《Sqampy's Adoption》What Happened Next
5 years later...
Izzy's POV:
I'm 18 now. I've learnt to drive, got a job and met someone. His name is Flint and he's 19. We've been together for a year now and I love him.
Flo's met someone as well. Her name is Jess. She came out to us about two years ago, it was a shock but I couldn't be more happy for her.
Lizzie had gone to university last year and we didn't see much of her but from what Stampy and Sqaishey have said, she seems to be doing fine as well.
Everyone was happy in fact, things finally seemed to have calmed down and we could all start to think about the future.
We all thought this, that was until the morning of April 15th.
Saturday 14th April
I was sat at the end of my bed playing video games. I'd had an argument with Squid and I was trying to avoid him. He wanted me to go to university and I really didn't want to go. I didn't see why I needed to, I'd got very good GCSE and A Level results so I thought I was set.
Plus I still didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, so going to university now would be pointless.
I put down my games controller. Sitting here was not helping. So, I grabbed my jacket walked downstairs and shouted, "I'm going out!"
Closing the door behind me, I sighed.
There was a BMX bike lent against the side of the house. It had been Squid's but then I'd kind of adopted it. I hadn't used it in years though.
I pulled my car keys out of my pocket and unlocked my car. I climbed in, started the engine and drove away.
I didn't really know where I was going but I soon just found myself driving to Stampy and Sqaishey's house.
We'd moved but they still lived in the same place they had 5 years ago.
As I turned into their street, I saw our old house. I missed living there but we needed to get away, to start a fresh somewhere new.
I continued along the street and parked in Stampy's driveway. I got out of the car and knocked on the door.
Sqaishey answered.
I didn't say anything, I just threw my arms around her. When I let go she pulled me further into the house and shut the door behind us. Then she led me into the sitting room.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"Squid is just getting to me. He's trying to get me to go to university but I don't want to go!" I told her.
"Have you said you don't want to go to him?" She said.
"Yeah! But he just won't listen." Just as I finished speaking Stampy entered to room.
Then I had a thought.
"Is Flo here?"
"No, she's visiting Lizzie this weekend." Sqaishey answered.
I nodded.
"Can I stay here tonight? I don't want to face Squid." I asked Stampy.
"Of course." He said, coming over to me.
I stood up and hugged him. Then, he pulled away, still holding onto my shoulders.
"But you have to promise me that you'll talk to him in the morning."
I sighed but agreed anyway. I knew Stampy was right but it was just difficult.
Sunday 15th April
The next morning I woke up and just lay there. I knew I had to talk to Squid today.
I slowing got up, had a shower and got dressed, before going downstairs to get breakfast.
"Morning!" Stampy said to me in his cheerful voice.
"Morning." I replied, not nearly as happily as he did.
"I'm making pancakes for us all!" He said.
"Cool!" Pancakes could always cheer me up.
15 minutes later we were all sat down digging into our pancakes.
Just as I finished, my phone started ringing. The name in on the screen said Julie, I hadn't spoken to her in at least a year. I was 18 now so I was out of the system.
"Sorry." I said to Stampy and Sqaishey, "I have to take this."
I got up and walked out the back door, closing it behind me, before answering the phone.
"Hello." I said.
"Izzy! Good to speak to you again!" Julie voice rang through the phone.
"Why are you calling me?"
"I have some news."
This was the moment my world fell apart.
You see for the past few years I'd only been dealing with trivial things, like my argument with Squid as an example. It feels big at the time but in reality, it's not important. What Julie had said to me however. That was not trivial, that was the rest of my life.
After the phone call I went back into the house.
"Thanks for the pancakes. And. And, letting me stay." I said vaguely.
"Are you leaving?" Stampy said.
"Yeah I need to go and..." I couldn't think what to say.
"And... talk to Squid." Stampy finished the sentence.
"Yeah. That." I said before walking out of the kitchen towards the front door.
"Wait! Izzy!" Sqaishey caught up with me as I was about to get in the car.
"Who was that phone call from?" She said.
"Oh, um, no one important." I replied.
She smiled, "You're not going back to Squid right now, are you?"
"No, there's something I need to do." I didn't want to lie to Sqaishey. She'd been there countless times for me.
Just then a car pulled up in the drive next to us and Flo popped up out of the door.
"Oh my gosh, Izzy!" She whispered.
"Flo..." We ran to each other and hugged. I hadn't seen her in months.
After we broke apart, Sqaishey came over and hugged Flo as well.
"Look, Izzy. I know I can't stop you going but please take Flo with you." She said.
I was surprised, "But you don't know what I'm gonna do, it could be dangerous, and you're gonna let me take your daughter!"
"I trust you," She said and then turned to Flo, "Both of you."
I hugged her again.
"What's going on?" Flo looked very confused.
"I'll explain on the way." I said smiling at Sqaishey.
"Good luck kid." She said to me.
