《Picture Perfect - Book 2 - Q.F.》Britney/Brittany
"All right, who can tell me who Christopher Cross is?" Mr. Schue asked as he excitedly started their first lesson of the week.
"He discovered America." Brittany said as Piper frowned a bit at that.
"Close." Mr. Schue shook his head. "He did write an iconic chart topper: Sailing."
"Oh, I have a bad feeling about this lesson..." Piper said, as she crossed her arms over her chest causing Tina to nod from the chair in front of hers.
"Never heard of him, don't want to hear about him." She whispered.
"Now some people think of the term Easy Listening as a bad thing but I'm going to let this music speak for itself." The teacher continued, as usual, unaware of his students' unhappiness. "You guys love Lady Gaga and the Rolling Stones and you guys are really good about putting it all out there. But really good music can also be controlled, and restrained. It doesn't have to attack an audience, it can let them come to you."
As he spoke, Mr. Schue started to hand out some music sheet and, before Piper could even look at the scores in her hands, she heard a very confused Finn speak up.
"How could you get caught between the moon and New York City?" He asked, referring to the title of the song Mr. Schue had selected for them. "They're like a hundred miles apart."
Before anyone could say anything else, however, Kurt raised his hand.
"Mr. Shue? If I may." He asked, smiling when Mr. Schue gave him the word. "I think I speak for all of us when I say it's not that we don't love the idea of spending a week on this silky smooth Adult Contemporary, it's just that, as teens, this isn't the easiest music for us to relate to. However, there is a burgeoning Facebook campaign that has swelled to over five members. The ardent demand: that this week, at the fall homecoming assembly, the McKinley High School Glee Club performs a number by... Wait for it... Ms. Britney Spears."
At that, all the kids gasped in excitement, already imagining all the cool Britney numbers they could make. Mr. Schuester, however, didn't seem to be too on board with the idea.
"Sorry, Kurt..." He shook his head as the kids all stopped and turned to look at him, confused. "Kurt, sorry. No, no, no. I don't think she's a very good role model."
"But, Mr. Shue, we kind of grew up with her." Rachel said.
"She's literally why I wanted to become a performer." Tina agreed.
"I don't want to do Britney." Brittany spoke up, and, again, everyone turned to her, confused.
"Why no Britney, Brittany?" Kurt asked.
"Because my name is also Brittany Spears." Brittany said, as Piper frowned.
"What the hell is she talking about?" Mercedes asked, as Piper shrugged.
"My middle name is Susan, my last name is Pierce." Brittany explained, causing Piper to shake her head at the girl as she rubbed her forehead in disbelief. "That makes me Brittany S. Pierce. Brittany Spierce. I've lived my entire life in Britney Spears' shadow. I will never be as talented or as famous. I hope you'll all respect that I want Glee Club to remain a place where I, Brittany S. Pierce, can escape the torment of Britney Spears."
At that, everyone gasped, silence taking over the club considering no one really knew what to do. Or say, for that matter. Taking this as his opportunity, however, Mr. Schue shrugged.
"Well, there you have it, guys." He said. "It's been decided. No Britney. Sorry."
"Thanks, Britt." Kurt mumbled, clearly unamused. "Thanks a lot."
"Leave Brittany alone." Santana glared at the boy before sending her best friend a smile.
"Thank you for understanding." Brittany smiled back at Santana as the girl just nodded at her. "It's been a hard road."
"Oh, my God..." Piper chuckled under her breath, half confused and half amused.
"Hum, can we move on?" Rachel asked after a second of collective silence.
"Yes." Mr. Schue said and as soon as he opened his mouth again, Piper groaned. "Let's talk about Michael Bolton."
As soon as Dr. Howell walked into the room, Piper knew that was going to be a long week. She groaned a bit as Mr. Schue explained that Dr. Howell was there to teach them all about dental hygiene or whatever, and, noticing her best friend's discomfort, Mercedes leaned over to her with a frown.
"You okay?" She asked, causing Piper to nod as she leaned closer to Mercedes as well.
"Yeah. It's just... Dr. Howell is a friend of my dad's, so he has been my dentist since I was a kid." She explained. "I've always been so scared of dentists, though, and he always treats me like a child because I have to wear anesthesia whenever he does anything in my mouth."
