《The linstead story》beginning of a new path


I said "yes of course I will move in with you. Is this what you and voight were talking about earlier today?" I asked hoping that he would say yes " umm, actually no but you will be finding out about that soon like I have told you." he said which didn't make me happy.

Jay's POV

I wish I didn't have to hide this secret from Erin but I know that if I tell her then she won't love the surprise as much as she would if I just kept it from her. I am getting more nervous because there is so much I still have to do before I ask her to marry me. I still have to think of a plan and I have to have Antonio come with me to pick the ring. I have to decide when I want to do it. I already did the most important thing and that was to ask her father for her hand and in marriage and I thought that Voight would of killed me because he didn't like that we were even dating in the first place. I am glad he gave me his blessing, maybe he has an idea of how I should ask Erin to marry me. I will talk to Antonio and Voight tomorrow about this, but I have to go in early to talk to Voight and I can just ask to partnered up with Antonio for the day tomorrow. "Hey Erin should we get a place together or do you want to move into my place, I don't care I just want to be with you." I asked " I think we should live here and when we get engaged whenever that is we can get a bigger place." she said. When she said we could get a bigger place when we get engaged my heart almost jumped out of my because of how excited I was because I am hoping that we get engaged soon. It was getting late so we decided to go to bed.

I got up earlier than Erin did because I have to go and talk to voight I made sure not to wake her up. I also left a note for Erin that said " Erin, had to go into work early see you there. Love Jay." I decided not to make breakfast because I knew that if I did that then I would wake her and I didn't want to do that. I decided that instead of making coffee I would go and buy a coffee so that I wouldn't wake her up.


I decided to go to Starbucks and just get a regular coffee since I'm not into all the fancy types of coffee they have now days. I then head to work and I walk in Antonio and Adam are here already. "Good morning surprised to see you here this early Adam." I said "what is that suppose to mean?" He asked "all I'm saying is that you're usually not this early or usually late. Is Voight here?" I asked "well I'm not always late, ya he is in his office why?" He asked "I need to talk to him, Antonio I need to ask you for help since you Erin are close." I said "yea we're tight what's up?" He asked " I need you to help me pick out a ring for her but you need to keep this on the DL ." I said "I would love to help you we can go after shift if that works for you" he said "great, I have to go to talk to Voight." I said "ask his permission to marry her huh?" He asked " nope, already did that. I want to know if she ever talked about how she wanted to be proposed to and if she did I want to know because I want her dream to come true." I replied I went to knock on the door. He told me to come in "hey Voight when Erin was a younger did she ever talk to you or anyone in your family about how she wanted to be proposed to?" I asked "hmm, she never talked to me but there are two people who would know and they are Justin and my late wife Camille." He said "really she didn't tell you." I asked "no, I think it's because she thought I would scare them, I can have Justin give you call." "Thanks sarge" I said

Erin's POV

I wake up and Jay isn't in the bed I then see a note that says " Erin, had to go into work early see you there. Love Jay." I then just get up and get ready for the day. I decided to skip breakfast and I would just have the coffee that is at work. I get to work and everyone is there and they are all quiet I am confused and curious as to why "why are you all so quiet especially you Adam." I ask "just lots of paperwork to do" said Jay "Jay come on just tell me why everyone isn't talking" I asked "Erin I wish I could but I can't tell you yet, but I can tell you that I have no clue why they are quiet but I know why Antonio is." He said "Adam why you so quiet, usually I can never get you to shut up." I said "oh it's nothing really?" He said "come on man what's wrong?" I asked "It's just that I can't stand not having a case yet, because then I actually have to do my paper work." He said "Ruzek you never do your paper you always have Olinsky do it." I said "I know but he isn't here this week he is gone on vacation with his family so that means I do his and mine." He said annoyed "well Adam now you know how he feels. Is Voight here?" "Yea he is in his office" he said I walked into voights office to talk to him. "Hey Voight" I said "hey kid what's up" he asked "have you heard from Justin lately?" "Yea he is coming to town soon, why?" He asked " I need to talk to him about Jay." I said "I know that you and Justin have always been close but don't you think you should tell him that your pregnant before he comes and visits." He asked " oh yea, sometimes I forget that he doesn't know and Jay and I will be late tomorrow we have a doctors appointment to find out the gender. I am hoping it's a boy and he is just like Jay except for his humor I could do without that." I said "I will be happy with a granddaughter or grandson it doesn't matter the only thing I care about is that you and the baby are healthy." He said "thanks Hank it means so much that your excited about the baby just as much as I am." I said "are you kidding this kid is going to be spoiled and don't forget to give your brother a call." He said " I won't I'm gonna go and call him right now." I said. I walked out of voights office and went to call Justin.


E~ hey Justin

J~ Erin we haven't talked in a while how are you doing

E~ I know it feels like it's been forever. I'm doing good how are you doing

J~ I'm good, I'll be coming to town soon

E~ I heard dad told me can't wait to see you

J~ are you seeing anyone right now last I heard you were going out with a fire fighter

E~ I wasn't technically going out with him we were just having fun, but yes I am going out with someone his name is Jay

J~ Jay why does that name sound familiar hmmm... Isn't your partners name Jay

E~ yea it is

J~ Erin are you dating your partner

E~ yea I am and I'm really happy

J~ what does dad think about it

E~ he didn't like it at first but now he doesn't really care

J~ why is that

E~ well because he is going to be a grandpa uncle Justin

J~ are you telling me that your pregnant

E~ yea I am and I will be able to tell you the gender when you get here

J~ I can't wait you will be a amazing mother

E~ I hope so I just wish mom was here for all of this

J~ she is always looking out for you remember that Erin

E~ I will talk to you soon

J~ sooner than you may think turn around

E~ Justin what the hell you couldn't of told me you were behind me the whole time now come over here and give me a hug

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