I just smiled and climbed in the car. Flo got in next to me and I drove away. I knew that when I returned to them and to Squid there would some things I'd have to say.
30 minutes into are drive and I'd explained everything to Flo. She understood why this was important, I knew she would.
Then my phone started ringing, I could see that the caller ID said Squid. I couldn't answer because I was driving but I told Flo to answer and to put in on speaker.
"Izzy! What are you doing!" Squid sounded angry but I could here the panic in his voice, he was clearly very scared about what was happening.
"It's gonna be fine, don't worry, I'm with Flo." I said, not answering his question.
"Oh I know you are! Sqaishey told me! I can't believe she would just let you go!" He said.
"Hey! Don't bring Sqaishey into this!" Flo said angrily as well.
"Don't you start! This doesn't involve you!" Squid said to Flo.
"Woah woah woah. You guys need to calm down. Squid I'll be back there's just something important I need to do." I nodded to Flo to hang up after I'd finished, and she did.
"Wow, he's angry." She said.
"No, I don't think he is. I think he's scared."
2 hours later
We pulled up outside the cafe Julie and I agreed to meet at. I parked the car and we both climbed out.
"Are you okay?" Flo asked me.
I breathed out and nodded, before pushing the door open and going in.
I saw Julie sat at a table in the corner and we walked over to her and sat down.
"Izzy. Flo. It's so good to see you both again, and it's nice to see you're still friends." She said smiling.
"You too Julie." Flo replied.
"Now, Izzy, this is an unusual situation we're in. Usually once you're out of the system we wouldn't see each other again. But I was contacted as they didn't know how to contact you and I couldn't let you go into this by yourself."
I smiled, I had never much liked Julie that much, but appreciated this.
We talked for a bit, just waiting.
15 minutes later and they arrived...
My real parents walking through the door.
Now believe me, when Julie told me my parents wanted to see me I didn't believe her either. The past experiences I'd had with both of them would suggest that they weren't in any state to talk to me. But, here they were.
When Julie called me she explained everything.
So, my mum had been put on a rehabilitation program at the mental hospital to try and get her back on track. Part of this program involved visits from my dad who would be taken out of prison once a fortnight to visit her.
Long story short, the rehabilitation program worked and my mum regained her memories of me and the family. And now, 5 years after my dad was placed in prison, his sentence is up and he is out.
So now here they are.
"Hello Izzy." My mum said.
I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, I jumped up and hugged her. I hadn't done that in about 7 years.
Then my dad came over. Last time he arrived he nearly ruined everything.
"Izzy, I'm truly sorry for my behaviour before. I shouldn't have done what I did and I know this now. Helping your mum get better gave me something to live for and now she's part of my life again, I've changed. I hope you can help me get even better." He told me. Part of me was scared he was lying but I knew he wasn't. He was family, I had to forgive him.
"It's okay dad, I forgive you." And I wrapped my arms around him.
We talked for about 30 minutes, just chatting and catching up. But then they dropped the question.
"So Izzy, I know you're 18 but, if you wanted to, you could move in with us. Until you went to university of course, or got your own place." My mum said, looking hopeful.
I knew they were going to ask this, and I was kind of dreading it. The thing was I loved Squid and he was my family now. But. My real family were back and happy, and they were offering me to go and live with them. This was every care kids dream.
As much as I love Squid, there was something about moving in with my parents that I wanted to do.
"Urm... I don't know, I'll think about it." I said.
"Of course. We should go now, give you the opportunity to think it over." My mum said to me.
I said thank you and we said goodbye before the left the cafe.
Julie looked at me.
"So what are you thinking? Do you want to live with them?" She asked me.
"Maybe, I'm not sure. I can't leave Squid." I replied, "We need to go back. I need to speak to him."'
Flo nodded, and we said goodbye to Julie before leaving the cafe.
Flo offered to drive and we left for home.
We pulled up in my drive and both got out of the car.
"I'll leave you too it." Flo said. I hugged her and she walked out of the drive.
This was gonna be tricky.
I walked up to the door and before I even touched it, it was flung open.
"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" Squid yelled, but I could see the relief in his eyes.
I didn't say anything to him, I just flung my arms around his neck and started crying into his shoulder. I hadn't done this in a while but it felt good.
Squid seemed surprised but he pulled me inside and shut the door.
"What's going on Izzy?" He no longer seemed annoyed.
"I'm sorry. I need to talk to you." I let go of him and pulled him towards the living room.
We sat down on the couches and I began to tell him everything.
"So do you want to live with them?" Squid asked.
"I... I don't know. They're my parents. My real parents. It's what I always dreamed of." I said. I couldn't look him in the eye.
He moved to sit next to me and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him.
I snuggled next to him, something else I hadn't done in a while. We just stayed like that for a long time. Not talking, just sitting there.
Over the next few weeks, we didn't speak of it, we just kept going with life.
I kept thinking about it though. I had the offer to live with my real family. But for how long, I'd be getting my own place soon anyway.
