《ᛖᚦᚨᚾ | Elijah Mikealson x Reader》Chapter 4
Ethan had found himself back in the Square, taking pictures of the statue in awe. "Mommy, look-"Ethan stopped, looking around for his mother, not seeing her anywhere.
"Mom?" He asked. "Elijah?"
He continued looking, not seeing her anywhere. "Mother?" He called out. "Mommy!" He exclaimed.
The bustle of the city was too loud for him to know whether or not Elijah or his mother could hear him. When he'd realized this, he felt tears begin to fall from his eyes. "Mother!"
"Hello, little one. Are you lost?" An accented voice said. Ethan turned around to see a blonde haired woman. She looked nice enough and Ethan nodded slowly. "I can't find my mom." He told her.
The blonde kneeled in front of him and wiped away his tears, "It's okay. I'll help you find her. What's your name?" The woman's blue eyes seemed to calm him a little bit as he said, "Ethan."
The woman stopped for a moment, the name was one she'd seen before in the place she least expected it. Rebekah set the thought to the side. Ethan is a common name, the chances of this being related was far, far and wide.
Besides, what she saw was a trick.
"Well, Ethan, I'll help you find your mother. My name's Rebekah." She told him, a smile on her face. Ethan sniffed and rubbed his eyes, "Thank you."
She stood and placed a hand on his back and said, "It's no problem, Ethan. Come. Let's get to looking."
They both began walking, keeping an eye for for Y/N. Rebekah asked, "Where did you last see her?
Ethan thought and took out his pictures. He looked at each of them and found one that had his mother's shoe in the bottom corner. He examined the picture before saying, "We were walking...I was taking pictures while she and...um...my...dad were talking. We were on...Royal Street."
He pointed a picture he was holding of the sign, the top of his mother's head in the picture. Rebekah nodded, "That's not far. It shouldn't be long before we find them. Do you know your mother's name?"
Ethan nodded, "Y/N."
Rebekah stopped dead in her tracks, looking down at the boy who stopped with her. "You said her name is Y/N?"
Ethan nodded. Rebekah was lost in thought for a moment before coming to the conclusion that it was just a coincidence. The Y/N she knew was dead and there was no way she had a son.
Rebekah nodded, "Okay. Come on." They both started walking again. "Mom?" Ethan called, the other people on the street not turning their heads to see the little boy calling for his mother.
Ethan looked through his pictures, wondering if he could use them to retrace his steps. "Um...I took a picture of this before I got lost. It's the ice cream shop. Does this help?"
Rebekah nodded, "It does. We'll head there first. Wait for her." Ethan nodded and followed Rebekah to the little shop.
After a few minutes, they reached the shop and stood at the door, waiting. "Mother?" Ethan called out again.
Ethan jumped up a little when he could hear the faint sound of his mother's calls with his heightened sense. "I hear her!" He said, running back into the crowd. Rebekah chased after him, not wanting to lose him.
Rebekah hadn't heard anything, so for him to say he heard her was a tad strange. "Mother!"
"Ethan?" The faint sound was now closer. Ethan picked up the pace, trying not to go too fast as his mother had told him to be careful when he ran.
"Ethan!" Y/N's voice was now clearer to Rebekah. As she heard her then, Ethan yelled, "Mommy!"
A few moments later, after almost knocking down a few people, Y/N broke through the crowd. "Ethan!" She exclaimed, running to her son and hugging him tight. Elijah came in as well, a sigh of relief when he saw his son in his mother's arms.
"Don't you run off like that again! I was so worried!" Y/N told him.
"I won't. I'm sorry."
Rebekah smiled, "Good, you found her." She walked up and saw Elijah. Rebekah furrowed her brow and asked, "Elijah? What are you doing here?"
Elijah couldn't the twitch of his lip as he held back a smile. Y/N and Rebekah used to be great friends before they were split up. It was hard to separate them at times and they would talk for hours on end as they strolled through the wood and around the village.
Elijah smiled at the fact that they would meet again.
Y/N looked up, intending to thank the woman for helping her child, but froze in her spot when she saw the blonde.
Rebekah's eyes widened as she breathed out, "Y/N?" She slowly stood, a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Y/N, is it really you?" Rebekah asked, as she took a step closer.
Y/N nodded, unable to find words for just a moment. "It's me." She said. Rebekah ran toward Y/N, hugging her tightly.
