《Nobody Gets Me (Like You)》Chapter 8
Jughead walked back into the apartment, clenching his jaw when he saw Betty looking around his drum set. "What are you doing?" he asked and she glanced up at him.
"I was going to help you take it down," she explained and he stepped over to her. "Is that okay?"
"It's probably best if I just do it," he muttered and she scoffed. "Betty-"
"No, I can help," she challenged. "How hard can it be? You just, what, take this thing off," she muttered as she pulled on one of the drums. She tipped her head to see why I wouldn't come off, her hand pressing into the drum head.
"Betty, don't-"
She applied too much pressure as she tried to stand and her hand went through the head. She gasped and he clenched his jaw, wiping a hand over his face as he turned away from her.
"Jug, I'm so sorry-"
"Go sit in the truck," he whispered, not looking at her.
"I just wanted to help."
"Go sit in the truck! You've done enough! Why would you even—just go!" he shouted and she stood quickly, walking past Cheryl in the hall.
Sweet Pea walked up the stairs, furrowing his brows when Betty walked past him crying, Cheryl hurrying after her. He moved up to the hall, looking at Toni in confusion. "Why is she crying?" he asked and Toni sighed.
"She broke Jug's snare," she muttered and Pea winced. "She was trying to... I think she was trying to put it away and she put her hand right through."
"It would have been a matter of time before it would have broken anyway," he mumbled and Toni shrugged. "And at least it's not the set he uses every night. Is she okay?"
"He yelled at her, but she'll be fine. She was trying to help, she doesn't understand drums like he does. She doesn't... she doesn't know how to put them away, it's just what happens."
Sweet Pea looked into the apartment and Jughead was pacing, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Should we leave him be?" Sweet Pea asked and Toni nodded.
"Let's go see Betty," she muttered and he nodded with a sigh.
They walked down the stairs and outside, finding Cheryl holding Betty as she cried against her shoulder. She rubbed her hand over her arm, her cheek pressed against the crown of her head.
"He's going to hate me," Betty blubbered and Cheryl scoffed. "I ruined his drum."
"Betty," Fangs started and she adjusted her head, sniffling as she looked over at him. "You honestly did nothing wrong. If his head broke that easily, then it would have broken sooner rather than later. Yeah, he's pissed now because he's gonna have to change all of his drum heads, but he'll get over it."
"What if he doesn't?" she muttered and Toni sat down next to her, squeezing her shoulder.
"We'll force him to," she promised and Betty smiled tinily. "He loves you and he may be upset, but love trumps anger. He'll get over it."
"I feel bad," she muttered and Toni nodded.
"I know, but you just have to leave him be for a little while. Why don't we go get lunch or something? It's nice, we can eat outside. Pea and Fangs can stay and help Jug," she said with a pointed look and they both frowned. "And we can bring them back something to eat."
"Okay," Betty whispered and Toni nodded, looking over at Cheryl.
A few days had passed and Jughead had barely said three words to Betty. She had tried to get him to talk, but it had been no use. He would only shrug, nod and shake his head.
She had tiptoed out of their bedroom on the fifth night they had been at their new apartment, stopping at the archway that led into the living room/dining room.
Jughead was laying on the couch with his forearm over his eyes and she bit her lip, leaning against the wall. He hadn't been coming to bed and had taken up sleeping on the couch. She missed having him beside her.
"Jug?" she muttered and he sighed. "Are you going to come to bed?"
"I'm fine where I'm at," he mumbled, never looking at her.
"It's getting late-"
"Then go to sleep," he interrupted, and she let out a deep breath.
She twisted her hands together as she walked into the room, standing next to him. "Are you sure you don't want to come to bed?" she questioned and he shook his head. "Will you at least look at me?" she whispered and he sighed. "Jug, I said I was sorry. I shouldn't have done it, I know that, and I should have listened to you. But you don't have to do this. This is... this is childish and annoying and... stop. Please."
He moved his arm and she gave him a sorry look. Her eyes followed him as he stood and she stepped towards him, pressing her fingers to the back of his neck softly.
"Come to bed," she whispered, their lips brushing and their eyes meeting. "Please," she breathed, sliding her hands down his arms to his hands, lacing their fingers together.
