《ᛖᚦᚨᚾ | Elijah Mikealson x Reader》Chapter 6


Hope cried and it took a moment for Klaus to realize this as he watched Y/N with regret.

Y/N tried to hold back her tears as she said, "No, no, no, no." She picked up the necklace, the charm in her hand. She held the snake in her palm, closing her eyes, hopefully. When she opened them, the snake moved again.

It seemed to recognize Y/N as it sprouted another string, allowing Y/N to reattach the necklace. She put it back around her neck and the magic in the air seemed to suck back into the snake quickly, the eyes of the charm glowing for a moment before flashing away.

Y/N breathed in relief and went to call Rebekah, she dialed the number quickly before Rebekah picked up in a few rings, "Hello? Rebekah, are you and Ethan okay?"

"Yes. Is there something wrong?" She asked. Y/N sighed again, feeling instantly better, "No...I just thought that something might have happened. It's okay, sorry for calling."

"No, it's okay. Ethan and I will be back in a little bit. Call if you need anything." Rebekah said before hanging up. Y/N put her phone back in her pocket and took a second to gather herself so she didn't lash out at Klaus.

Klaus comforted his daughter before he asked, "Why do you need to necklace so bad?" To cover up the guilty feeling in his stomach, he gave a mocking smirk and looked at her.

Y/N looked at him, a glare in her eyes as she said, "Because it's protecting me." She sighed and said softer, "Because it's protecting my son."

Klaus' smirk faltered slightly and he said, "You can't protect him on your own? You are a vampire, aren't you?"

She looked back up at him and spoke, "I am one person. Protecting him isn't the easiest thing to do. And...Mikael might still be looking for us...I can't lose my son."

Klaus smiled dropped immediately, "What would Mikael want with you?"

Y/N looked back up to Klaus and said, "I'm me. And there's my child. I ran from him all those years ago and he's been hunting me ever since, I'm sure."

Klaus was silent for a moment before he finally spoke, "You won't have to worry about Mikael. He's dead."

Y/N's eyes widened, "H...He is?"

Klaus nodded simply, bouncing his daughter in his arms before setting her down again. Y/N smiled a little bit, "We're free..." They'd been running from Mikael for years, running from threat. And to hear that he was now dead, it was liberating. Ethan wouldn't have to be like her, looking over his shoulder to make sure they were safe.

They were free of him.

Klaus couldn't help but smile a little. Everything this 'Y/N' did was overly familiar. He remembered everything, and this all was just so hard to believe. But could she still be alive, after all this time?

There was only one way to find out. All those years ago, there was something Y/N and Klaus had done, just the two of them, that no one else knew about. Not even Elijah. He took a breath and said, "If you really are her, if...What's our secret?"

Y/N looked over at Klaus, a small smile falling over her lips at the thing he'd just brought up. She and Klaus were close friends when they were young. They would go and play in the woods and sometimes they'd do things they weren't supposed to. "When we were kids, we used to sneak off to the wolf villages during the day when everyone else was taking care of their responsibilities. There were a couple kids over there who we would play with until it was time to return home before Mikael found out."


Klaus smiled at her answer, his eyes beginning to well up just enough for anyone to barely see, but they quickly went away before they could fall. Klaus had wrapped his arms around Y/N in a friendly hug. She smiled, remembering the Klaus she'd known all those years ago.

She asked, "And just like that, we're good?" Klaus nodded, "Just like that, Y/N." He pulled away from Y/N and thought for a moment, narrowing his eyes before he asked, "One more question. What is the Mikaelson Family vow?"

Y/N tilted her head, a small smile gracing her lips as she thought of that vow she had become apart of all those years ago. "In all the years of our lives, I have never forgotten the vow that your family so graciously let me be apart of. I have vowed to you and Elijah and all your siblings 'Always and Forever' before and I will continue to do it until a day I die or a day I no longer and worthy to know it."

Klaus smiled at her, this was the Y/N he knew and loved for centuries. He placed his hands on her shoulders and told her, "I missed you. I really did. I'm glad you're back."

She smiled, "I missed you, too, Nik. Now, before we continue, have you gotten to know your nephew properly yet?"