"Right, and?"
"I'm sure he's gonna make a comment to me in front of everyone and I'll die of embarrassment." Piper whispered as Mercedes laughed. "It's true! And I've been avoiding him for so long because he wants me to do a routine visit or something."
"You're avoiding your dentist?" Mercedes chuckled as Piper pushed her away from her.
"Yeah, and you're not helping me at all."
"All right, so here's the deal..." Dr. Howell said, causing the two girls to stop messing around and turn their attention back to the man in front of them. "You chew this little capsule. Now if there's any plaque you missed, the dye will stick to it and turn your teeth blue."
"Can I just say that you are the hottest dentist I've ever seen?" Santana said, as Dr. Howell started to pass down some of the capsules to the kids.
"I get that all the time." Dr. Howell smiled.
"No, like, seriously, you can totally drill me whenever..."
"Santana!" Ms. Pillsbury squeaked as Piper snorted a laugh. "Okay, let's stay focused."
"Rock n' roll, Emms." Dr. Howell smiled, before walking back to the middle of the choir room as he stood beside Mr. Schue. "And besides, this guy... Now this guy's pretty easy on the eyes too, huh? And you know what? No matter how hard I tried, I bet I couldn't sing and dance like him."
"Hum, probably not." Mr. Schue smirked awkwardly, causing Piper and Mercedes to exchange weirded out looks.
"All right, let's take a look at those chompers, huh?" Dr. Howell said, as Piper ripped open the package of her capsule.
"Before we chew, I would just like to alert Mr. Shue that there's been a new addition to the Britney Spears Facebook campaign." Kurt said, and as much as everyone smiled excitedly, Mr. Schue shook his head.
"Sorry. The answer's still no." He said, as Piper sighed. "Capsules, guys."
"Yes, chew away." Ms. Pillsbury said. "Chew, chew."
Doing as they were told, everyone chewed in their capsules, and Piper was pleased to see that her teeth were clean. Smiling over at Mercedes, the two of them chuckled as they analyzed each other's teeth, before spinning around their seats when they heard Kurt gasp.
"Oh, my God!" He said, looking over at Rachel.
"What?" She asked, pulling out a mirror from her purse before smiling into it and covering her mouth as soon as she did so, seeing all her teeth covered in blue.
"I don't understand." She cried out as everyone flinched a bit at her. "I floss between classes."
"Well, sometimes it's genetics." Dr. Howell shrugged.
"I think I might be better at brushing and flossing if I could see myself in the mirror." Artie said, his own teeth also covered in blue ink.
"There you go, blue tooth." Santana teased.
"I don't brush my teeth." Brittany said, as everyone turned to look at her. "I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr. Pepper was a dentist."
"I got this, Em." Dr. Howell said, as he walked over to Brittany to check her teeth, standing just beside Piper's chair. "With some deep bleaching or scaling, you'll be as good as new. All right, open up. Nah, close."
And as Ms. Pillsbury giggled a bit and Mr. Schue rolled his eyes, Dr. Howell spun around a bit so his eyes fell on Piper instead.
"What about you, Pips?" He asked, as the girl blushed deep when everyone turned to look at her.
"My teeth are fine." She mumbled, sending Dr. Howell a big smile. "See?"
"I'd still like to see you this week." He told her and as she opened her mouth to protest, Dr. Howell shook his head. "This week, or I'll call your dad."
"Ugh..." She groaned, hiding her face in her hand when everyone laughed.
Fine, a visit to the dentist that week it was, then.
Piper was about 90% sure Mr. Schue was talking about that Christopher Cross dude again, but as she focused on her new sketch in her lap, she couldn't really be bothered to really pay any attention to the class. That is, until Brittany raised her hand and Mr. Schue gave her the word.
"Brittany." He called, causing Piper to look up from her book in her lap and toward the girl behind her.
"I would just like to say that from now on, I demand to have every solo in Glee Club." She said.
"What?" Rachel gasped.
"When I had my teeth cleaned, I had the most amazing Britney Spears fantasy." She said, as Piper frowned, half confused and half amazed like it usually was whenever Brittany spoke up. "I sang and danced better than her. Now I realize what a powerful woman I truly am."
