《Falling For Him. kth ✔》Honey Bunny
Its was late at night when my shift had finally ended. I walked to my apartment after grabbing dinner from my favorite Chinese restaurant that was opposite to the hospital. I wanted to rest so badly because it had been long enough since the last time I was on a full-day call. And it was exhausting. The street was lit up with street lights and the cold breeze was making me shiver often during the small walk to my apartment.
My residence was on the 5th floor, in which all the apartments were empty when I had bought mine. Since I was in a hurry in the morning I never realized that I had a new neighbor now. I looked like I was run over by a truck since it was the end of the day. So, I decided that greeting my neighbor in this state was not a good idea.
I opened the main door of my apartment and went straight to the bathroom. I freshened up slipping into comfortable T-shirt and shorts and sat to watch any movie that was airing in one of the channels as I placed my dinner on my lap with me on the sofa. I finished eating it very fast since there was no exciting movies currently running on the TV. I switched off the lights of the living room and discarded the boxes of the parcel into the dustbin.
After I finished brushing my teeth, finally I was in the place that I love the most, my bed. I set the alarm to 6 in the morning since my shift started at 8. I gently placed my cheek on the soft pillow feeling the material as I closed my eyes. It was not even 5 minutes since I had laid on the bed and a noise woke me up.
The new neighbor, who was probably a fan of Taeyang of Big Bang was playing Eyes nose lips at high volume and even he was screaming with the speakers. I looked at the clock and the hands showed that it was already 1 am past midnight. I let out a sigh and put the pillow around my head so that it covered my ears. But the music was too loud and I could still hear it.
I got up and stomped my way out of the apartment and stopped at the new neighbor's door. I rang the bell once, no response. I rang it the second time, yet he didn't hear it. I lost it right at that moment. I started banging the door like a mad orangutan that the the door would almost break.
The door opened and holding it stood a guy in his late 20s. He was so tall that I looked like a kid in front of him. His skin was perfectly tanned and a dark brown night robe hung on his shoulders under which he had wore a creme color T-shirt and black sweat pants. He was a piece of art. But me being a sleepy head was biased to my sleep rather than his looks.
"Okay buddy, let me tell you that all I wanna have is a good night's sleep but you and your speakers are giving me hard time in doing that" I said to which he scratched the back of his head. He looked like he was bothered by something.
"Ummm.... You see I was actually trying to play it more softly. But somehow I broke the remote and the speaker wont turn off. So, I was going to pull off the plug but you interrupted me as you knocked the door. I am so sorry for the inconvenience" he said as he bowed and apologized. Wow, I was the victim here, but now he is making me feel like I'm the bad guy.
"Alright, just turn off that thing please. I have to wake up early tomorrow" I said to which he furiously nodded. I lousily turned around ready to leave but his voice stopped me.
"May I know your name miss?" he asked which made me turn to him as I blurted out, "Lee Y/n" I said composing my posture since I was feeling dizzy due to sleep deprivation.
"Nice to meet you, Miss Lee Y/n. I am Kim Namjoon" he said and smiled warmly. I just nodded and headed to my apartment and closed the door. I slipped into my cozy blanket and was happy that nothing disturbed me this time.
I got up with the alarm screaming to my ear and with that another painful day starts. Its not that I don't like my work. Actually I love my job but waking up early is what's difficult. After I reach the hospital everything is just fine. I finished my daily routine within an hour and had my breakfast. After I was out of my apartment, I locked the door and looked the neighbor's door once before leaving.
I entered the hospital to be greeted by Nayeon, the receptionist. Although she was older than me she called me madam and that made me feel uncomfortable
"How many times do I have to tell you to not to call me madam, unnie?!" I whined as I leaned on reception desk.
"Alright! Alright! I won't. Now let me do my work aaand... just walk straight to the changing room now. The chief is coming this way" she said with a stiff smile that showed her white teeth.
I escaped from there before that snake could even call my name. I reached the changing room safely and took a deep breath before entering it. To my surprise Sojin popped out of no where which scared me out of my senses.
"You scared me Sojin-ah!!" I said as I sat down on one of the benches in the room. She just giggled and sat beside me.
"By the way you have bags below your eyes and the dark circles are too prominent. Didn't you get any sleep yesterday?" she asked to which I let out a fake cry.
"My new neighbor broke his speaker and it was screaming which interrupted a few hours of my sleep" I said but she did not sympathize with me.
"New neighbor, huh? He or she" she asked which made me roll my eyes. I didn't answer her and got up to open my locker in search of my scrub. She held my hand and looked at me demanding an answer.
