《Petrichor - e.mikaelson》17
It'd been two days since any of them had seen Alaric, he'd called Frankie a few hours after leaving with Rebekah explaining that he was fine, stocked up on Bonnie's herbs, and getting out of town for a bit so he didn't hurt anyone. Frankie got where he was coming from, she really did, but she worried about him and having him disappear and never to no contact with any of them worried her much more than she would ever admit.
It was a Friday night now and while the high schoolers they were friends with attended this weeks dance, Frankie was working and Damon was drinking. She liked having him visit her but she could feel the weight of the pointed glare her manager gave her each time she paused to chat with him and despite the fact the Grill was empty and she was doing busy work, she was pretty sure she needed him to leave before her manager made her leave.
"Damon," Frankie groaned as she replaced his empty glass of bourbon with a full one, "As much as I love hearing you complain about your brother and Elena all the time, can I not have one night of work in peace. Who care's if she took him to some stupid dance, don't people usually die at these dances you guys attend, not much of a loss."
"Oh get off it Frank," Damon rolled his eyes, "You love having me around. There's no point trying to push me away when we all know I'm the person you like most in this town."
"Yeah sure, I like hanging out but not at my job," she replied, pulling a towel from the pocket of her apron and pretending to wipe a spill down, "I'm going to get fired if I spend another shift hanging out with you and ignoring actual customers."
"Not as if there are any other customers here but fine," Damon groaned cheekily, pressing a larger than necessary bill onto the counter, "Call me if you need a lift home later."
Frankie rolled her eyes but secretly she was grateful, comforted by his offer though she wouldn't take it up. She enjoyed skating home and truthfully she needed the space to think, she didn't know what was going to happen with her brother when he returned home but she didn't see how well things could end for him knowing he had an alter ego constantly waiting to take over and murder their friends.
The night was easy, the dance that occupied Stefan, Elena and their friends seemed to pull away many of the typical Grill clientele and the diner and bar itself remained fairly empty until the later hours when the drunk teenagers finally flooded in in search of coffee to sober themselves up. At last her day was over and she was able to tug her apron from her neck and make her way outside, freezing at the backdoor when she saw Damon waiting for her by his car, an expression on his face that rocked her.
"I didn't need a lift Damon," she told him, her voice was steady but she felt her heart begin to race in terror with the pity in his eyes, "I'm fine to skate home."
"We're not going home," he said, holding the passenger door open for her with a concerned frown.
Though he hadn't really said anything, that was more telling to her, her heart racing as she ran through the possible events that could've occurred to cause him to come here and look at her like that, guilty.
"What's going on, what happened?"
"It's Ric."
"Oh," Frankie said, her heart was racing and her fingers whitened over the sides of her board that sat on her knees as Damon drove, "It's not going to be okay, is it?"
"No," Damon said softly, his eyebrows furrowing as he watched her force the anxiety away, "no it's not."
Damon didn't need to say more than that, she knew by his movements that Ric was either dead or dying. They rode in silence to the cemetery, Frankie's face was stony and her body felt numb, all she could focus on were her breaths going in and out, over and over, terrified about what was waiting for them.
"Hey Frankie," Alaric gave her a weak smile as she and Damon approached. He was inside the Salvatore tomb, Elena and Jeremy had been with him but as she arrived, they both slipped outside to stand with Damon to give them a moment to talk.
"Ric," she said, her voice steady now though her hands were still shaking, "what's going on?"
Her brother was smiling but it wasn't with joy, his eyes pushing back tears that wanted to break forth with the terror in her voice. He almost felt frightened to tell her the truth, what was about to happen to him and what he needed her to allow to happen.
"Esther tried to turn me into an Original," he explained, "she wants me to hunt down all her children. But I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to complete the transition. My dark side was dangerous enough as a human, I can't be a vampire. So, this is it."
"What?" she scoffed, anger enveloping her as she pushed away her fear, "So you just expect us to lock you in here to die?"
Alaric didn't reply which was an answer in itself, looking away as his face furrowed up in regret. He knew his sister and he knew she wasn't mad at him, that she was scared and sad but that she needed to get her anger out, that this was how she could process.
"You're fucked in the head if you think I'm letting you leave," she told him, "We can't do this. You can't do this."
"Listen Frankie," he said calmly, "It's the right thing to do, okay? After everything that's happened, after all that I've done. Maybe I had it coming."
