《Dont Go Falling For Me Now》Day 6: May I have this dance?/double date
Denki knocked on Shouto's apartment door, three hours before they needed to head to the dance. Shouto opened the door, wearing boxers and a white t-shirt, and yawned.
"Hey, let's get ready." Shouto stepped aside and let Denki in.
Denki awkwardly walked in, still unsure of how to act in a place he's only been in once before, and a little surprised to see Shouto in sleepwear that wasn't pajamas. He still looks as stunning as ever, with sleep in his eyes, t-shirt all wrinkly, and socks different heights, Denki realized, and he thought it unfair. I'm so gay and I can't even date him for real.
"You said the designer sent you the suits?" Denki asked.
"Yeah, they're hanging up in my closet, follow me." Shouto sleepily trudged to his room and opened the door to his giant closet. Denki gaped. It's so big, what the hell!
Shouto walked over to a rack and grabbed two suits off of it, and handed one to Denki. "Here, this one's yours. It's been fitted to the measurements you told me."
"Thanks. Uh, where do I change?"
"You can just change in here, I assume you've already showered?" When Denki nodded, Shouto continued. "Alright. Well, I'm going to start getting ready. I just woke up and ate breakfast right before you got here."
"Okay." Denki felt very awkward. He had of course gone to formal events before, but never for a fashion designer, and he had never worn formal clothes to an event without trying them on at least a couple weeks beforehand.
After Shouto left to shower, Denki put on the suit and all his worries about the suit faded away. It looked pretty damn good.
Best Jeanist had come out with a new line of clothes, and the complete theme was going to be revealed at the dance. Denki's full suit consisted of a white button up shirt under a dark yellow denim vest and a pale yellow tuxedo jacket. He had pale yellow pants to match the jacket, and a bowtie to match the vest, made of the same material.
Not to mention everything fit perfectly, despite him never having tried it on. He quickly took a selfie with his tongue out and sent it to Eijirou.
Broooo look at this tux i look so gooood
It took a couple seconds for him to get a reply.
dude u look gr8
if todobroski doesnt love u alrdy he will !!!!
Denki blushed. He had told Eijirou everything so far, from needing a fake date, to getting a fake date, to starting to fall for said fake date ... He knew it all.
Thx bro jdhshebfn
He put his phone in his pocket and walked out of the giant closet Shouto left him to change in. Now, it was time to put on a little makeup and figure out what else to do before the dance, since they still had two hours before needing to leave.
Shouto got out of the shower twenty minutes later and started to get ready. He blow dried his hair and made sure the part was correct before moving on to do anything else, so it wouldn't dry weirdly.
He put the suit on without any qualms, having tried it on when he got it a few days prior. In hind sight, he probably should have had Denki try it on when he came over to practice dancing, but it had slipped his mind. The flowers really threw him off and telling Denki about his family had jumbled his thoughts for the rest of that night. He just hoped Denki's fit well enough to get him through the night.
Shouto's own tux was blue and red. The jacket was a pale blue, as well as his pants, and his vest and bowtie were a darkish red color, made out of denim. It wouldn't be a Best Jeanist peice without a touch of denim, of course.
After he finished dressing, he walked into his living room to find Denki applying the last touches of his makeup while watching T.V.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
Denki looked up. "Yeah, just about."
"Good. Though, we still have a little over an hour before we need to head out."
"Okay!" Denki started to put his makeup away. "Wait, I have an idea. Would you be averse to some eyeliner and blush?"
"... Uh," Shouto blinked. "Sure?"
And that was how he ended up sat with his face only a foot away from Denki's.
I shouldn't have agreed to this, I literally can't look at anything else other than him.
"Okay, close your eyes, I'm going to put on just a little bit of eyeliner. Nothing too much, just enough to accentuate your eyes." Shouto complied with the instructions, thankful he wouldn't have to look at Denki and be awkward the entire time, and felt Denki rest his hand on his face, then flinched when he felt something wet touch his eye. "Keep still."