"I went with her, and I had a Britney fantasy, too." Santana nodded. "Although now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not really sure how our fantasies combined. That doesn't make any sense."
Still dead-set on convincing their teacher to let them perform Britney at homecoming, Kurt smirked then.
"See, Mr. Shue? I told you." He said. "Britney Spears busted our Britt out of her everyday, fragmented haze of confusion and gave her the confidence to step up and perform."
"I'm more talented than all of you." Brittany nodded. "I see that clearly now. It's Brittany, bitch."
"Guys, we're not doing Britney Spears, and that's that." Mr. Schue argued, as Piper sighed, disappointed. Kurt Hummel apparently wasn't done talking, however.
"Mr. Shue, you're letting your own personal issues get in the way of something that we are all telling you we really want to do." He said. "I mean, this club regularly pays tribute to pop culture, and Britney Spears is pop culture! To suggest otherwise is heretical!"
"Kurt, I'm done talking about this!"
"Geez! Let loose a little, would you?" Kurt spat, as everyone gasped, surprised by his outburst. "Stop being so frickin' uptight all the time!"
There was a moment of silence then, as everyone just waited for one of them to react again. And when Mr. Schue finally did, Piper frowned again.
"Kurt... I'll see you in the Principal's office."
"Pips, it's just a light bleaching..." Dr. Howell argued as he looked over the very frightened girl sitting in his dentist chair.
"I know that..." She pouted and, for a second, he could swear he saw the five-year-old Piper Snow that he met after reencountering his friend Harold from high school in Lima more than ten years ago. "But you know I hate being here. Why can't you just put me under?"
"Anesthesia is a serious business, Piper. I can't just put you under for nothing."
"You said it's quick and easy." Piper argued. "Just give a tiny bit so I'll fall asleep while you work."
"Pips, I..."
"I won't let you do anything if I'm awake."
Knowing she was right and that she'd trash and cry over the tiniest thing he tried to do to her, he sighed, relenting.
"Fine." He rolled his eyes as Piper let out a big breath of relief. "But just a little bit. Now... Do you mind if I listen to some music?"
"No." Piper mumbled, already feeling her eyes heaving as soon as Dr. Howell put the anesthesia mascara over her nose. "Go ahead."
And when Piper opened her eyes again, she thought for a moment, the anesthesia hadn't work, but when she heard the music playing around her, she instantly knew what the song was and what she had to do. Sure, she felt a bit weird wearing the waitress outfit and the big curly pigtails straight from the 2000's, but as she walked up to the mirror to do her makeup and change outfits, she realized she didn't really care.
Baby, I'm so into you
You got that something, what can I do?
Baby, you spin me around, oh
The earth is moving, but I can't feel the ground
Every time you look at me
My heart is jumping, it's easy to see
Now with her hair down in waves, in a bright green crop top and black loose pants, Piper walked down a hallway confidently, feeling better in herself than she had in months and with some of her girls behind her for support. Piper didn't think she could feel any better than she did in that moment, but when she saw no one other than Quinn Fabray herself walking up to her from the opposite direction, only to fall into perfect choreography with her, Piper could swear she felt her heart explode.
You drive me crazy, I just can't sleep
I'm so excited, I'm in too deep
Whoa oh oh, crazy, but it feels alright
Baby, thinking of you keeps me up all night
Tell me you're so into me
That I'm the only one you will see
Tell me I'm not in the blue, oh
That I'm not wasting my feelings on you
Every time I look at you
My heart is jumping, what can I do?
You drive me crazy, I just can't sleep
I'm so excited, I'm in too deep
Whoa oh oh, crazy, but it feels alright
Baby, thinking of you keeps me up all night
Baby, thinking of you keeps me up all night!
"Pips..." A voice called for her and Piper was about 90% sure it wasn't Quinn's. "Pips, wake up. We're done. Pips..."
Slowly opening her eyes and shaking her head, she tried to remember where she was. It wasn't until she saw Dr. Howell standing there that she did: the dentist. Still under slight influence of the gas, however, Piper didn't really have any control over her words anymore.
