《ᛖᚦᚨᚾ | Elijah Mikealson x Reader》Chapter 10
Y/N thanked the Mystic Falls residence for their help. Now that she was in her right mind, she had been able to befriend some of them, finding that they weren't so bad to be around. Worrying about Ethan had really taken a toll on her. They all seemed to like her more, now that she was back to her old self.
She had said goodbye to her new friends with promises of visiting and returned to New Orleans with her family.
As soon as they got back, Y/N, Ethan, and Elijah spent the day together. Ethan and Elijah got along perfectly. They did a lot of stuff together that only made Ethan love his father more.
Afterwards, Ethan spent time with his Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Klaus while Y/N and Elijah spent time together.
They took a stroll through the park. It was the first true quiet time they'd had together in forever. They were calm and at peace and filled with their love for each other and it made the moment perfect.
"I missed this." Y/N said, her hand wrapped around Elijah's as she ran her fingertips over their interlocked hands. "Being here with you. Everything is so calm, peaceful. It feels so much better."
Elijah smiled, bringing their hands up to his lips and kissing them softly. "As have I, dearheart."
"You know what else I've missed?" She asked him, stopling them as she faced him with a smile.
"What?" He questioned, looking into those beautiful eyes of hers. She stood on her toes to reach his lips, pressing hers against his as she englufed him in an intimate kiss.
He kissed her back quickly and easily, placing his hand behind her head as she tilted his own for a better angle.
She tangled her hands in his hair as she deepened the kiss, so engulfed in the feel of his lips on her own.
They pulled back, their lips still hovering over each other as they smiled. "I've missed that, as well."
She chuckled and went in for another kiss. He spoke, "Wait." She stopped, moving her face away to look at him properly.
He smiled and told her, "I have something to say first."
She nodded to show she was listening and he spoke, "I've loved you for so many years and I hope to love you for so many more. And I hope to do it properly, and there's only one thing keeping me from that."
He kneeled down in front of her, taking her hand while his other disappeared in his pocket and took something out.
He took out a small black box and opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring that glistened when it caught the light just right.
She covered her mouth, tears springing to her eyes as she watched him. He continued, "Being apart from you was the worst thing I ever had to endure, and being a part of you will be the best thing to be. The family I have with you is more than I could ever have asked for and I want to continue to share it with you. So, Y/N Axeldottir, will you do the honors of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"
Y/N nodded, smiling wide as she wrapped her arms around him, "Yes, Elijah, of course! You know I would!"
He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and holding on tight. He slippped the ring on her finger and kissed her again, this kiss filled with love and joy and passion.
When they pulled away, she told him, "You do realize we were already engaged, right?"
He nodded, "I'm aware. I just wanted to do it right. Besides, no one knew."
"Everyone will know now." She told him, wrapping her hand around his once more and englufing him in another loving kiss.
When they reached the compound once again, they smiled at each other with hearts practically rising from one another. "What's got you both so happy?" Rebekah asked, walking over to them with Ethan.
Y/N ruffled Ethan's hair with a smile and looked at elinah before turning back to Rebekah and Klaus, who was sitting in a chair reading.
"Elijah and I..." She started, the smile on her face growing.
Eliah finished for her, "We're getting married."
Rebekah smiled and ran over to give Y/N a hug, "I'm so happy for you! It's about time."
She then hugged her brother, "One thousand years of being in love and you're finally typing the knot. Congratulations."
Elijah smiled, "Thank you, Rebekah."
Klaus stood, taking his time to walk over to the two, his face blank as he folded his hands behind his back.
He stopped in front of Y/N first and a slow smile spread over his features, "I'm glad I finally get to properly call you my sister."
He hugged her tight and she hugged back, "And you, my brother."
When Klaus pulled back, he gave her that smile as he rested his hands on ber shoulder and looked over to Elijah.
He smirked, "I'm happy for you, brother. You finally found the love you deserve."
Elijah couldn't help the smile that broke on his face as Klaus hugged him, a true brotherly hug that he hadn't given him in a while.
Ethan looked up at Elijah and smiled, then at his mother. "Yay!" Was all he said as he ran off to another part of the compound.
Y/N furrowed her brows, "Hm."
Elijah shrugged and smiled at her. A moment later, he was in front of them again with his camera around his neck.
"Say cheese!" He exclaimed as he held it up to his face. They both shared a laugh and got in the frame, smiling.
Ethan lowered the camera and urged them on, "Say cheese!"
