《Petrichor - e.mikaelson》12
In the moment, agreeing to attend the ball seemed the correct answer, of course she would attend, of course she'd go to some fancy dance, why not? Even if it wasn't exactly her scene, she doubted anything bad would happen, she might as well go and just bail if it was bad. But now, standing and looking down at the dress that Elijah had sent for her, she felt way in over her head.
The dress itself was beautiful, it was too beautiful, that was the problem perhaps. It was floor length made of a sheer navy fabric with stars embroidered across it. The fabric was light and it had sleeves down to her wrists which flared out slightly at the ends with a slit up her leg. The material felt so light that it seemed to float as she moved, the waist fitting perfectly while the length grazed her shoes.
When it was delivered with a knock on the door and an invitation in hand, she'd pulled it on to try it, surprised by how it made her feel.
Typically, Frankie wouldn't exactly describe her style as 'nice', she liked the way she dressed, she felt comfortable in her clothes it was just that her style was typically much more masculine, skate shoes and trousers rather than a ball gown with a galaxy embroidered on it.
Pulling the dress on she didn't feel like herself, the skirt made her look like she was floating as she walked while the sleeves and the skirt with its tiny golden embroidered stars glittered and complimented the colour of her hair. It wasn't that she looked bad, she just hadn't dressed like this in a while, maybe ever. Looking so feminine felt bizarre, she felt more exposed, even a little vulnerable.
Perhaps it was the reactions of those around her too, Alaric had come over minutes after she'd pulled it on. He was really just coming to say hi and reassure her that he had fully recovered but he froze in his tracks as he caught sight of her in the living room, his mouth gaping open and his eyebrows rising.
"Frank?" Alaric said in surprise, catching his breath for a moment before continuing, "You look beautiful."
Frankie spun in her place, turning to look at her brother in equal surprise. Her hands crossed over her chest and her cheeks flushed red like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
Alaric didn't really know Frankies mother, he'd met her exactly twice though he remembered the battered Polaroid that Frankie used to carry everywhere with her when she first moved in with them as a child. As she stood before him with her hair tumbling down her back and her cheeks flushed red he was struck suddenly by how similar she seemed to that little Polaroid of her mother.
"I don't even know if I'm going to go," she brushed off quickly, flipping her head to tie her hair in a bun on her head, "Matt said they've got some open shifts at the Grill tonight so I might just pick one up instead and make some extra cash."
Alaric groaned loudly, he wanted her to go to the ball and he knew full well that the best way to get Frankie to do something she wasn't sure about, was to goad her into it, "Scared you're gonna trip on the way to dance floor?"
"Please," Frankie laughed, "We all know I'm the best dancer in this family."
Alaric spluttered into laughter as she began to gyrate jokingly across the room before descending in a particularly terrible attempt at the worm. By the time his almost girlfriend called, both Frankie and Alaric had tears running from their eyes at her moves.
"You should go Frankie," Alaric pressed as he walked to the door, "Why not? You were dragged around for months because of that family, you might as well get some free champagne out of it."
Frankie did end up going. She wasn't sure how the dress made her feel and she wished she could wear sneakers or boots with the outfit so it didn't look so put together but she knew she needed to wear heels and she reluctantly she did. Her makeup was light, with half of her hair pulled back in a loose pony tail while half ran free down her back.
The knock on the door startled her and she pulled it open to let Elijah in with her dress half unzipped, spinning round to face the opposite direction, "Will you zip me up?" she asked in place of a greeting.
Elijah's hands were warmer than she expected as his fingers grazed her back, the tips grasping the zip while his free hand brushed her hair to her front.
At age nineteen, Frankie had reluctantly been goaded into a drinking game as her roommates marathoned every single Twilight film. Though the films had been slow and the drinks had been much too strong, that had been one of the more prominent examples of vampires in fiction. She remembered the laughter that tumbled from their lips as they mocked Bella's assessment of Edwards ice cold hands though now as Elijah's fingers grazed her she realised that thats how she pictured his grip would feel. Though she knew really that vampires weren't as cold as ice because she'd been touched by Klaus and Damon and Rebekah, somehow she'd expected it from Elijah, his pristine presentation leading her to believe that he too had a barrier between him and her.
Finally the zip was closed, his hands rose to her hair again, pulling it back behind her shoulders where it lay earlier and she spun back around, a surprisingly nervous grin and a flush on her face.
Elijah's breath had caught in his throat when she'd first tugged the door open and then he'd held it as she spun around moments after, asking for such a simple favour that felt terribly more intimate to him than he was sure it was to her.
