《Collaboration || Dan Smith》Six.


𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙛𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧

- 𝗦𝘄𝗮𝗲 𝗟𝗲𝗲 (𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁. 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲)

"Well..." me and Maisie mutter in unison. Barely a minute ago and the fan pages have already begun sharing our adventures, best part about it is the fact Maisie follows a private Bastille fan page. She really must like our dreary tunes.

There's not much we can say on this topic really. I mean...that guy who has photographed us more or less gave us a photoshoot without our knowledge. I can't stay pissed for too long because he has took good photos, even if they're zoomed in or...close up? It's mental how these guys can stalk people and get paid.

"I need you to put out a tweet, saying that there's a collaboration coming or whatever? Something to distract the fans from our holiday." I nod my head, that isn't the worst idea that I've ever heard. Plus in a weird way, it doesn't confirm or deny our relationship.

I pull out my new iPhone from my pocket and lay backwards on our double king sized bed. Maisie lays next to me while I hold up my phone in the air for us both to see, "what do I type tho?" Maisie snuggles up next to me. Her breath smells like ice cream, sugary and sweet. We passed on dinner and brought two more ice creams.

"Do it on my account...I've got more followers." She whispers. I nod my head, that seems like a better way of communication. My fans don't like...sharing news around.

I then put out a simple tweet in style of Maisie's other tweets. She lives for the lower case aesthetic and the simplicity of things...

I look at Maisie for validation after posting the tweet. She smiles nodding her head. "How many tweets have you remembered of mine? Lower caps and plain and simple?" I crack a smile while she cuddles up even closer to me. Her sweet breath sticking against my neck. "all of them." I whisper as our faces near closer to each other and we lean in for a long kiss.


But Maisie pulls back. She doesn't seem happy and I don't know what I'm doing wrong because it's my personal goal just to see her smile.

"Babe?" I whisper as she shakes her head, she smiles but tears start to fall out of her icy blue eyes. "What's wrong?" She shrugs her shoulders back like she doesn't even know. "Today...everything got put into perspective you know?" - she looks at me for an answer, but I don't do anything. I don't know what she's on about - "I want to have a nice quiet life. Live here...and I can't. I can't live here. Even here there's the fucking paps." I now understand where she's coming from. I know that Maisie is a personal person but I didn't know she felt this way about privacy.

"You can still live here someday." She has all of the money in the world. Maybe she can get gates around her dream home? Prevent the the paparazzi fro coming onto her property? "You don't...fucking get it." she sniffs while we both sit up. I don't think she needs sympathy or someone to cling onto.

"I want to live my life and roam around normal streets. I don't want to be...a fucking celebrity. I didn't sign up for that. No. I signed up to be a fucking singer." She should've known what she was letting herself into. I don't want to disagree with her, but this is exactly what being a singer is. We risking our personal lives and information, our privacy isn't a thing anymore...I mean clearly. If she didn't know then then that means someone from Virgin Records didn't do their fucking job.

"Think about Frank Ocean. He disappeared from the world...but he is on it...somewhere." With that Maisie shakes her head. "You don't get it, Dan." Maze whispers. "I really fucking do." she then shakes her head, I guess I'm going to be the good boyfriend and let her get the last say. I'd so anything for her to...feel better.

With the way things are going...I'm starting to regret this trip.

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