened! What happened to you?" Andy said trying to stop Starr getting out the truck "Look, the guy was wasted, okay? He pulled me onto this side road, uh, I punched him in the nose, and then I took off. Okay. [Cellphone chirps] Are you gonna stop now?" Starr explained to Andy.
"Hey, can you just do me a favor. Grab the charger out of the glove compartment, please."'any said to Starr as she looked at her phone "No, there's no Just There's no phone charger. Look, I don't want to go back and see him, okay?" Starr said to Andy with fear I I understand that. But if this guy assaulted you, then he should be arrested. I'm a police officer. I can handle him." Andy said Starr replied "I'm not getting out of the truck." "That's fine. You don't have to. I'll take care of it." Andy said.
"Hey! I'm a police officer. I want to talk to you for a second. Get out of the car." Andy said to the guy in the can as she got out the truck" I I can't move." The guy said "Get out of the car." Andy said walking closer "I can't m m move." He replied again "Starr! Hey! No Come on!! It's my wedding!! Get out of the car now." Andy said walking back to the guys car as the truck was gone by Starr "I can't" he said. "Why not?" Andy replied back "S she stabbed me." He said as Andy looked shocked [Dance ringtone plays] "Andy." Duncun said back at the station on the phone "Hello? Duncan. It's Andy. Hey, I only have a few seconds right now" Andy said as she was cut off by
"Andy, listen, like, I'm honored to be on your mind right now, but look, please, today's about you, okay? You need to focus." Duncun mentioned to Andy on the phone still "No, you need to listen to me right now! I am at a dead-end road off of Concession 5, uh, probably about three klicks east of Whitevale. I was driving Sam's truck, and I I'm with this guy right now, and he's Duncan?" Andy trying to explain quickly "Hello? Andy? Okay," Duncun said to a dead cellphone as he hang up
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When Muchen wakes up as an orphan living a hardscrabble life in a world of magical kung fu, he immediately starts working towards the obvious goal: to get rich! Money can make ghosts work hard, let alone cultivators. He can worry about immortality once he's secured a comfortable standard of living. Unfortunately, on the Qianzhan Continent, it takes a clever mind to earn a fortune... but it takes strength to defend it.
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The world is changing, ushering an era of both boundless beauty and unspeakable monstrosities. Wang Zhao Hui, a man singled out by the great cataclysm forges a road towards the things that were taken away from him as the trapper with a broken system. (as in it doesn't work.)
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Emperor Marcus II is dead and the Empire is now ruled by the High Council, a fractious alliance of noble Lords and upstart Guildmasters, held together though sheer force of will by the common born Lord George, the Emperor's grieving lover. It is not an alliance anyone expects to last long. To save the Empire from another tiresome civil war, Sir Brand, the Duke of Orston, Dragon Slayer, all round hero and terrible poet, travels to the far away city of Sealmu Alu in an attempt to find his father, the infamous Butcher of Bergraz and persuade him to return home from his self imposed exile and take the throne. As the Empire lurches from crisis to crisis like a drunk on a ice covered road, Lady Anna, aristocratic heir to one of the noblest houses in the Empire and her companion, the eccentric Earth born Lady Kate acquire evidence that suggest the young Emperor's death may not have been the tragic accident it appeared to be. Meanwhile the two people many regard as responsible for the whole recent crisis have disappeared without trace. The beautiful Druid Healer Natalie, the only person who can open the ancient alien Gateways to Earth and her Earth born lover, Xavier are on a quest to destroy the evil Iron Brotherhood, their quest taking them to strange places of legend, Flor Ida, Amarillo and beyond. And if all this wasn't enough, the Dragons are not only back, they've taken over the internet and now seem to regard themselves as the dominant species of the planet.
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Charon's Oar (ON HIATUS)
Cover by RRL's paraenesis! Note: Charon's Oar is currently on hiatus as I continue work on The Hunter Prince and Fortuitous Mage What happens to the souls of the dead when Charon, a ferryman sworn to Hades, has his oar stolen? Unable to navigate the river Styx, he turns to a contact in Iowa to track down the thief and retreive his oar. A sociopathic bounty hunter and his partners, able to slip between realities, have just twenty-four hours to complete their task before the souls of the dead pour over into the realm of the living. Welcome to the Flip Side. Charon's Oar is Urban Fantasy. The main character is an anti-hero. There is a bit of swearing, and violence. If my story interests you, consider checking out my others! The Hunter Prince is a newly started traditioanl fantasy. Fortuitous Mage is an ongoing LitRPG I've recently started uploading. Shadowstep is a completed First Draft for Book 1 of a Steampunk-Lite series!
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The 13th Loop [A Progression, GameLit, Sci-Fi Adventure]
Kyle Goldman is having a bad century, multiple of them. Kyle is immortal, destined to live the same mediocre life over and over again. Worse, he remembers each time through life. Every betrayal, every life lesson, every combat spell, he is destined to learn them all again and again. Every life he re-awakens during the Awakening Trials. Trials designed to pull out the full magical and spiritual potential of a Space Force Candidate. Depending on how well he does in these trials can change his entire career. Since this is his thirteenth time through the trials he is well aware of their importance. Even better, he knows how to cheat. Having prior knowledge of the trials and their ever increasing difficulties is the ultimate form of cheating. Especially when the rewards for completing each stage of the trial is an increased Attribute point. He's lived each life to its fullest, some dying as a famous ace pilot. Others dying as an expeditionary Marine on long range space recon. Each life ultimately leads to the same inevitable end, he makes friends, tastes happiness for a brief moment, and then is betrayed. The betrayal always changes, but always hurts the same. From there a deep spiral occurs, leading to his inevitable, but often glorious demise. This time he vows to take things differently. He still plans to ace the exams, but then he will do the unthinkable, he will resign his commission as an officer. To live as an overqualified regular citizen of the free worlds. With the knowledge of spell craft deeply ingrained in his mind from his previous lives, he is set to make try number thirteen his lucky number after all. There is only one problem. The Government saw his test scores and now they won't stop to have him in their ranks. It looks like the betrayal will come earlier than expected in this, his thirteenth try at living the same stale existence. Themes Include: GameLit Elements, Progression Fantasy, with Space Tech and interstellar battles. Schedule: Monday through Friday Cover Art: Thanks to Asviloka
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☆ Bu kitapta +18 içerik, cinsellik, argo mevcuttur. Kitap konusunun size uymadığını düşünüyorsanız başka kitaplara geçebilirsiniz. ☆•Feris Dilhun, 26 yaşında bir seks yıldızıdır. Oynadığı erotik diziler sayesinde ünlenen Feris, kendisini bir çıkmazın içinde bulur ve âşık olduğunu fark eder.Başlangıç Tarihi: 10 Ağustos 2022♦#1 - Teen (15.08.22)#1 - İhtiras (15.08.22)#1 - Cinsel (15.08.22)#2 - Girl (15.08.22)#3 - Teenficiton (15.08.22)#4 - Yetişkin (15.08.22)#10 - Tutku (12.08.22)#31 - Boy (15.08.22)#35 - Love (15.08.22)
8 207