《Petrichor - e.mikaelson》26
Frankie had had three blissful days off work where of course she'd spent her time literally kidnapped and abandoned thanks to vampires, and already she had to go back. Fortunately however she had a clear morning ahead where she would able to check on her friend and hopefully convince her to pop by today's parade with her to take her mind of Klaus' mind control that clearly was unravelling.
Grabbing her entirely too new board she was out the door early, skating to Cami's apartment, determined not to let her friend block her out today. Shock enveloped her from the moment she arrived, knocking on the door frantically as she heard screams billowing out through the door.
"Cam," she yelled, banging furiously on the door, "What's going on, you okay?"
Silence reigned out, the screams ceasing before frantic whispers began.
She pressed her ear against the door, desperate to hear who was in the apartment and causing her friend so much pain that she was screaming out. Finally she heard movement, someone approaching the door, sliding the chain through the latch and pulling it open a few inches.
"Frankie?" Davina asked, it was the girl Marcel had asked Cami to look out for, she was shaken and sounded terrified but determined, "Who's out there with you?"
"No one but me," Frankie assured, "I'm not gonna call Marcel or whoever you're hiding from. But you have to let me in Davina."
The door slammed shut in her face and Frankie froze for a moment before she heard the chain unlocking. The door pulled back open and Frankie was tugged into the space to see Cami laying on the ground with Davina and another boy beside her.
"What's going on?" she asked, "Cami are you alright?"
She had thought Cami had been the one who'd been screaming in pain but her friend didn't seem scared of Davina or the boy like they'd been hurting her, instead she look confused with a sheen of sweat coating her body.
"I don't know," Cami confessed, "I don't understand what's happening to me. She's trying to make me remember, I- I don't know."
"Klaus compelled her," Davina explained.
Her explanation was a test, she wanted to know whether Frankie was as clueless as Cami or if she was in on it, if she knew more than she'd been letting on about the supernatural world. Frankie's face didn't twitch into confusion or surprise and Davina's hand suddenly shot out, a force throwing Frankie back against the door causing Cami and the boy to gasp in surprise.
"Woah," Frankie spluttered, feeling herself rising from the floor as she was pressed against the door, a force ticking her throat so she was beginning to gasp out, "Let me down Davina, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm not hurting anyone. I'm not sure who you're against but I'm not here for anyone but Cami. I'm here because I'm worried about my friend."
"What do you know about Klaus?" Davina asked, her grip loosening so the pressure wasn't against Frankie's neck though she still used her powers to hold her against the door. Cami was still on the floor with the boy crouching beside her protectively, her friend watching the scene with confusion and concern.
"I know what he is," she replied, her hand rising to rub where the pain had been, "I know about that family but I'm not with them, it's a long story how I know them but I'm not here because of them. I thought Marcel was compelling Cami but I figured out yesterday it was Klaus. I confronted him after I came by yesterday, I told him to stop compelling Cami or I'd feed her vervain and tell her what he and Marcel were."
Davina didn't seem fully convinced but she let her fall to the ground with a gentle thud. Picking herself up, Frankie took a cautious step forwards. Though she'd first been surprised by Davina's magic and her anger, she wasn't truly that surprised by anything or anyone she found in New Orleans these days and it quickly dissipated.
"So Marcel wanted Cami to keep an eye on you because you're a witch not because you've got authority issues?" she asked Davina as she approached her friend and pulled her to her feet.
"No I've got those too," Davina replied cockily causing Frankie to snort out a laugh, "but yeah. He lied to me, he told me he was the only one who could keep me safe. He lied just so he could use me to keep control of the witches."
"Fuck that," Frankie snarled, "I've got enough experience in vampires telling you they're the only ones who can keep you safe. If you need help I'm in."
"Okay," Davina said after a nod before turning back to Cami, "I'll stop this is you want me to, but I can unlock every stolen memory and undo every piece of mind control any vampire has ever done to you. When I'm done you'll understand everything and you'll be free."
