《One night with the Greek God》Epilogue



1 Year Later

Kat POV:

As I walk down the aisle, I smile up at Apollo at the altar, and he winks at me, making me look down at my beautiful emerald satin dress. He still makes me blush, even after all this time together. The priestess then announces

"Can you all rise please?"

And as the string quartet plays, the doors to the beautiful castle open, and I feel myself getting teary-eyed as Chris walks down the aisle in his beautiful tux/dress type outfit, he looks absolutely stunning and our eyes meet for a few seconds, I smile the biggest megawatt smile in my life as I feel a stray drop fall from my eye. But as he gets closer to the alter, his eyes meet Dmitri's, in his classic tux and my heart swells.

As they meet at the alter and move slightly forward, my eyes meet Apollos' and he mouths 'I love you' to which I blow him a kiss and mouth those same words back. He then pats Dmitri on the back and the ceremony gets started.

A few minutes later, the rings were exchanged as Penelope brought them to the front and the vows were said. Apollo had to hand me his handkerchief which I ended up sharing between myself and Chris as we were a sobbing mess but we made it through and massive cheers ring throughout the place as the priestess says those powerful words:

"You are now husband, and husband. You may kiss your groom!" cue the thunderous applause and doves being released into the venue, of course, there would be doves, Chris loves the drama and spectacle and I am here to support it 100% so when we had to fight Dmitri and Apollo for the doves, let's just say we know who won...


As we exit behind the happy couple, I intertwine my hands with Apollo and we exit the castle together as everyone throws flower petals over the couple. We then make our way to the reception and I am busy checking on the food and drinks, as well as making sure everyone was okay when suddenly I am grabbed from behind and spun around

"Apollo!" he places my hands around his neck, his hands around my waist and kisses my head

"Everything is fine αγάπη μου (my love)..."

"I know, I just need to make sure that-"

At that moment Chris and Dmitri are dancing next to us and Chris leans back

"He's right, Kat, everything is sorted and people are fine, have some fun with your man girl!" he laughs as they disappear into the crowd again and I finally relax into Apollo's arms, reminiscing about our wedding day.

A few moments later, speeches were made, the cake was cut and before we knew it, it was 1 am and the couple had to leave for the airport. They had planned an immediate honeymoon as they were both so busy that they decided it was either after the wedding or possibly never at all...Apollo might've also forced Dmitri to go after paying for their honeymoon before he could even protest. We dropped them off at the airport and although I knew I'll see them in a few weeks, Chris and I still cried as we hugged with Dmitri and Apollo laughing at us and our dramatics. Once they left, I started yawning as it was now almost 4 am and we were up since yesterday at 7 am preparing for the wedding.

I needed the sleep, especially with the day I had planned for tomorrow. Apollo and I were going on a date as it was a Saturday and none of us had work to do. As we pull up to our apartment, a mother and her daughter walk past us, and I almost aimlessly rub my belly but stop myself before Apollo could see, but he saw me looking at them, grabbed my hand and walked up to the elevator.


As we get ready for bed, I can't get the image of the mom with her little girl out of my mind and smile, looking down, before going to bed. Climbing in next to Apollo, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close to his side, trailing kisses down my neck.


"mmm?" he answers as I can tell he is falling asleep but my mind is racing

"What if we had a daughter?"

He takes in a deep breath and I start stressing out

"αγάπη μου... I would love her or him with all my heart..."

I feel a tear roll down my face and a smile crawl on my face, but I hear a light snore from behind me and know that Apollo has fallen asleep. Meanwhile, he doesn't know that in the closet is a box filled with 5 positive pregnancy tests and a little jumper that says 'Daddy's little cutie', all wrapped in a ribbon ready for me to break the news to him tomorrow after our date.

As I fall into sleep, my hand unconsciously going to my belly and a smile on my face, I imagine our little family growing and with a peaceful and happy heart, succumbing to sleep in the arms of the love of my life and the father of my children.




Wow, we're actually at the end...THANK YOU THANK YOU a million times THANK YOU for sticking with me through this journey and this love story. I promise and I hope to only get better with time. I am super excited for the next story and I'm still planning out the details but hopefully soon soon there will be a cute chapter 1 of said new story.

Thank you, sending so much love and positive energy your way! xx

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