《SLAVE》Chapter Four - Fervid


- Holy Mother Theresa.

His entire back was distorted by deep scar tissue, from what was clearly years of beating by a whip. Lashed across his shoulder blades and back, all the way down to the lower part of his spine. It was a gruesome sight to behold, yet... Hauntingly beautiful. This man had clearly been through so much agony, and he had survived.

Beth covered her gasp in her hand, while she observed him. How did he get them? When did he get them? What in God's good name had he done to deserve them?

"I told you," Cage silently said. "This was a bad idea."

"No, believe me, it is fine," Beth said and stilled his movements with her hand, when he was about to pull his shirt back on. The simple touch of her hand looked to make his skin crawl. She immediately removed her hand and blushed. "I just got a little shocked, that is all. Please, have a seat."

Cage paused for a moment, maybe weighing her words, but then slowly sat down. "Alright. As you wish, milady."

"I am no lady," Beth reminded him. "I am just helping a man in need."

"Is that not what a lady does?"

She paused for a second, momentarily baffled by his words. She then shook her head and snapped out of it.

She grabbed the cloth and dipped it in the bowl, slowly squeezing the excess water out of it, before she pressed it to his shoulder. She gently ran the cloth over his smooth skin and revealed a beautiful tan skin beneath the layer of dirt.

Cage shivered and tilted his head to the right, allowing her more space to clean him. A soft moan escaped his lips, as she trailed the cloth down his shoulder.

The sound made a strange stirring happen in her lower abdomen, a stirring she could not recall ever having felt before. She watched the way he sensually tilted his head, showing off his strong jawline and neck. Christ, even his ears were beautiful.

She tried to stay focused, but it was becoming hard. Cage was a beautiful man, and as a woman she could not help but notice. Even if his past held mystery and secrets, she could not deny he had a good heart. Whoever had done this damage to him, clearly did not.

She dipped the cloth in the bowl of water again, and started cleaning him down his bicep and lower arm. For each stroke she made, she noticed goosebumps rise on his skin. His muscles tensioned beneath the cloth and she wondered if this was making him uncomfortable. Perhaps she should talk to him, to take his mind off things. Besides, she needed to get distracted from the impure thoughts filling her head.

"So," She slowly started and cleared her throat. "Where will you go after here?"

He jerked a little when she squeezed the cloth against his neck, letting the water tickle down his back. "I-I do not know yet. Perhaps the forest."

His voice sounded oddly strained, and she was now certain he had to be uncomfortable.

"Is this alright?" She hesitantly asked. "I can stop, if you want me to."

"No," Cage hoarsely replied. "Please, do not stop."

If he was fine with her cleaning him, then why did he sound like that? Why was he gripping the chair with his hands?

She continued to wash him down his right arm, and then moved over to the left. She was picking her brain for things to talk about, but she could hardly think of anything.


"Where is your father?"

His sudden question surprised her and she stilled the cloth for a moment. "What?"

"Your father," Cage repeated. "You lend me his clothes - will he not mind?"

Oh, like that. "No, he passed away almost a year ago."

"I am so sorry," Cage murmured. "I should not have asked, it was not my place."

"Do not be silly," Beth said and tried for a laugh. It did not come out. "He died from a fever. The silly man wanted to go to the market to pick up some supplies, because he wanted to get the best goods, before everyone else woke up," She shook her head by the memory of her passionate father. He always loved their shop so much and wanted the best for the customers. "When he got back, he had gotten a fever. He died peacefully after a few weeks and his soul is with God now."

"God..." Cage muttered, for some reason sounding less than content with his name. "Where you all by yourself after... He passed?"

Beth dipped the cloth again and started very carefully to brush across the lash marks on his back. "Yes. I was sad for a while, but I have moved on. You have to in this world," Beth softly smiled and dabbed a particularly deep lash.

She noticed Cage's expression turn thoughtful in the mirror. "Yes... I guess you have to."