Elijah and Y/N smiled even more and did as told, "Cheese!"
Ethan clicked the camera and looked at the picture, smiling wide as he ran off to amother room, disappearing in a second.
"Hm, do you think he's going to show us?" Y/N asked. Elijah shrugged, "Perhaps..."
Y/N just shrugged and sat back down, Elijah following suit and picking up a book to read while they waited for Ethan.
A few minutes later, a scream was heard from Ethan's room, making everyone rush to his room in a blur to find him staring down at his photo album.
"It looks so good!" He squealed, grabbing the book and holding it to his chest. Y/N let pit a breath and sighed, "Whew. How does it look, Eth?"
He shoved the album in her hands and she chuckled as she opened it and looked at the page. Elijah looked over he shoulder at the page it was turned to, the picture he'd just taken in the middle and surrounded by a couple of drawings Ethan had scribbled in carefully and stickers he really liked. At the bottom of the picture, the words read, 'Beautiful Days'.
They both smiled and showed Rebekah and Klaus. "It's beautiful, Ethan." Y/N told him, stooping down to pull him into a hug.
He got his camera out again and took another group picture. "We're gonna need more books." He muttered with a smile.
The day of the wedding finally came a long week later. Y/N had woken up with no Elijah and a note that he'd see her on the isle. She was then rushed out of the bed by Rebekah and her friend, Cami, who Y/N quickly got along with.
They spiffied her up, getting her in the wedding gown they'd chosen earlier in the week. It was sleeveless and had long white gloves, the front of the dress hung low into a V and had lacey flowers decorating it. Y/N wore simple pearl earrings and a necklace Elijah had presented to her earlier that week.
When she was finished, Rebekah finally allowed a couple of the eager guests to walk in. Although, they only allowed family in, so it was only a couple of people.
"You're here? I didn't think you'd come!" Rebekah exclaimed, a smile in her voice. Y/N turned around to see who'd stepped into the room.
A smile grew on her face and she rushed over to the little sibling she loved. "Kol! It's been so long!" She exclaimed.
Kol had his arms open and a large smile on his face, "Y/N!"
He picked her up and swung her around. "I never thought I'd see you again! I missed our ventures in the woods." He told her.
"As did I." She replied, that smile in her face and a few tears springing to her eyes. "Don't cry, the makeup will have to be redone!" Cami warned with a smile.
"Oh, yeah." Y/N said, stepping back to look at Kol and carefully wipe at her eyes, "Well, you look great."
Kol smiled, "Speak for yourself, you look beautiful. Elijah's a very lucky man."
"And I, a very lucky woman." Y/N responded.
Kol nodded and told her gently, "I missed you, Y/N. Hey, maybe we can cause some more mischief soon."
"I'd love to." She responded, a mischievous spark in her eyes to compliment her smirk. Rebekah nodded, "Yes, well, it's almost time so you need to go and you need sit still do I can put this pin in your hair.
Y/N nodded and gave Kol another hug, "I'll see you later, K." He nodded and smiled, "Congratulations, sister."
She smiled and he headed off, after being shooed away by Rebekah with a newspaper. The music started playing and they knew it was time, Cami left to go find her seat and Rebekah stayed behind as her Maid of Honor.
Y/N sighed and stared at the door, shaking off her hands. Rebekah placed hers on Y/N's shoulders and asked, "Are you alright? Not getting cold feet, are you?"
Y/N shook her head and looked back at Rebekah, "I've been waiting a thousand years for this. I'm ready. Besides, we've been engaged all of those years so...I think we've waited long enough."
"I'm sorry, what?" Rebekah asked.
"Later." Y/N answered simply. Rebekah nodded and said, "See you out there." She headed out, giving one last nod of luck before disappearing behind the door.
Finally, her cue was up and Y/N grabbed the bouquet of flowers and walked out of the room and toward the entrance of the isle. She took a deep breath and stepped out in front of everyone.
Her eues wandered around the room at first, looking at all of the faces, familiar and otherwise. Cami, Kol, Davina, Halyey, and many others.
Then her eyes scanned closer to the alter, seeing Ethan in a tux with the rings on a pillow and a smile large on his face. He shifted the pillow over and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled and chuckled lightly, giving a little nod of acknowledgement.
Her eyes then shifted over to Niklaus'. He had a large half smirk, half smile on his face, proud of his brother, his new sister, and of course his wedding planning skills.