He could smell her perfume too as she spun, her hair fluttering and causing the scent to spread. She smelled enigmatic, there was a woodiness to the fragrance she wore with an earthy floral to it too. It reminded him of the area of the woods his brother would bring him to to search for flowers to make paints from as a child.
Elijah's breath caught in his throat for the second time when she spun back around and he got to see her truly, she seemed more radiant than ever, her eyes twinkling like the stars on her dress.
"Not too shabby," Frankie grinned as she finally settled on him, her eyes running up and down Elijah approvingly, "It's nice to see you dressed up for a change, Elijah."
"You look beautiful," he replied, there was a glint of something emotional and loving in his eyes as he watched the way she moved, each gesture effortless and free.
They chattered lightly as they approached the mansion where Klaus once lived alone. Though she tried to hide it, Frankie's breath caught in her throat and she stumbled as she first saw the sights inside. Elijah's hand had rested comfortably on her back, steadying her after her stumble and she leant into his touch, astounded by how truly magical the evening seemed to be with twinkling lights and fancier dresses and jewels than she'd seen in her life.
"Would you like a drink?" Elijah asked, leaning in slightly to murmur softly in her ear.
"Several," she nodded, "I'm probably gonna trip and at least if I've had a few I've got an excuse."
"I would never let you fall."
Frankie rolled her eyes and grinned, "You're slick, but I'll need a few more in me before that works."
Thus far the evening had been going well, Elijah was a perfectly good date, he was handsome and kind, he could hold a conversation and she liked the glint of amusement that flickered across his face at the littlest action she made.
She was standing at the base of the stairs now, watching Elijah summon his siblings, noticing the mischievous grin Klaus gave her as he glanced between her and Elijah. He'd tried to insist she came up with him, murmuring in her ear again as she stared unconvinced at his gathering siblings, insisting she was family and she belonged with them but when she'd shaken her head a second time he agreed with a nod, his hand leaving her for the first time since he'd arrived at her apartment.
"Welcome," Elijah greeted the room, pausing a moment as the crowd all turned their heads to face him, his siblings surrounding him on the staircase, "Thank you for joining us."
Elijah was introducing the first dance of the evening and Frankie was taking the moment to study him from afar, knowing full well both Klaus and Rebekah were watching her watch him. As Frankie watched Elijah talk, she looked at the way he held himself, comparing the differences between him and Mitch, so many it would be a struggle to even find similarities between the two.
Where Mitch was waif-ishly thin, his body fuelled by a diet of caffeine and cigarettes, clad in thrift store jeans with holes in the knees, Elijah was broad and muscular, toned and clean, dressed in a suit that she was certain could cover the cost of their rent for more than a month.
That wasn't it though, it wasn't only the way they looked, Mitch was sloppy, his back slouched and his eyes dazed, buzzed out constantly while Elijah stood tall and steady, his eyes constantly analysing, considering, planning.
Even the differences in their touch, from the few moments she'd had with Elijah, each time his hands fell on her it was as though she was porcelain, steady and firm, but gentle, always aware of how she reacted to any moment. Compared to Mitch's, the sloppy grip which so often turned hard at a moments notice as his eyes darkened and his lips curled into a snarl of disapproval.
Elijah returned, his hand on her back surprising her from her thoughts as she looked up at him in confusion.
"Would you dance with me?" Elijah asked softly, ignoring the smirk that appeared on the face of both Klaus and one of his other brothers, Kol she presumed, as they passed by.
Reluctantly, Frankie agreed, allowing Elijah to lead her to the floor and pull her into his arms, pleased at least that he was the lead and she only had to follow along his footsteps.
"Your brother looks like he's about to eat Caroline Forbes," Frankie told Elijah, catching the delighted grin on his face as he stared at Caroline in his arms.
Elijah smiled for a moment before his face furrowed in concern, "How is your brother?"
"He's fine," she answered lightly, smiling when she stumbled and felt his grip tighten on her, "Probably eating pizza with his new girlfriend."
"I heard about what happened," Elijah prodded gently, "At the Gilbert house. I spoke to Elena this morning, that must've been, confronting."
"It's fine," she replied cooly, "Not like I haven't seen enough blood after the summer. He's fine that's what matters."
"I'm sorry-"
"Stop apologising," she cut him off, "You're not responsible for your brothers actions or for my brothers wellbeing. You shouldn't have to apologise for other people."
Elijah sighed and a moment of guilt passed over her for her snappiness before he squeezed her hand gently to get her attention, twirling her quickly from his arms.
