《||Wild At Heart|| Johnny Depp》Only Ones Who Know


The reality exploded under my eyelids with the biggest fucking headache my head ever lived through. That party yesterday really wasn't a good idea.

I opened my eyes to find myself laying alone in a double bed, and from my observation it was Alice's apartment. Well, at least I wasn't at some random guy's place. But something was off- sHIT! Why am I only in my underwear?

Goddamn alcohol, I ain't doing that again.

Sitting up, I noticed my clothes spread all over the room. But what's more intriguing, I heard somebody snoring. I quickly climbed to the other side of the bed to see Johnny's bare back, he only had his jeans on. He laid on the floor, having one pillow under his head. If I did- No, I couldn't. I mean, if I did he wouldn't be laying on the floor, right? I stood up from the bed and gathered all my clothes with an intention to dress in the bathroom. Before I went in, I checked if he was still sleeping. I hope I really didn't mess anything up and if I did Johnny wouldn't remember either.

First I needed to get my make-up fully removed. Then to brush this lion's mane that I used to call my hair and then dress.


I tried to exit the bathroom as quiet as possible, but when I looked again Johnny was leaning on the bedside table with a bottle of water in his hand. Hey, I didn't see that precious drink earlier; He stood up, and I saw that he's got a dark grey shirt from somewhere, and the sleeves were rolled up to his mid-biceps. His eyes looked tired, but I wasn't surprised, I felt the same. I could see all the tattoos on his arms and they really were telling a story, even if you didn't quite know the meaning.


"Mornin'" he said smiling.

"Hey" I replied also doing so. The silence after was a little awkward but who could blame us, I didn't know a thing what happened last night and in front of me stood, earlier half naked, Johnny Depp.

"We didn't-" We started in unison, and it seemed like Johnny thought about it too.

"I don't know, I thought you might know." he said and there was this quiet moment right before I covered my mouth with my hand to hide a smile, and Johnny just bowed his head with the same intention. I have no idea why, but there was something comic in this situation, and I'm also fully aware that it's really weird to laugh in actually serious situations but I can't stop myself. I wonder why Johnny laughed too, tho.

I managed to calm down and ask "Wait, you really don't remember?"

"I'm not sure, I just have a half-image of you undressing yourself." Shit, that's actually nothing to laugh about.

"But don't worry, I don't think you did it for.. y'know" he added quickly and scratched the back of his neck.

So, in conclusion: I drank a little too much, somehow ended up with the man I barely know and who saw me undressing myself. He doesn't remember all of it, so that's one good thing. "So what are we gonna do?"

"I suggest a parlay" he said after a while, imitating the famous Jack Sparrow voice and I chuckled. "No, but seriously, we won't talk about last night, whether we did something or not" He put out his hand for me to shake.

I never thought I would be making a deal like that. And more, it's with Johnny Depp. Apart from that, I think it's a fair deal.


And we shook hands. "Do you think Alice would be mad if we'd occupy his kitchen? I'm starving"

"Nah" he answered, shaking his head "I mean even if he would, we can blame it on Joe" I nodded, smiling.

He then suddenly exclaimed "You still haven't told me your name." I smiled slyly and replied:

"Maybe you'll find out someday" he made a 'really?' face and I just giggled shamelessly.

We went downstairs and decided on making toasts with butter and some tea. I sat on the counter and we were just making a small talk, getting to know each other a little.

"Do you smoke?" Johnny asked me looking for something in his pocket and then pulling out this flat, square little box where you keep cigarettes.

"No, but I like it" I replied and Johnny offered me one, raising his brows as a question with him already holding the cigarette between his lips. I hadn't smoked in years, but I really think it has this, I don't know, I suppose vibe, especially when you're smoking with someone. I accepted the offer and mumbled 'thank you', proceeding to open the window and sit on the windowsill, so the smell wouldn't be all over the place. The sun was high on the sky and a warm breeze entered the house. I had no idea what time it is.

Johnny sat on the table near the window and lighted his cigarette. His hair fell slightly onto the cheeks that raised up a little when he took a drag. A smile appeared on my lips by itself.

I bowed a little and he kept the flame to light mine as well. I took a close look at his right hand and the knuckles tattoo, 'SCUM'. I could name some people with this word, not gonna lie, and I think so would Johnny. I smiled at the connection and inhaled the nicotine. I noticed Johnny watching me intently the whole time, but when we made an eye contact his gaze left mine.


We talked about everything and nothing. Right now we were about to light a second round of cigarettes and Johnny told me the story of how young and drunk Alice was telling poems to the girl he liked.

"The poor girl was so scared, and he thought it's romantic" It was so random that I started laughing, accidentally bumping my head into the wall behind me, causing me to laugh harder. I would never even imagine Alice doing something like that. Johnny bursted out with uncontrollable laughter at my actions but then we suddenly sensed as if something was burning.

"The toasts!" Johnny jumped off the table, nearly running into a chair, and pulled out almost fully burned toasts. We didn't have any more bread so just decided to somehow eat those.

"Let's make a toast, but not burned this time" Johnny said and I couldn't help but grin at how bad this joke was. "For our deal" We clicked the glasses with tea and took a bite.

There was a moment of tasting our food, but in a bat of an eyelash we were throwing the coal-alike toasts into the trash bin, actually deciding on making some cereal.



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