《》Open Windows
"Hey! Hey! Whoa! Whoa! Hey!" Sam said outside while Andy laughs while running away with one of the paddles she took out of the truck. "You do realise I had the truck perfectly packed, right? It was Tetris style, verging on art. So we're playing a little hide-and-seek here." Sam said while running through the front door. "Ah, yeah.
You, my darling, are a complete idiot." Sam said while leaning on one of the bedroom door frames. Andy laughs while saying "I don't want to go." Under the bed sheets.
"Mm" Sam said while walking to the bed taking the bed sheets off of Andy. Andy said "Please just tell me we don't have to leave. I don't care. Lie to me." Sam chuckles We don't have to leave." Sam said trying to convince Andy while climbing onto the bed were Andy was lying "Really?" Andy said surprised.
"Sure we'll call in sick, Food poisoning we'll blame it on that tiny little fish you caught last night" while leaning down to Andy with both hands were on either sides of Andy's arms still saying "All right? We'll stay another week. Yeah?" While Andy said "Yeah." With a little smile shrugging her shoulders. As Sam pulled Andy up from the bed he said "Come on, Oliver won't care, he's just happy we're having fun. While taking Andy's top off saying Let's get you back into that bathing suit." "Seriously?" Andy said Shockley.
"No." Sam said while taking his top off, at the same time Andy scoffs and leans back down on the bed. "McNally, your bathing suit's still wet, I'm not gonna put you back into a wet bathing suit and know one wants to" Sam said while leaning back down to Andy smiling with both hands either side while Andy said "Are you sure?" While smiling and rapping both of her hands around Sam, while Sam said "Maybe I am!" Smiling at her then kissing Andy repeatedly.
Couple of hours later
At the penny
"So, does Steve actually know how to cook?" Tracey said "No, but you just chew, and then you smile, and then you chew, and then you smile." Gail said with a fake smile while speaking while everyone laughs around the table and just after Oliver spots Sam and Andy and says "Hey!" But straight after then Gail, Tracey & Dov said "Hey!" Pointing at them both While Sam holding a bottle of wine in a box, at the same time holding McNally's hand walking to there table saying "Hi!"
"Tell me that my cabin is in one piece." Said Oliver nervously "It is." Andy said "Well, barely." Sam said jokely giving Oliver the wine "Tell me that you had a wicked time." Said Oliver "It was the best." Andy said with a smile on her glowing face looking at Sam while he was eating a pork scratching. "Aww" Tracey said while Andy saying "Hi" at the same time hugging each other.
You could also hear Oliver saying "Thank you" to Sam for the wine as a gift for letting them staying at his cabin for 3 weeks. "It's so nice to see you." Andy said to Tracey who replied "I can't believe Leo's bunk bed's coming the one morning I might be at Steve's." "I know" Andy said "Are you, uh, still okay to stay at my place?" Tracey said hoping she would say yes? "Yes, of course.You know what? I could use a night off, get ready for the week." Andy said looking at Sam with a cheeky smile while Tracey gave her house keys?
Straight after Sam butted in saying "Rearrange your cupboards" "What?" Tracey said shocked. "I'm buying drinks, Who wants a drink?" Swarek said still eating a pork scratching "I got it, I got it" Dov said quickly after "Yeah? You got it?" Sam said "Yeah, I got it." Dov said walking away from the Table "Epstein, I like your style." Sam said to Dov. "Let him go, There's a bartender, and she's not unattractive." Oliver said to Sam while holding his drink.
Sam was walking in the parking lot "Kind of reminded me of Tom Cruise there for a second." Marlo said while leaning against her car "Hey Well, "Top Gun" or "Risky Business"? Sam said leaning against his truck looking at Marlo "Mm, Cocktail." Said Marlo "Ooh, boo Not near as cool" said Sam while Marlo chuckles
"How's it's going? You headed in for a drink?" Sam said with his keys in his hand "Uh, no.