"How is this possible? I thought you dead." She said, a small tear slipping from her eye.
Ethan commented, "What is this? Family Reunion Day?"
Elijah chuckled and placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder, "I suppose so. Ethan, this is my sister."
Ethan spoke with such disbelief in his tone, "What?"
You all laughed at the reaction. Ethan always was one for dramatics. "If I meet anymore family, my head might explode." He commented, holding his head to sell his story.
Y/N laughed and kneeled next to him, telling him, "I would hope not. Can't lose my partner."
He smiled and hugged her, "You won't." She hugged him back. It was moments like this with Ethan that made her long life bright.
The four of them left for Y/N and Ethan's new home before stopping to talk again, afraid Rebekah will go too far and they'll lose him again. They got to the house and Ethan ran inside, going to his room to take care of his pictures.
Y/N set her keys down on a table and looked at the furniture lazily placed in the house. The men who'd dropped it off earlier that day were really careless with this job. She sighed and Rebekah helping her rearrange things as Elijah followed Ethan up the stairs.
"So," Rebekah started, "How are you here? How are you alive?"
They both set the couch down and she dusted her hands, saying, "Mikael turned me into a vampire all those centuries ago. At the time, I was pregnant with Ethan."
Rebekah asked, "But that doesn't make sense. Ethan wouldn't have survived the turn."
Y/N lifted the necklace and explained, "This necklace was Astrid's. It protects the wearer from supernatural harm. When my neck was snapped, it protected all parties concerned."
"Ethan lived?" Rebekah clarified. Y/N nodded, "Ethan lived."
"I've never heard anything like it." Rebekah confessed.
Y/N spoke, "I've never heard anything like it since."
Coming down the stairs, Y/N smiled and asked him, "How's the photo album coming along?"
He smiled, "Good! Elijah's helping!"
Her smile faltered for a split second before telling him, "Awesome. Go on and go finish while me and Rebekah finish up with the furniture."
He smiled and ran off. She was glad that Ethan and Elijah were spending time together, but when Ethan called his father by his name...it hurt a little.
She watched him race up the stairs and her smile faded. Rebekah patted her back, "He'll come around. You'll see."
Y/N gave her a soft smile and Rebekah told her, "Okay, so tell me more. I want to learn everything I can about my little nephew!"
An hour had passed and Elijah found his way downstairs. As he walked down the steps, he exhaustively said, "It seems I may have to go out for a little while. Niklaus is growing impatient."
Y/N smiled as she turned to Elijah. "How is Niklaus?"
Elijah sighed, "Niklaus is...Niklaus." He said, his brother's name the only way to sum up his brother.
Her smile widened as she said, "That's good. I can't wait to see him again. It's been too long."
Rebekah and Elijah exchanged a look that went unnoticed by Y/N. Elijah dismissed it and said, "Come, Rebekah. We must go before he loses his temper." Rebekah rolled her eyes, "When was his temper found?" She stood from the couch and headed upstairs to say goodbye to Ethan.
Elijah walked up to Y/N and grabbed her hands gently, lifting her from the couch and saying, "I should be back soon. If you need anything, here's mine and Rebekah's phone and address."
He wrote the information on a piece of paper and pressed it in her hand. Y/N smiled and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, relaxing into the kiss even more.
Elijah held her close, reveling in the feel of his lips on hers. This had been the first kiss since they and had been separated all those years ago. They parted for air and Y/N smiled, placing her forehead on his.
"I missed you so much." She said in a breathy voice. Elijah kissed her cheek, "More than anything."
Ethan eventually came down the stairs with a large book in his hands. He skipped down and stood in front of Y/N with a big smile that made her heart melt. "I'm finished!" Ethan said in a sing-song voice.
Y/N smiled and patted the spot next to her, "Let's see then, I know it looks wonderful." He sat down and opened the book, using a deep blue tab at the top of the book labeled 'New Orleans'.
The first picture on the page was sitting on the page by itself. It was a picture that made Y/N almost tear up. It was the first picture they had taken since Y/N had found Elijah again. It was labeled 'Meeting Dad'.
She smiled and nudged Ethan's shoulder, who looked up and smiled before turning to the next page. It was filled with the pictures Ethan had taken when they first entered the city. He was always good with a camera, a skill Y/N taught him and he become better at than her.