"Guy" I said and she made a woah sound.
"Is he a treat for the eyes?" she said wiggling her eye brows. She looks so desperate for a boyfriend. God please help her find one.
"What are you thinking?" she asked crossing her arms.
"Nothing" I said and changed into my scrub. Both of us exited the room and were headed to the OT but one of the nurses came running to me which made me stop in my tracks.
"Dr. Lee, the chief said he wants you to go to the director's office. He said that the director wanted to see you" she said. After delivering the message she bowed and walked away. This director juancock guy is really creeping me out. Why is he so clingy?
I went to the room and knocked twice. After hearing a faint voice asking me to enter, I opened the door and walked in. Jungkook sat on the director's chair like an arrogant brat.
"Sorry for calling here in such a short notice Dr. Lee. But I heard that you are familiar with our CEO". This was not turning out good. If he called me all the way here just to ask that then this guy was pure trouble.
He got up and walked towards me with a stare that made my legs shiver. Get it together, Y/n! I mentally smacked my head.
"I know all about your relation with him. So, it won't help if you lie to me" he said as he walked past me. I didn't utter a single word and stood like a statue.
"Actually the first time I laid my eyes on you I wanted to make you mine. All I could think about was you being with me everyday, all day. But when I found out that you are with him I lost it". What is this guy going on about? Wait, is he talking about Taehyung and me?!! Who the hell is this guy anyway?!! I had many things going in my mind anyway so trying to speak will only make me look stupid.
"I can't accept the fact that you love him. If I can't have you, Miss Y/n, neither will that good for nothing freak. And believe me on that, b'coz I always get what I want" he said in a deep voice and a psychotic smirking glare
"Mr.Jo- I mean Jungkook, stop joking. You are really scaring me" I said. My voice cracked a bit. He stepped right in front of me. His body tall and buffy even under the tailored suit that fit him glamorously as his eyes stared deep into my soul. I didn't dare to budge from my stance. We had a small staring contest.
All of a sudden he started laughing like my face had a monkey dancing on it. I am trying my best to understand him but the more I do the more I feel he has a mental problem. Why the hell was he laughing? He was looking like one of those psycho killers in kdramas. I just stood there dumbfounded.
"You had to see your face!! Oh my god, you were so shocked!! Ha hahaha" he laughed holding his stomach. So... that was a joke?
"Don't worry I was just playing around with you. Taehyung hyung sent me here as the director. After he heard that the previous director was sexually abusing the employees he made some calls and had that guy stripped off of his title" he said smiling. I opened my mouth to speak but closed it not sure of what to speak.
"And I am younger than you, You know? So, if you don't mind I will call you noona when we are by ourselves" he said with that same bunny smile of his.
"You brat! Why would you scare me like that?!! I almost fainted there!" I yelled as I placed both my hands on my hips shooting daggers at him with my eyes.
"Noona, don't forget that I am still the director. I can fire you if I want to" he said, This little...
"Oh yeah? go ahead and try. I am one of the super-specialist in Cardio-surgery and also one of the most skilled surgeons here. Try me, bitch" I said and cocked my eyebrow. He just giggled cutely at my sudden rage.
"Alright I give up. I am sorry I fooled around with you" he said and pouted which made me smile.
"Okay, jokes apart. Let's come to the actual deal on why I called you here" he said and made me sit on one of the chairs holding my shoulders. He sat on the desk, facing me.
"Hyung is in Hong Kong right now. But he will return to Busan in the evening since we have to attend a party. So, my job here is to get you all dolled up with fancy clothes and make up so that you can be his date" he said and looked at me with his doe eyes.
"So, you're my fairy god mother?" I asked to which he frowned.
"More like fairy god father. I am not a woman" he said which made me giggle.
"So, what made you and your hyung think that I would agree to that?" I asked leaning back comfortably in the chair.
"He did say you would disagree. So, we had our back up plan too" he said and paused as he said,
"If you don't agree to come then he told me to put you on night shift plus half day shift for three weeks straight" he said with that annoying smirk of his which made me whine like a kid. He is such an ass when it comes to blackmailing.
"Fine! tell me what I have to do?" I said slouching in the chair. Jungkook let out a small chuckle and walked to his chair. He said as he sank in his seat, "Meet me in front of the hospital at 5 pm sharp"
"My shift is till 10:30 pm" I stated as I crossed my arms and frowned at him. He sighed and leaned onto his desk as he placed his elbows on it, cupping his face in his hands.
"I'll talk to your chief, Noona. You are off duty at 5 today" he said to which I chuckled. Look at this kid acting like an adult. He looked cuter now unlike before when he pulled that 'I am a psycho who is deeply in love with you' act on me.