I'm on my way home, Good vacation?." Marlo said with her arms crossed "Yep, great, Great." Sam said looking to the ground seeming not impressed itching his forehead Sam walked closer to Marlo saying "Is everything all right? What's going on? Hmm? You thinking about this Ted McDonald business? I've been thinking about it myself for, like, weeks. I've got some crazy ideas about it." Marlo shaking her head as she replies "No, it's it's not that then takes a deep breath and comes out with Sam, I'm pregnant."
Sam chuckles a little with a grin like she's kidding then says "What?" Angrily, surprised & shocked "I wasn't gonna tell you, but now I'm gonna be at 15 a little longer, so I figured" Marlo said as she was cut off by Sam saying "How?" "It was an accident. Look, I'm not asking for anything from you, all right? I just thought you should know. And in case you were wondering, there hasn't been anyone else since you. So, yeah. Still speaking while she opens her car door Okay Uh We can talk about this more tomorrow. Or never. I'm so sorry." Marlo said while her engine started and drove away. Sam still standing there in shock.
Andy walks into Tracey's living room chucking her back on the sofa she opened the blackening door open walk to the kitchen where there were a bunch of flowers with a note saying XO XO Andy said staring at the "Nice move, Peck." The she walked to the fridge to get a drink while she pulled her cellphone out from her pocket which was buzzing answering "Hey." With a smile on her face when she put her drink back down as Sam said "Um, Andy, I want to talk to you." "It's been like 20 minutes Really?." Andy said walking back through the living room! Muffled screaming "Andy?" Sam said again you could hear Muffled grunting, Breathing heavily, Breathing heavily
"I answered the phone here, I came out He grabbed me I was still speaking while Sam put his hand on shoulder I kept talking He attacked me from behind. We uh look, we fought, and he got away. I don't know what else you want me to say. Where is her recycling? I know there's recycling somewhere. She's always talking about it." Andy said while Sam said "It's okay. We'll leave it right here." Placing the bottle in the centre of the island "She can tell us when she gets here. It's All right." Said Sam "What do you mean, when she gets here? I told you not to call her." Andy said freaking out?
"Uh, it's her place she needed to know." Okay Sam said calming her down, "but she had one night. One. We had three weeks together we got to get away. I just wanted her to have one night, Sam." Andy replied.
"Andy! Oh, my god." Tracey said while walk up the stars with Steve giving Andy a hug while both saying "Hi, Hi." "I'm so sorry." Andy said with guilt after hugging Tracey "Are you okay?" Tracey asked "Yeah. I'm fine. It was my own fault. I left the balcony doors wide open." Andy said while Sam was on the phone Tracey replied "I leave them open all the time." "You do?" Steve butted in "Yeah, I mean, if I'm here, and I'm up." Tracey said
Sam came back over saying "I'll check with the downstairs neighbors and see if anyone saw anything, okay? Detectives are on their way. They'll send uniforms to start canvassing." Looking at everyone. "I'm so sorry about your table." Andy said looking at Tracey like it really mattered Tracey just looked right back at her just thinking really!.
At the station in parade in the morning
"All right, everybody. Welcome back. It's nice to see you all looking so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed." Said Oliver while Chloe walked in through the door and sat down "Okay, we're gonna keep it that way, because today, we're gonna track down a burglar. I'm sure that most of you have heard that last night, officer McNally fought off an intruder. I will let her fill you in on the details, but in case she's feeling particularly self-effacing, I will tell you McNally kicked his ass." Said Oliver standing over the desk in parade very proud.
Cheers and applause to Andy while she was sitting there with her arms crossed and smiling she was cut off by Oliver saying "All right. That's how we do it in 15. I would also like to introduce the newest member of our platoon. Everybody, this is officer Juliet Ward, said she's a lateral transfer from Vancouver.
"How you doing?" Duncan said leaning closer as he was sat next to her shaking her hand "Okay." She replied "Now, according to my pals on the coast, we are very lucky to have her.