Y/N looked at the pictures with interest, looking at her son with a smile at how much he enjoyed sharing his pictures with her. There was another picture with Ethan and Rebekah smiling. All of these pictures had such a positive element to them.
It was another reason Y/N enjoyed looking at Ethan's photos. He knew just how to take them and they were always so wonderful.
When they reached the end of the book, Ethan slammed it shut and stood. He declared, "I want to show my dad."
Y/N smiled and stood, rustling his hair before saying, "Well, he should be back in a little while." Ethan shook his head, his bossy side taking over as he said, "I want to show him now!" It came as a slight whine, it was a trick Y/N had once showed him herself.
Why was he so much better at these things than her?
She sighed and said, "After you eat. Come on." She ruffled his hair again before walking to the kitchen. Ethan fixed his hair as he walked behind her. She pulled open the fridge and took out the blood bags she'd stored in the small drawer.
Ethan climbed onto one of the stools and watched as Y/N poured some of the contents of the bag into a blue cup, handing it to Ethan. He picked up the cup and started drinking it as Y/N poured the rest of the blood in the bag into a cup for herself.
When he finished, he went to the sink and washed his cup as he waited on his mother.She followed suit and when she finished, Ethan was already at the door with the book in a messenger bag he'd thrown over his shoulder in no time.
Y/N rolled her eyes as smiled as she grabbed her own bag and said, "Let's go. Keep the sass down, okay?" Ethan nodded with a smile and they both left the house, Y/N locking the door behind her.
Y/n glanced down at the small piece of paper in her hand with the address Elijah had written down for her. When they reached the address, Y/N's hand on Ethan's shoulder to keep him close, she stared up at the compound in front of her and shook her head.
This is what she would expect of Mikaelsons.
Y/N looked down at Ethan and told him, "We're here." He smiled and started walking in with her. As she stepped into the compound, she looked around in search of anyone who might present themselves.
"Elijah?" Y/N called quietly, wondering where he was. "Rebekah?" She asked when she got no reply. Ethan walked a little farther as Y/N checked the paper again. She had to have had the right address.
She looked around the room, seeing all the 'M's everywhere. This was the right place all right.
"Elijah?" She called again. She then heard a faint sound and listened closer to hear what it was.
"It can't be."
Y/n furrowed her brow as she looked around, "Hello?" There's was another sound, this time closer to her. Y/N turned around to see a face she hadn't seen in so long. She smiled widely and said, "Hello, Niklaus."
The hybrid stared back at her, his face set in disbelief by who he was seeing. Suddenly, the disbelief was gone and replaced with a fierce anger. Y/N tilted her head, taking a small step back from her lover's brother.
"Niklaus, are you alright?" She asked. This was certainly not was she was expecting. She expected him to smile, to pull her into a suffocatingly sweet hug. But there was something different in his eyes. This is not the same Klaus Y/N knew almost all those centuries ago.
Suddenly, in his rage, Klaus stepped forward, snapping Y/N's neck as quick as you could blink. Her body fell to the floor and Klaus stood over it, his rage only slightly subsiding. He heard small footsteps and the sound of a beating heart.
He looked up and saw Ethan walking into the room. Ethan saw his mother on the floor, still, too still. He dropped his bag with the camera he held in his hands and ran to his mother, dropping to his knees as he shook her.
"Mommy? Mom! Wake up!" He exclaimed, shaking her to wake her up. When Y/N didn't get up, he stopped shaking her.
Klaus kneeled next to Ethan and told him, "You needn't worry, little one. This 'impostor' shouldn't be able to mess with you anymore."
Ethan looked at her and asked, "What are you talking about? This is my mother." There were tears and his eyes and his voice was shaky. He couldn't be without his mother, he couldn't.
"She can't be gone." He said. Klaus looked between the child and the one he thought to be posing as Y/N and furrowed his brows as he stood.
Ethan looked at the necklace around Y/N's neck and grabbed it gently in his hands. When it didn't move from her neck and onto his hand, he felt a little bit of relief, hoping it was a sign that she was still alive.
"Where's Elijah?" Ethan asked, looking around as he wiped at his tears. Klaus watch the child as he said nothing. Ethan didn't know what to do. This had never happened before, so it was all so unnerving.
