《One night with the Greek God》Chapter 1


Welcome back to a new story! Whoop whoop! I am on a roll and ready for the next one! This is about to be spicier, sexier and a lot more rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr than the previous stories so hold on to your wigs and let's get going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter 1:

Katherine POV:

Knock, knock, knock

"Chris" another sob, my mascara burning my eyes as the tears stream down my face.

Knock, knock, knock

"Ch- Chris..." the light goes on and I hear the door being unlocked, a tired-looking Chris looks at me and when he sees the state I am in, he grabs me and I cry uncontrollably against his chest

"Oh, honey...what happened? Come inside" he drags me over to the couch and opens his cabinet, taking out a bottle of wine and two glasses

"He, he- that motherfucker!" another angry sob "I should have listened to you Chris...I should've..." he pours wine to the top of a glass and hands it to me

"Here, honey, drink and breathe" he goes to pour his own glass and sits right next to me, facing me on the couch, handing me a box of tissues

"Thank you" I sniffle and drink half the glass in one go

"Now...spill the tea so I know whose body I need to bury" I chuckle, take a deep breath and down the rest of the wine in my glass

"Oh, honey..." Chris looks at me and immediately refills my glass

"Now, spill" I feel my anger rising again just thinking about the shit show of a day, not imagining it would end like this... Let me start at the beginning.

This morning my stomach was filled with butterflies as it was my and Justin, my boyfriend of two years' anniversary and I wanted to surprise him with a getaway. We hadn't really spoken about our anniversary as he was extremely busy at the firm with a new case, but because the secretary at the firm had told me he had taken off the afternoon before to go to the jewellery store, my heart immediately beat faster, was he going to propose?

When I mentioned our anniversary though, he looked shocked but I thought it was an act to hide and play down the proposal. So we had made dinner plans for tomorrow evening, as he was too busy, but I thought I'd surprise him at work in the evening. I place our suitcases at the door; we had been living together for three months now, and head off to work. At the office, he brings me flowers and that is all I see of him for the day at the office, yes we work at the same firm, recently got a massive mafia-related case and Justin was the head lawyer. During lunch, I head home to prepare everything, passports, tickets, make sure all our bags are packed and later that evening head over to the office to surprise him.


Everyone had gone home at this point and the office was dark, except his office, the lights were still on. I creep closer excitedly waiting to surprise him but hear another voice as well. I quietly walk closer and hear...is that moaning?

"Oh yes, baby, oh Justin, yes!" Justin and the new redhead secretary from another department are making out on the table. This asshole and as I walk back I make a sound and they stop, look at the door and I move backwards against the wall, covering my mouth, the tears now silently streaming down my face. How could he?!

I hear him speak "I got you something baby" I look again and see him take out a box that looks expensive and it's from a jewellery store. He takes out the necklace and she squeals, turning so that he could put it around her neck. She runs her hands over the necklace, smiles that fake overly white smile and they start kissing and moaning again, lifting her onto the table. I've had enough of this bullshit and walk right in

"What the fuck is this, Justin!" he doesn't even look bothered or guilty at all and this bitch is smiling at me. He steps away from her, both of them barely dressed and he walks towards me reaching out to me

"Kat..." I flinch away from him

"Don't you fucking Kat me, Justin! What the fuck are you doing? And on our anniversary?!" I feel the tears uncontrollably stream down my face and he just runs a hand through his hair

"Kat, this hasn't been working for a while now and-"

"Hasn't been working?! We just moved in together Justin? And how long have you been fucking this slut?!" the redhead walks towards Justin and wraps her arm around him, opening her mouth

"We've been sleeping together for two months now right, teddy bear?" I instantly feel nauseous

"So all those times you had to work late...?"

"Listen, Kat, I didn't mean to hurt you...I just...." The redhead interrupts

"He wasn't happy with you, sweetheart. Maybe you should lose a few kilos and then maybe you can keep a man?" Oh, this bitch...

"Excuse me?" I'm about to lose my shit...