"No," Cami told her, steeling herself and stepping away from Frankie, "Don't stop. I want to remember everything."
Listening to her only friend begin to scream in pain really wasn't how Frankie pictured her day shaping up to go. It was horrible seeing her literally writhing in agony and when Davina had first started up again the boy, Josh, had needed to grab her arm to prevent her from diving towards her friend to stop the pain she was in.
Eventually she settled down, she and Josh comforting Cami and Davina when they took breaks but otherwise watching on in mostly silence. Josh introduced himself too, she learned that he was one of Marcel's vampires but that Klaus had been compelling him from the day he turned.
Frankie was less than pleased when she'd tried to tell him who she was and she found out that not only did he know who she was, but that every vampire in the French Quarter had been told about her and that they couldn't touch her. While she appreciated the fact that she didn't need to be concerned about one of Marcel's nightwalkers eating her, she wasn't pleased that within days she'd already developed an association to Klaus and the Mikaelson's.
Cami ceased screaming causing both Frankie and Josh to walk back towards her, hopeful that she was getting closer to remembering so that Davina could stop. Frankie rushed over with a glass of water, handing it to her with a furrowed face as she watched her shaky hand grasp it weakly.
"You should start to feel, like, a weight lifting," explained Davina.
"And your cheat sheets are about to make a lot more sense," Josh added.
"They're what helped me figure out Klaus was the one doing this to you," Frankie told her, "I'm sorry I didn't help you earlier."
"It's not your fault," Cami shook her head. She placed the glass on the coffee table with a gasp of surprise as she saw a drawing scattered between some papers. Pulling it out, Frankie leaned over to see a scrawled circle with lines around it she explained her surprise, "I remember why I wrote this. I found a picture of Klaus and Marcel from 1919. Klaus compelled me to go out with Marcel, to spy on him. That's what he said yesterday before he told me to forget."
"You're close," Frankie grinned, "You're getting real close Cam."
"Let's take you back more," Davina added, placing her hands on Cami's temples as she nodded reluctantly.
Twenty minutes later and they were in the kitchen taking a break, Cami sure that almost all of her memories had been recovered. Frankie felt guilt each time Davina had to press her fingers to Cami's temples, wishing she'd done something earlier so her friend didn't have to go through so much pain and as Cami finally felt the compulsion lift, relief filled her body.
"Keep drinking," she told Cami passing her a fresh glass of water, "You need the vervain in your system so you can't be compelled again. I'll get you a bracelet with it too but you should drink it so even if someone takes it off you're protected."
"Hey Cami," Josh said awkwardly, "you don't have any like. . . human blood in your fridge, do you?"
"For crying out loud," Davina sighed tugging her sleeve up, "here."
"No, no," Frankie tugged her back and pulled her own sleeve up, "You're too young, you don't need to do that. Here, Josh."
Josh was hesitant as he reached out to take her wrist, reluctantly moving it to his mouth and baring his fangs before stopping, his face furrowing as Davina suddenly shifted beside them. Though minutes ago she was fine, now Davina was spaced out, her lip shaking as she faltered in her place.
"Davina?" Cami asked cautiously.
"Someone's practicing magic," Davina replied, staring off as they circled around her in concern, "They're trying to find me."
Frankie was the one to break the silence between them, her voice steady as she looked at Davina sternly, "Then we've gotta run."
Cami was the first to agree to the plan, the most optimistic about it. While Josh couldn't leave until the sun went down, Cami, Davina and Frankie could and they could move Davina somewhere safe with Josh joining later. It was clear Cami thought this plan their only option because the moment she suggested it she nodded, pulling a bag out to fill with things they needed to bring.
"There's no way to sneak me out of the Quarter," Davina protested as they watched Cami run around the room frantically pushing things into the bag, "By now, everyone's looking for me- the witches, Marcel, Klaus."
"My uncle will know what to do," Cami replied confidently.