"Stop it," she snapped at him, "A lot of people have done a lot worse and they did it of their own volition. Ric, please," her voice broke for a moment and she cut herself off, pulling herself back to stop the sob escaping from her lips.
"Don't Frank," Alaric sighed, his eyes flicking from her to the floor guiltily, "Let's not make this any harder than it is. It's what's best for everyone."
"Fuck everyone," Frankie turned around, she couldn't look at him like this, she didn't want him to see the tears trying to escape, "Fuck everyone. Fuck that. Don't Ric, don't do this."
"It's okay," he told her, suddenly in front of her he tugged her into a hug that she struggled in for a moment, "You were always the stronger one of us both. I know you'll make it by fine."
"I'm not," she replied softly, the anger gone from her voice now instead replaced by the monotone of her pressing steadiness into it. She was thinking of their family now, their shitty little family and how she now had no one, "Ric how do I face them without you. I can't go home again. I can't see them without you. Please don't leave me."
"You're gonna be okay Frankie," he told her again, his arms tightening around her as he felt his shirt dampen where her tears seeped through, "You're going to be more than okay."
"Please don't do this."
"You should go home, you don't need to stay for this," he said, his arms falling to his sides as she stepped back with her fists brushing away her tears quickly, "Damon's here. He'll make sure it'll all go down the right way."
"I'll stick with him Frankie," Damon said softly, suddenly behind her, "I'm here till the end."
"Its okay to feel," Alaric said softly as she turned to leave, brushing the tears angrily from her face, "I love you Frankie. The best day of my life was the day I found out I had a sister, don't let this close you off again. Getting hurt is part of living life, you have to get through it, you can't just shut the world out so you don't get hurt."
Frankie didn't know what to say, she didn't know how to tell him she wasn't sure anything had ever hurt like this before and that she wasn't sure if she'd be able to make it through like he wanted. She didn't know how to tell him she would miss him more than when her mum left and more than when she left Mitch, more than any other loss combined. Everyone left her but he never did, he always stayed and now even he was leaving her too, whether his choice or not he was leaving.
She wanted to sit with him for hours, talk about each memory he'd given her where he'd helped shape her, how he was the one who brought her back when her mother left as a child. He was the one who let her know it was okay to not want to talk about it so long as she was still processing it and feeling.
"I'll miss you," she said more to herself than to him, scared if she looked back at him she wouldn't ever turn away, "I'm really gonna miss you, Ric. I love you."
Matt and Jeremy were still outside the tomb, waiting for her in case she wanted a lift but when she emerged and saw their sympathetic smiles she turned away with a shake of her head. She couldn't talk to them, she couldn't sit in a car and feel their glances back at her, worrying gazes checking up on her, wanting to talk about the pain that was ripping her heart out.
Her brother, her brother, her brother was gone.
She didn't have any family anymore, sure she had Di and her dad, but if she didn't turn up again they wouldn't notice, it wouldn't bother them.
Instead she was stuck, she had no one anymore.
She was alone.
Frankie was halfway back to the apartment by the time she made her decision.
It was past midnight and she was skating down the middle of the road when she'd had to swerve to the side so someone in a car could pass her. Though it made her heart race with the nearness of death, it pushed the idea into her mind. She knew her brother had a car and she knew where it sat, parked around the block from his apartment. It was basically her car now, no one else would claim it and it's not as though he'd ever be coming back for it.
The sweat on her face intermingled with the tears that had dried on her cheeks as she traipsed anxiously up the staircase to the apartment, now the plan was set she needed to action it before someone came to check on her.
"What are you doing here?" she growled out, freezing in surprise at the presence in front of her that she'd pointedly ignored the calls of.
Elijah was there, of course he was, leaning against the door with his arms crossed and his face furrowed into the now familiar look of concern that everyone had given her since Damon arrived to pick her up from work.
"Klaus called me," he confessed, stepping aside so she could unlock the door, "He told me what Esther did. I'm so so-"
"Don't apologise for something that's not your fault," she snapped, her hands were shaking so much that as she struggled to get the key in the lock her phone slipped to the ground with a loud crack, "Fuck!"
"Here," Elijah said kindly, picking up her now shattered phone before landing his hand on hers, guiding it steadily to the lock. The door was pulled open but when she didn't reach to take the destroyed phone he tucked it in his jacket before following her inside.
