《"Something special" 45th anniversary Chuck e cheese story》(Chapter 5) Happy Birthday!


"Hey Chuck!" Fangi said. "Hey Fangi! Do you need anything?" Chuck asked.

"Me and the band need you for a sec. Meet us in the spare party room." Fangi replied. "OK guys! This is it!" Fangi whispered to the rest of the gang. Chuck walked into the spare,empty,and dark party room. "Guys? Why is it so dark?" Chuck e asked. " Keep your eyes closed!" Fangi said as her eyes glowed. Suddenly, neon lights flashed across the room,for some reason he could still see the bright colors?. Chuck heard cheering around him. "Open your eyes Big c!" Fangi announced to Chuck. Chuck opened his eyes, he was shocked. "Happy birthday Big c!" The ganged cheered with Jasper laughing a bit at the end. The flashbacks of the orphanage he was in were flooding back to him. This was the first time anybody had done this for him. Chuck started to tear up a bit as the gang started to sing happy birthday to him. The rat was crying tears of joy, Something he never done. " We worked really hard on this for you! We hope you liked it!" Jasper said. Chuck ran over to Jasper and embraced him.

"T-thank you.." Chuck said tearing up again. Jasper started to tear up a bit as well but he was trying not to show it. "Your welcome! Happy birthday!" Jasper said tearing up as well with a few tears flowing down his cheeks. Jasper wiped away his tears " Ok, lets not get too emotional now..Oh! And we made some cheesecake for you! Would you like some?" Jasper asked. "Sure, why not." Chuck e said wiping his tears away with a bit of laughing.

Jasper grabbed a knife from the kitchen and cut the cake, put a slice on the plate, and gave it to Chuck. Fangi enjoyed the party. She was proud of the hard work she and the band had done. After everybody ate the cake...

"Well, we had a great night! We will start again tomorrow everybody!" Fangi announced. Later that night Chuck went to sleep with a smile, it was a night he could never forget.

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