"I mean, he has to know some of what's going on in this town."
"Cami stop-"
"Unless he's been compelled-"
"Cam," Frankie cut off her rambling more firmly than Davina's desperate pleas as she tugged the bag from her friends hand to grab her attention, "he probably knows. They told me that they used to pay off politicians and prominent members of the community to let things slide, Marcel calls himself the king and he's friends with the mayor and like anyone in power just as much as your uncle. He knows."
"No," Cami shook her head quickly, "No he would've told me if he knew-"
"He knows," Davina said, sternly this time as she echoed Frankies words, "He works with Marcel. They're practically friends. I hear them talk. He knows everything."
"He can't know," she denied, "He would've told me if he knew the witches put a hex on my bother."
"Oh my god," she groaned, hurt crossing her face as her arms cross her chest anxiously, "He knows."
"Cam," Frankie said quietly, grasping her friends frantic arm as she stilled, "Look, we need to get Davina somewhere safe before anyone comes. I'm so sorry about Kieran but maybe he has a reason he didn't tell you about Sean."
"Frankie," Cami sighed, her fists rising to press anxiously at her forehead, "How could he not tell me, how could he let me struggle. I thought I was going crazy like Sean, I thought I was going to do that, he just-"
"I know," she agreed, squeezing her hand tightly as she pulled Cami to her feet, "trust me I know. We need to get through today and then we can figure it out. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about all this earlier."
Davina and Josh were saying their goodbyes as Frankie finally pulled Cami up, passing her phone to Josh to get his number to call them when the sun went down.
"Here's my address," she told him, texting him as he passed her phone back, "if things go south meet us there. No vampires have been invited in so none of them can come for you. I'll do what I can to get Klaus to spare you, he owes me."
"Don't worry about me," Josh grinned though secretly he was grateful, "Just don't let them find Davina."
"We won't," Frankie nodded, "Cami do you have something for her to wear, something Marcel wouldn't expect to see her in?"
"I've got an old wedding dress," she replied, rushing to the closet to search for it, "my uncle lent it to me to wear to the festival. Here, you put it on and I'll find you a mask too."
With the mask and the wedding dress Davina was well disguised enough for them to descend to the street. Cami had steeled herself now she'd processed her uncles knowledge of the supernatural and she and Frankie had resolved to do whatever it took to keep Davina safe.
"There's people everywhere," Davina said anxiously as they pressed through the crowd full of people in costumes, drinking and dancing as they enjoyed the festivities.
"Just keep walking," Frankie soothed, stepping to the side to see if they were being followed, "No one knows it's you."
"Guys," Davina said worriedly, stopping suddenly and stepping backwards.
Frankie and Cami followed her line of sight, nerves overtaking them as they caught sight of Klaus nearby searching through the crowd. Frankie knew what she had to do, Cami should've left town already as per her compulsion and so if Klaus caught sight of her he'd know something was up. Frankie however was eternally protected from the Mikaelson's and had work in an hour giving her reason enough to bump into them.
"You have to get off the street," Frankie told them, turning and catching their eyes, "Quick, down there. I'll go talk to them and see what they know."
"I'll be fine Cam. I drink vervain and Klaus can't threaten me for answers, even if he figures out I know about Davina he's still got no way to get it out of me. Trust me. Text me where you end up when I'm off shift but if you get stuck get to my apartment," here she paused to pull the spare key she kept in her wallet out, "let yourselves in if you need a place to hide. Only use it if it's all you've got. They can't get in but Klaus and Elijah both know where I live."
"I'm sorry I threw you against the wall," said Davina as she pulled her into an apologetic hug.
"All good little D," she grinned, "quick, go now."
Frankie tugged her skateboard up as she pressed through the crowd, a smirk gracing her face as Klaus spotted her and turned with a frustrated expression on his face. She made her way over just as Elijah and Marcel joined Klaus, anxious looks filling their faces.
"What's the deal," she grinned as she joined the trio, "not a fan of festivals?"