"Well you checked on me," she said shortly, dumping her skateboard by the door as she moved to the bedroom to gather her things, shoving them messily into her backpack with frantic movements, "I'm fine, not suicidal. Job done."
"Frankie your brother just-"
"I'm well aware of what's happened to my brother, thanks," she said, slamming the drawer she was looking through now shut, "Fuck, where is it."
"What is it you're looking for?" Elijah asked, his eyes peering around as though preparing to locate whatever she needed, "I'll help you find it."
"I just need the fucking keys."
"The keys?"
"The car keys," she snapped, frustrated by his questioning she ignored his eyes trying to meet hers, instead grabbing her notebook which sat on her dresser and shoving it deep into her now full backpack, "I need to find Ric's car keys."
"Why don't you find them in the morning," he suggested softly, "Get some sleep and I'll look for them so you have them then."
"I don't need them in the morning, I need them now. Fuck. I need to go, now."
"Where do you need to go?" he asked, catching sight of the keys sitting atop the fridge but keeping it to himself concerned by the prospect of her driving in this state, "I'm sure you can go tomorrow."
"No, I need to go now," she said, her heart was racing so quickly it was almost deafening in her ears and she paused for a moment as the anxiety caused a pain in her chest, "I need to go, Elijah. I need to go and get it."
"What is it you need to get?" he asked. Elijah's voice was soft as he spoke to her, his eyes searching hers desperately for something he could do to help her. It was clear the anger and anxiety that was pulsing through her body was her way of processing her loss, of pushing it away until she was ready to deal with it.
"A dress, I don't have a dress for the funeral. I need to go get my dress, Elijah I need it, I need to go and get it," her words tumbled from her lips and she felt herself begin to shake, as though the lack of movement as she paused to addressed him was causing herself to crumble. The pain in her chest was almost greater than the pain of losing her brother now and her hand rose to press against her chest where her heart lay, her breaths deepening as she tried to calm herself.
"I can get you a dress," he told her, his hands gripping her arms softly as she stilled for a moment, "I can organise that for you, you shouldn't worry. You go to bed and I'll get a dress for you to wear to the funeral."
"No," she pulled herself away, the spell broken as she began to move frantically again, the fear in her body pressed down again as she redetermined herself for her task. Finally spying the keys she rushed to snatch them before turning to the door, "I need to get my dress. It's at home, I need to go get it, I need that dress. I need to wear it."
"In California?" Elijah asked, speeding in front of her to stop her barrelling out the door now she'd scooped up her backpack and skateboard, "Frankie you can't drive there tonight, it's going to take you days to drive-"
"That's why I need to go now," she growled angrily as she tried to move past him again and he stopped her, "Move it Elijah, I need to leave now so I'm back in time, in time for the funeral."
"You can't drive like this," he told her, his voice stern for the first time while his hand reached out to grasp her arm comfortingly, "You'll get in an accident. It doesn't matter what you wear to the funeral, it only matters that you're there. I'll get you a dress, I promise it'll be okay, you just need to take a breath."
"I need it, Elijah," she said softly, desperation seeping through even as her eyes squeezed shut with pain, "I need that dress, Ric got me the dress, I need it. I have to wear it."
Elijah sighed, pulling the keys from her quickly, "I'll drive," he conceded, "I'll take you to California and I'll ensure you return in time for the funeral. If you want me to leave after then I'll go, but you can't drive now, not in this state. I promise I'll get you there and I'll get you that dress. I give you my word."
A glower crossed Frankies face as he pulled the keys from her grip but as he stayed steady she conceded with a weak nod. She wasn't getting around him and he wasn't letting her go alone, if he came they could take turns driving and they could make the trip faster without the need to stop for rests.
In truth, Elijah driving was the best option really, she couldn't focus even now as he pulled out onto the street and began to exit the small down. At some point she was aware he'd pulled his phone to ear, speaking softly into it but she didn't know what he said, it was as though she wasn't even in her body. Now she was still she'd turned numb again, there was a ringing in her ears and even her arms and legs had begun to tingle with how horrified she felt.
She couldn't believe he was gone, Ric was gone, her brother was dead. Her brother.
"You missed the exit," she told him, snapping back to reality with a jolt, her heart began to race again when Elijah didn't turn to face her, continuing along the highway, "Elijah, you gave me your word. You need to go back, you need to take that exit to get to California. If I dont start going now, I won't be back in time."