He scratched the back of his neck, the first action he'd done since she first saw him again that she recognized as the real Klaus. "I have been too busy trying to prove to my brother that you were not you."

Y/n rolled her eyes with a smile and said, "Well, when they get back. Until then, let me meet my niece!"


Soon, the sun began to start it's descent and the sky grew dark. Y/N worried about where Ethan and Rebekah were, as they had not returned. Y/N picked up her phone, pacing the room, Elijah sitting on the sofa and watching her. She called Rebekah quickly and waited as patiently as she could for Rebekah to pick up the phone.

When she didn't, Y/N stared at her phone and asked Elijah, "On a scale of one to ten, Elijah, how often does Rebekah not pick up the phone?"

Elijah spoke, "A five." That didn't help. Y/N worried even more for Rebekah and her child. "I'm sure they're fine. Don't worry."

Y/N continued to pace, staying still only working to further to agitate her as she responded, "I can't not worry. I've never been this long without having Ethan around."

Suddenly, Klaus stormed down the hall, throwing Elijah's door open to see him and Y/N. He was fuming, his eyes angry, his lips pursed, his fists clenched. He spoke, his voice a slight hiss as he said, "Cami just called, Rebekah's been taken."

Y/N panicked as she asked, "What?"

Klaus nodded, "Witches."

"And what of my son?" She asked. Klaus didn't speak, answering Y/N's question. Her breath sped up, her vision tunneled, and she panicked. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she covered her mouth.

Elijah stood from his seat, rushing to you and wrapping his arms around you in comfort before facing his brother and asking, "What happened?"

"Ethan and Rebekah were leaving from lunch and a handful of witches showed up and took them." Klaus said, repeated what Cami had told him.

"We have to find them. W-We have to find Ethan-" Y/N stuttered. Elijah turned to her, his hands supporting her neck as she had her look up at him.


Elijah told her softly, "We will find him. We'll find Rebekah and our son. Don't worry." He brought Y/N into his arms, hugging her as she looked over at his brother. They shared a knowingly look and Klaus turned and left down the hall.


Rebekah and Ethan stood from their table, Rebekah putting the money to pay for the food on the table and then walking out of the restaurant. Rebekah spoke over her shoulder, "Thank you, Cami."

The blonde looked up at her and smiled, "No problem. Seeya later. Bye, Ethan." Ethan waved to her and he and Rebekah left through the doors. Cami watched them leave and then turned to the table they were sitting at, something in the seat where Ethan was sitting.

Cami walked over to the table, picking up the object. She turned it over, seeing a picture of Ethan with another woman. Cami walked out the door, going to return the picture to Ethan. When she spotted them, she jogged over before stopping in her tracks, seeing three women walking up to the two.

They all held their hands out, Rebekah and Ethan crouching down and holding their heads. Cami's eyes shot open as she ran over to them. The witches picked up the two now unconscious people.

They turned a corner and Cami chased after them, not knowing what she'd do when she reached them, but she wasn't really thinking about that at the moment.

She stood at the point where they turned and she couldn't find the witches anywhere. They'd just disappeared. Cami swallowed, looking around to see if she could find anything. The sound of a phone ringing caught her attention as she looked around for it.

When she found the device, she recognized it as Rebekah's phone. Before she could pick up the call, it stopped ringing. Cami sighed, getting her own phone and calling Klaus to tell him about what just happened.


Ethan woke up in a strange place, looking around for anything familiar and seeing nothing. He looked for Rebekah, being the last person he saw who he knew. He couldn't find her anywhere and began to panic, knowing he wouldn't find his mother or father either.

"Hello? Where am I?" He asked, his voice echoing off the walls. When he didn't get a reply, he called out one more time and still received nothing. He began to worry and panic. Where was he? Where was Rebekah or her parents? What was going on?

Tears came to his eyes and he looked around frantically.

"Don't be afraid." Said a feminine accented voice in the distant. The Irish voice had a certain tone to it that only served to further worry Ethan.

Ethan's head shot in the direction of the voice and saw a figure in the shadows. "Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Saoirse (ser-sha). What's your name?" She asked. Ethan wasn't sure if he should use his real name. He sifted through his mind for any other name to use. He didn't trust her at all.