He gave a simple nod, which she returned as she continued to walk, clenching the flowers in her hands.
She then saw him. His chestnut hair, his chocolate eyes, his smile. She saw it all. He was beautiful. He gazed at her lovingly, his smile growing when his eyes locked with her own. She smiled as well, a tear already running down her cheek as she kept from biting her lip.
She finally reached the alter, the crowd sitting as she passed the flowers to Rebekah. She placed her hands in Elijah's offered ones and smiled more.
Marcel, who was wedding them, smiled and started the ceremony. Everyone could tell by now that the two had tuned most things out, lost in each other's eyes as they finally had each other.
"Hey." Marcel whispered to the two. They turned toward him. "Hm?" She whispered. The part of the crowd who heard chuckled slightly.
"The rings." Marcel chuckled. They both looked at Ethan who was standing with tired arms, presenting the rings for them.
"Oh, yeah." She muttered as the two scrambled clumsily to grab the rings. Ethan sighed and wiped at his forehead as he took his place next to Niklaus again.
They slipped the rings on each other's fingers and Marcel spoke again, looking to her. "Do you, Y/N Axeldottir, take Elijah Mikaelson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
She nodded, "I do." Her voice was slightly unsteady, but clear enough to understand. Marcel nodded and turned to Elijah, who never took his eyes away from hers, scared he may lose her again.
"Do you, Elijah Mikaelson, take Y/N Axeldottir, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
He nodded, "I do."
Marcel smiled and spoke out loud for everyone to hear, "Then by the power vested in me, by the state of Louisiana, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the-"
Elijah took no time in taking her in his arms and planting a firm kiss to her lips, passion igniting in the both of them as they eagerly tied that knot.
"Bride..." Marcel finished with a smile. After the kiss, they stared at each other for a moment before finally turning to the crowd in front of them, who were cheering and clapping their congratulations.
Ethan ran over then, hugging Y/N and Elijah tight, "I love you guys."
Elijah smiled at that, pulling him alittle tighter, "I love you, too, son."
Y/N smiled, wiping away a tear. Elijah gently swiped his thumb across her cheek to clear the tear as well. "I love you."
"I love you." She said, kissing him again.
The reception started and they were already being crowded by a bunch of people. Thankfully, it was people Y/N was roughly familiar with.
Marcel spoke, "Congrats, you two. It's a good thing he has you, Y/N."
She smiled. Elijah spoke, "Marcel is family, so he knows what he's talking about."
She chuckled, "That's for sure. I know how crazy this family can get at this point."
Davina gave a congrats as well, which slightly shocked Elijah, for some reason.
"I'm surprised you came. All of you..." Elijah spoke.
Caroline spoke, her friends next to her shrugging, "We heard Y/N was getting married and came to support."
"And, well, an Original getting married? I was waiting for something to go wrong." Damon spoke.
Y/N rolled her eyes at that, "Nothing cohld ruin this day for me."
Damon shrugged and walked off after another congrats. Carolined rolled her eyes, "Ignore him. He's annoying."
"Congratulations, Y/N." Stefan spoke beside her. Elena and Bonnie came up as well, followed by a lot of unfamiliar faces.
After a lot of talking and a few toasts, the two of them began dancing. The two fo them started the slow dancing, it was close and intimate, their eyes never left each other.
Soon, more people joined in, grabbing their partners and dancing the night away. Elijah was smiling as he gazed into Y/N's eyes, but he suddenly looked away and frowned when his eyes caught something.
She frowned as well, "What?"
"Get behind me." He told her. She frowned more and looked to see what he was looking at. The veins under her eyes pulsed slightly when she saw what Elijah had been stating at.
"Y/N..." Elijah warned, trying to attract her attention to calm her a little. She parted from him and he grabbed his hand in her to make it seem at least a little normal. However, the sudden change had gotten Niklaus, Kol, and Rebekah's attention and they saw what was happening as well.
They joined their side and stormed over to the scene. Ethan looked up at his mother and father and shuffled over to them and away from the person he was just with.
Y/N brought him to her side. "Finn, what are you doing here?" Elijah asked with his voice quiet and low to keep from drawing too much attention.
Y/N clenched her jaw slightly, focusing on her hand in Elijah's. The oldest brother looked at his siblings and Y/N. "This is the wedding of my little brother, do I not have the right to come?"
"No, you do not." Niklaus spoke up, taking a step forward.