"Alright, but I gotta go report to my duty now" I said and got up from my seat to walk out of the room but stopped in my tracks when I heard a sweet voice from Jungkook.
"Bye, Noonaaaa~". Aww this cute kid!
"I'll call you Kookie from now on since your so cute. So get used to it" I said to which he frowned.
"I am not cute!" he said and pouted. Yeah right! I just shook my head and chuckled as I exited the room with an angry Kookie yelling that he 'reaaaaally isn't cute'.
I was back to the OT with a curious owl beside me. Sojin's eyes spoke while she tried her best to hide her curiosity. She was dying to know what for the new director, who was the man of her dreams had called me to his office. Even though she didn't say it out loud I knew she was hungry for information. She held her peace until the surgery was finished after which she burst out all her questions.
"Why did he call you? What did he ask? Is he interested in you?" she spoke without breathing as both of us walked to the sink to get rid of the gloves and wash our hands.
"Damn, hold your titties missy. He didn't want anything from me. He just wanted to properly congratulate me on yesterday's surgery since he was in a hurry the last time he talked to me" I lied like a pro.
"That's it? That is sad" she said and walked away from the sink while I was still washing my hands.
The rest of the day went pretty well. I was free most of the time since there were not many surgeries allotted to our team today. I was strolling down the street to grab a coffee for myself when I spotted my neighbor who stood at the book store. He was looking at some book and it looked like he was judging them. Looking at him like that made me remember the incident from previous night.
Kim Namjoon, huh? that name sounded familiar. Nowadays I find every name I hear familiar. Either my memory is too weak or I am just overthinking the matter. I just ignored him and went to the nearest cafe. I ordered a chilled americano and waited for my order. As I was waiting for my coffee I spotted a man on my rightside who was dressed in complete black with a mask standing at the glass window as he stared at me from outside the store.
But as soon as I caught him looking at me he started walking away. I wanted to go after him but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I turned around to find Jimin standing beside me with a smile that made his eyes disappear.
"What a surprise!! What are you doing here? You said you would be in Seoul to record your new song" I said as I smacked his shoulder hardly which made him whine in pain.
"Aish! It makes me wonder if you are really a girl. Why are you so strong? You hit me like that one more time and my shoulder might dislocate" he said which made glare at him.
"Not too long ago you were praising my beauty and you legit asked me to date you and now since you got yourself a girlfriend you are indirectly framing me as a tomboy!" I said to which he giggled and ruffled my hair.
I hit his arm again and he moved a step back acting like he was defending himself from getting punched on the face by me. I sighed as I collected my americano and checked my watch. My break time was almost over so I turned to Jimin and blurted out.
"I'm so sorry chim, I gotta go. My break time's up. I'll call you when my shift is done and tell Chaeyoung that I love her more than you" I said and brisk walked out of the cafe without waiting for his response as he stood dumbfounded.
I ran to the hospital taking small sips from my drink on the way. I reached the hospital in a hurry and was entering the hospital just when someone grabbed me by my shoulder.
"You forgot, didn't you?" Kookie said standing beside a black Bugatti Veyron. What was I forgetting? I checked the time again to realize that it was 5 o'clock and looked at his face smiling sheepishly.
"Come on, Noona. We gotta go" he said as he tugged my arm to get in the car.
"Gimme 5 minutes I'll change into my clothes. I gotta get rid of the scrub and the apron" I said and he released my hand I was about to enter but stopped on my way and turned back to him.
"I have to go to my apartment before where ever we are supposed to go" I said to which he slapped his forehead.
"Fine! fine! now hurry up and go get rid of that scrub!" he yelled and in a matter of 2 minutes I was back to the car with my bag as I stepped into the car. Kookie was already in the car, so as soon as I got in we zoomed off to my apartment which we reached within 10 seconds. I got off the car and walked to the elevator with Kookie following me.
In the elevator, he looked around like he had never seen an elevator in his life. I ignored it and got out at the 5th floor. I walked to my door and searched for my keys in my bag. I never find them when I actually need them but every other time it pops up like its was dying to see my face. I kept abusing my bag in the hunt for my keys when suddenly my neighbor's door opened.
"Oh Y/n-shi, Nice to see you again" he said and bowed. I gave him a quick glance and bowed in return after which I went back to my key hunt in my bag. There was sudden shift of air beside me which made me look up. The sight in front of me had me dumbstruck.
Jungkook was trying to open Namjoon's door while Namjoon tried his best to close it.
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