"William. My name's William." Ethan said, hesitating sightly but not enough for her to catch his lie. He swallowed and the woman stepped further into the light of the candles lit around the cave-ish room.

"Well, William." She said, "It's nice to meet you."

"Where's my Mother? And my father? I wanna go home." He asked, pushing his back against the ragged stone wall.

"Who are your parents?" Saoirse asked.

Ethan thought quickly for a name to use instead of his mother's real name. He finally spoke, "My Mom's name is F-Fleur."

"And your father?"

Ethan mentally shrugged to himself. He didn't think Elijah would be that popular and he seemed okay. He didn't think of disguising his name because it wasn't a knee jerk reaction for Ethan, unlike his mother. "Elijah."

Saoirse's eyes widened as she kneeled in front of Ethan, giving him a better visual of what she looked like. She had dark red hair a brown eyes that glinted with something Ethan didn't like very much.

"May I ask, what is your father's last name?" She asked.

Ethan responded, "Mikaelson."

She smiled slightly as she examined Ethan, "No wonder you radiate such power..."

Ethan furrowed his brows, trying to scoot back a little more, but finding his back firmly against the wall. "W-What do you mean?"

Saoirse looked back up at him and began to speak before she was cut off by another voice, this one was accented as well, but it was at a slightly higher pitch than hers and the accent wasn't as heavy as the first. Another woman walked into the room, revealing her red hair, lighter than Saoirse's, but her skin was very slighter darker than hers.

She leaned against the wall and spoke, "An hour and a half ago, a surge of magic was sent through the air. For a solid minute, there was magic being sent all across New Orleans. It was old and very powerful. After that minute, the magic seemed to be sucked out of the air. But it still lingers now. My sisters and I went looking for it and, who do we find, but you and an Original walking around town. The pow-"

Yet another Irish woman came in the room, her accent was slightly heavier than Saoirse's as she finished, "When we found you, you were glowing and are still doin' it now. You are the source of all that power. To find that you are the son of an Original, the magic you hold in you. We don't know how you've kept it this...pure...after all this time. Considering the abomination inside of you."

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked, shrinking in his spot. "You have that filth of vampirism inside of you. It shows in the way you glow, but the magic is pure. It's separate from everything else. It's as if it's separate from you entirely. But it's embedded in your soul...."

The woman trailed on as she stared at Ethan, almost passed him. Saoirse introduced the two women who just walked in.

"William, meet my dear sisters, Roisin (ro-sheen) and Ciara (kee-ra)." Saoirse introduced. She motioned to Roisin, the higher voiced one, and then the Ciara, the darker haired one.

Ethan didn't say anything, he just stared. "What are you going to do?"

Roisin spoke, since her voice was feather light, it didn't scare Ethan too much, but what she said did lead him to panic, "We need your magic. You aren't really using it much so...you won't miss it."

Ethan was confused, he spoke, "But...I don't have magic. I'm not a witch."

The sisters exchanged an amused glance and Saoirse looked over at Ethan, telling him calmly, "Of course, you do. Your grandmother was the Original witch. Being born a witch/vampire hybrid...for you not to have magic would be questionable. You're very powerful, believe it or not."

Ethan didn't say anything, he didn't want to, he couldn't. He was scared and didn't know what was happening. Ethan took a moment to calm himself the best he could, enough to say, "Where's Rebekah?"

Ciara walked up, sitting on a seat and saying, "We didn't need her. Dumped her before we got here."

"I want to go home." Ethan mumbled, bringing his knees to his chest.

Roisin spoke softly, "You'll go back home when all of this is over. Don't worry, lad." She told him.


Time passed and Ethan sat in the same spot he'd been when he first awoke. He barely spoke a word, instead he sat in his spot, wishing he was home instead of here.

The three red-headed witches stood around a stone table, herbs and enchantments scattered around the table as the witches figured out what spell they needed. After a while, Ciara pointed to a spell in their grimoire, looking over it to make sure it was the right one.

"We have to go to the child's birthplace. His magic will be the most powerful there." Roisin said. Saoirse looked over at Ethan and asked him, "William, lad, where were you born? Do you know?"

Ethan didn't speak as he watched her. He didn't know what was going on, he just wanted to go home. He finally asked, "I'll be able to go home after this?"

She nodded, "Of course, you will, little one."

