《The First Demon》Epilogue


"Mama?" a little black haired girl with lightly tanned skin , around the age of 10, asked.

"Yes dear?" the girl's mother replied.

Before the little girl could answer her cousin, Road Camelot, also 10, asked, "What happened to the lady?"

The little girl pouted and then smiled at her mom and asked, "Did she get to go to heaven?"

The mother smiled at her daughter and niece and lied very convincingly, "Yes she did."

Tyki Mikk then came out and said, "How are my girls today?"

"Papa!" the little girl ran up to Tyki and she laughed. The mother smiled and said, "Look Road, isn't that your father there?"

And then Sheryl came out of the carriage and Road ran to him. Tyki, with his daughter in his arms, came up and kissed the mother on the cheek and then lips and asked, "So what story has my Lilith been telling our dear Emilia and Road his afternoon?"

Lilith smiled and said, "The story of the snake girl."

Tyki laughed and said, "That old story. It's been ages since I last heard it. Wasn't it during our courtship?"

Lilith smiled and said, "That seems around right." Now if you and Sheryl could take the girls in and get them cleaned up? I have to get to a business meeting" The two men nodded and Lilith smiled until they were out of sight.

She then left to the woods and thought about what had happened since her Purgatory sentence. For one, the only ones who remembered were God, Lucifer, the residents of hell, Snake-Lilith and herself. When she was resurrected she was still going through her Purgatory time, so she stayed a servant to the Devil.

Ever since she was a little kid she knew what had transpired and what she did in that life. The thing that God changed was one simple thing, he made it so that Lilith visited Snake-Lilith in the Garden of Eden and made Lilith convince Snake-Lilith convince her to leave by using her memories. Sure it worked and the world was back to the way it was supposed to be, but then Lucifer ordered Snake-Lilith to start the Innocence Wars in secret.


So there are Akuma, there are Innocence users, and Lilith and Snake-Lilith, but no Noah. Lilith finally made it to the spot where she normally went to summon out Snake-Lilith, and when she did just that they smiled and hugged one another.

Snake-Lilith smiled and said, "So how's life?"

Lilith smiled, "Everything's good. I was born a noble, Emilia is now my daughter, Tyki is my husband and still a noble as with the Noah, who are my family, all living the rich life, was able to retain my snake like eyes, and you are still my friend."

Snake-Lilith smiled and said, "And the only part you wish didn't happen was the Innocence Wars right?"

Lilith nodded and said, "I said I have a business run."

Snake-Lilith smirked and said, "Didn't expect that the world would change so that women could also work in business."

Lilith smiled and said, "Yeah, but it gives me plenty of excuse to travel and show how I get all my money."

Snake-Lilith nodded and said, "Hopefully the Innocence users aren't any that will give us a hard time."

Lilith laughed and said, "We can always hope." Lilith then walked away with Snake-Lilith and pulled out her dark matter gun blade and licked it saying, "No matter what I do the Innocence never seems to change souls."

Snake-Lilith laughed and said, "Well they were chosen as God's protectors."

Lilith nodded and said, "And I thought that I was making a good deal back then." Lilith shook her head and walked into a portal with Snake-Lilith to be the antagonists of this new world.

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