So, let's make her feel welcome, all right? Oliver said while there was a Applause Give it up! Hey, everyone. Make her feel like part of the family, okay?" Oliver finished as everyone left parade
Andy and Sam walked from round the corner while Andy said "Uniforms didn't find anything? Nothing from ident?" " Nope." Sam said "Not really surprised. The guy was wearing a mask and gloves, barely got inside." Andy finished "So, you're sure he didn't follow you there?" Sam asked concerned "No, I was walking. I was alert. I would have seen him." Andy said quit firmly "All right, you get in there, turn on the lights, open the doors. Two minutes later, he's coming in. Crappy timing for a B&E." Sam said to Andy "No, well, he wasn't after me. It's not even my place." Andy said "Maybe he wasn't targeting you." Sam said looking at Andy with a questioned that had to be answered
Minutes after
"Hey, Trace." Andy said walking up the stairs to the detectives area with Swarek "Hey."Tracey said back "Hey, Marlo. How's it going?" Andy said while Marlo looked at Sam as he shook his head trying to tell her not to tell her about the pregnancy "Um, good. Fine.
I'm I'm still working on the Ted McDonald case. It's a bit of a mess. So, I'm okay." Marlo said and got up and walked away as Andy said "All right. Well, good luck with it."
"Traci, is there any chance this thing last night was personal?" Andy said to Tracey "Like what, Dex? No. No. There's no way. He was with Leo last night, anyway." Tracey answered "Okay, but have you received any weird phone calls or e-mails?" Sam said "I mean, the usual. You're the bitch who put me away. Travesty of justice. I mean, I get a few of these letters every once in a while, but so does everybody" Tracey said while pulling files from the cupboard "Is there anyone else you can think of?" Sam said to her
"There's this guy who works at my coffee shop, letterhead coffee, right across the street from me. He's this tall, hipster-nerd type. He's always asking me a bunch of questions, but he seems pretty harmless. Corey something. I don't know his last name." Tracey said while trying to think "Does he know your last name?" Sam asked back to her she replied "Yeah. Yeah, he does." Shocked
A little while later in one of the instigation rooms
"I feel bad." Tracey said to Andy looking through the glass "We have to follow it up, Trace." Andy said to her Buzzer of the door went as Sam walked in and said "Hi." With a file in his hand "Hey" Corey said to him Sam sat down "Corey?" Sam asked with a reply "Yes." From Corey.
"Do you know Traci Nash?" Sam said "Extra-large redeye nonfat latte. Of course I know her.
I know everyone who comes in." Corey said weirdly "Did you know that she's a police officer?" Sam said "Yes, I did." Said Corey "You did?" Sam said Shockley "Yes. Well, I just figured. Is she okay?" Corey said kindly "She's okay. Thanks for asking. Corey, where were you last night, midnight." Sam said and asked "give or take? I already told the other officers. Okay. I was with my mom. She's sick, so I've been staying with her, helping her out." Corey said back "Sorry to hear about your mother." Sam said while continuing "Um, Traci Nash, does she come into your coffee shop a lot?" "Yes. She makes me nervous." Corey finished
Sam Chuckled a little by saying "She makes you nervous?"
"Yeah, she makes me nervous. She's beautiful Well, he Chuckles a little while continues She makes me very nervous. So I I do designs.Like, on her coffee, like, hearts and swirls.
But she always puts a lid on, so she never sees. He Chuckles again, But that's okay. She's out of my league." Corey finished "This might sound like a strange question, but have you ever noticed anyone watching her in your coffee shop, observing her?" Sam asked
"Americano, right size." Corey said to Sam "What's that?" Sam said "Man, there's this guy. He's, like, white, brown hair, kind of looks like he works construction, only ever orders Americanos. We always ask what size, and he goes, the right size. So we just give him a medium." Corey finished "Tell me more about him." Sam asked "Well, he's there every night when she comes home. He's just, like, looking across the street at her place. At least, I assume she lives there. It's the building across the way, right?" Corey asks "Right." Sam replied "Takes pictures sometimes with his phone." Corey finishes
"Oh, my god. Do you know who he's talking about?" Andy said to Tracey "Just talked to Corey's mom. Dov came in opening the door and continued His alibi checks out . But I was going through the system. Found this one from last week. Attempted B&E, balcony entrance around midnight, woman came home and found a guy in her apartment. She screamed and he took off. You want to check it out?" Dov asked "Yeah. Yeah, I do. Yeah." Tracey said to Dov and Andy while walking out the door.