The first idea he had was to grab Y/N's phone. Maybe he could get a hold of Elijah that way? He grabbed the phone and typed in the password, the one he had found out when he was walking passed her as she typed it in.
He looked for the contact but didn't find it so he pulled out the slip Y/N put in her pocket and started dialing the number.
Klaus watched with interest. He was handling the situation fairly well, considering his supposed mother was dead.
The phone rang twice before Elijah picked up. His voice came through the line as he said, "Y/N?"
Ethan shook his head as he held the phone to his ear, "No." Elijah immediately responded to Ethan, picking up quickly on his tone.
"Ethan? What's happened?" He asked, trying to keep his voice calm and controlled so he could talk to Ethan.
Ethan, on the other hand, spoke a little quickly and definitely panicked as he started, "Mother and I came to find you and came to the address you gave her and now she's down. I don't know what happened."
Elijah stopped him as he told Ethan, "Deep breaths. Everything will be okay. I'm coming over there right now. Do not panic."
Ethan did his best to follow Elijah's words. Elijah stayed on the phone with Ethan to keep him calm. Suddenly, Klaus grabbed the phone and spoke to his brother, "Elijah, please explain to me why there is a woman who looks exactly like Y/N here. Who is this impostor?"
If his tone wasn't enough to emphasize how disgusted he was with the fact that there was someone wearing Y/N's face and clearly conspiring against him and his family, than him ripping off the leg to a chair and clutching it in his hand would have done the trick.
"This is no impostor, Niklaus. Now, please, brother, give the phone back to Ethan so I can calm the child's nerves. I will explain when I return." Elijah told his brother, his own tone controlled and commanding to show that he wasn't playing a game with Klaus.
In no time, Elijah was storming into the compound, Rebekah in tow. When he saw Y/N, he tried to stay as calm as he could for the sake of Ethan. Rebekah raced to Ethan's side as he turned to her and asked, "Is she going to be okay?"
Rebekah looked at Y/N's body and turned to Ethan to tell him, "She should be." He looked at her, concern and worry in his eyes and Rebekah stood, holding out her hand and saying, "Come on. Let's let them handle it. It will all be okay."
Ethan looked to his mother before nodding and walking off with Rebekah, looking over his shoulder at Y/N as he did. Elijah watched after Ethan before he and his sister walked around the corner into another room.
Elijah sighed and looked back to Y/N, kneeling down next to her while asking his brother, "What happened here?"
Klaus walked around, rolling his eyes and saying, "Exactly what you would think, Elijah. An impostor walks in here and looks like your dead girlfriend. So I snapped her neck."
Elijah clenched his jaw and stood, closing his eyes shut to regain his control so he didn't snap his own brother's neck. He opened his eyes and told him, "Niklaus, as I said over the phone, she is not an impostor."
Klaus responded, "What else could she be? A doppelganger!? I'm sorry to tell you brother, but the Y/N we knew is dead. This...this is an impostor, or a hallucination! That makes more sense than her being alive!"
Elijah looked up at his brother, his control slipping as he tried his best not to lash out. He bent down and scooped Y/N into his arms as gentle as he could, as if she would break if he used didn't.
Klaus followed, annoyed by Elijah's attitude toward "Y/N". Elijah spoke to Klaus, "How about something that would make sense, Niklaus."
"And that would be what?" He asked, going along with whatever his older brother was getting at.
"She's a vampire." Elijah told him, never breaking his gaze from her face as he walked through the halls and down to his room. Klaus rolled his eyes, the amount of times he'd done it by now losing count in his head.
"None of our dear siblings turned her and our wretched mother had not done it herself. Please, brother, explain to me how she would become a vampire." Klaus irritably said.
It was Elijah's turn to roll his eyes as he explained, "Did you ever think our father had a hand in this?"
"What would he want with her?"
"A descendant." Elijah simply said.
"Care to explain?" Klaus asked, glaring at his brother, tired of how he dragged out the conversation.
Elijah took a breath in, as they reached his room, setting Y/N down softly onto his bed. He took a look at her before turning to Klaus and saying, "Y/N was pregnant with my child before we became vampires. Of course, I hadn't known this."
Klaus shook his head and said, "If Mikael turned her while she was pregnant, the child wouldn't have survived."
Elijah looked to Y/N and motioned to her neck, "Do you see the necklace?"
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