《Separation -- The Original》[o8]


"Bend over Holland." I was frozen in my spot. Was he serious? Oh goodness, I think he is serious. Both of them are glaring at me, expecting me to move. Holy shít, I am going to be spanked. I should probably move now, it's been at least fifteen seconds.

Before I could move, I was roughly yanked from my resting spot to be perched across Odin's lap. He smoothed his hand over my bottom. I looked up to see Levi taking off his jeans, to reveal him in black briefs, his tent hardened and waiting to burst again.

"So fúcking smooth..." Odin whispered before I felt his palm connect with my bottom, the sound bouncing off the walls followed by my cry. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I want you to count, Holland." Odin said as I heard the bed dip.

I felt the slap, and tingles erupted all over my body. I shuddered in pleasure as I whimpered, "One."

"Two." I felt fingers by my core.

"Three." My cheeks felt red, and I was dripping.

"Four." A finger was sliding in and out my entrance.

"Five." I moaned, as a certain spot was hit inside of me.

"Six." I could barely breathe now. Tears were leaking out of my eyes.

"Seven." The pleasure was building up in my lower stomach.

"Eight." I moaned even louder as I felt my clit being rubbed.

"Nine!" I practically screamed, my climax almost here.

"Ten! Fuck!" Everything stopped. There were no fingers in me, I was about to release, and my bottom was stinging as Odin rubbed it. They slowly sat me up so I was straddling Odin's lap. Tears were streaming down my face. My bottom was still tingling.

"Are you okay, Holland?" Odin asked, wiping my tears away. I nodded my head, biting my lip. I was dripping onto Odin's jeans.

"Can I..." I didn't want to say the word because it was dirty. But I know they want me to say it.

"Can you what, Holland?" Levi asked, slowly rubbing himself.

"Can I...please, um...Can I cum, please?" I asked, looking in Odin's eyes. Odin looked at Levi.

"Should we let her cum, brother?" I started moving my hips in tiny circles, trying to get some sort of friction. Odin lightly placed his hands on my hips, seizing my movements.

"Well, she already received her punishment. It is only fair." Levi stated as Odin turned to look at me. I licked my lips, doing a victory dance on the inside.

"But she shouldn't be so selfish, brother." Odin said, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. I furrowed my eyebrows. Did they want me to...give them a blowjob?"


"Blowjob?" I whispered, unsure as the word tumbled out of my mouth. Odin bit his lip as Levi smirked.

"Exactly, my dear little Holland." Levi said, slowly standing up. Odin placed me on the floor, and put a pillow in front of me. I was starting to get nervous as I placed my knees on the pillow, and looked up at Levi. He was towering over me, an evil smirk on his face as he looked down at me.

I suddenly felt very unsafe. I don't know what it was, but a creeping feeling of nausea and something watching over me made my chest cave in.

"I want Ryker and Grey. I want Ryker and Grey." I cried, slumping down onto my heels. I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I twiddled with my thumbs, that sinking feeling continuing.

"Beautiful, what's wrong?" I felt Ryker wrap his arms around me, and I collapsed into them.

"Baby doll, are you okay? What's wrong?" Grey wrapped his arms around the both of us as I cried into Ryker's chest.

"I don't...I don't know. I was, um...I was going to give Levi a um..." I bit my lip, sniffling. "A um, blowjob, and I didn't feel safe. I don't know why. I guess I know that they would never hurt me, but I don't know. I just didn't, um, feel safe." I mumbled. I think I hurt their wolves feelings, but this is how I feel.

"I am so sorry baby doll. We didn't know. Do you want to get to know our wolves?" I was still wary about that.

"What if, like...one of you stays with me while I talk to the other wolf?" Ryker and Grey looked at each other.

"We can do whatever you want, baby doll." Grey answered. I smiled as I snuggled into them. I still felt myself dripping onto the floor, and I was embarrassed. Oh gosh, how do I ask to cum, without it being weird?

"Can I um...can I please cum?" I asked, my voice small. Okay, that was a little weird, Holland. Good job. Grey and Ryker just chuckled at me.

"Let's make our baby girl cum."



I was sitting in English class with Grey and Ryker when the new girl came and plopped herself in the seat next to me, which was supposed to be Ryker's seat.

