《Picture Perfect - Book 2 - Q.F.》Special education
Mr. Schue had barely walked into the room when Rachel spoke up and, as Piper rubbed her temples in annoyance, feeling her headache increase every time Rachel as much as opened her mouth, she knew that was about to be a very long week.
"Mr. Schuester, I have an announcement." She said, with a bright smile on her face. "I've selected the perfect moving ballad for Finn and I to sing to launch our performance at Sectionals."
"Me first." Mr. Schue cut her off. "Two things. First, our competition at Sectionals are your classic stool choirs. Great voices, but they don't move. Now if we're gonna beat them, we need to do what they can't. Dance. Which is why I've decided to feature Brittany and Mike Chang's sweet moves in our performance."
At that, everyone stopped for a moment to cheer for them and send their congratulations. Even Piper found it in herself to come out of her misery for a bit to send Brittany a proud smile and Mike two thumbs up.
"Wait, they're gonna dance in front of me while I sing my solo?" Rachel asked, clearly unhappy with the whole thing.
"You're not getting a solo for this competition Rachel." Mr. Schue said, and Piper found herself gasping in surprise.
"Finally!" Mercedes smirked. "So what song do I get to sing?"
"I was thinking that the winners of our duets competition would take the leads." Mr. Schue said and, as Piper turned around to where Quinn and Sam were, she couldn't help the bittersweet feeling that filled her chest when the two of them smiled at one another.
"Ken and Barbie?" Rachel asked, clearly outraged. "Wait, are you trying to throw this?"
"You used to be just sort of unlikeable, but now, I pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth." Quinn scoffed at Rachel as everyone chuckled a bit at that.
"Okay, listen, I have talked the talk about everyone in here feeling special for over a year now, but frankly I haven't walked the walk." Mr. Schue said as Piper nodded, for the first time, agreeing with his every word. "I mean, we have got a lot of talent here, and I'm gonna highlight it."
Still very much upset, Rachel nudged Finn slightly.
"Do something!"
"Look, I'm all for pumping up the team, making everyone feel special, but that's for practice." Finn said, as Piper rolled her eyes. Of course he'd say something like that. "You don't take the star quarterback out before the big game."
"Easy to say when you're the star quarterback." Tina spat.
"This isn't just about me, this is about the team."
"You are such a hypocrite." Santana called out to Finn with a scowl as Rachel scoffed.
"Oh, like you even know what that means." She said.
"It means that your boyfriend is full of crap, hobbit!"
"You know what?" Rachel yelled, standing up from her seat as she spun around to face Santana. "Ever since the wedding you've been up my butt and I am sick of it!"
"C'mon Rachel, she's not worth it." Finn whispered at his girlfriend as Santana scoffed.
"Oh really?" She challenged. "Cuz that's not what you thought last year in that motel room. That's right Yentl, your sweetheart? He's been lying to you, cuz he and I totally got it on last year."
And at that, everyone gasped, turning to look at the two girls as Rachel glared at Finn who was pretty much slouching in his seat. Before the argument could escalate even more, however, Mr. Schue spoke up.
"Okay enough already!" He yelled. "No more conversations about this, or anything! This is our plan for Sectionals, and that is that. Mike, Brittany, c'mon up, let's start choreographing."
Piper did a double take as she passed by the astronomy class, noticing a familiar someone standing alone in the dark, facing the wall. Frowning a bit, Piper walked inside then, looking around one last time to check if no one was in there really, and tilting her head a bit when she noticed there wasn't.
"Britt?" She called gently, but the girl didn't even react. "What are you doing? We've been looking for you all day."
"I'm paralyzed with fear." The girl whispered, as Piper placed her books down and walked closer to Brittany when the girl turned around to face her as well. "I've been here since second period. I really, really have to pee."
"What are you afraid of?" Piper frowned. "You're gonna be featured at Sectionals. You should be happy."
"I can't handle the pressure." Brittany admitted quietly, and, finally understanding the situation, Piper smiled a bit. "I know I'm more talented than all of you. Brittany Spears taught me that. It's just, I can't have whether we win or lose on my shoulders."
