《Story Of Bad Boy Mack [#18 Plus]》Part 4


Ten years back. ...

Hi my name is Mack. I lost both my parents when I was very young. Since then I grew up in my uncle's home.

Uncle Lou was good to me in the begining, but slowly his wife turned him against me. His wife Loretta and daughters Sue and Via, hated me since the begining. They thought, I was bad luck and didn't want anything to do with me.

I managed to survive, doing chores and putting all my efforts into my studies. I had very few friends and was eagerly waiting to turn eighteen and escape from the hell I was in.

I know lot of kids hate school, but for me it was relief. It was my escape and ticket to better future. I had only a few friends and the same as far as enemies go. I was well built and very athletic, but because of school politics, was not picked up for the High school football team. "Yes, who is gonna complain if poor Mack doesn't get selected."

The other kids who made it to the team, made fun of me for trying. I ignored them as nothing good was gonna come out of it, they were rich and had well connected parents. In case of any trouble, I would be the one paying the price.

One other reason, I liked going to school was to see Tanya, my soul mate. She was the daughter of pastor Raymond and the most beautiful girl God put on Earth. She has also been my close friend and I decided to open my heart to her before end of school.

I am sure Tanya knows how I feel about her, but she never acknowledged my love or her feelings for me. At the same time, she shared everything with me, giving me full access to her. She had a sister Eva, five years younger, who also spent time with me whenever I visited their home. Their parents were good to me and knew about my problems. They encouraged me to study well and their confidence in me led me to spend more time at their home with their daughters.


My relationship with my uncle's family had been steadily deteriorating over the years, specially with my aunt and daughters. My uncle, who supported me initially, started drinking heavily and ignored me completely, leaving me at the mercy of my aunt and her daughters. They would make up stories and lies, blaming me for everything, leading my uncle to get angry and hit me sometimes. I tried to spend as little time as possible at home to avoid confrontation.

One particular incident with my aunt rattled me, scaring the hell out of me. I realized she would go to any extent, to make me look bad in my uncle's book.

Last year she asked me to cleanup all the Lego pieces from my younger cousin Via's room and stack them in her room. After I picked up all the Lego pieces, I carried them to her room. I was holding the bucket with Lego pieces with both hands as it was heavy and knocked her bedroom door with my foot.

But the door swung open and my aunt was standing buck naked right in front of me. I panicked and dropped the bucket spilling the Lego pieces all over the floor.

"Idiot! What are you staring at? Haven't you seen a pu$$y before? Stop staring and pick up the pieces."

"Sorry .. I will come later" I mumbled.

"What .. later? Do it now!" She shouted.

I had no choice but to start picking up the pieces. She didn't cover herself, in spite of carrying a towel in her hand and walked around me naked pointing pieces to me, making me very uncomfortable.

After I finished picking up the pieces, I tried to get up, but she squatted right in front of me, pointing to a piece of Lego.

"Idiot what about this piece. You are good for nothing. Can't perform a simple job." She tapped my head with her hand.


I couldn't help but lift my head, looking straight at her wide open thighs and cleanly shaved pu$$y.

"Oh geez! Stop staring at it or I will rub it all over your fucking face. Finish picking the shit and get off my room." She screamed.

I ran away as quickly as I could and roamed around the streets, clearing my head. When I returned home later in the night, my uncle was drunk and waiting for me with a belt in his hands. He hit me continuously, blaming me for purposely peeping and watching my aunt naked. I tried to explain it was an accident, but my aunt told him that I did it on purpose and shouldn't be staying with us for the sake of their daughters.

"This is your last warning. Next time I will throw your ass out." He screamed.

After that incident, I was literally scared to open any door in the house. My older cousin Sue started taking advantage of this and made my life a living hell. She was two years older than me and started blackmailing me.

"Mack, please come to my room asap." Sue shouted.

"Ok" I shouted back, coming out of my trance.

"Mack, I want you to finish my three page essay on Roman empire asap." She said, closing the door behind me and pointing to her laptop sitting on the bed.

"Sue, I am busy right now. I will do it later." I requested her nicely, knowing well her power over me.

"No, you need to do it now."

"Try to understand, I need to finish my homework, it is due tomorrow. Your essay is due next week." I tried to reason.

"I need it today to show it my boyfriend, so you need to do it now .. else" She put her hands on her waist and started to pull her shirt slowly.

"Ok, wait" I will do it.

"Better .. start" She removed her shirt anyway and sat in front of me in her bra, watching TV. "Next time, if you don't listen, I will remove my bra too and call Mom and Dad."

I finished her essay and went over to Tania's, to get some peace of mind. She was in her bedroom watching television. I told her what Sue did and she immediately hugged me pulling my face into her bosom, "my poor baby"

I buried my face into her breasts and inhaled her scent. She was my angel.

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