《Not my world》4) Blueprints


(picture from my Tumblr L0CAL-CL0WN lol anyways let's get in to our new, slightly more serious, chapter!)

Kooky lated slumped to the side of the couch, dead asleep wrapped in a blanket so soft and comfy that there was no reason in the world for them to be cold, no waking them up, no matter how hard you try. While Ludwig, who had been deprived of his nightly sleep sat next to the small scruff-ball of a child, scrolling & flicking through each channel on the television in his room, at merely 6:30 in the morning there simply wasn't much to watch, except maybe the news or some old sitcom of sorts. The duo had practically been up all night, except Kooky fell asleep around 3:39, mumbling in his sleep about things that were now out of reach to him, something Kooky might not see for a long, long time, or ever again for that matter.

Their home. Their family, brothers, sister, even father for that matter.

Their old life was simply out of reach, even in dreams.

Who knows when Kooky will return to their version Darkland. Kooky certainly didn't. Neither did Ludwig, nor Bowser or any of the koopalings.

Kooky eventually rubbed their eyes and yawned, their voice creaky and drowsy. "Good morning Kooks, nice to see you finally woke up." Ludwig chuckled before he yawned, making Kooky yawn right after him. Kooky just grumbled, rolled onto their side and covered themself in the blanket and laid on the pillow. "Hey. I get it your tired but your not g-" Ludwig was interrupted by Kooky's grumpiness as he spoke softly "I wanna go home..." As he tucked back into the blanket. Ludwig sighed, "Kooky... If you wanna go home we can try to work something out with Iggy, see if he can help build a similar teleporter to the one you used to get here?" Kooky sat back up and looked at Ludwig, still tired as can be, claws on the edges of the blanket wrapping it around him. "I can go wake Iggy up, see what he can do, does that sound good to you?" Kooky hummed and nodded.


Ludwig stood up an motioned for Kooky to follow, Kooky grabbed his notebook and went with Ludwig. They both made their way down the hall, turning left until coming across a sage green door, that had a small round window on the top, (that neither Kooky or Ludwig could look into since their little) with stickers and warning signs covering it. One of the signs read 'NO TRESPASSING.' but Ludwig banged on the door and waited a few minutes. Eventually, the window shot open and a small screen flickered on and shot out the now open window. It looked around, saw Ludwig and Kooky then a voice came from the screen, which now had Ludwig & Kooky on it. The recognizable voice of Iggy came through the speaker of the screen, along with a bit of static as they spoke.

"We need your help with something Ig-" Iggy interrupted, yawning. "Well, Kooky has the blue-prints in their notebook if that helps any." Ludwig said, glancing at the small blue notebook, that was decorated with a bunch of stickers that Kooky was carrying with him. Iggy grumbled as the duo stood back according to the instructions Iggy gave.

The small monitor turned of, showed a small rendition of Iggy's emblem. As the monitor shot back into the room it came from as multiply snaps and clicks replaced the scratchy static that came with the monitor as the door flew open. Revealing Iggy's room, it was dark with a hazy green glow as Iggy flicked a switch in the room turning on the lights, which added a warm yellow glow to everything. Iggy sat near the door in a hovering chair, near him a old-fashioned monitor hung above them attached to the roof with 2 speakers connected, but sat on a desk in case they fall. The room itself had checkered flooring and dark grey walls. Nearby there was also a small couch, on it was a few pillows and a blanket. There was also a bunk-bed but it was filled with unfinished gadgets and gizmos, trinkets galore. "Ay, Kook! Toss me that notebook!" Iggy put their hands out as Kooky threw them the notebook.


Iggy flipped to the last written in page in the notebook and seemed a bit, bewildered, to say the least, "bweh. Well. If I do try to build this thing. I'm gonna need a translator too! Heh!" Iggy began to laugh, "What do you mean?" Ludwig seemed puzzled. "Go sit down on the couch I'll explain." Iggy said, grabbing a small joystick attached to one of the side arms of the chair and hovered it over to the couch as Kooky and Ludwig sat down. "Here Ludwig, take a look at this page." Iggy handed him the notebook. Ludwig glanced though, surprise showing through his eyes. "Bringen Sie die Batterie an der Unterseite des Motors an, verbinden Sie diese mit d- KOOKY." Ludwig started laughing, "Did you write this whole thing in german?!" Kooky nodded, "Well it's the only way from keeping my dad from stealing my ideas! Everytime I tell him about some cool new invention it's always 'Mario bros this Mario bros that HEY THAT'S MY IDEA NOW!!!'" Kooky spoke in a crude impression of his father.

"Well then, I guess your gonna have to help a fellow inventor make you a way home!" Iggy clapped their hands together excitedly. "Gladly! It is my invention after all guehehe!" Kooky laughed, "Well then, guess my work here is done." Ludwig got up to go leave but enforce he could make it to the door Iggy stopped him. "Nuh-uh! You still gotta watch the kid remember? Dad said he's your responsibility!" Iggy stated, blocking Ludwig from the door, still in his chair. "Fine." Ludwig said going to sit back down.

"Guess we'll have to figure this out eh? All of us."

(SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS KINDA SHORT LMAO just wanted to get this chapter done ik ik i said spaghetti chapter next shush that's soon okay. Anyway here's how the area of Iggy's room i described is supposed to look)

(Made this before I started writing this story lol anyways that all for now bye bye 👋)

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