《Picture Perfect - Book 2 - Q.F.》Rumours
Everyone was talking about it. The Mucracker was back and, not only that, two of their first news had involved three of the glee kids. Which was probably why Finn had stormed into the choir room going straight up to Sam.
"What the hell is this, dude?" Finn asked, shoving the newspaper in Sam's hands as the blonde frowned. "What blondie former cheerleader is having a secret Moonlight Motel rendezvous with another big-lipped blondie?"
At that, Piper frowned, turning to look at the two of them as soon as she noticed how Sam grimaced and Quinn stood up to stand behind her boyfriend.
"Where does it say that?" Sam asked.
"Right on the front page of the school newspaper!" Finn yelled, as Quinn scoffed.
"You don't seriously believe this, do you?" She asked.
"Well, why shouldn't I?" Finn asked then. "Why wouldn't he do the same thing I did to him?"
"Because it's gossip, Finn."
Before any of them could say anything, however, another fight broke out as soon as Santana marched up into the room to Brittany.
"This is your fault!" She yelled, as Brittany frowned, confused. "You told everyone that I played for another team on your ridiculous melted cheese show."
"Wait. Are you mad?" Brittany asked. "You do play for another team. You were on the Cheerios, and now you're only in the New Directions."
"And you couldn't have thought of any other way to say that?"
Bringing Piper's attention back to Sam and Finn's argument, the girl gasped when Finn practically pounced over Sam.
"I'm gonna punch your face off!" He said, pushing the boy, as Quinn tried to pull him back.
"Stop it!" She pleaded. "Stop it!"
"You got a lot of nerve accusing me of cheating." Sam growled back at Finn. "You're the one who snuck in and stole my girl!"
When Sam pushed Finn back, Mr. Schue walked in and was quick to push the two boys away from each other.
"Hey!" He said, watching as the two of them stared each other down, but frowning when Finn started to walk out. "Finn, where are you going? We got rehearsal!"
"Not today!" He called out and at that, everyone exchanged confused glances, Piper frowning a bit as she noticed how Quinn and Sam looked at one another, clearly knowing of something more than anyone else did in the room.
All it was left for them was to try and figure out what it was.
Now, when Piper said they needed to figure it out, she definitely didn't mean a reunion with all the glee club — minus Sam and Kurt — discussing the new subject of matter at The Mucracker: Sam and Kurt.
"What do we know about Sam anyway?" Tina asked. "I mean, what town is he from? What state? What's his old school like? Maybe he's a serial killer."
"This seems weird..." Piper mumbled, as she picked the cupcake she had been sharing with Mercedes apart to try and eat the smaller pieces, a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation. "Kurt wouldn't cheat on Blaine."
"It's like the Rumours album." Rachel said, bringing up the lesson Mr. Schue had decided to give them that week. "Being apart or on the road is hard for two artists. Performers have this love the one you're with mentality. I mean, look at all of us. Look at all the different combinations that we've had. Finchel, Puckleberry..."
"Tina Cohen Chang-Chang." Tina added.
"Pizes." Puck said.
"Guys, we're sitting here squabbling over what?" Finn asked then. "A rumor."
"Finn's right." Rachel was quick to agree with her ex-boyfriend. "We need more information."
At that, Piper frowned, wondering what in the hell the two of them would be deciding to do next, but before she could even say anything, Quinn sighed heavily as she stood up to leave the table with her cup of coffee.
"I don't wanna get into it, but all I'm gonna say... Sam's not gay."
And as she walked out to leave, everyone watched her go, suddenly confused as to why Quinn Fabray was acting so offish whenever the subject was Sam Evans.
Piper was standing with Kurt by his locker, talking to her friend about their latest Calculus class that neither of them had really understood a thing from when Rachel Berry herself appeared by their side.
"I am begging you." She said, as Kurt looked over at Piper, who just shrugged at him. "Sam is cute, but he's not worth losing Blaine over."
"Oh, how I've missed your insanity." Kurt sighed.
"He's wearing your jacket, Kurt." Rachel argued, causing Piper to frown. After all, as much as she didn't want to doubt any of her friends involved in all of that mess, she couldn't really deny that everyone was starting to look a little bit too suspicious. "I remember that jacket. You wore it April of last year. You said it was your Earth Day jacket because it was made out of recycled hemp. I know how these things work. I remember when Finn and I used to date. Sometimes he would leave his letterman jacket at my house and I'd wear it the next day."