He ducked his head to kiss her and she pulled him back towards their bedroom, kissing his jaw and neck. At their door, she cupped his cheeks and pressed her lips to his softly.
He seemed hesitant at first, his lips gentle as he kissed her lips slowly, then moving them over her jaw. His hands were soft as he backed her towards the bed, pulling her shirt off. He moved his mouth down her neck as he laid her back on the bed.
He stepped back to slip out of his sweatpants and she moved up against the pillows, breathing heavily but wanting his lips back on hers. He kneeled between her legs on the bed and she cupped his cheeks, pulling his face to hers.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and he cupped her breasts, brushing his thumbs over her nipples. She let out a breath, her back arching into his touch.
He kissed over her chest and between her breasts, kissing down over her stomach. He nipped at her hip and she squirmed. He looked up at her as he gripped her hips, her chest rising and falling quickly.
"Can I?" he asked, his fingers hooking in her underwear.
"Yes," she panted. "Please."
He placed another light kiss on her stomach, running his hands up the inside of her thighs. She whined and he slowly pulled her underwear down her legs, dropping them on the floor with her shirt.
He kissed up her thigh, sucking a bruise where her leg met her torso. She whined again, thrusting her hips up in an attempt to get him where she wanted him. He had only pushed her down, his hand on her stomach.
He gripped the underside of her thighs, holding her legs open as he licked a stripe through her folds. She whimpered, gasping as she pushed her head back into her pillow. As he started to suck on her clit, her hand curled into the sheet of the bed, moaning as she arched her back. He added his hand, slipping two fingers into her and curling.
"Oh my god," she moaned, her heel digging into his back. She moaned loudly, whimpering as she gripped his hair. "Yes, Jug!"
He held her hip down with his hand as she started to buck her hips towards his face. She held his face to her as he sucked and his fingers curled, her body humming. She whined and moaned, pushing her head back into the bed.
"Fuck," she cried, her fingers curling in his hair. Her breathing started to quicken and her legs started to shake. "Jughead!"
He curled his fingers and she cried out, her back arching as her eyes squeezed closed. Her thighs clenched around his head and her hands tightened in his hair as he took everything she gave him.
She relaxed after a moment and he wiped his face with the back of his hand. He kissed up her body, his kisses careful against her flushed skin.
He kissed over her neck and jaw, placing a feather-light kiss to her cheek. She smiled and he chuckled, kissing her. She sighed when she tasted herself on his tongue, her hand slinking around his head to sink back into his hair. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her hands moved down his sides. She pushed down his boxers as far as she could get them and he finished kicking them off, reaching over to the nightstand to pull out a condom.
He opened it and she took it from him, rolling it onto him with shaking hands. She cupped his cheeks afterwards, pulling his face to hers and kissing him deeply. He sunk forward into her and she let out a breath, kissing him again.
He slipped almost all the way out of her, sinking forward again. He continued at a slow pace, quickening his movements after a few moments. She lifted her hips up to meet his thrusts, his mouth moving over her jaw and neck. His fingers intertwined with hers and he pushed them above her head, kissing over her chest.
She moaned when he wrapped his mouth around her nipple, her legs tightening around his waist. He fixed her wrists in one of his hands, his other snaking between them to rub her clit as he felt his orgasm start to burn through him.
She bit her lip as she pushed her head back, her back arching while he kissed up her neck. He pressed his lips to hers in a rough kiss, swallowing her moan while she swallowed his groan.
He rested his forehead on hers as he started to breathe hard, his hips starting to stutter. "Are you close?" he asked, gritting out the words.
"Yes," she breathed, moaning. "Yes, keep going."
"I'm not going to last," he groaned, slowing so he wouldn't race to finish. "God, Betts, I can't," he grunted, his abdomen tightening. "Fuck," he grunted, burying his head in her neck.
He felt his body go numb and his brain shut off. He didn't register Betty's squirm or feel her nails dig into his shoulders as she came herself, her back arching and her mouth opening in a silent o.
He let out a deep breath, rolling away from her with a groan. She rolled into him not even a moment later, kissing his jaw and cheek, finally pressing her lips to his. Their kisses were slow and lazy, their bodies heavy and pressed against each other.