I was just sat on my bed scrolling through my social media not really thinking about anything and someone knocked on my door.
Squid walked in, "Hey. We need to talk about your parents."
I just nodded, I knew we had to.
"Look," Squid said, sitting down on my bed, "if you want to go live with them then you can, I won't be offended. They're your family and I don't want to stop you."
He looked down at the floor. I moved over to him and wrapped my arms around him.
"But, you're my family now, and you've helped me more than they have."
He pulled away, and placed his hands on my shoulders, "do what you want to do, you're an adult now. You'd be moving out soon anyway."
I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Well, you'd either be moving out, or...going to university!" He laughed, poking my side.
"Squid! I don't even know what I want to do with my life!" I whined.
"Yeah it's okay. I'm happy as long as you're happy!" He said before standing up.
He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder before running out of my room and down the stairs.
"SQUID! IM TO OLD FOR THIS NOW!!" I yelled at him.
"NEVER!" He yelled back. To be fair, I was very short so he didn't have much trouble.
He was running around the house screaming with me screaming as well. I saw Nicole stand by the front door, just watching us.
Eventually, Squid stopped and put me down in front of Nicole. I felt so dizzy I nearly fell and Squid had to hold me up until I regained my balance.
"Right, I hope I cleared your head, whatever you want to do, we'll support you 100%." Squid said, and Nicole nodded.
The next day I found myself in Sqaishey's living room asking her advice. I told her everything and I needed her help.
"You need to decide who you want to live with more, but remember whoever you decide to not live with, they won't just disappear, you could still talk and visit them." She told me.
I hadn't thought of that.
"But maybe you need to think about who you'd miss the most."
Sqaishey's words hung around my head. Would I miss my parents? How could I? I didn't really know them. But I knew for a fact that I'd miss Squid.
"Maybe you should go live with your parent for a week of so, see if you like it." She suggested.
I thought that was an excellent idea and the next week I went to their house and did exactly what she suggested.
The whole week was pretty uneventful, but in a nice sort of way. It was relaxing. But I missed Squid and when I got back I was very grateful.
But then again, after a few days back with him, I missed my parents.
Damn, this was gonna be a difficult decision.
The next day I was sat on my bed, drawing. Art was something I had started recently and I was really enjoying it.
Nicole came in and sat next to me, watching. She was one of the reasons I had started learning to draw and she really helped.
"That's really good, you could make a career out of that!" She said, smiling.
"Aha, thanks." I replied.
"When you move out, whatever the reason, I'm really gonna miss you." She said to me, "I know I wasn't completely on board with adopting at the start but I'm so thankful we did."
"Aww thanks." I said giving her a hug, "I'll miss you too."
"Are you any closer to making your decision, I had a call from your parents asking about it." She asked.
"No not really." I said truthfully.
"You need to decide soon because we all want to know." Nicole said, getting up to leave.
I nodded. Nicole walked out and I looked down at my drawing. It was of Sonic, I liked drawing video game characters, that was my style.
As I thought about this, I also thought about what Nicole had said about making a career out of it. Maybe she was right...
I grabbed my laptop and did a bit of research. I found exactly what I was looking for and my decision was made.
I now knew what I wanted to do with my life. I quickly called Flo and she thought it was a great idea. So now I knew
I quickly went downstairs.
"Squid," I asked.
"Yeah." He was making a cup of tea.
"I think I've decided what I'm going to do."
I saw him turn, "Really! What?"
"I want to tell you guys all together. Can I invite my parents round now?" I asked.
"Of course, do what you need to do." He told me.
I nodded a thanks and called my parents to invite them round.
They lived 4 hours south of us so they'd get here around mid afternoon. I was very nervous, but I knew I was making the right decision.
4 hours later we were all sat around Squid's living room. I was on one sofa with Squid and Nicole on either side and my parents where on the other sofa.
"So I've decided what I want to do." I could see everyone staring intently at me.
"I couldn't decide between who I wanted to live with, but, then I realised what I actually want to do. I want to go to Bristol Arts University to study graphic design because I want to make and design video games for a living."
I looked up at Squid, he looked proud of me, I was thankful for that. I turned to Nicole, she looked proud too.
"I realised what I wanted to do after you told me I could make a living out of my art." I said to her.
"I'm glad I helped." And she hugged me.
I got up and walked over to my parents, who stood up as well.
"As I'll be in Bristol, I'll be able to visit you lots more." I said to them smiling.
They smiled happily as well, "That's good to hear, we will leave you guys alone to talk more." Mum said.
I nodded thanks and they left the room. I turned to Squid and Nicole.
"I don't want to move that far away from you guys!" I said, starting to well up.
"No, this is what you need to do. You're gonna do amazing!" Squid said, I could see he was welling up as well.
"You're gonna do so well, and we will all miss you so much. Make sure you come and visit us!" Nicole added.
I hugged her first, before hugging Squid.
Over the next few weeks and then months, I applied for the university, got accepted, planned and packed.
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