"Trouble in paradise already?" Klaus asked, his arms falling around her as he effortlessly caught her, "Dear me, all that trouble I took to keep you safe and my boring brother is already messing it up."
"Christ you're annoying," Frankie rolled her eyes as her face settled into a grin, "It's fortunate you're the unkillable one of the family or you'd be daggered longer than, who's the eldest again?"
"Yes he'd have nothing on you if they could take you out."
"It was rather rude of you to stop answering my calls, sweetheart," Klaus informed her as he twirled her under his arm, "Don't you miss our late night chats?"
"Well Niklaus," his eyes glowered at the use of his full name which she'd now adopted solely to piss him off, "Now that you're no longer my hostage taker I can tell you the truth, really, I just don't like you."
"Francesca, love," Klaus replied, grinning at the glower that she shot him in return, "There's no need to lie, we both know I'm your favourite Original."
Klaus could see Elijah's eyes on them and he knew he was listening too. Klaus had no interest in Frankie really but he enjoyed winding his brother up and he could tell that Frankie was oblivious to Elijahs absolute infatuation. Her eyes remained narrowed and he knew she was lining up her next quip to shoot back at him.
"Whoops," Frankie said lightly, an innocent expression crossing her face as she stamped on his foot with as much pressure as she could, "Clumsy sorry, lost my footing."
"People cower at my name, did you know?"
"Really," she pulled away a little to examine him, a grin rising to his lips, "You are frightfully ugly but I suppose I hadn't expected cowering," Klaus' grin fell just as the music stopped, the couples around them bowing to one another, "Thanks for the dance, Klaus. Rebekah is my favourite Original by the way, certainly the prettiest."
Before Frankie left, she leant up to press a kiss to Klaus' cheek. She wasn't exactly a kissing on the cheek kind of girl but she felt it fit after the smackdown she'd just given him, really dug the salt into the wound before she turned to see Elijah leaning against the wall, watching them with a smirk.
"Enjoying yourself?" she asked as she approached him.
"I believe Niklaus actually flinched," he replied, pleased to have her by his side again, "He looks positively wounded."
"I can't believe she thinks that Rebekah is the prettiest," a voice called from their side. Elijah's hand slid to her waist as they both turned to see the brother who'd been watching her and whispering with Rebekah, "Darling you clearly hadn't seen me, the old one of you liked me best I'm sure you'll come around once you take a proper peek at my dashing good looks."
"Frankie," Elijah repressed a groan, "Meet my brother Kol."
"Hey," she grinned, raising her hand to twinkle her fingers in a wave, "None of you have self esteem issues, do you?"
"Well, darling," Kol informed her with a laugh, "Its hard to have concerns when you're this handsome."
Frankie laughed and opened her mouth to reply when Elijah leant in, murmuring in her ear again so that his brother didn't hear, "I have some business with Elena Gilbert to discuss," he told her, "Would you rather come with me or stay?"
"Ta-ta, Kol," she said lightly, turning to Elijah to have him show her where they were going. As they started to move away, Elijah's hand returned to her back and at the smile that he gave her when their eyes met, she laughed again, "Which of your brothers will try to kill me first do you think?"
"I think if Kol could get down on one knee for you, he would," Elijah replied, knowing how fond his brothers already were of her, especially knowing she could keep up with their wit.
Frankie was having fun tonight surprisingly, her feet ached and body felt funny from the strain of standing properly beside the perfect Elijah but surprisingly, she was having fun. She enjoyed the Elijah that she knew, the Elijah who found amusement at her insults directed to his brothers and who smiled reverentially at her each time she laughed. She knew that Elijah felt differently about her than she did him, she could see the way he looked at her wasn't only platonic but she brushed it from her mind, he knew full well that she had met him three days ago and she wasn't apologising for how she felt or didn't feel.
"'Lena," Frankie called when they caught sight of her walking down the hallway, she turned, not hiding the surprise that crossed her face as she looked at Frankie and Elijah, his hand on her back while she walked beside him.
"I understand my mother requested to see you," Elijah told her.
"Yeah," Elena replied, "Why? Is something wrong?
"Well, her ability to forgive my brother after everything he's done to destroy this family strikes me as a little strange to say the least."
"Do you think it's an act?" Elena asked
"It has me asking questions I never thought I'd ask. Can I depend on you to tell me what she says?
"Of course," Elena replied, looking between Frankie and Elijah a final time before gathering her skirt in her hands, "I'll come find you two later."
"What do you think your mother wants?"
"I don't know," Elijah replied turning to face her his brow furrowed, "It's too easy, Klaus murdered her, I don't believe she could forgive him so easily."