Her father's death had been the biggest tragedy in her life, ever since her mother died at a very young age. Her father had raised her to a fine young woman, and he had always kept her away from the filthy parts of town. When he died, she keep working to keep the house. The Yeasted Bakery was her father's life-long dream and so she continued in her father's footsteps. Her fathers loyal customers had continued to come, and with their support she managed to keep the business running. But because she was on her own and because she was a woman, she had to keep the shop open to late hours, to make sure she got as many costumes as possible. These were poor times, and every penny counted.

"How old were you when he died?" Cage softly asked. He seemed so... careful about what he asked her. As if he was afraid she would start screaming at him in fury, if he used but one wrong word.

Beth dipped the cloth in the water again and slowly went over his wounds again. "I was 19."

If he was smart, he could guess her age now.

"So young. By the way, it does not hurt."

"Pardon?" Beth asked confused.

"My back," Cage remarked. "It does not hurt anymore, you do not have to be so gentle."

"Oh, I was not sure," Beth quickly said and blushed. "It just looks so..."

"Painful?" Cage dryly suggested. "You get used to it."

Beth did not think she could ever get used to this much torture.

She slowly swallowed, digging up the courage to ask. "How... How did you get them, if I may ask? The scars."

He was quiet for a moment. She could see he was thinking carefully before answering. "I got them when I was in prison."

He was opening up. Why, she did not know, perhaps they were finally bonding. Or perhaps he was beginning to trust her. Whatever it was, she was happy he was letting her in.


"How long were you in prison?" She tried carefully, while washing the side of his throat.

A short throaty groan sounded from his chest and she heard him exhale slowly. "Two years, I think."

His voice sounded strained again - deeper. Husky. Was it something she was doing, or was it simply the topic that made him queasy?

She slowly rinsed the cloth and then brought it back to his shoulder. She wiped away the dirt and felt the muscles in his arm tension again.

Was it her?

She had to be imagining it. Her mind was playing with, perhaps it was because she felt so attracted to him. She had never touched a man like this before, and it was all so... Thrilling.

She walked around him, and noticed Cage follow her footsteps. When she knelt in front of him, he froze.

"What are you doing?" He asked warily.

"I have to clean your chest," Beth nervously replied and felt her cheeks flame up. Was she being to bold? "Your wound needs attending, or it will infect."

Cage slowly exhaled, his chest flattening as he did. "Alright. Do what you must."

She gave a soft nod and gently placed the cloth on his right pec. Firm, hard muscle met her touch, as she wiped his un-cut chest, gently massaging the filth off his body. His dark flat nipple pebbled beneath her touch, when she accidentally graced his skin with her pinky finger.

Wet. She felt wet in between her legs, and she did not understand why. What was happening? Thank goodness he could not tell. She could barely hold her hands steady, her heart was pounding in her chest, her breathing was growing harder and harder, and for some reason she felt warm all over. Was she becoming sick or something?

Cage had grasped the edge of the chair so tightly his knuckles had turned white. Whatever was happening, it was affecting him too. His lower abdomen was hard as rock, and his heart beat rapidly below her touch. His skin also felt warm, and there was an abnormal swelling in his breeches. She was positive she had not seen a bruise that big before, but perhaps he had injured himself there as well?

Deciding to ignore it for now, she shot a glare at his face. His eyes was of course covered with the device, his jaws were clenched together, but his face radiated with something... Carnal.

Beth took a deep breath. The thoughts she was having were full of sins and she needed to regain some focus. She willed her mind to think of something else, while she continued to clean his chest. He winced a little when she cleaned his fresh wound, but other than that, non of them spoke. When she was finally done in the front, she stood back up and walked around to his back.

"We are nearly done," She informed with a voice she could hardly recognize as her own. It sounded so laced in nervousness, coated in something sweet, yet sultry. She wetted the cloth again and squeezed the water out on his hair. The water tickled down his neck and back, and drew a low hiss from his lips.

Focus, Bethia. Lord have mercy on your soul, but you can finish this.

