《||Wild At Heart|| Johnny Depp》"Guess who?"


I rapidly sat up in my bed, thinking 'what in the actual fuck just happened, or more like never happened and never will, holy fucking shit mother of god.'

I looked around. No Johnny, only sprawled sheets beside me.

It was already getting bright outside, but the room was still mostly dark. I lit up the lamp on my bedside table and grabbed my phone to check the time.

I groaned, falling back at the pillows. My body felt unusually warm, and butterflies in my belly didn't stop. Also, my throat felt incredibly dry.

I pray that's not because of what I think I was doing in my sleep.

I've heard stories from people, that after they had a certain dream, they couldn't look in the eye again to the person it was about.

I groaned again.

But, why Johnny? I've met so many directors, agents, who were good looking and charming, but the man I have dreams about is actually a good friend of mine. The one I've never thought about in this way.

I guess it'll change right this moment.

On the other hand, I liked it. I know it's absolutely horrible to say, yet it's true. As I thought more about it, the crazy zoo in my stomach was beginning to grow stronger. Right along with a stupid smile plastered to my face.

No, no, no, I have to make these thoughts go away. I can't suddenly start simping over him. It just wouldn't work.

I don't feel like overthinking at 4 in the morning, so I have two options. One: try to go back to sleep, which I don't find very tempting, honestly I'd be scared that I could dream of it again and feel even more weird. Two: I can go shower and start the day.


I chose the second option and got up. By the time I got to the bathroom, I saw sky already forming pink and red clouds. The sun hadn't come up yet, but it was a beautiful sight anyway.

"I really need to stop going out so much. Literally, every weekend I go and get wasted. I'm not that of a Amy Winehouse fan. I'm so sorry, that was mean, I really respect her." I muttered to myself, the last part to the non-existent people who might've gotten offended, while putting on my sneakers. I seriously have some issues. I've read somewhere that too much of talking to yourself can be a sign of chronic loneliness. Well, shit.

I stepped outside to see Jack already waiting for me. We said hellos and I entered the backseat. He got into the driver seat and started the engine.

"I will text you when the party's over, alright? I don't want you to wait forever there." I said and he nodded his head.

After something 'bout 20 minutes we arrived at Joe's place. I've never been here before, and I was very excited to see how he lived, and also curious if its somehow similar to Alice's place. I only haven't been to Johnny's. Oh, right.

I tried to forget or at least not think about it that much, but I think I fucked up. The only thing I have to do, well, more like not to do is embarrass myself there. Yeah, how hard could that be?

I got out of the car and headed to the main door. The front yard was beautiful, there's a huge tree, like the one in movies where main characters have deep talks while smoking cigarettes. I followed a little path to get to the door.

Not soon after I rang the doorbell, Joe appeared in the doors, all smiling when he saw me. I gave him a little present I bought, and he told me that it really wasn't necessary, but in the end he took it anyway. He invited me inside and I took a look.


The first thing you saw when you walked into the house were these big, wooden doors, through which you could see the actual inside of the building. At the moment they are open and I could see people, standing in groups, some sitting at the main bar and talking, and other admiring the paintings on walls. There weren't lots of people, just like Alice said, but the rooms were somehow small, and it seemed crowded. It's been filled with the sounds of rock music in the background and chit-chatting

"Your house is amazing." I told Joe as we started heading towards the bar, where I had already seen Alice talking with some guys. I'm not sure, but I think one of them is the Tommy Henriksen. If I'll meet this man, even only once, I can die peacefully.

"Thank you. I don't like big houses filled with every random thing, so it's rather humble." he replied and I nodded my head. He definitely wouldn't like my place, it's the complete opposite.

We finally approached the group and Alice greeted me. I've shaken hands with everyone, including Tommy. It really was a dream come true, I've admired him for a long time. Ever since Alice and I became friends, but somehow I never had a chance to meet him.

"Where's Johnny?" I asked curiously, after a while of talking with the guys. I only saw Alice's mouth opening, when suddenly two, big hands appeared from behind me and hovered over my eyes, making everything go black. I smelled the cologne, that I know so well, and the next thing I felt is, what I figured out by now, a beard slightly tickling my ear. My lips curved out a hint of grin and soon after, there was a familiar voice that I haven't heard for so long, saying:

"Guess who?"


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Also thank you so much for everything you do for the story


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