"If you don't recall, Finn, you killed my mother and tried to kill me. That's not going to earn you a warm welcome." Y/N spat at him, holding Ethan tighter. Ethan looked up at her with a shocked and expression and then back to him.
"I was doing what was right by my family, but it doesn't seem like that matters." Finn responded, "I see you had the little thing."
Y/N hissed at him, "Ethan is not a thing. He is my son and you will not speak about him like that, nor will you speak to him."
"He could have ruined this family." Finn argued.
"I sincerely doubt that, brother. I think it is best you leave. Go back to forgetting about us." Elijah warned, his tone more threatening than Y/N had ever heard.
Finn could easily hear the threat in his tone, the slight challenge. But Elijah had Rebekah, Niklaus, Kol, and Y/N on his side, along with countless other vampires, he didn't stand a chance.
Finn nodded, "Congratulations, brother." He glanced at her and turned, leaving them alone as he left.
"Well, it's not a Mikaelson wedding without a bit of drama, isn't it?" Kol commented when Finn had completely left.
They chuckled weakly and continued with the reception, putting it behind them. "That was Finn?" Ethan asked.
She nodded, "Yeah, and he's a real pain. If you see him, tell us immediately, he isn't good news."
He nodded, "I will, Mom."
He gave her a large toothy smile. She smiled and brushed his hair back with her fingers. She sighed, "Did you grow a little bit? You seem the slightest bit...taller. Your hair's a little longer, too."
He shrugged and said, "I dunno." He then skipped off as he saw Rebekah waving him over. Y/N sighed and shrugged, "I dunno." She repeated.
Elijah wrapped his arm around her waist and asked, "Back to the dance floor?"
She nodded, "Of course."
After finally being wed, Y/N, Elijah, and Ethan now had their own official little family. A minth passed after the wedding and Ethan had, indeed, gotten bigger.
They soon found out that his slow aging process was because of the necklace. Since it kept his witch counterpart locked away, his vampire genes became dominant with his human genes and slowed his aging. When his magic was finally awaken, it allowed his aging to speed up again, far quicker than Y/N was used to.
In the next few months, he went from being the little nine year old, to be a tall seventeen year old who wore more suits as he took after his father more. He hair had grown out more to his shoulders and he was coming up on her height.
The maturity in his nine year old body had shown more in his seventeen year old one. Y/N was sad to see him grow up so much faster, but she cherished every moment even more because of it.
"Ethan!" Y/N called.
"Yes, Mother?" He asked, coming down the stairs and over to her.
"Hey, do you know where I set my keys?" She asked, looking through her purse again.
He shook his head with a chuckle, "No, you probably left them with Father."
Elijah entered the room, swinging the keys around his finger, "You did. You handed them to me in case you forgot them."
"Ah, I did." She said. She then turned to Ethan, "Are you sure you'll be okay tonight? We don't have to go."
Ethan laughed, "Yes, Mom. I'll be fine. Besides, Aunt Bex is here if I need anything. And if I go out, I've got Marcel and his vamps watching me, you've made sure of that."
"Yes, but you hang out with Kol and Niklaus so much, you do have a mischievous streak." She reminded him.
He laughed again, kissing her forehead, "Yes, I know, but I promised I'd stay out of trouble and I will. Now go before you decide to stay."
She sighed and kissed his forehead, "Okay." Elijah wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her forehead before turning to his son.
"Behave so your mother doesn't come back for you. Because she will." Elijah told him.
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In the opulent Imperial Capital city, The people live in peace and harmony. The shops are full, the decorations glitter, trade and riches hanging low upon the tree for any common man or woman to simply reach up and grasp some of the riches for themselves. Freedom, peace, prosperity and joy, all created by the hard labor and love of the exalted bloodline of the Imperial Emperors. Where death comes late and only due to gluttony or old age... The justice is overseen by the Imperial City's ever vigilant guard force, of impeccable morals, generosity and they too handing out Imperial love in quantity. Is how it is above ground. Deep beneath the Imperial City is carved the Imperial Sewers out of the bedrock. Here, life is cheap and ruined dreams and violence intermingle among the filth and utter squalor. One of those living there, carving out a meagre existence by theft and murder, is a young girl... (Useful info time! The releases for this one will largely follow the same pattern as the main project Avine. One chapter every friday for foreseeable future). 09.29.18: Reality caught up with me, this means I have to scale back my writing time considerably. I promise to finish it, but it will be piecemeal, and progress made likely around holiday times.
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