"But we all know you can do it." Piper argued as Brittany shook her head.
"But I know that I can't." She argued. "Just like I know that cricket that reads to me at night is totally stealing my jewellery."
"Well, you said it yourself..." Piper shrugged. "You're more talented than any of us. You'll kill it out there."
"No, I can't do it." Brittany said. "I can't."
Sighing gently as she tried to figure out how to help her, Piper found herself looking around for some inspiration. When her eyes fell on her things, she caught glimpse of the small comb she carried around with her for emergencies and winced a bit as she reached for it, unsure if that was the best idea, but unable to come up with anything else at the moment.
"It's really too bad, I can't give you my magic comb." She trailed off then, walking over to her things as Brittany watched her go with a sweet, innocent glimmer in her eyes.
"What's a magic comb?" She asked.
"You've never heard of a magic comb?" Piper frowned, causing Brittany to shake her head no. "If you comb your hair with it, you can't lose. I mean I'd give you mine but I need it... Wait, since you're going to dance the lead at Sectionals, if you win, I win."
At that, Brittany smiled.
"Please can I have the magic comb?" She asked, sweetly and, for a moment, Piper just marvelled at the way her brain worked.
With a nod of her head, Piper pulled out her comb from her stuff before handing it to Brittany.
"Piper, thank you so much." She smiled wide, looking at the comb in her hands as she held it ever so gently. "You are like the best person ever."
At that, Piper smiled, blushing a bit when Brittany leaned down to press a grateful kiss to her cheek. Nodding at the sudden wave of confidence that took over Brittany's face, she chuckled.
"We're gonna win this thing." She assured. "Because of you."
"And the magic comb." Brittany added with a smile as Piper just nodded, fondly.
"And the magic comb."
"Where's Puck?" Santana asked, as everyone — well, except for Puckerman — reunited in the choir room. "I haven't seen him since yesterday and I need him to get me a churro."
"My guess is he'd rather quit Glee Club than lose Sectionals and I can't blame him." Mercedes shrugged. "Our set's gon' be real light on the Mercedes."
"I'm telling you, if the Warblers win Sectionals, it's only because we gave them Kurt." Tina mumbled. "We should not clap."
"If we lose, we should throw possums." Brittany said, as Piper turned to her with a smile and a shake of her head.
Her good mood was quickly shot down, however, when no one other than Rachel Berry herself walked into the room with duct tape covering her whole mouth.
"Oh, here we go..." Piper groaned.
"Rachel, what are you doing?" Mr. Schue demanded as Rachel dramatically found herself a seat to sit down.
"I'm not doing anything." She stated, pulling off half of the duct tape from her mouth. "You've silenced my talents, I'm merely protesting. My talents are wasted in this club. My star shines too bright and I think you're threatened by it."
"Take that off!" Mr. Schue yelled, as he turned around to face the children, clearly frustrated. "I'm tired of this Rachel! You have a terrible attitude, you're a lousy sport, and it is not okay anymore!"
"Well I'm upset!" Rachel spat, standing up as she glared at everyone — especifically, at Finn. "I'm furious about this, about a couple of things actually!"
"I'm sorry you're disappointed, but you know, you could also make the choice to be happy, that we're a part of a glee club that is bursting at the seams with talent." Mr. Schue argued. "There's an awful lot of me talk going around. What's in it for me?; What solo am I gonna sing? Now, when we go to Sectionals, we're gonna be good sports. We'll cheer on the Hipsters, we'll cheer on Kurt and the Warblers, and if they win we will congratulate them, because that's who we are."
At that, everyone grew silent. That was, until Puck walked inside with a new girl close behind him.
"Dude, where have you been?" Artie asked then, as everyone turned to look at Puck.
"I found him in a porta potty." The girl answered for them.
"In... In a what?" Piper mumbled to herself, still amazed with the things she had to hear sometimes in that choir room.
"The football team locked me in there after I tried to get some of them to join the glee club." Puck started to explain. "Lauren found me and saved me, so I asked her if she wanted to join and she said that if I gave her seven minutes in heaven, she would. I have to say, she kinda rocked my world."