A hour after
At Pria's house
"I don't have anything new to report. I mean, unless you found the guy." Said Pria "No. No, we haven't. But, um, we're investigating a similar incident." Tracey Andy as Pria was putting a vase of flowers in the kitchen "We thought they might be connected." Tracey finished "What kind of incident?" Pria said folding her arms.
"One of our officers was attacked last night a few blocks from here." Tracey said "Is she okay?" Proa said kindly "It was me, actually. And I'm fine. I was able to fight him off, but he did get away. Pria, it says here that you left your balcony window open. Is that how he got in?" Tracey said back to her "Yeah. I mean, I assume. He was here when I came back." Pria said "Okay, so, you yelled at him, and he took off?" Tracey said as she opened her notes "Not exactly. He pulled out a knife. He raped me, and then he took off." Pria said while Andy and Tracey looked shocked.
"I came in. He was here. He was wearing a ski cap, with a he knew my name. He said he didn't want to hurt me, but he did. He blindfolded me.And he And then, when he was done, he left." Pria said sitting on the sofa while looking at Andy and Tracey pausing inbertween words. "And why didn't you tell the detective what happened?, The sexual assault why didn't you report that?" Tracey said looking at Pria "Cause it was my own stupid fault! I left my balcony open. I I should have known. Who does that?" Pria said looking at Tracey.
"Pria, this isn't your fault." Andy said butting in "It's not just that. I went out. I went to meet some friends. And I got wasted. And when the cops showed up, I panicked. I just I just wanted them to leave." Pria said "We're gonna find this guy. But it would really help us if you would report this officially. Tracey said trying to convince her then Pria said "No. No, I don't I don't want to talk about this anymore. Shaking her head while continuing I have a new alarm system. I I keep my computer really dim. I keep the lights down low, so he can't see that I'm home." Sound really convincing with a tear down her eye while Tracey cut her off saying "Pria, you sound like a prisoner." "Right before he left, he said that he looked forward to seeing me again." Pria said.
Couple minutes later on there way back to the satiation
"Are you okay?' Andy said while Tracey replied "Yeah. You?" To Andy she took a deep breath and said "Yeah. We'll get him." While her eyes were stuck on the road "I know" Tracey replied looking at Andy.
Back at the station
Oliver came round the corner and walked up to Andy and Dov's desks saying "Hey, Sex Crimes is sending over a detective. What do you got?" To Dov "I already got three matches." Typing away "Just started looking. Common denominators we've got single women in their homes between There's always a door or a window that's open, and it's all in the last seven weeks." Andy said to Oliver while he put his hands in his pockets.
"All right, well, that's when the weather got nice. Open windows, that makes sense." Oliver said as Tracey walked with Detective Capello to the two desks saying "Officers. This is Detective Capello." "Hi, there. Nice to meet you all. Is there someplace we can talk?" Capello said.
Oliver, Andy, Sam, Tracey, Dov & Detective Capello were in the parade room while Capello was sorting files when she said "One day? You've done a lot of work." "The guy broke into detective Nash's apartment, attacked officer McNally. We're obviously keen to find him." Dov said to her with his arms crossed and pointing to Tracey and Andy when Capello replied "This one's new to me, Pria Malik?" "She didn't report her assault." Oliver answered "That makes it harder. Looks like the same details, though. So, there's four types of rapists. This guy is looking like power reassurance, the "gentleman rapist." Deluded fantasies of knowing the victim and being invited in." Capello said while looking through pictures and notes in the file.