"Hi! I'm Kali! What's your name?" She asked me, her attention focused solely on me. Usually when girls talk to me, their eyes wander over to Grey and Ryker, letting me know that they weren't interested in being my friend. But she was staring straight at me, and into my eyes. I think I like her?

"Um...Holland." I smiled at her, and she smiled back.


"Well, I'm new to this school, and I'm just trying to make some friends. So, you wanna be friends?" She was straightforward, and I don't know if I like that or not. Well, she's being honest, and I like honesty, so I guess I like it. But it is quite strange.

"Uh, sure?" It sounded more like a question. Gosh, Holland, develop social skills!

"Well, I can tell that I will be the one talking the most in our friendship." She laughed, and I laughed with her, definitely knowing the truth in that.

The bell rang, immediately silencing us as the English teacher rambled about the book we were supposed to read last night.

"So do you want to hang out later today? I can drive us to the mall or something, and we can shop and eat?" She asked me, her eyebrows raised in question.

"I don't really like to shop, so can we just like, hang out at Starbucks or something?" I asked, and almost smacked my forehead. That was so rude of me, hopefully she still wants to be my friend.

She actually sighed, as if in relief. "Thank god. I actually hate shopping." We both laughed before we got silenced by the teacher. We muttered an apology before laughing quietly.


"I'm ready to gooooo." Kali hummed.

"Get me out of my mind, get out of my mind." I finished, and she looked at me before holding her hand up for a high five. We smacked hands and immediately started laughing, earning looks from Grey and Ryker.

It was lunch and Kali and I had bonded so much within the last three hours. She was in all of my classes, just like Grey and Ryker. We had so much in common, and I can't believe this is the same person I thought was cheating with Grey.

She is such a cool person, and it doesn't seem like she would be capable of doing that. I feel like such an idiot. Why would I even think that Grey was capable of doing that, either? He loves me so much, that it hurts.

"Baby doll, do you want to watch Netflix after school?" Grey asked, shoving food into his mouth. I chuckled at him and brought a napkin to his face, wiping away the excess food. He just pushed my hand away, laughing.

"Um, I'm actually hanging out with Kali today. Is that okay?" Grey and Ryker looked at each other, and they were having a secret conversation.

"Hey! Stop that!" I yelled at them. They looked at Kali, looking her up and down.

"We want to come. In case something happens, beautiful." I nodded my head, looking at Kali for the 'okay'. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Doesn't matter to me. Oh! You get to meet my twin brother, Olethrus!" I furrowed my eyebrows at that name. It is such an odd name.

"I know, it's really weird. We just call him Theo." I nodded my head, continuing to eat my lunch.

"Baby doll, can we talk to you? Privately?" Grey asked, raising his eyebrows. Was I in trouble? Oh gosh, what if I am in trouble? What did I do? I don't think I did anything wrong for them to be mad at me.

I nodded my head, and followed them out of the cafeteria. They lead me into the hallway, which was completely deserted. They backed me up so I was against the wall.

"Are you okay?" Ryker asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. What is wrong with them, honestly?

"Because just on Monday, you had a mental breakdown at the fact that you thought that I was cheating on you with you new 'best friend'." Grey said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I sighed and bit my lip.

"I know, and I'm really sorry. I just...I made conclusions that I shouldn't have and that was wrong of me. I am...so sorry, Grey." I apologized, looking into his eyes.

He sighed and brought me into a hug. I breathed in his cologne, immediately feeling safe and comfortable.

"I love you, baby doll. But please, be conscious about what you are doing." I nodded my head and he placed a kiss on the top of my head. Ryker hugged me from behind, trapping me between the two.

"Ugh! Get off me, you pieces of crap!" I joked, trying to wriggle out, but they just laughed at me, continuing to block me in.


I was cuddled up on the couch with Kali sitting across from me, Grey and Ryker on either side of me. I was sipping from a cup filled with white mocha. I sighed, completely in bliss.

"My brother should be here soon." Kali said, sipping from her cup. Grey placed a hand on my thigh as Kali and I eased into conversation.

The way that we instantly clicked and how much we had in common makes me think that we were made to be best friends. And she instantly gelled with Grey and Ryker. She wasn't flirting with them, she treated them like platonic friends, and I really respected her for that.

I was laughing at something Ryker said when Kali squealed, "Oooh! There's my brother! Theo! Over here!" When he stepped over to us, and we made eye contact, he instantly smirked.

And I instantly felt myself breaking.



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