She ran the cloth and her left hand through his hair, and got rid of every piece of dirt and mud she could find. For each time she cleansed his hair, it seemed to grow a shade lighter. So light, it finally resembled gold.

By God, he was beautiful.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a long, deep groan which had escaped from his lips, and inexplicably brought another wave of wetness in between her legs. She threaded her fingers in his hair and slowly tugged at his roots to get the final dirt out.

The chair creaked under the pressure of Cage's fists. She seriously wondered if he was going to break the chair with his mere hands.

Finally, she carefully wiped him behind the ears and tilted his head ever so slightly, so she could clean his jaw. She accidentally bumped his device a little and it made him jerk. Whatever he was hiding under there, was something he was scared to reveal.

"Nearly done," Beth said again, because she did not know what else to say. The silence was killing her and filled with unbearable tension. She moved to the other side of his face and cleaned him there as well.

"Thank you," Cage whispered and shot a breath of air past his lips, when she placed her hand on the side of his face.

"It was my pleasure," Beth shakily replied, and by God, it had been. She had enjoyed every moment of it, and did not want it to end.

As she ran her hand over his chiseled jaw, she noticed he needed a shave. She remembered she still had her father's old shaving equipments and creams, so it was definitely something he needed to do.

She dabbed the cloth here and there a few times more, but then had to finally admit he was clean. "There. All done," She announced and stepped away from him. She put the cloth back in the bowl and awkwardly cleared her throat. "I think you should clean the rest off yourself, on your own."

She was referring to the private parts of his body.

"I think you are right," Cage replied and sighed. He seemed... relieved it was over. Beth could not say the same.

"Would you like to shave?" She offered anew, while wiping her hands dry in her apron. "I have some old shaving foam my father used to use. Obviously I cannot really do anything with it, so you would be doing me a favor, if you would use it."

"I..." Cage started, but did not seem to know how to finish. He blew out some air through his mouth. "I cannot." He then said.

"You cannot?" Beth repeated and frowned. "What do you mean?"

Cage sighed again and looked down. "I... Well... I do not..." He paused and said something unintelligible under his breath. "My hand," He then finished and held up his injured hand.

So that was the reason for his hesitation. He did not want to admit he was disabled.

Beth smiled softly. It is alright. I can do it for you. I used to do it for my dad. His sight was not too good in his last days."

Cage mumbled something about sights, but she could not make it out. "It really is not that important. Do you not have to get back to your shop?"

Beth had completely forgotten about that. She looked out the window, where she could faintly see the sun through the closed drapes. She had been up here for little over an hour. Her break usually only lasted one hour precisely, but what was a few more minutes?

"It is fine, I am still on my break," She lied. "I have just enough time to shave you."

Cage sighed and lowered his head in defeat. "Alright. As you wish."

Beth smiled as he sat back down again. The water on his body was almost all gone. Only a few droplets here and there.

"Alright." She said and pulled the shaving equipment out of her drawer. She took the little shaving brush and spun in a few times in the little container with the cream. She then turned to Cage and looked at him. His strange device would be a problem.

"Uhm... I am afraid I need you to remove your device," She hesitantly said. "They will get in my way, if not."

Cage obviously tensioned at this. "I... I cannot remove them."

"Why not?" Beth asked. "I have seen most of you already, will your eyes make much of a difference?"

"It will make a world of a difference," Cage harshly replied. "You cannot comprehend the difference it will have. So no. I am afraid I cannot do this."

He started to get up, but Beth placed a hand on his arm. "Wait, Cage." He stilled by her touch and followed her hand with his eyes. She quickly removed it, when she remembered he did not like being touched. "What if you just keep your eyes closed?"

Cage thought about it for a moment, then pressed his lips together. "I suppose... That could work."

She smiled and gestured to the chair. "Go on then. I do not have much time left."

Cage sat down again and exhaled. He slowly took off the device and revealed the beautiful black lashes she remembered from last night. They contoured his almond-shaped eyes, and showed of his eyebrows, which she had only caught glimpses of. If there was something wrong with his eyes, you could not tell on the outside. They looked just fine to her.

