《Separation -- The Original》[o6]



I felt no fear within me, for the first time. All I felt was a strong urge to run my hands through their fur. Even though they were glaring at me, I wanted to run my hands all over their fur, and claim them as mine.

Where did that thought come from?

They suddenly took off for the woods that were behind the house. My feet immediately followed them, the thumping bass trailing behind me. I took off my heels and they slipped to the grass floor as we pushed into the woods.

They were running faster, and faster. I tried to keep up, ignoring the prodding and sticking of branches and rocks in my feet as I followed them. I felt a knot of uneasiness swell in my stomach as I lost sight of them. I slowed to a stop as I finally took in my surroundings. Where the hell am I?

All of the trees looked exactly the same. Everything was dark, and the floor was damp. I felt the knot in my stomach clench and burn, and I let out a cry. I sank to the floor, clutching my stomach as I tried to breathe. My chest was caving in, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

I hated being away from Ryker and Grey. Whenever I was away from both of them, I start to feel dizzy, and my stomach ties itself into knots. I usually curl into a ball and sob out of pain until they come back to me, immediately soothing the fire.

Where were they? I need their arms wrapped around me, telling me that everything was going to be okay.

It felt like it was five years later when I felt my stomach start to unclench. I heard growls, but I didn't want to lift up my head. I knew it was Ryker and Grey, but I've never been around their wolves before.

How do I act? How do they act? Do they even like me? Do they have control over their wolves? Will their wolves kill me?

I heard a whine before something wet was on my leg. I opened my eyes and saw that they were lapping at my legs. When they saw me look at them, they tried their best to smile. It was kind of creepy, what with their sharp rows of teeth flashing at me, but it was kind of adorable because even in wolf form, they were their dorky selves.


"Can we talk?" I asked, my voice hoarse. They feverently nodded their heads, and stepped away from me, but I quickly sat up. I brought out my hands to run it through their fur.

One of them had beautiful brown fur with dashes of black, white, and caramel. I looked into his eyes and they were blue. I gave Ryker a kiss and he started panting. Grey's green eyes were peaking out of his pure white fur, a little dirty from the forest. I gave him a kiss and he started panting as well. They both gave each other a look before stepping away from me.

It was all a blur before a naked Ryker and Grey were standing before me, grinning from ear to ear. I gave them a little smile before they rushed to me, wrapping their arms around me, and planting kisses all over my face, neck, shoulders, collarbones, any exposed patch of skin they kissed.

"We are so sorry. Our wolves took over. All they saw was those guys, just touching you all over and they took over. Their anger blinds them, baby doll. We meant nothing of what we said." Grey said, brushing hair out of my face as Ryker wiped away the tears. I had no idea that I was crying.

"Can I talk to your wolves? Is that a thing?" I quietly asked, looking at my dress. It was a few seconds before I felt my chin being lifted. I was staring into pitch black eyes that were once green.

"Holland." Grey's wolf's voice was much deeper, and huskier than Grey's normal voice. It brought immediate tingles to my core. When I looked at Ryker, his eyes were also pitch black, and my core started dripping.

"Speak." Ryker's wolf's voice was also deep, and husky, and immediately made me drenched.

"I-I-I...how do you, wolves, feel about...me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know our names, Holland?" Ryker's wolf asked, trailing his hand up and down my thighs. I nodded my head and they smiled at me.

"I am Odin." Grey spoke, planting a kiss on my neck. I closed my eyes and moaned.

"I am Levi." Ryker said, his hands pulling down my underwear.


"And what do...oh fuck...what do you feel about me?" I panted. I was dripping onto the forrest floor as Levi spread my legs apart. I tried to close my legs to get them to talk to me, but he forced them open. He slapped my inner thigh, and I let out a cry.

"Keep your fúcking legs open, Holland." Odin growled against my neck.

"Then talk to me." I moaned as my legs were spread open again. They both just chuckled at me.

"We love you with all of our hearts." Levi said as he kissed his way up my legs.

"We would do anything for you." Odin said, lifting up my dress to give Levi better access.

"But we don't like the sight of other filthy, digusting, fúcking males all over what is ours." Levi growled, planting a kiss to my slit. I arched my back, and moaned.

"If we ever see that again, Holland, we will snap some necks." Odin growled as Levi i gave little kitten licks to my sex. I couldn't focus on anything they were saying, all I felt was the immense pleasure that rolled through me as Levi's tongue pierced my entrance, reaching to stroke my g-spot repeatedly.

"Touch any other male again Holland, and they will immediately die on the spot."

"Yeah! Yeah!" I moaned, a huge knot of pleasure building in the pit of my stomach, making me clench my lower abdomen. I felt my legs twitch unbearably as my clit was tingling to the point where it hurt.

"Cum, Holland. Cum like the little slút that you are." Levi's words immediately pushed me over the brink of one of the best orgásm's I have ever experienced.

I was floating. I could see Levii and Odin cleaning me up and holding me in their arms, whispering into my ear.

When I gained control of myself, I gave them a little smile.

"That was...wow." Levi cuddled me into his chest and I giggled at him.

"I knew that dirty talk would be one of your kinks." My cheeks flamed in embarrassment and Levi chuckled, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Give me Holland, now." Odin commanded. Levi immediately shuffled me over to Odin's arms.

"I could practically hear your thoughts Holland. How do you act around us? Just as you normally do, but with much more respect. As Alphas, we tolerate no bull shít what so ever. If you so much as step out of line in the tiniest of ways, there will be punishment. Is that understood?" I gulped and nodded my head.

"Now, I know that we already answered how we felt about you, but that is not enough for you." I bit my lip. I like thorough answers. "We love you until the point of where it physically hurts. We will lay down our lives to make sure that every fiber of your being is safe and sound. Holland, we would do anything, and I do mean anything, for you." At some point I had started to cry.

Did they really feel this way about me?

There was something within me, screaming that I didn't deserve this kind of love. That I deserved something far less than the love they were spouting out of every pore, just for me.

"I...I can't..." Odin placed his lips on mine in a sweet kiss. He just rested his mouth on mine until he pulled back to stare into my eyes.

"You deserve so much more, Holland. I hope you can accept what we offer you." Now the tears were a non-stop waterfall.

I didn't even think I deserved all of this, yet they think I deserve more? What had I even done?

"Can I have Ryker and Grey back? Please?" They nodded.

"I love you Odin and Levi." I said quickly before their eyes changed back to their normal bright colors.

"Our wolves are delighted, baby doll." I cuddled into Grey as Ryker wrapped his arms around all of us, bringing us into one big hug. I continued to smile through the tears, being enclosed in all of this love.

But did I deserve it?



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