《||Wild At Heart|| Johnny Depp》Seven Nation Army


I read over and over the names of individual strings Johnny wrote down on a little piece of paper and gave me a few days ago. I waited for him in like a mini studio room with guitars, pictures of famous rockstars on the walls and comfy couches. All of it was organized in nice black and red colors.

Him, Alice and Joe had to do some business about the song and album in general, so they were in other room signing papers and all. I'm honestly scared of how I'm gonna fit into the band of actual musicians, not being one myself. I hope that Johnny will be able to teach me as much as he can and I won't suck at it that much.

I stood up to take a closer look at the guitars in the corner. They were so beautiful, so cool. I picked one up, carefully, so I don't break anything and sat down with it, looking over every detail.

"I like it too," Johnny's soft voice suddenly echoed through the room. The sound made me jump, almost dropping the guitar.

"Jeez, do you always have to scare me?" I asked, putting the guitar where it previously was in the corner.

"Only sometimes." he replied with a smile, approaching the couch. He noticed the little card and picked it up. "I see you've been learning."

"Yeah, a little." I answered sitting down. "Hey, do you think it really is a good idea to te-"

"Yes, it's great. The best ever. You'll see how freeing playing is." he interrupted quickly, handling me one of two guitars, taking the other for himself.


"I can't anymoree," I whined and fell backwards on the couch, covering my face from frustration. We've been practicing for at least 3 hours now.

"Come on, it's only like three more chords and you'll know how to play the whole song." Johnny shook my knee lightly to make me sit back up. I'm not sure if he had cold hands or his touch left burning traces.

"Uh-uh," I replied, shaking my head 'no'. The first thing that popped into my head when he asked me what I want to learn was 'Seven Nation Army'. It wasn't going well at all, and thousands of bad thoughts were going through my head. "I'm talentless."

"No, you're not," he said and seconds after I felt his presence near me. All of a sudden, his hands gently grabbed my wrists to reveal my face. His chocolate eyes came into my vision first. "The beginnings are always hard. What matters is how you're gonna handle it all to keep going."


I groaned mentally. Though I think he actually might be right. I mean, people don't just go and know how to do something. It all always takes time. Although my frustration hasn't decreased.

"Can we at least take a break?" I asked and he let out a short chuckle.

"Like, the third one in the last 10 minutes?" He.. Might be right.

I was all ready to argue more when I noticed where his hands still were. They pinned mine on the either side of my head.

He saw it too and our gazes met only for a tiny moment, before he let my arms go and I sit up. He still kneeled next to the couch, so I was looking down at him. There was a minute of silence where neither of us knew what to say.

An idea popped into my head.

"It's either that or.." I started, a smile appearing on his lips again, patiently waiting for the answer. "I will call you John for the rest of my life." He raised his brows in surprise.

Ha, now what?

But then a weird smirk has crept into his lips.

"Is that a promise?"

My lips parted and eyes opened a little wider. Well, that wasn't quite what I expected. Although he seemed to enjoy my state as the stupid smile grew even wider.

Like on cue to break this moment, we heard knocking on the door. Seconds later Alice entered the room.

"He- Oh," he started, looking at us bit confused. "I don't wanna interrupt anything," we looked at each other, "But I guess you two haven't seen the sun for a long time, and the dinner is ready, so if you want to hang out just come to the balcony. Alright, bye." And he shut the door close before we got a chance to speak. What did he think we were doing?

"I think now we have to take a break." I said with a smile, not meeting his eyes and standing up. I made my way towards the door, turning around to him. "You coming, John?"

"Hey, that's not fair," he said, frowning. "I haven't even decided yet." He stood up, grabbing his jacket from the table.

"I thought you liked it." I replied, watching as he grabbed the little cigarette box.

"Still, you can't deny I won this time." He approached me and offered this damn smirk, looking into my eyes. I got a little closer, our faces inches away. I could see every detail of his skin.


"In your dreams." I whispered, then proceeding to open the door. He snorted and followed me soon after.

Damn, Alice really haven't joked about us not seeing the sun. For the whole time as we sat in the studio we had our curtains closed, and as soon as the light coming from outside hit my eyes I had to take a while for them to adjust-


Was my first reaction to the whole view. The orange color shone beautifully not only outside, but also made it's way into the room.

I walked through the white doors which leaded straight to the balcony, immediately seeing the source of such amount of colors. The sun was slowly going down, yet was still visible over the buildings.

Okay, this sounded a little too poetic but, as you probably figured out by now, I just couldn't get enough of the view. I suddenly forgot about everything I was thinking before. The only moment existing is now.

I sat down and noticed that almost everyone I met as I arrived here today already made themselves comfortable. Johnny sat not directly next to me, but he wasn't too far away either.

The sun made the color of his eyes look like someone had poured honey there. The light landed onto his tattooed arms, automatically making them shine. I won't even mention the part where the few buttons of his shirt were undone.

I sighed deeply and heard some muffled voices. Suddenly Johnny turned his head towards me, making eye-contact.

"...Elektra?" Alice brought me out of the trans.

"Yeah?" I asked looking at him.

"We've been calling your name like 12 times," he replied and I can safely say that a tiny panic started in me. "I wanted to ask if you want some red wine?"

"Oh, right," I answered, probably blushing as fûck. "Yes, please."

The meal went great, I think it was the best I ever had. Everyone joked and the food was delicious. The sun had finally hid and it was getting dark everywhere. We've lit some candles and still sat there, talking all about music.

By the way, I really enjoy smoking after eating recently. Given common sense, you can tell that it probably is bad for my health, but it makes the meal more charming, kind of putting a finishing touch on it.

Not thinking much, I stuck one in between my lips. Finally, I found the lighter in my left pocket, quickly letting the fire consume the end of my cigarette.

"I think we should talk about how harmful smoking is," Jerry, Johnny's bodyguard, suddenly stated suggestively, stealing a look at Johnny. I noticed he also looked for something to light up the cigarette with as he held it between his pointing and middle finger. "Because these two never stop."

Johnny smiled and so did I as our gazes met. He finally gave up, questioning me with his brows raising and moving his thumb up and down in the air, signaling how lighter worked.

I giggled, "Your nicotine addiction would say it's a shame."

He hummed with big eyes as an agree. When he bowed the jewelry on his chest also moved. The fire touched the cig, quickly showing burnt tobacco. My eyes automatically went up to his, finding them already looking at me.

There was something in this look that made.. I literally felt like he had sent a lighting that reached the deepest point of my tummy. It lasted maybe only 2.5 seconds, but made me feel something strange.

No, no. I pulled away. This isn't right, it shouldn't be like this.

The topic went on movies, and Johnny made a move like he just remembered something.

"Guys, I'm doing another movie." He stated and everyone, including me, cheered loudly. "Yeah. I leave in 5 months or something to Vancouver."

Well that's weird. I do too, but it might be too different movies.

"Welcome to the business, fella. I'll be working on a movie too. Not by any means as a character, more like stage help. Strangely about the same time and in the same place."

His face kind of showed that he's puzzled, yet he congratulated me happily. "Do you know the director's name?" he asked curiously, brushing the spent tobacco off in the ashtray.

"Yeah, some guy named Wayne.."

"Roberts." we finished in unison and his face told me everything I ever needed to know. My mouth dropped open.

Holy. Shit.




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