Beth did not give herself more time to wonder. She really had to hurry, before someone started wondering why her store was closed. She brought the brush to his chin and started brushing on the cream.

"I am sorry," Cage suddenly said.

"For what?" Beth asked surprised.

"I know all of this must be getting frustrating," He sighed heavily. "- me keeping so much hidden and secret. The last three years of my life, I have learned never to trust anybody. I keep my guards up at all times." He confessed and her hand for a moment. "Right now you got the advantage, Beth. You can turn me in at any moment, when you are down in your shop, and I am constantly afraid you will. People I thought I could trust have betrayed me in the past, without cause, and it has made me doubt everyone around me." He turned towards her and took her hand in his. "You have been so kind to me, so helpful, and I just cannot help but wonder... Are you going to betray me too?"

Beth looked at his closed lids, which might as well have been open. The intense look on his face told her that every word he spoke, was his deepest concerns, and he truly meant every single one. He had found no reason to believe she was a fraud, but that did not calm his mind. Whatever had happened to him in his past had traumatized him enough to doubt the most trusted of all.

"Cage," Beth softly said. "I do not know you. I have no reason to hate you. I can tell you are a good man, who has been through a lot. I do not need the scars on your back to tell me that," She said and watched how his face softened. "All I want is to help you. If you would just open up, I could help you, or guide you in some way. But if you do not want to tell me either, it is fine," She smiled. "I will gladly open my home to you, if it will bring you a little peace. And you are wrong, by the way," She added and swallowed. " I do not have the advantage. You do. You are taller, stronger and faster than me. You could easily force yourself on me, in any matter of time and I would not be able to fight you."

"I will never, ever do such a thing!" Cage furiously snapped and squeezed her hands. Beth yelped from shock and nearly tripped backwards, when he stood up.

"I am a man of my word, Beth. I give you my solemn word that I will never hurt you, or even as much as touch you." To prove his point, he let go of her hands. "My strength is for my own protection and the people who deserve it. Trust me when I say, I will never lay a finger on you."

Her breath was stuck in her throat, as Cage bowed his head respectfully at her. Her fingers missed the touch of his hands, but she resisted the urge to reach for them.

"Your word means a lot to me, Cage," She shakily replied. She was touched that a man could show so much respect to a mere woman like herself. Most men were like those two guards who came into her shop. Filthy tongues and dirty minds. No respect. Cage showed he cared, not just about her, but about her wellbeing. It was... Truly touching.

"And yours too," Cage said and for the first time, she saw a genuine smile on his face. "I believe you are truly an honest woman. I will trust you from now on, Beth."

And that was the biggest thing he could have ever given her. "Thank you, Cage."

"And you do not have to be scared of me," He added firmly. "I may be strong, but I will never hit you or... force myself on you."

Beth quietly nodded, but could not find the words to speak. After another moment, Cage sat back down on the chair and she continued to shave him. For ten whole minutes, they were silent, but then again, words were not needed. They had exchanged each other's trusts, and Beth could honestly say she was beginning to like Cage. More than she should.

She finally cleaned off his chin, cheek and jaw with a wet cloth, when she was done shaving him. "There. Now you are all clean." She announced.

She turned around to the dresser, while Cage lifted his good hand up to feel his chin. "Thank you."

"It was nothing," Beth replied. She started to wrap up the shaving stuff, as Cage got up from the chair.


"Pardon me?" Beth said confused and spun around. He was standing right behind her, so close her dress graced his legs.

"My real name," He breathed, "is Caydrick."

Beth stared speechless at him. He trusted her so much he gave her his real name. And if it was not the most beautiful name she had heard. - So foreign, yet so strong.

She blinked twice before she managed to find the words so speak. "Bethia." It was only fair he got her full name too.

"Bethia," He repeated and a little smile tugged onto his lips. Her name had never been expressed so perfectly on a tongue before. "It is beautiful."

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