"Okay, you need to bone up on your Fleetwood Mac-ology." Kurt said then, as both girls turned to him, confused. "When they made Rumours, they weren't speaking to each other. Not even Pass the nondairy creamer. They only spoke about the music. And it was that focus that allowed them to make their masterpiece."
"You're deflecting." Rachel said.
"No, I'm being a team player." Kurt argued. "And any minute spent on this vicious, hurtful and hateful gossip is a minute taken away from preparing for Nationals."
And as Kurt wrapped his arm around Piper's to walk away with her, the girl decided to follow Kurt's advice. After all, if Kurt, Sam and Quinn were saying they weren't fooling around with one another, then they weren't. Right?
Now, Piper had promised herself not to meddle with what was happening with Kurt, Quinn and Sam, but Quinn Fabray was making it very hard for her, singing a very passive-aggressive version of I don't want to know with her boyfriend in front of everybody whilst refusing to even mentioned what had happened between them the week before.
"Okay." Mr. Schue said, as everyone clapped rather awkwardly. "Terrific job, guys. Might want to try to smile a little bit more next time though."
"Yeah, it was lovely, but I prefer Quinn's duet performance of Lucky with Sam better." Rachel spoke up. Clearly this whole cheating thing was being very hard on her too, for some reason. "Since you and Sam have become closer lately, maybe you should do duets together more often."
"Where is Sam?" Puck asked then, taking a look around and noticing the missing boy. "Quinn and Kurt are both here today, so we know he's not doing the dirty."
Choosing to ignore Puck's comment, Quinn glared at Rachel instead.
"I know what you're doing." She spat. "You want Finn and I to stop singing together so that you can sing with him again."
"Frankly, yes." Rachel admitted, as Piper rolled her eyes, watching the two girls fighting over Finn Hudson of all people. "Finn and I have amazing proven harmonies. And when it comes to Nationals, I think it makes more sense for him to be paired with me."
"Well, it's not happening." Quinn said. "Not as long as Finn wants to be with me."
"Wait." Finn said, turning to look at Quinn, clearly unhappy with his girlfriend who didn't even spare him a glance as she kept on glaring at Rachel. "I thought you said this relationship was about trust."
'Oh, I trust you. I just don't trust her."
"Quinn, I don't think you can mandate who pairs up for Nationals, all right?" Mr. Schue said. "Vocal Adrenaline doesn't need any help from us."
"I love being here, and I want to win but my relationship comes first." Quinn said. "I'm sorry, but Finn, if you want to be with me, no more songs with her."
And with that, Quinn walked out of the room as Piper watched her go with a roll of her eyes and a quiet, annoyed groan as she tried to figure out what the hell was going on inside Quinn's mind these days.
"Hey. We're friends, right?"
At the sound of her voice, Sam sighed. Not because he didn't want her around or because he didn't like her. It was mostly because, out of everyone in that glee club, he knew for a fact Piper Snow would be the most emphatetic about the whole thing and right now, he didn't really want anyone's pity. Still, when he noticed the longing eyes she was sending him, he gave in, closing his locker as he turned around to stand facing the girl properly.
"Yes, of course we are." He smiled a bit when she did too. "Why?"
"Look..." Piper whispered, stepping closer to Sam so she could talk a bit lower than usual. "I know everyone is assuming a lot about you these days but I really don't want to assume anything because I know how bad it feels when people just... Decide that you're something based off of what they see you as, okay? And I'm not calling you a cheater, or a player, or anything because I know you wouldn't do that, it's just... You have to admit, Sam... Everything is pointing to it."
"I'm not fooling around with anyone." Sam argued back as Piper nodded.
"And I believe you."
"Do you?"
"I..." She hesitated for a second, but that was all it took for Sam to understand. Scoffing quietly, he turned around to leave, but, before he could, Piper reached her hand out to grab his arm. "Sam, please..."
"If you think so lowly of me, why do you even bother coming to talk to me?" He asked, clearly hurt by the way no one in the glee club was choosing to believe in him and probably dealing with a lot of crap from everyone else thanks to the school's newspaper.