"I think I look better in green than I thought..." She mumbled, as Dr. Howell shook his head at her with a smile.
"You glee kids are impossible to work with..." He laughed. "I don't know what you dream about, but it's most definitely something good."
After her hallucination at the dentist — where she saw herself dressed exactly like Britney in her music video — Piper decided to try that look out. So, that day, instead of her usual simple shirts and tied up hair, Piper cut up one of her shirts to try and make a green crop top like the one from her dream and paired it up with some tight black leggings and kept her long brown hair down, in waves.
When she stepped foot in the school, she felt different — more confident, more powerful — and everyone had noticed, taking a double take to look at Piper, surprised by her sudden change of look. And when she walked into the choir room that day, it wasn't any different.
"Piper Caroline Snow!" Kurt yelled as soon as he set eyes on her, jumping up from his seat to rush to his friend at the door with Mercedes close behind him. "What's gotten into you?"
"I decided to change a bit." She shrugged, hiding her blush over all the attention she was receiving behind a smile. "Did you like it?"
"If we liked it?" Mercedes laughed. "Girl, give us a spin."
And so Piper did, spinning a bit in her heels as Mercedes, Kurt, Artie and Tina fuzzed over Piper and her new look. From her place in a chair at the back of the choir room, Quinn realized she had been staring for a bit too long and as much as she longed for just walking up to Piper to take a closer look at her, she decided against it, biting her lip hard as she averted her gaze and looked at everywhere else but Piper as to not give away her situation.
"Well, Piper, congratulations." Santana said, as Piper and her friends all moved to take a few seats in the front row of the choir room. "Normally, you dress like the very esteriotypical zero fashion sense lesbian who's always covered in paint, but I actually dig this look. Yay."
Rolling her eyes at Santana's very fake smile, Piper giggled and, for whatever reason, just the sound made Quinn's lips pull up in a smile as well.
"Thank you, Santana." Piper scoffed.
"I think what Santana is trying to say, P, though I risk expulsion by saying so..." Kurt said, sending a pointed look at Mr. Schue who had just arrived in the choir room. "Is that it seems Britney Spears has really helped you blossom. That's all."
"Wait. Piper, is that true?" Mr. Schue asked, as he turned from glaring at Kurt to frowning at Piper instead. "I mean, you are sort of dressing differently."
"Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy..."
"You're disgusting." Mercedes rolled her eyes, hitting Artie in the arm as he flinched a bit.
"Look, all I know is that I had a very vivid Britney Spears fantasy at the dentist, and since then, it's made me feel free to get out of my own way." Piper admitted. "I think I've just always been afraid to dress like a pretty girl because I've never really felt like one before. Now I realize it's okay to feel that way about yourself every now and again. And maybe it's a good thing."
"It's such a good thing." Brittany nodded as Mr. Schue sighed, realizing that, more and more, all of the kids were waiting to pay Britney Spears a tribute. "I can't believe it."
It was the next glee meeting and, not only was Piper still dressing differently, but Artie and Finn were now telling the group how Artie was now in the football team and Finn was back in too — which was, apparently, not very good news to Rachel, who watched the whole thing with a pout on her lips.
"I was pretty sure Artie's legs don't work." Quinn said, as soon as the boys finished telling their story about talking to coach Beiste.
"Did you get a leg transplant?" Brittany asked.
"Nope." Artie said. "My teammates can push my chair like a battering ram."
"Yeah, there's no rules against it." Finn nodded excitedly. "We checked."
"And I have Britney Spears to thank." Artie said.
"You're welcome." Brittany whispered, pretty proud of herself.
"Britney plus nitrous gave me an amazing idea, and it gave me the nerve to tell Coach Beiste that Finn and I both really want to be on the team." Artie continued, as Santana turned to Finn with a smirk.
"Wait. You're back on the football team?" She asked, as he nodded.
"Suddenly, you're way hotter to me. Weird."
And when she smirked at him, Piper finally understood what was bothering Rachel so much — now that Finn was back in the football team, he was somewhat hot stuff again and Rachel was, most likely, jealous.
"Wait. I don't get it." Kurt said, causing everyone to turn and look at him. "How come everyone's having Britney Spears fantasies?"
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