《Nobody Gets Me (Like You)》Chapter 5
Jughead had left Riverdale and picked up Jinx, going home to get ready for that night. He wasn't looking forward to doing a set at all and just wanted to be with Betty. He was exhausted and wanted to watch a movie with her and relax. He was tired of worrying about his dad and tired of having to get Jellybean to back off.
There was a knock on his door and he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He wiped a hand over his face, stepping out of the bathroom and to the door. He pulled it open, chuckling at Betty standing with an innocent smile.
"Hi," she muttered, stepping inside and kissing his cheek. "I probably shouldn't have come over or I should have at least called before—oh!" she exclaimed when he wrapped his arms around her, pressing his cheek into her hair.
He closed his front door and waddled with her to the couch, pulling her into his lap. He held her close, a content smile on his face.
"Aren't you going to be late?" she questioned, her voice slightly muffled since her cheek was shoved into his chest.
"Shh," he coaxed. "This is more important."
She giggled, picking her head up. "I think your show is more important, Jug. They can't really go on without a drummer."
"Pea knows how to play drums," he explained. "And I don't want to go. I'm exhausted. I'd rather watch last night's game and stay here with you."
"You watch football?" she questioned, brushing a curl out of his face as he nodded. "You don't look like the type."
"It's the converse, isn't it?" he joked and she laughed, kissing him quickly. "I'm gonna call them."
"Jug, you can't," she breathed and he sighed. "They need a drummer."
"Yes, Sweet Pea. Pea can play drums, and he can play well. I can't do a set right now," he confessed and she furrowed her brows. "I can't, Betts. I'm tired, I'm hungry, I want to stay home."
She sighed, climbing off of his lap. "Fine," she huffed. "But if they get mad, you're going."
"Oh, they're going to be mad," he smirked, standing up off the couch and grabbing his phone. "But I'm not going."
"What happened?" Betty asked, looking at the TV in confusion.
"He scored a touchdown," Jughead laughed and she glared. "Sorry. You don't know anything about football?"
"Jug, the last time I saw this, I was drunk." He laughed and she giggled. "No, I don't really know anything about football."
"Let's just hope no one ever quizzes you on it," he teased and she laughed, dropping her head on his shoulder.
She picked it up after a moment and he turned his head, their faces centimeters apart from each other. She bit her lip and inhaled deeply, cupping his cheeks and pulling his lips to hers.
She traced his lips with her tongue before she dipped it into his mouth and straddled his waist, pulling back to gasp in a breath before their lips met again. They kissed more fervently and she slipped her hands into his hair.
He made a move to kiss over her jaw and she froze, pulling his face back. "Not yet," she whispered before sighing. "I don't even know where that came from, honestly."
"If it happens to come back," he muttered, tucking hair behind her ear. "You can do it again."
She laughed, ducking her head. "Noted," she breathed and he smirked.
Betty hadn't lasted much longer and once he laid down with her on top of him, she was out like a light. He didn't have the heart to wake her and had eventually fallen asleep himself after draping a blanket over the two of them. Jinx had joined them after sometime, curling up by their feet.
She had woken up abruptly with a gasp, sitting up. Jughead groaned and shifted, wrapping his arm around her when she yelped. "Go back to sleep," he mumbled unconsciously, his voice gruff and hoarse. "It's too early to be awake," he yawned, pulling her back into him.
"I am supposed to be home right now!" she said in a whisper-shout. "This is breaking so many rules."
"We don't have rules," he grumbled, hauling her back into him when she tried to slip from his arms. "Stay," he pleaded, his words almost incoherent. "For Jinx at least," he breathed against her neck and she shivered. "See? And you're cold. Just stay," he mumbled before falling back asleep, his snores soft in her ear.
She huffed, tugging on the blanket. "Men," she whispered and his arm wrapped around her and held her tight. She grinned, pulling his hand up and placing a light kiss to it before slowly drifting back off herself.
"Jughead," Betty whispered, touching his cheek with her finger. "Jug." She flicked him. She groaned, furrowing her brows as he continued to snore softly. "I'm naked," she whispered in his ear, pulling her head back with a raised brow.
Seriously? she thought with a huff.