"I don't see why not," Rebekah added, suddenly behind them she slung an arm around Frankie's waist, "Who doesn't love a street fair?"
"Frankie and Rebekah, how wonderful," Klaus grinned sarcastically "Come to help us find our stray?"
"You lost Hayley again?" Frankie cut in, an incredulous look on her face before she pressed slight apprehension into her voice, "Is Tyler back? Did she run away or-"
"Hayley is safe and Tyler is no longer a threat," Elijah assured quickly, mistaking the racing of Frankie's heart for anxiety, "Another of Niklaus' wards is missing. Unsurprisingly she ran from him."
"And we're all here because we couldn't let your secret weapon get in the wrong hands, could we?" Rebekah said with a cool insincere smile rising to her face.
Frankie leaned against her as she spoke, noting the annoyance that seemed to press through in her voice as she replied to Klaus. It was clear not one of his siblings was pleased with Klaus currently and the grin that graced his face showed that while he was well aware, he intended to ignore it.
"For the record," Klaus said defensively, "we're moments away from retrieving her."
"I recognise that tone of voice, Niklaus," Elijah replied, "Clearly you have some diabolical machination. What is it?"
Klaus grinned cockily, ignoring Elijahs words as he pressed past the group, walking away to a boy near a car. It took her a moment to realise what was happening but when the boy turned around her heart leapt into her throat.
"Hot guy with the fiddle," she muttered to herself, not noticing the way Elijah's eyebrows furrowed in concern as he caught her words and her racing heart.
Rebekah and Marcel didn't notice her concern or if they did they ignored it and she realised she should take the opportunity where they were focused on Klaus' plans to slip away.
Frankie grinned, rolling her eyes at Klaus before turning back to the group, "This is fun and all but some of us have to earn a paycheque. Good luck finding Klaus' stray."
She didn't give them a chance to respond before she slipped away, rushing to work where she knew she could lock herself in the back and call Cami without the chance of anyone overhearing.
Elijah was waiting for her when she arrived at Rousseau's, leaning against the wall with his ankles crossed, by the door with a discerning look on his face. She sighed as she approached him, steeling herself for the conversation worried that she'd let something slip with him and knowing really that he already knew everything.
"You couldn't have given me a lift," she teased, "It took me fifteen minutes to push through the tourists to make it here and you don't even seem like you broke a sweat."
"My apologies," he smiled, his arm reaching out to push the door open for her to walk through, "What happened to your skateboard, this one is new?"
"Your brother broke mine," she told him with a roll of the eyes as she dumped her board in the back and began to make them both drinks while she waited for her shift to start, "then he felt guilty."
"How did he break it?"
"Just him dicking about," she laughed, eager to change the subject lest Elijah find out what she'd really been involved in, "You followed me all the way to work to talk about my new board?"
Elijah remembered how lovingly Frankie held her previous skateboard, mentioning the four states it had been with her in and he was surprised at her cavalier attitude at its destruction. Though he dropped the issue, not wanting to pry into something she was clearly uninterested in sharing, he made a mental note to speak to his brother and find out what exactly he'd done to destroy her prized possession.
"I was worried about you," he said gently, taking the glass she was holding out to him.
"Aren't we trying to be more selfish?" she teased, "Worrying about me doesn't seem like that's the right track."
"Ahh," he agreed, a smile filling his face as he nodded, "Perhaps I need a little more tutelage."
"Something like that," she laughed, "So is that really why you're here, Elijah? To make sure I'm okay and ask about a skateboard?"
"You knew the boy," he confessed, "The one Niklaus was talking to."
"Yeah," Frankie nodded easily as she tried to keep her heart from racing and giving her place away, "Marcel took this girl Davina here one night and she had this sweet crush on him."
Elijah was silent for a moment. It was clear to him that Frankie knew more about Davina than just one meeting but he didn't want to press her and force her to lie to him or to show her hand. Though he was helping his brother, he didn't agree with his methods and he cared more about the witch's wellbeing than he would allow Klaus to realise.