"We should really clean up," he breathed and she whined, kissing his neck and chest. "Come on, love."
"I think we're both pretty melodramatic people," Jughead joked and Betty giggled. He kissed her head and she snuggled into her side. "I have to tell you this: what you did was stupid." She tilted her head back, giving him an innocent look. "I have no idea why you thought putting your hand there was a good idea. You should have let me help you," he added and she nodded.
"I know," she whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. "I just wanted to help you."
"I know you did," he muttered, rubbing his hand over her thigh. "But that is not how you put away a drum set," he chuckled and she whimpered. "But it only broke that easily because they needed to be changed anyway."
"Is that what you've been doing?" she asked and he sighed.
"Yeah, and being a passive-aggressive asshole," he whispered and she giggled. "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, too," she whispered, reaching up to kiss him. "I won't be that dumb again."
"I love you," he muttered and she smiled tiredly, kissing him.
"I love you, Jug." He smirked and she kissed him slowly, straddling his waist and sighing. "I'm tired," she confessed and he laughed. "In the morning."
"Oh?" he chuckled and she grinned, kissing him before resting her head on his chest.
Jughead nudged Betty's shoulder and she flinched, causing the whole group to laugh. "God," he chuckled, tapping her lower back so she would stand. "What'd they say to you?" She rolled her eyes and he kissed her neck when she sat down in his lap, fixing the blanket she had over her legs. "I'm surprised you actually agreed to go camping."
"I would have preferred staying in a cabin," she complained and he chuckled, opening her beer for her.
"It's not real camping if you stay in a cabin," Jughead explained and she frowned.
"I disagree," Cheryl piped in and Betty smiled, giving him a look. "A cabin would have been nice."
"You're only saying that because you two are the girliest girls we've ever met," Pea stated and they scoffed in unison. "Even Toni isn't this bad."
"Camping like this isn't horrible," Toni muttered and Jughead challenged Betty's look. "When my parents were... around, we used to go every summer. It's more fun when you're a kid."
"Cabin," Betty huffed, leaning against Jughead. "Tents are... weird. What if it falls? What if it falls when we're sleeping? It'll suffocate us and we'll die."
Fangs pinched the bridge of his nose and Jughead laughed. "Oh, love. You have never done this, have you?" he asked and she frowned. "Are your parents so rich, you've never slept in a tent?"
"I-I have..." she mumbled, twisting her lips. "In the house." He grinned, moving her ponytail aside and kissing her cheek. "Cher was with me."
"How long have you two been friends?" Fangs asked and Betty winced.
"Since second grade," Cheryl answered, nodding. "I'm pretty sure we were put together in a group—like the seating groups—and her and I... clicked."
Betty hummed, sipping from her beer. "You'll make it," Jughead whispered, and she glanced at him. "It's better than you think it is. And there's six of us, it's not like you're alone."
She nodded and he kissed her quickly.
"God," Sweet Pea groaned, finishing his drink before poking the fire. "This is revolting."
Jughead laughed and Betty buried her face in his neck, her cheeks turning red. He placed a quick kiss to her temple and she sighed, straightening.
"I never asked," she started, furrowing her brows when she looked at Jughead. "But where are we?"
"Adirondacks," Fangs answered and Jughead scoffed. "No?"
"We're in Watkins Glen," Jughead answered and everyone looked dumbfounded.
"Where the hell is Watkins Glen?" Toni questioned.
"You took us here to kill us," Sweet Pea started and Betty's eyes widened. "You took us somewhere none of us know about so no one will know where to look for us. Are we looking at the next Ted Bundy? Jeffery Dahmer? Are you The Zodiac, do you not age? Or were you frozen like Steve in Captain and The Winter Soldier?"
"Jughead, where the hell are we?" Betty asked frantically, panicked.
"He probably doesn't even know!" Fangs exclaimed and Betty's panic only started to set in more. This was a terrible idea in her mind and she was being proven correct. "He probably drove us away and now we're stuck here!"
"We're never going home," Cheryl muttered and Betty looked back at Jughead like he was insane.
"Jughead!" she shouted and he sighed.