Ethan sighed and answered, "She said something about Mystic Falls." The witches shared a look and got back to what they were doing. As they explained the spell to one another, talking about the requirements for it, Ethan sat in the corner and wished he was home.


Elijah was the only thing keeping Y/N from running around New Orleans, searching in every nook and cranny, and tearing every secret place apart to find her son. Losing Ethan had never happened before, it was all so new.

How were they even found? The necklace protects them from threats and all of a sudden, he's taken by a bunch of witches?

"The faster we track down Rebekah, the more chance we have at finding him." Klaus said as he paced the compound with his phone at his ear, calling anyone who has a chance of knowing where she was.

Elijah had called a vampire a little bit ago named Marcel. She wondered what that would do, but she hoped it would help. When the doors opened and two people walked in, all heads were turned to see who it was.

"Marcel, Davina, good to know you actually came." Klaus remarked, tilting his head. The man, apparently the vampire, Marcel, asked, "What did you need us for?"

Klaus sighed as he thought of how to word it all and, before he could get the pleasure of explaining the situation with his colorful speech, Elijah spoke instead, "This is Y/N, she's an Original vampire who disappeared from the Mikaelson family nearly a thousand years ago."

"What?" Marcel asked, his eyes narrowing as he looked at her. He questioned, "What does that have to do with us?"

Elijah sighed and explained, "Before she was turned, Y/N was pregnant with my child. That said child has been taken recently and we need your help getting him back."

Davina asked, "Wait, so now Elijah has a child? Who's next, Rebekah?"

Klaus commented, "She would only hope."

Elijah interrupted, "Speaking of Rebekah, she has also went missing. We need you to do a tracking spell to locate her."

Davina thought for a moment, weighing her options before realizing she doesn't really have any. Why does she always manage to get mixed up with the Mikaelson?

She sighed, "Okay. I need something of he-"

Suddenly the front doors burst open, making everyone turn their attention to the doors to see who had just arrived. Y/N rushed over, holding up the blonde that stumbled into the compound. "Rebekah, oh my god. Are you okay?"

Rebekah and Y/N got to a table, sitting the blonde down carefully as she said, "I'm fine. Doesn't help my supernatural headache from those annoying red-headed witches."

Davina asked suddenly, "Did you say 'red-headed' witches?

Everyone's attention turned to her as Rebekah nodded, "Real pain in the ass, if you ask me."

Davina nodded, "You're right, that's exactly what they are."

"You know them?" Elijah asked, turning his body to face hers as he narrowed his eyes. Davina explained, "They're the Ryan Sisters, they're a rogue coven. Hellbent on becoming stronger. They came here...maybe a year ago...almost? They've been causing nothing but trouble with the witches for a while."

"What would they want with my son?" Y/N asked, standing with her arms crossed and standing next to Elijah.

"A lot of things, actually. They could channel him, take his magic and split it between the three of them, link themselves entirely to him and make them immortal. I could go on." Davina answered.

"Magic? Uh-Ethan doesn't have magic...I don't think." She shrugged.

Davina spoke, "Well, his grandmother was a witch, and that passes through him, so his magic would be strong."

Y/N bit her lip, fidgeting with her fingers. She sighed and left the room, walking out the front door to get more air. Elijah followed after her, leaving everyone to talk amongst themselves.

Y/N stood out in the front, looking up at the sky with her arms crossed. As Elijah walked up next to her, they stood in silence, looking up into the sky at the stars that shone bright without a care in the world, just like Ethan would have if he was here.

Y/N sniffled quietly and quickly wiped the tear that had fallen down her cheek. This didn't go unnoticed by the Mikaelson as he moved in front of her, taking a hand from his pocket and grazing the backside of it against her cheek to wipe away another rogue tear.

Y/N leaned into his touch, taking a breath. She spoke quietly, "I don't understand why this all is happening." She pinched the snake on her necklace with her thumb and index finger as she continued, "This necklace has been protecting me and Ethan for centuries and now, all of a sudden, Ethan has been taken."

Elijah told her softly, "We will find Ethan. We will find our son. You have my word, Y/N."

Y/N looked up at him, "I know that, Elijah. But now that this has happened, what's to keep it from happening again?"

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