"How am I supposed to stay still when something wet touched my eye?" Shouto asked.
"Just ..." Denki sighed. "Okay I'm done with that eye, I'm going to do your other eye now. ... You're about to feel something wet again."
That time Shouto didn't flinch.
"Okay, open?"
Shouto opened his eyes and looked around.
"Are you okay if I do more makeup? We still have time."
"Yeah, sure. Nothing too much, though."
Denki nodded, "of course. I'll do something similar to what I have. I'm not even wearing eyeshadow or contour. Just a bit of eyeliner, mascara, highlighter, blush, and bronzer."
"... I totally know what all those are," Shouto laughed.
When Denki was done, he gave Shouto a mirror. "Oh. I ... Like the shiny part on my cheek."
"That's highlighter." Denki pointed out.
Shouto nodded. "Thank you, I look nice."
"Well duh, of course you do!" Denki smiled, then stiffened. "Uh. B-because of the makeup. Uh."
Shouto blushed. "Thank you."
"Welcome, Todoroki Shouto and Kaminari Denki, to the party," the bouncer said. "I see you are wearing your Jeanist suits. Refreshments are on the right, dancefloor is in the middle, and to the right is the stage, where the speech will be occurring in about an hour. Until then, you are free to do as you wish."
As soon as they walked in, they were greeted with every color of the rainbow. Literally. Most everyone was wearing a suit from Best Jeanist's new line, wearing different combinations of colors in their suits. Some had just one color like Denki, others had two like Shouto.
"It's so colorful!" Denki cheered. "Everyone looks so good!"
"Yeah," Shouto agreed. "Oh, look. It's Yaoyorozu and Jirou."
"I didn't know they were going to be here!"
"Me neither, let's go talk to them."
"Before we do, I should tell you that Jirou might figure out we're not actually dating. I asked her to come to the dinner with me, but she turned me down." Denki explained nervously.
Shouto was silent for a moment. "Alright. If she figures out, then she figures out. But we should still try to play it off, just in case someone overhears."
"... Okay," Denki breathed. Shouto reached his hand out for Denki to take, and he took it, smiling.
His hand is so warm and comforting, I don't want to let go.
When they approached, Kyouka whispered in Momo's ear and pointed. Momo looked over and looked surprised. Denki squeezed Shouto's hand tighter.
"Hello, Todoroki-kun, Kaminari-kun!" Momo smiled. "What a lovely surprise!"
"I told you to call me Shouto," Shouto said, deadpan. Ah right, they've been friends for a while, Denki remembered.
"Right! Sorry, Shouto!" She apologized. "Im just so used to being as formal as possible in places like this."
"It's okay, I understand, Momo."
Denki stuck his tongue out at Kyouka.
"Wheyy," she taunted, and Denki laughed. "So I guess you found a date for your dinner?"
Denki blushed, "y-yeah! I ended up asking Shouto."
"You two are so cute!" Momo cheered!
"Yeah, you two even have the whole primary colors thing going on," Kyouka smiled.
Denki hadn't realized. He looked over at Shouto and then at himself. "Oh. I guess we do."
"You two have a sunset vibe going on, though," Shouto pointed out.
He was right. Momo was wearing a pink and red dress, having opted for the dress option. Her dress was sleevless with a high neck. The top part was made of denim the same color as Shouto's vest, and the bottom half was made of tulle and was a dusty rose color.
Kyouka, on the other hand, was wearing a dark purple denim vest and bow tie, and her jacket and pants were light orange.
"You two look really good," Denki commented.
The four continued to talk for a while, about school, shows they've all been watching recently, and whatever really came to mind, before Best Jeanist made his way to the stage to make an announcement.
"Welcome, everyone," he started, causing everyone to look toward the stage. He was wearing a suit from his new line as well, but was wearing a pale yellow jacket, light blue pants, a dark green vest, and a purple bowtie. Instead of a white button up shirt underneath, he was wearing a pink button up. He was ... Very colorful, to say the least.