"It's not like that, come on..." She pleaded. "Look, come on... Look at me."
Sam hesitated for a bit, but choosing to trust the girl in front of him, he sighed, looking back at her and feeling slightly better already at the sight of her warm smile.
"Look, this is me, Piper Snow, choosing to believe you, Sam Evans over anything and anyone in this school." She promised. "This is me choosing to ignore all the rumors and all the evidence and all the talks about this and to believe you instead. And if you tell me you're not fooling around with Quinn or Kurt, I'll believe you."
"Really?" He asked, as Piper smiled.
"I'm not."
And, at that, Sam smiled again, pulling Piper in for a hug that she was quick to reciprocate.
"Thank you." He whispered at the girl as she nodded up at him.
"I do want to ask you something, though." She cringed a bit as Sam raised an eyebrow at her. "See... It's... It's about Quinn."
"About Quinn?" Sam smirked a bit at the way Piper blushed at the mere mention of the girl. "You want to know what she was doing in a motel with me?"
"Look, you told me you're not fooling around with her, I believe you." Piper was quick to defend herself before biting her lip nervously as she took a quick look around. "It's just... There's this... Thing."
"What thing?" Sam frowned, watching as Piper sighed again, before taking a step closer to him again.
"I'm gonna tell you something right now, and I want you to promise me not to tell anyone." She said, looking straight into his eyes and raising an eyebrow when he nodded. "Anyone, Sam."
"I won't." He said. "I promise."
"Okay..." Piper nodded then. "Last week, before our Gaga number... Quinn she, hum... She kissed me."
"She kissed you?"
"Oh my God!" Piper slapped a hand over his mouth as Sam flinched a bit realizing how loud he had been. "Shut up, dude!"
"Sorry, my bad." Sam was quick to apologize as he took her hand away from his mouth. "But was it like... A peck or like... A kiss kiss?"
"No, it was a kiss kiss." She confirmed, sighing a bit as she bit her lip at the mere memory of it. "Anyway, my point is... I don't know what's going on in her mind right now. She's still dating Finn and making a big show out if too, fighting with Rachel over him. But then, this cheating scandal came up with you and I just... I really don't know what to think. So, really, what I'm asking here is... Can you explain to me what was Quinn doing in that motel with you the other day so I can try and figure out where I stand?"
At that, Sam softened a bit, wanting to help out Piper, but unsure if he was ready to share with her what he was going through. Besides, he didn't even know if what he had to say to her would help her at all. Quinn and Piper needed to talk it out themselves and there wasn't much Sam could do really. Unless...
Smiling a bit at the idea that just formed in his head, Sam decided to let Piper in. After all, she could help him and he could help her. And, he was pretty sure she would make for a pretty dope friend. So he nodded.
"I'll tell you." He decided. "But could we go somewhere more private, please? I don't want anyone else to hear it."
"Sure." Piper nodded at him with a smile. "Let's go to the Bio class. It should be empty right now."
Piper had been with Stevie and Stacey at the motel, helping them out with some homework for about thirty minutes when there was a knock on the door. The girl frowned a bit, confused. She grew even more suspicious when Stacey giggled a bit, but then Stevie pulled his younger sister into his arms, clasping a hand over her mouth to get her to stop.
"Must be Sam." Stevie said, as Stacey nodded while trying to push her brother away from her. "He forgets his wallet sometimes."
And so, Piper stood up from their bed where she had been with the two children and made her way to the door, pulling it open half expecting to see Sam standing there only to frown when it wasn't him.
"Quinn?" She asked, as the blonde also stared at her confused. "What are you doing here?"
"Sam asked me to come babysit for him." She explained. "What are you doing here?"
"Sam asked me to babysit for him." Piper frowned, before her eyes widened when she finally understood what was happening: after hearing about their kiss, Sam Evans had decided to play matchmaker for them. "Oh, that little..."
"Hum, if you... If you're here, I guess I can... I guess I can go, then?" Quinn asked, a bit unsure.