"I should check on my brother," he said after a break, standing with a smile as he rested his hand on hers, "Call me if you need anything. Have a good night."
- In Serial80 Chapters
The Desecrator's Tomb - A Numbers Lit-aRPG
A man appears in a dungeon full of undead. He tries to leave. This is my attempt at writing a litrpg where the system is more formalized. This means that there will be a fair amount of min-maxing and we will hopefully be able to calculate the dps of every ability by the time I am done. Expect math. The main character will become a Drain Tank. This story uses an aRPG item and stat system. Oh and one last thing. Beware the penguins. update 1/8/22: I am trying to simulate things as faithfully as is reasonable. As of chapter 17 there are animated gifs depicting Chilly's life throughout encounters. update 1/11/22: Kreksyte drew me a cover! All hail our artist overlords! update 5/25/22: Going on hiatus for a bit. The second arc is complete. Will come back for the 3rd and final arc soon. update 7/15/22: ayy...I've returned. Starting the third and final arc. [was once a participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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A king's reincarnation
Business Devil, World's mightiest, God of War, King of humanity All of these are the titles of Lucas, the king standing at the Earth's apex. Wealth? He holds 68% of Earth's total assets granting him the title of "Business Devil". Authority? He was granted a level of Authority that no one can defy giving him the title of "World's mightiest". Military? The first ever 9 Star General to exist, having an absurd count of military soldiers at his disposal. Granting him the title of "God of War". Martial arts prowess? Being the strongest human to ever exist, with a body tougher than the toughest minerals, a power stronger than the strongest bombs, and speed a hundred times faster than the speed of sound, and mastery over almost every martial arts there is, earning the title "King of Humanity". However, behind these terrifying titles lies a young and incomplete king. Someone who feels a deep emptiness despite standing at the top. One night, he was summoned by the Gods to be sent to another world. Hoping that he can do what he wasn't able to back on Earth, he went to another world armed with inhumane abilites. But, it looks like it won't be as simple as he thought... He soon finds out about his own mysteries, and decides to solve every last bit of it. "What...am I?" note: cover is made by: pitzmaker
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Witch's Law
What's the secret of a girl who dreams of revenge on her father and stepmother? Dazzling beauty Soojin's sudden move to japan, her rise to stardom, and the unraveling of a three generation long family secret.
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Ulterior Motive- Thorki Fanfiction
Loki has destroyed so much, ravaging the Nine Realms with his mischief. But all he's ever wanted is a throne. Right? What if...that's not right? What if Loki has an ulterior motive? And...what if...it isn't evil?
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Reincarnation: I Married My Ex's Brother (6)
"Marry me. Once we're married, I will be loyal to you for life-as long as you keep me alive."Qiao Jiusheng was pushed into the water by her older twin sister, had her identity stolen, losing her old love and life. With no other choice, she seeks out Fang Yusheng, the blind man rumored to have no interest in women. With blank and empty eyes, he says, "Sure."In her past life, she was betrayed by her sister and trapped in the basement. Her tongue was cut off as she watched her sister take her place, winning overall her loved ones, marrying her lover of six years, and starting a family with him. Now that she's back to a time before it all went wrong, Qiao Jiusheng escapes from the river and goes to her boyfriend's older half-brother. She puts on a mask and marries him, to fight their common enemy. The wheels of fate begin to spin, and the severed threads of destiny are once again entwined... Before their wedding, he tells her, "Don't peek at me so openly just because I'm blind and can't see you." On the night of their wedding, he tells her," You don't have to dress like a bear. I don't care for women." Half a year after their wedding, just because she gives another man another look, Fang Yusheng covers her laptop, phone, bedside drawers, desk, and wallet with nothing but his selfies.This book is a Chinese novel written by Imperial Songs and he deserves all the credits for it. Link for the original novel will be provided at the end of the book.
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