"You'll be back in time," Elijah said calmly, his free hand reaching out to land on her fist that was clenched so tightly he could smell the blood beginning to prick out from the small wounds her nails were creating, "I'll get you there, Francesca I promise. I'm getting you to California."
"But the exit," she protested. She opened her mouth to argue again against his silence when she froze, her eyes widening in surprise as he turned off at last, an airfield coming into view where he parked the car.
Elijah was the first to stand from the car, he had time to grab her backpack and her skateboard before rushing round to reach her door, tugging it open and holding his hand out.
She placed her hands in his but before he pulled her out of the car he turned her hands over, thumbs brushing against her fingers as though coaxing them to open. When her fingers lifted and the half moons were revealed with their bloody pinpricks his eyes furrowed while hers averted, suddenly the ground seemed particularly interesting.
"I'm fine Elijah," she lied, the concern in his eyes barely concealed as he pulled her to her feet, "I'm not going to break, you don't need to babysit me."
Elijah smiled softly and nodded, "I wouldn't dream of it."
"Mr Mikaelson," a man nodded, coming down the small staircase attached to the side of the plane, "We're ready whenever you are."
"Thank you Christopher," Elijah nodded, "It's just us today, we can leave in a moment."
"Of course, sir."
"You have a plane?"
"It's not mine," he replied nonchalantly, leading her to the staircase, her belongings still clutched in his arms, the battered board and backpack a stark contrast against his pristine appearance, "but it's available on occasion when I need."
"Oh," she nodded.
The plane was smaller than the one that Klaus had compelled for them to ride on when they'd returned to Mystic Falls the time Stefan had lured them home but still fairly large for only two passengers. There were half a dozen seats, large and plush but she collapsed into the one nearest to her, ignoring the seat by a window in favour of the one she needed to make the least effort to reach.
"You should get some rest," Elijah told her.
They had finally pulled from the tarmac and though she was exhausted, she'd pulled a novel out to read, tugging it open while her eyes stared unfocused out the window. It was late, really late, nearly four am but she couldn't sleep, she had thoughts running through her head faster than she could pull them apart. She couldn't let herself sleep because she knew the fears that would be waiting when she closed her eyes, she needed to stay awake and she needed to distract herself from herself.
"I'm not tired," she replied, her eyes finally falling to the page, reading the first line.
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Oval / Earth: A Calamity Across Two Worlds
Warbinger brought their worlds together, and now the influence of his ancient power threatens them both. Geoff and Richard from a science-fantasy version of Earth, along with Lamet and Sparlyset from the mystical alien world of Oval must work together to unlock the mysteries their worlds share and discover the power that will allow them to face Warbinger's strength in full.
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Among Giants
BOOK 1 DONE. THE STORY WILL PICK BACK UP IN THE REWRITE, BUT THIS DRAFT IS COMPLETE. BIG NOTE: This story is currently being rewritten. However, the rewrite has strayed so far from the original that they're hardly the same story anymore. If you want a better story with higher-quality writing and much better pacing, check that one out. (If you liked this story and want to show your support, consider rating the rewrite! I would be super appreciative if you did!) When a mystic has reached the peak of their world’s growth, they are able to ascend, leaving it behind in favor of a higher, more potent plane. Since the dawn of existence, ambitious prodigies have pushed the boundary of what seems possible, ascending beyond countless worlds in search of the peak. Hong Tang Kiro… is not one of those geniuses. However, his twin sister just might be. Secluded on a border world and selected for their talent in fire mana, the siblings are unknowing participants of a centuries-long experiment, hosted by a powerful eccentric on the verge of immortality. Follow the twins as they learn of and attempt to escape their predicament, before venturing out into the wider world(s).
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The Last Weapon
In the seemingly normal, always supernatural streets of Mystic Falls resides Briana, a sibling to the infamous legends, the Mikaelsons. She's burdened with a treacherous, murderous purpose that she refuses to admit. With a destiny decided by witches she hears from no longer, she has irresponsibly avoided her duties for centuries. Now, she is ready to plan, kill, and fight to do what she knows she has to.The only problem is, the residents of that ho-hum town are growing on her, especially the infuriating Damon Salvatore and the painfully human Jeremy Gilbert. Her count of friends grows, and she's tempted to throw her destiny and responsibility behind her.Briana will struggle between the choices, love and friendship or duty, in this first installment of The Last Weapon. Be sure to check out its sequel, Shadow of Death!
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