"What would she do to him?" she asked, crouching down and wrapping her arms around her knees while they waited so at least the pressure was taken off her feet for a moment.
"Are you alright?" Elijah asked, ignoring her question.
"I'm fine," she rolled her eyes, "just not typically a high heels kind of girl, my feet hurt. Don't worry so much Elijah."
"Thank you for coming tonight, I-" Elijah broke off after a moment, holding his hand out to pull her to her feet, "Come, I'll find you somewhere to sit properly. Are you hungry?"
It was a long while until they found Elena again, Elijah had found them some food and they'd snuck away to the living room to sit for a bit. Though he was pleased that she had come with him tonight, he could tell how even her clothes made her feel uncomfortable, smiling as she tugged her shoes off and crossed her legs when they sat again.
The food and the break was good, she felt at the deep end of tipsy, she noticed it by how eagerly her body leaned into Elijah's touch and how distractedly her arms moved as she walked. She'd stumbled over her words a few times too and at the blush that reached her cheeks Elijah let out a light chuckle. Hopefully the evening would end soon so she could take off her shoes properly and fall into bed.
"How was my mother?" Elijah asked Elena, sidling up to her with Frankie when they found her again, nervously standing alone in the foyer of the mansion.
"Intense," Elena replied, smiling weakly at Frankie who was leaning against Elijah, his arm was around her and Elena could see her intoxicated state caused her movements to be less considered.
"And for what reason did she need to speak with you in private?"
Here a waiter came around with champagne, Elijah took one, passing one to Frankie before taking a further two glasses and holding the other to Elena.
"Elena?" he pried sternly, "Should I be concerned about my mothers intentions?"
"She just wanted to apologise for trying to have me killed."
"So it's true?" Frankie asked, "That she forgave Klaus for what he did?"
"It's true," Elena said after a moment, glancing between Frankie and Elijah then looking to the floor. Frankie nodded though she felt Elijahs hand on her waist tense for a moment, Elena's inability to hold her gaze troubling her too.
"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen," Esther called from the staircase, breaking their train as they all turned to look at her and listen, "Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!"
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Aced: A Slice of Life Tennis LitRPG
High school life isn't easy. It especially isn't easy when you're starting your freshman year at a brand-new school in a brand-new state. As such, Daniel Meadows was doing his best to get his bearings, and just fit in. That is, until he laid eyes on Sophia Hart. In that moment, he made a decision that would change his life forever. To win her over, he made the momentous decision to join the Tennis team, and take up a sport he'd never played before, to impress a girl he'd just met...As if this brilliant life choice wasn't questionable enough, he forgot to look both ways before crossing the street... A run in with an errant truck was inevitable, and now his life just got a little more complicated...how is Dan going to use his newfound powers, and can he reach his lofty (for a freshman I suppose...) goals of winning over Sophia's...heart? *This is a new web serial I am working on. I will be releasing a chapter a day for the next two weeks, and then pulling back my speed a little. To the moon!!!!! bwahaha*
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Crystal Guardian
An unassuming object from the Heavens Strikes the Earth, and in its wake the new age of man begins. The impact of the Objects Gives Birth to 2 new species of Neo-Humans, and one of the newly created Neo-Humans gives birth to a Hybrid of Human and Neo-Human. The 2 Neo-Humans are sometimes good and sometimes very-very BAD.The world is changed forever as the 2 Neo-Humans go to war with each other over the right to determine the destiny of the world. The war draws in the Hybrids and the Humans escalating it to the point where the survival of life on the planet hangs in the balance. An unexpected resolution and peace is restored; for as long as a tentative peace holds.- - -This is a story of Men of Honour and Women of Virtue. A story of Armies of Light and Soldiers of Darkness; A story of Great Battles. A story about the Home of the Warriors, the Reasons they Fought and How they Died.- - -Author's Note:I started this Work of Fiction before Realm Eternal, but at the time Realm Eternal was burning to get out of my head and onto paper/screen so I couldn't focus on Crystal Guardian, and now that the Realm Eternal itch has been scratched I can begin releasing Crystal Guardian Arc 1: Between the Darkness and the Light.To be honest despite my dislike of Overpowered Characters my Protagonists are OP. I try to balance it out by making quite a few other people OP.?Written in South African English which means closer to the British Standard.?- - -Warning: Mature Content ?Violence, Language and Adult Themes ?List of My Novels:?Realm Eternal??Crystal Guardian ??Exiled Nomads of the Galaxy??Soul Vessel Psyche?
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