《The linstead story》Erin and Jay ********


"Jay I realize that you love her, but she is my daughter and if anything happens to her she won't leave my eyes ever again." Hank said "Well then let's find her. I have an idea of where she could be and who she could be with." Jay said "who could she be with?" hank asked "well, bunny has been trying to contact her for a long time. She said she told you about it once and ever since then she must not of told how often bunny tries to contact her." Jay said "well, what does she want." Hank asked "she wants Erin to give her a second chance and to change her name back to lindsay." Jay said " Bunny lost the right to contact Erin when we adopted Erin, the judge told her she wasn't allowed to contact Erin ever again." Hank said "then why is she trying to contact Erin?" Jay asked "I don't know but, we are going to find her and ask her." Voight stated "Someone needs to track Erin's phone." Jay said "I'm already on it." Mouse said "Mouse hurry up, Erin's life is on the line." Voight said. "I'm going as fast as I can go sir." Mouse said

Erin's POV

I feel like I recognize this place from when I was child, but I doubt I would be there because only two people know about this place and that is my mother and Hank. Hank would never take me back here because he knows how much pain it caused me. The only other person that would take me here is Bunny. She isn't suppose to be able to contact me, but she has been contacting me a lot lately. Well now I know who has taken me, I just want to know why she would kidnap me. I think I hear someone coming, so I need to pretend to be sleeping. "oh look how nice she look sleeping, I've missed this" Bunny said I can hear Bunny talking but I'm a little scared to what will happen if I open my eyes. "I think she has slept long enough, time to wake up honey." Bunny said. I didn't wake up because who knows what this women will do. "looks like someone doesn't want to get up well she'll be up in five minutes." bunny said Than five minutes later, I feel a sudden coldness and I immediately wake up. "What the heck, why would you dump freezing cold water on me?" Erin asked "it was time for you to wake up." she said "Why did you take me here." Erin asked "well I thought it would be good for you remember how much we had when you were a child, since you wouldn't answer any of my calls." she said "why would I want to come to a place that caused so much pain in my life, don't you remember what happened here or were you too high remember that?" Erin asked "why do you always have to bring up those times?" bunny asked " because I was beaten here by all of the guys you brought here, you made my childhood a nightmare, that was until I finally had a real family to go live with." Erin said "are you talking about hank, because he isn't your family. I am your family." she said "you will never be my family, you aren't even suppose to contact me. I could arrest you right now." Erin said "you wouldn't arrest your mother." Bunny said "My mother passed away from cancer, how dare you call yourself a mother." Erin said.


Once Erin said that Bunny hit her, and walked out of the room for a moment then another person from Erin's past life came in. "who's that?" Erin asked "this is your father" Bunny said "Erin, I haven't seen you in such a long time." He said "Well, let's get some things straight here. One you are not my father and she is not my mother, the two of may be my birth parents. That is all, because I already have family. I have a father who I get to work with, my mother passed away from cancer, my brother he is in the army so I don't get to see him very much. My boyfriend who is also my partner at work then all the guys in the unit I work for they are my family the two of you ARE NOT my family and you never will be family." Erin said "Bunny, you never told me that our daughter is fat." he said "she wasn't last time I saw her." Bunny said "then that must mean she is pregnant." he said "well, what are you having Erin." Bunny asked

Back at the District

"Sir, I got a location on Erin's where abouts." Mouse said. "Where is she then?" Voight asked "It appears that she is on Chicago Avenue." Mouse said "Everyone suit up, we roll out in five." Voight stated. Everyone went to get ready to roll out while they were getting ready voight called Jay over to talk to him. "Jay, there is one thing you need to know about where you are going, Erin probably didn't tell you this because she didn't want you to look at her different, but the place we are going is where her mother would take her when she wanted to get high and all the guys there would beat Erin. So just make sure to get her out of their as soon as you can. I know that her mother will be there, it also possible her father will be there." Hank said "I would never look at her different, and once I get in there she will be out of there as soon as possible you got my word on that." Jay said "Since you are without a partner at the moment, I have someone that is going to have your back for this case." Voight said "who?" Jay asked "Justin" Voight said "ok, well I should finish getting ready." Jay said.

Jay walked away from Voight and went to get the rest of his stuff ready. Once they were all ready they went to their cars and headed to Chicago Avenue. They had their sirens on for most of the ride until they got close they turned them off so that no one would suspect that we were coming. Once we arrived we all got out of our cars, and we came up with a plan for how we were going to get Erin back, without her being hurt especially since she is pregnant. "Ruzek and O you go in through the back, Atwater you're with me we are going through the front. Dawson you go through the front but go straight upstairs, Ruzek and O will meet you up there, Jay you go look for Erin right away, Justin you're staying out here in case anyone tries to run away." Voight said. Once they all got their orders, they all went inside, they started to search each room when Jay got closer to a room he saw that someone was coming out of it, it was a male.