"I hope you all are liking my new line of dresses and suits. Quite colorful, no?" After a breif laugh, he continued. Denki thought he seemed a bit too nervous to just be announcing the theme. "Some of you may know already just how important this line is to me. But before I announce the theme, I have another announcement to make."
Jeanist took a deep breath. "I'm gay."
Denki's jaw dropped and he started to grin. He's so bold! One of the most famous designers in Japan just came out! He's so iconic!!
After a moment, Jeanist continued. "I've known ever since I was a kid, and have been pretty open about it, but I have never formally come out. Until now. Thank you for supporting me, and I hope you will continue to. Anyway, this line's theme is Pride. Pride for who you are. Obviously, this is a rainbow colored collection, and thus, an homage to the gay pride flag, however; you don't have to be a part of the community to wear these clothes. I just ask that you feel pride in who you are, whatever size, shape, color, sexuality, or gender you are, you are you, and this collection has been created with everyone in mind. Seventy-five percent of the proceeds will be going to a handful of charities. You can see exactly which ones if you go onto my website. I hope you all enjoy my new collection and that you will all continue to support me. Have a good rest of the night."
Jeanist stepped down from the stage and let out a visible sigh.
Denki turned to Shouto, who had a small smile on his face. "I like this collection's theme, don't you?" He asked.
Shouto looked at him. "Yeah, it's really nice." Shouto started laughing, as if realizing something.
"What?" Denki asked.
"My father's gonna be pissed when he realizes he's wearing a 'gay suit.' He might have kind of approved of me bringing a guy as a date, but he said it would be good for publicity. I can't imagine how upset he's going to be when he realizes that me being gay and him being 'supportive' will mean nothing compared to Best Jeanist's coming out."
Denki felt uneasy. "Are ... Are you okay?"
"Terrified," Shouto smiled. "I know I live in an apartment on my own now, but he has me stay back at home for a week or two sometimes so I can 'train' to take over the company and—I'm terrified he's going to make me go over next week. He's going to be so mad."
"Shit. Is there anything I can do?"
Shouto ran a hand through his hair with a shakey breath. "Not that I know of. Actually, I might be able to tell him I had dates scheduled last minute, since he now thinks I have a boyfriend. You wouldn't have to do anything, but it might help if you show up and ask for me whenever I text you to? He likes to pretend he's a good person, and I don't think he'd reveal how terrible he is around someone outside the company."
"Yeah, I can do that! Is that all?"
Shouto nodded. "Yeah, I think so. I can't get out of staying over there, but I can definitely escape sometimes."
They managed to avoid Endeavor most of the night, luckily.
At one point, Denki had yanked Shouto out to the dance floor.
"Your father was heading toward us. And he can't talk to us if we're dancing, right?"
Shouto might have fallen a little bit more in love right then and there. "Right."
They danced without speaking for a little bit. Then, "ow!"
Shouto grimaced. "Sorry."
"It's alright, it didn't hurt really. I just said 'ow' on instinct." Denki paused. "Stop thinking, you're thinking too much."
Shouto looked at him, then immediately back down to his feet. "How can I dance if I don't think about the next step I need to take?"
"Because you're overthinking it. Here, come here," Denki pulled Shouto closer to him, and Shouto stumbled.
"It's alright, look at me."
Shouto looked at him. Their faces were inches apart. Oh shit.
"Rest your forehead on mine, close your eyes, and dance."
Shouto's heartbeat sped up. "Okay." Oh my god. He fumbled his steps again.
"Stop thinking," Denki mumbled. "Just breathe, and dance."
Shouto took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The world faded out from around them and he got lost in the music with Denki. He still fumbled from time to time, but he grew much more comfortable in the rythym of the steps, body pushed up close—too close for his heart—to Denki, and was able to transition with ease with each song.
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