As she watched Piper, hoping to whatever God was out there that the girl would argue with her over her leaving, she almost lost her breath as she lost herself in her eyes. Piper didn't really know what to do, though. Because, sure, she wanted Quinn to stay, but this wasn't her house and she wasn't even sure she could even do that, but, before she could say anything, Stacey climbed off the bed and rushed over to Quinn to grab her hand in hers.
"Quinnie, can you show me how to do that braid you did in my hair the other day?" She asked, already tugging Quinn inside as Piper watched the two of them with a smile. "You promised you would."
"Sure I can, sweetie. Come on." Quinn smiled then, pulling Stacey off the floor and into her arms before walking over to the bed and throwing the girl there as they giggled. Quinn reached into her bag then, pulling out a small mirror from it and giving it to Stacey. "Come on, sit up straighter and look into the mirror so I can show you how it's done."
Piper chuckled as she saw Quinn sitting down behind Stacey as she brushed through her blonde locks a bit. Closing the door after her, Piper was quick to go over to Stevie and lay down on the bed in her stomach beside him to take a look at his homework.
"Need any help there, buddy?" She asked him then, smiling a bit when he nodded. "Okay, come on then, show me what the problem is."
And there was how the two older girls ended up spending the next hour — Piper helping Stevie out with his homework and then watching some TV with him while Quinn showed Stacey hairstyle after hairstyle that she could make herself. After that, Piper rushed over to the kitchen to heat them all some pasta that her dad had made for her to bring and they all ate and talked the whole time, Piper and Quinn exchanging a few glances here and there that Stevie and Stacey were quick to notice and point out with some giggles.
"Alright... Now, you two... Take a bath and then off to bed, huh?" Piper said, as soon as everyone was done as she started to pick the plates from the table.
"P and I will be in the kitchen, doing the dishes." Quinn nodded, grabbing the glasses and cutlery. "When we're done, we want you two under the covers already, understood?"
"Yes." They both nodded and, with that, the two older girls were off to the small kitchen they had, placing the plates in the sink as they started to work in silence.
They fell in pace rather easily, with Quinn washing as Piper dried everything. They were almost halfway done when Piper decided to speak up.
"I never knew you were so good with kids." She said, smiling when Quinn shrugged quietly. "It's really nice to see."
"Stevie and Stacey are easy to get along with." Quinn said.
"They really like you." Piper noted. "Stacey especially."
"Well, they really like you too, apparently." Quinn said. "Did you meet them today?"
"Yeah." Piper nodded. "Sam told me yesterday about what was happening and then he asked me to come babysit for him."
"If he asked you to babysit today, why did he ask me?" Quinn frowned then, handing Piper the last fork she was washing before cleaning up the sink a bit.
"I think he wanted us to be together." Piper shrugged, before widening her eyes when she realized what her words might have sounded like. "I mean... In the same room. Together. Like, not together together."
"I... I understood." Quinn giggled quietly.
"But, if you want to know, I do want to be together together. But not while you're playing around with Finn." She said, placing the dry fork down as she turned to look at Quinn properly, still holding a towel in hands. "I don't want to be your side girl, Quinn. I just... I just want to be your girl."
"I just... I just..."
"Look, I hate doing this, okay? And I really wished I didn't have to." Piper sighed. "But you need to make up your mind, Quinn. And this time, I mean it. Because I've been waiting for you this whole year and nothing. But then, last week, you give me literally everything I've ever wanted, only to pull away from me again. And I'm getting tired. I'm getting really tired of this push and pull game you're playing. So... I'm giving you one last chance, Quinn. One chance to pick me over anyone else. One chance to be mine. Because, honestly, I'm already yours."
"I... P, I..."
"I could make you a lot happier than Finn ever could." Piper said, throwing her towel away as she turned around to leave. "Just think about it. Because I'm growing real tired of waiting for you."
And as Quinn watched Piper leave, she groaned quietly as she leaned against the sink hearing her giggles as she helped Stacey up in the bed and just the sound made Quinn's heart flutter.
And if it wasn't for her fear of being rejected by her mom for dating a girl, she knew she'd have jumped into the opportunity to have Piper for herself as soon as she admitted she was hers. But there was that, and Quinn knew how Judy was. She'd be kicked out of the house again. So, she needed to stick with her plan, no matter how much her heart yelled at her to just abort the whole thing.
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