When Erin's father saw Jay he went over to him, and started to beat him up, Jay fought back until he couldn't fight anymore. Once Erin's father was done beating Jay up, he ran towards the front door to get away but since Justin was waiting there he didn't get away. At the time Bunny was trying to figure out she could get out without being caught by anyone. She knows that even if she gets out, Erin is going to tell hank what happened. "You do realize that whatever happens hank will put you away forever." Erin said "Shut up, Erin I am going to get out of here without anyone seeing me besides you." Bunny said. "Someone help!" Erin Yelled. "do you seriously think someone is here besides the three of us? I wonder where your father went." bunny said

"did you hear that?" voight asked justin "yea, I'm going in." Justin said "I'm right behind you." voight said. "It came from the main floor search every room." Voight said "I'll let the rest of the team know." Justin said "ok, make sure we search the whole house bunny and Erin aren't leaving." Voight said "Search every inch of this house, bunny and Erin don't leave." Justin said to everyone through the phone. Jay was still lying on the floor. "has anyone seen Jay?" Voight asked "he was going to go check the basement." Dawson said. "Someone go and check the basement to see if he is down there." Voight said "I'll go check especially if Erin is down there." Justin said.

When Justin started to head downstairs he saw something that was just laying on the ground it looked like it was a body. He ran over to it and saw that it was Jay. "JAY!" He screamed when hank heard him he ran to him as well. "this is sergeant voight I need you to roll an ambo to chicago avenue we have an officer down." Voight said "ambo is on its way." dispatch said "go check that room I'll stay with Jay." Justin said

Hank headed towards the room that Erin and Bunny were in, but it turned out that Bunny had climbed out of a window and got away but Erin was still sitting in there tied up. When hank opened the door he had his gun in his hand he searched the room but when his eyes came across Erin he lowered his gun immediately and went over to her to untie her. "Erin are you okay, are the babies okay?" Hank asked "Yes, we are both fine, where is Jay." Erin asked "He is outside, he has gotten beaten up very badly that an ambo is on its way to take him to get checked out at chicago med."Hank said "how bad is it." Erin asked "he is unconscious at the moment, it looks like he put up a tough fight." hank said "can I see him?" Erin asked "of course, the ambo should be here any second." hank said They walked out to where Justin and Jay are. "He is awake now but he has been asking to see Erin." Justin said "I'm right here." Erin said while giving Justin a big hug. "how is he?" Erin asked "I'm no doctor but my guess is that he has an concussion nothing too serious." Justin said "Jay, I missed you." Erin said

The ambo had arrived they got Jay into it and rushed him to chicago med. The team was right behind them. When they arrived they checked to see if he had any serious injuries, he didn't which is good news. He just had a mild concussion they wanted him to stay for a couple hours to make sure nothing changes. "Jay, where were you this morning?" Erin asked "Well I had to do something before work, can you ask Justin to come in here for a moment?" Jay asked "yea, give me a second." Erin said She walked out to where everyone was "Justin, Jay wants to see you." she said. Erin didn't go in since she figured he wanted to talk to Justin alone. "You wanted to see me." Justin asked "yea, I need you to go and get Erin's ring for me, but make sure Erin doesn't see it." Jay said "Ok, I should be back in about 15 minutes, make sure she isn't in here when I give it to you." Justin said "I won't, thanks for doing this." Jay said "It's no problem, have you decided when you are going to do it yet."Justin said "actually yeah I have, but I need you send in Antonio but don't let Erin come I want to surprise her." Jay said "I will make sure, she is probably sleeping anyway." Justin said.

Justin headed out of Jay's room so that he could go and get the ring but before he left he went over to where Antonio was sitting. "hey Jay wants to see you." Justin said "ok, did he say about what." he asked "no, but it's probably important." Justin said "ok." he said Justin then headed over to the Jewelers. Antonio headed down to Jay's room, when he came across it, he walked in and saw that Jay was waiting for him. "You wanted to see me?" Antonio said "yeah, I need you to go over my place and grab me a suit then stop and get some rose petals, since I can't leave this place. I figured once Justin gets back I'm going to propose to Erin." Jay said "congrats man, of course I'll go get you those things." Antonio said. He went over to Jay's place to get his suit then he headed over to a flower shop to get the rose petals.

Once Justin had made it to the Jewelers, he walked in to get the ring. "I'm here to pick up a ring for Jay Halstead." Justin said "Here it is." he said "thanks have a good day." Justin said "you two hope it works out for your friend." he said "it will don't worry." Justin said then he walked back out to his car and drove back to the hospital. When he arrived he saw that Jay was waiting for him because he was in a suit and had rose petals spread across the room. "do you have it?" Jay asked "yeah here it is." Justin said "thanks man." Jay said "now do you need anything else?" Justin asked " Just Erin." Jay said "I'll tell her you want to see her." Justin says "ok, I'll be waiting here for her." Jay said. Justin walked out to the waiting room where he saw the rest of his dad's unit. "Erin, Jay wants to see you." Justin said "ok." she said. She got up and headed towards his room. When she reached his room she saw that he was in a suit and the room was covered in rose petals. She was confused at first. "Erin, I'm so glad to see you." Jay said "what's going on?" she asked.

Jay got down on one knee and she was in shock. "Erin Lindsay since the day I saw you I fell in love with you. When Voight told me that we weren't allowed to date, I knew that the time we spent together before then was special. I love you so much and I love our babies. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my partner at work or at home. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Erin will you marry me?" Jay said "Oh my goodness Jay, Yes a million times Yes I will marry you. I love you so much." Erin said

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