"She does have a point, Kat, you have picked up a few pounds lately..." I slap him across the face, angry tears streaming down my face and redhead gasps and hold his face

"How dare you, you fat pig!" redhead screams at me and as I am about to do the same to this bitch, Justin stops my hand from reaching her face.

I stare at him and pull my hand out from his "Fuck you Justin, you're an asshole!" I flip them the middle finger and walk out of the building. What a waste of my time... I hail a cab and this is how we are where we are now, at my gay best friends' place.


Chris is fuming and pacing around the living room with his glass in his hand

"That ugly ass, stupid ass, dumb ass tool! What a bitch! I'm about to walk over there and rip that bitch's hair from her scalp and shove it up that asshole's-" I stand and stop him from pacing. I put his glass down and hug him; we stand there for a few minutes, him caressing my hair while I sob for a while.

Chris holds me by my arms and looks at me "You know you're beautiful right? My curvy queen! He just can't handle the curves honey" I laugh at his sass. I love my curves and wouldn't change them for any man. So what I'm not thin, but I am happy and healthy, and love my big ole booty and thick thighs.

A few minutes later, we've got some sushi and I receive a text from the devil himself

Kat, we are sleeping in a hotel for the evening so that you can remove your things from my house. –J

Chris looks over at the message and grabs my hand. Going to the kitchen he places something cold in my hand and grabs another bottle of wine

"Let's go" he calls a cab and we arrive at Justin's apartment. He asks me for the cold thing he gave me and heads into the bedroom. I pack my things, which luckily were not a lot, and as I am placing the last suitcase at the door, Chris walks out with a smile on his face.

"What did you do?" he grabs a few bags and we start walking out

"Well, he wanted another fish, so I gave him...another fish" I squint before realizing what he had just done...so that cold thing from the fridge was... he sees the realization dawning on my face and we both burst out laughing and running out of the building, catching a cab back to Chris' place, which is on the other side of town.

Once we arrive back at his place, we load all of my bags into the extra room and I sit on the bed, removing the passport from my handbag

"And to think, I wasted all this money on a trip to Greece..." Chris grabs the plane tickets, looks at them and then looks at me

"Have you already booked your leave?" I nod "And you've packed already as well, I assume?" I nod again.

"So then how about we turn this into a girls' trip?" I feel a smile appear on my face and we squeal and jump. Chris goes to pack a bag and we catch a few hours of sleep before leaving to the airport the next morning. On the plane, Chris is speaking in a different language to someone on the phone and when he ends the call I look at him

"Are you sure it's okay for you to miss work like this?" he holds my hand

"Honey, my work can wait, and besides, the designer can work from anywhere in the world baby" I smile, I truly hit the jackpot with Chris, he is my rock and sister from another mister as he would say. Chris runs a fashion boutique catering for the high society, as well as having gorgeous garments for the everyday woman and that is why his business is so successful and he is one of the busiest people in town, while I am a paralegal working at a large firm and I enjoy being a paralegal, but the firm treats me more like a secretary and I never got to do any legal groundwork or work closely with any of the lawyers, that's why I was so close with the legal secretary. I wasn't happy with my job actually so maybe Justin did me a favour...

"Hey, hun, could I borrow your laptop real quick please?"

"Sure honey" he hands me his laptop and I type furiously and press send, feeling the best feeling I've felt in a while. I hand Chris his laptop back and forgot to close the email out of excitement when he sees what's on the screen

"What?!" he removes his oversized sunglasses and looks at me, "She said, here's my two weeks' notice, bye Felicia, yes ma'am you better leave that trash firm" we do a little happy high five and I smile knowing that I have a lot to organize but am happier than ever. I can look for jobs when we get back but for now, I want to party, drink multiple cocktails, get a tan and eat tons of Greek food with my best friend.

Just then I look out the window as we pass over the beautiful Greek islands and the announcement sounds throughout the plane

Ding! Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. The plane will land shortly so please fasten your seatbelts and stow away all luggage as we prepare for landing. Enjoy and have a safe trip! Welcome to Greece!

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