"Watkins Glen is a real place," he started and Cheryl narrowed her eyes. "We're in Watkins Glen State Park. When you have service next, you can look it up. I didn't take any of you here to kill you, and this wasn't even all my idea. It was yours first," he stated, pointing to Fangs who finished his beer and stood up quickly. "My dad and I used to come here every summer when he was... sober, so I thought that since Fangs mentioned something about camping, we could all come here. Besides, I've never seen any of you off your phones this long and actually talking. Not to sound like a dad, but those tiny little things aren't everything."
"You could still totally be The Zodiac," Pea muttered.
Jughead scoffed, shaking his head. "I cannot be The Zodiac, I was born in '95."
"That's something The Zodiac would say," Pea whispered, leaning towards Betty who giggled.
"You'll make a great old man one day," Betty teased Jughead with a smile and he chuckled, blushing when she kissed his cheek. "And as much as I hate this, I kind of like it. Maybe I'd even consider doing it again—in an RV or something."
"That's not camping," all three guys said in unison and Betty scrunched up her nose.
"It is to me," she responded and Jughead grinned.
A few nights later, Jughead was woken up by a bright light in his eyes and a flick to his forehead. His hand covered his forehead quickly and he squinted against the light as he muttered, "Jesus Christ."
"Sorry," Betty whispered, adjusting the way she was sitting. "I have to pee."
"Then go pee," he grumbled, rolling over and closing his eyes. She whined, nudging him. "Betty-"
"I can't go alone! It's dark out there! What if I get kidnapped? Or killed?!" she exclaimed, whimpering. "Jughead, I have a very important job, I am very young, and I would like to get married one day. I cannot die. I am not ready to die, especially not in the hands of a killer or a bear or any other wild animal. Do you know how traumatizing that would be for dead me? Very, just in case you didn't know."
He groaned, grabbing his pants beside him and pulling them on. "You are so lucky I love you," he murmured, his voice rough from sleep.
He opened the tent and she clutched to him before he was even outside. He closed it again before he pointed in the direction of the bathrooms so Betty would stop blinding him with the light.
She walked close to his side the whole way, only letting go of him because they were at the door of the bathroom. He took the flashlight from her and she walked inside with a sigh.
He paced around as he waited, his hands in his pockets. He considered going to the bathroom himself, but he knew if she didn't see him out here, it'd send her into a frenzy and she'd panic like it was no man's business. She didn't like the woods and she especially didn't like the woods at night. He didn't blame her. They were scary and unpredictable. But Betty was also Betty. She liked being dramatic.
She brushed hair off of her face as she stepped out, taking the flashlight from him. "You good now?" he asked and she nodded, threading their fingers together and holding him close.
They had only gotten about three feet from the bathrooms before she screamed and he looked over at her with wide eyes. "I thought I saw a bear," she muttered and he huffed. "It looked like one, okay?!"
"Betty, there is no—holy shit," he muttered when he faced forward. It was a black bear cub. It looked lost and harmless but it also looked scared.
Betty had jumped behind Jughead, her chest heaving and tears in her eyes. She was sure she was about to get eaten alive. She sniffled and he took the flashlight from her, slowly starting to back her up. She started to cry softly and he cradled her head with his hand, shushing her quietly.
The bear watched them in confusion, not really knowing what to do. They hadn't sent it into a panic which was a good thing. The last thing Jughead needed was a scared black bear chasing after him and Betty.
He moved them behind the wall on the outside of the bathroom, turning and covering her mouth before she could sob. She fell into his arms and he slowly sat them down, his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.
"Shh," he whispered, kissing her temple and rubbing her arm. "It's okay, we're okay. It's all okay, Betty. You're okay. You did good, you stayed quiet, that's good."
She clutched to him until she calmed down. He took his hand off of her mouth and wiped her cheeks dry, kissing her forehead.
"I want to go home," she cried and he nodded. "I want to see Jinx. I want to go home, Jug."
"Okay, okay," he whispered, pulling her back into him. "We leave tomorrow, just a few more hours then we'll be in the car, and we'll be going home. Okay?" She nodded and he nodded, breathing, "Okay," before kissing her forehead gently. She let out a shaky breath and clutched to him tighter, burying her face in his chest.
"It was huge!" Betty exaggerated and Jughead shook his head as he sat down next to her. "Yes it was," she huffed. "It was giant!"
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