Again, everyone just grew silent, unsure on what to say. Mr. Schue finally decided to take the lead then.
"Okay guys, hum, well, looks like we're back in business." He announced. "Let's all welcome our newest member, Ms. Lauren Zizes!"
And as everyone clapped slowly, still a bit weirded out by the whole thing, but unable to do anything else considering they needed another member or they wouldn't be able to compete at all.
"Puck, nice work." Mr. Schue praised the boy as they shook hands. "We owe you one."
Piper had just received a text from Kurt, asking her to meet him in the auditorium in five minutes and she was just making her way there when Tina appeared in front of her from a corner, making the girl jump back a bit in surprise.
"We have a big problem." She said, clearly annoyed as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"What did I do?" Piper asked, confused.
"What did you do?"
"Then why do we have a problem?"
"Piper!" Tina sighed, exasperatedly. "Mike and Brittany are having an affair!"
"What?" Piper frowned. "Are you crazy?"
"You haven't noticed her ignoring you lately?" Tina asked, as Piper shook her head.
"Not really, it's shark week." She shrugged. "And besides... I'm not dating Brittany."
"They're inseparable, though!"
"They're doing a number together at Sectionals." Piper argued. "They've been rehearsing."
"Really? Just rehearsing?" Tina asked, clearly unconvinced. "Exhibit A, I kissed him and it tasted like Lip Smackers. Do you know who wears Lip Smackers? Brittany."
"She doesn't mind sharing." Piper shrugged. "I love borrowing her Lip Smackers. They taste amazing."
"Don't be naive, Piper." Tina scoffed. "She's a cheerleader, he's a football player. You and I never had a chance at either of them."
"Okay, once again, I'm not dating Brittany." Piper clarified as Tina sent her an unconvinced look. "Second of all, Mike loves you. He wouldn't cheat on you. And third of all... I have somewhere else to be. So... If you excuse me..."
As she walked away from Tina, Piper could still feel the younger girl's stare on her back, but as she pulled open the door from the auditorium, she couldn't help but smile as soon as she saw Kurt sitting by the piano on the stage.
"Well, I knew you'd miss me but I didn't think it'd be that soon." She smirked playfully as Kurt spun around to look at her and smiled brightly at the sight of his best friend standing there.
"Come here." He said, simply, and that was all it took for Piper to rush across the audience and toward the stage before pulling Kurt in for a hug as the two of them laughed together. "Oh, how I've missed you, P."
"I've missed you too, Kurt."
"How are things here?" Kurt asked then, taking a step back to look at Piper properly and when he noticed how skinny she looked, he knew Mercedes was right in worrying about the girl's eating habits again. "Is Karofsky giving you a hard time?"
"Sometimes." She shrugged. "He still pushes me around a bit, but less than when you were here. I guess I was right, the target was always you and I just usually happened to be there."
"Did he threaten you again?" Kurt asked as Piper shook her head.
"He hasn't talked to me at all."
"That's hum... Good, I think, right?" Kurt asked as Piper shrugged. "And Quinn?"
"Dating Sam." She answered with a small pout. "Officially now, promise ring and all. So, not much to add there. But enough talking about my boring life in plain old McKinley. Tell me how it is at Dalton."
Kurt smiled a bit when Piper lifted herself up over the piano and, even though he knew she was just deflecting the subject of her love life and trying to avoid the question she knew was coming about her eating disorder, Kurt was happy to see she was still smiling anyway.
"It's great there. I've never felt happier." Kurt admitted as Piper gave him a small but genuine smile. "You know, I've been invited to audition for a solo."
"Really?" Piper asked, as Kurt nodded.
"Really." He said. "Which is why I need your help, finding a good ballad for me to sing."
"You want my help?" Piper frowned. "I'm not a ballader, Kurt. I feel like you might benefit more if you ask Mercedes."
"Mercedes is a force to be reckoned with, we all know that." Kurt said, as Piper frowned, unsure of where this conversation was going. "And sure, maybe you can't reach the notes she can, but you sing with your heart, P, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And we all know I can sing perfectly fine as well, but I want to impress my fellow Warblers with a bit of soul, so, what better way to do that than to ask for advice to the queen of emotional singing?"