'Surveillance in advance, right?" Sam said leaning onto a chair behind Andy "Yeah, he's watching his targets for weeks before he hits. I've been working a suspect for a while now. And if you believe the profilers, this guys is poorly educated, he has a menial job, lives alone or with his mother. This guy is escalating quickly, though a lot more violent, and not a lot of self-control." Capello said when Andy said "Okay, so what do we do?" "Nothing. We're on it." Capello said "Uh, sorry, you're "on it" like, you're newly on it or you've been on it? Because most of us live in this neighbourhood, and we haven't heard one thing about this guy, and we're police officers." "Well, we start warning the public, the public starts to panic. The suspect goes to ground and relocates and starts attacking women in a completely different area. We lose our lead time, and he just starts all over again." Capello replied answering Andy's question.
"Okay, but we have a responsibility to protect the women in this neighbourhood. We don't get to decide how safe they are or not. We have a sworn duty to protect them, tell them the truth, and give them the opportunity to lock their balcony doors." Andy said with a bit of anger in her "Officer, I understand that you're upset. You're personally involved." Capello said looking at her "I am not upset. I'm invested." Andy said with passion
Oliver said straight after "So, we just hang out? Yeah, let more women get attacked? That's that's your suggestion, Detective?" "No, I'm not suggesting anything. I am telling you to leave it alone. Feel free to double up on patrols in the area if you like. Keep your eyes peeled. Detective Nash, got a minute to talk?" Said Detective Capello looking at Tracey, getting up and walking out of parade with her files.
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Reincarnated: The Phoenix's Daughter
So... I died. Yeah, when you come to think of it... This is bad, isn't it? I remember everything... And I mean it! The pain was... Let's not talk about that. I've been falling in what seems to be an almost bottomless void, for I don't know how long. The only thing that makes me think this fall even has an end is a faint light very far from me. The light at the end of the tunnel, huh? Well, people tell you to get away from it if you want to live, but damn, I can't fly away! It's not like I was a bird or had any wings... But I know it is getting closer... And Hotter... So much that I think that if I had any blood it would start to boil! It doesn't hurt though. Nothing like what happened a while ago... Oh... About that... Let me tell you how this free fall started...
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Henry Cavill imagines
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The Puppy Project
"Give me my puppy!" I demanded, my eyes ablazed with fiery anger."Correction, it's not your puppy. It's our puppy," He smiled, but it was anything but sweet nor happy."You know what? Damn you! You're nothing but a cold, emotionless, and heartless bad boy!" I sneered, glaring at him fiercely.He chuckled at my words, taking a step closer to me. He slammed his hand unto the wall, trapping me, before leaning in close. "You got that right sweetheart but I think you got one thing wrong." He said, his eyes piercing straight into mine."And what is that?" I managed to asked, my throat seeming to get drier the more he looked at me."I'm neither one of those when I'm with you," and with those words, slammed his lips into mine.#1 in Strong-Female Character - 1/29/21#1 in Sarcasm - 2/4/21#2 in BadBoy - 2/13/21#3 in Teen Fiction - 2/13/21#1 in Mysterious - 3/4/21Copyrighted 2017. All rights Reserved.
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Jay Halstead x Reader Story/Imagine
Jay and y/n have a history together, and everyone around them knows they are more than they claim to be. y/n embarks on never-ending journeys, but she can never seem to find what she really wants. Read y/n's and Jay's story from beginning to...end? NOT ACTIVELY WRITING MORE PARTS TO THIS STORYA/N:This story is not my usual story. This will follow y/n and Jay's story inspired by episodes in the show. Enjoy ;) PS. I changed up the story in some parts (timelines, details, etc.) Started: 9th September 2021 Finished: Highest Rankings: #10 Chicagopd #1 Adamruzek#6 JayxReader#4 OneChicago#2 Hankvoight #1 halstead#1 Jay #1 Kellyseveride#1 Jayhalstead THIS STORY IS FULLY INSPIRED BY THE CHICAGO PD FRANCHISE, I DO NOT CLAIM TO OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR STORYLINES.
8 186