"Oh, you flatter me." Piper rolled her eyes, not once believing Kurt's words, but giving into him anyway. "I can give you a couple tips, though. What did you have in mind?"
"I've settled on Celine Dion's classic, My Heart Will Go On."
"Kurt, no." Piper shook her head then, causing Kurt's smile to drop a bit.
"Listen... You said you wanted heart, you wanted soul. If you want to show your emotions, you need to open your heart to your audience." Piper shrugged. "You need to get more personal than that. Sing about what you're feeling. So... What are you feeling?"
"I feel... I feel torn." Kurt admitted with a frown, as Piper stayed quiet, listening to him and letting him speak. "I mean, I feel great at Dalton, I feel free. But, at the same time... I miss this place. I miss you guys. And, sometimes, I wished I've never left."
At that, Piper nodded, smiling a bit as she jumped off of the piano and walked toward the small radio Kurt had brought with him.
"I have the perfect song for you." She said, going through Kurt's collections, all too aware that he'd have it there somewhere and smiling when she finally found it. "Here it is."
And as soon as Piper pressed play, Kurt sat down by the piano again, watching as the girl walked toward the front of the stage and started to sing. Kurt smiled as he watched her because, as much as he knew she didn't believe him, she had a wonderful voice and her sweet tones and pure heart made for the perfect combination when it came to emotional songs.
It won't be easy
You think it's strange
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still need your love
After all that I've done
You won't believe me
All you will see
Is a girl you once knew
Although she's dressed up
To the nines
At sixes
And sevens with you
I had to let it happen
I had to change
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel
Looking out
Of the window
Staying out of the sun
So I chose freedom
Running around
Trying everything new
But nothing
Impressed me
At all
I never
Expected it to
Don't cry for me, Argentina
The truth is
I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance
"Or, you know... Something like that." Piper shrugged, blushing a bit as she turned back around to look at Kurt again.
"You're unbelievable." The boy chuckled at her bashfulness. "Come on. Now that I have the perfect song, let's go to the Lima Bean."
At that, Piper hesitated for a second, not really in the mood for cookies and coffee. But when Kurt extended a hand toward her with a small smile, she relented, grabbing it in hers and allowing him to pull her with him.
As per usual, the New Directions were a mess before the competition and, due to a pounding headache, Piper had volunteered herself for going after Lauren Zizes' candy, trying with all her might to get away from all the yelling and the fight going around with her group.
That clearly didn't work however, and, not only did her head now felt like it was about to explode in a million pieces, her bad mood increased ten-fold as she tried to argue with the lady behind the counter, trying to get Lauren some candy.
"Just, please... I need raisinettes!" She argued for what felt like the hundredth time, jumping a bit when no one other than Kurt Hummel himself appeared beside her.
"Carb loading?" He asked, surprised as Piper sighed.
"Puck got Lauren Zizes to take your place and she won't go on unless she gets her damn candy! She's a warm body." She explained, clearly annoyed, as she rubbed her temples a bit and Kurt frowned at her. "Hey did you get your solo?"
"Sadly no." Kurt said, as Piper frowned, looking up at him.
"Really? That sucks." She mumbled. "I'm sure you were great, though."
"I was." Kurt said, chuckling a bit when Piper raised an eyebrow at him. "I mean, I think I was. Being in the Warblers has really made me question everything I thought about myself."
"You miss us, huh?" Piper smiled gently as she sat down on a stool, causing Kurt to do the same.
"I do." Kurt nodded then. "Being a Warbler is great but I don't think they appreciate my individuality as much as you guys did. And I can't help but think that I let you guys down. Especially you."
"It's your life Kurt." Piper shook her head then. "You weren't safe at McKinley anymore and we all get it. You didn't let anyone down. Especially not me."
"Thank you." He smiled at her before pulling the girl in for a hug. "So, how's everyone else?"
"Fighting, as usual." Piper shrugged.
"What is it now?" Kurt chuckled, all too accustomed to the New Direction's talent of getting into the biggest messes ever whenever a competition was just around the corner.
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