She moved hair off of his forehead, studying him. She chewed her lip for a moment, brushing her finger over the bridge of his nose. He scrunched up his face, shaking his head and mumbling something she couldn't understand.
She giggled with a grin, doing it again. His arm that was holding her lower back tightened and he rolled the two of them so they were both lying down.
"Jug," she whispered, kissing him quickly. "Wake up." She ran her hand through his hair and he mumbled again, making his lips pouty. She giggled, kissing him again. "It's time to get up," she muttered in a hushed voice against his ear. "Wake up," she breathed over his skin, kissing over his jaw then his lips.
He groaned when they finally met and she smirked. "I'm going to pretend to be asleep so you'll keep kissing me," he chuckled, his voice hoarse and groggy from sleep.
He rubbed his eyes with the hand that was on his forehead, looking down at her and smirking. "Good morning," she murmured bashfully and he laughed, cupping her chin.
"Good morning," he breathed over her lips before kissing her deeply. She sank against him and he traced his thumb over her bottom lip. "I've never been woken up by someone kissing me before," he chuckled.
"Well, now you have," she giggled, kissing his jaw. "I said I was naked yet me kissing you was the only thing that woke you up."
"You were naked?" he asked, his eyes wide.
"No," she laughed and he scoffed. "In your dreams." He shrugged and she sighed. "I really should go home."
"What about Jinx? He'll be so disappointed," he sighed, shaking his head. "Do you want to break his tiny little kitty cat heart?"
"Can it," she whispered, kissing his cheek. "I overstayed my stay."
"You can't say that if I wanted you to stay," he muttered and she smirked. "At least let me make you breakfast."
"Jug, it's lunchtime," she laughed, standing. "I have plants to water and I need to run. I'll get out of your hair," she added softly, kissing him quickly even as he frowned. "I'll text you when I'm home."
"I'll make you a sandwich!" he called and she laughed from the door.
"Thanks for the offer, Jug. But no, thank you." she responded and he groaned as the door shut.
Betty walked into the bar, moving to the back room and knocking on the door. Toni opened it and Betty glanced over her head. "Jug's on stage," she commented and Betty bit her lip. "You can go on there."
"What? No!" Betty exclaimed, her look incredulous. "Everyone would see me and hear me."
Toni shook her head, sighing. "We don't go on for another 45 minutes. Him and Fangs went at it because of last night, it really ticked Fangs off for some reason. Trust me, everything's off and the curtains are closed."
"You swear?" Betty questioned and Toni nodded.
"You can go out right through that door," she said, pointing to the door that was on the side of the room. "I'll come get you two before we prep the stage."
"Thank you," Betty breathed, stepping inside.
"Wait," Toni blurted and Betty turned. "Let me have your coat. You can leave it in here."
Betty took it off, passing it to her. "Thank you-"
"Have you heard from Cheryl?" Toni asked, her face worried.
"Yeah, she's working late," Betty answered, crossing her arms over her chest. "Is everything okay?"
Toni breathed deeply, starting a shrug. "We're fine," she answered, giving her a smile. "Go to Jug."
Betty watched her for a moment before sighing, walking through the door and onto the stage. She walked quietly and when she approached Jughead, he picked his head up.
"I heard you got in an argument," she started, sitting down on the ground next to him when he scoffed. "Told you you should have gone."
"Fangs is whiny," Jughead huffed, lighting a cigarette. "He had to play drums for, what, an hour? God forbid he's not in the front."
"You shouldn't talk about people that way," she stated and he glanced over at her. "Especially a friend. And now you sound like the whiny one." He rolled his eyes jokingly and she laughed, kissing his cheek. "You okay?" she asked, running her hand through his hair.
"Yeah," he sighed. "I'm fine." She watched him carefully and he glanced over at her, mumbling, "I ate your sandwich."
She laughed, throwing her head back. "You seriously brought me a sandwich?" she giggled when she had calmed a little.
"I told you I would," he muttered incredulously and she laughed again, cupping his cheeks.
"I don't think you understand how cute you are right now," she whispered and he flushed. She kissed him quickly and he glanced away from her as his blush deepened, taking a drag from his cigarette. "You can make me a sandwich some other time."
"Promise?" he asked and she bit back a laugh. He chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't know why I'm so passionate about making you a sandwich."
"Making someone a sandwich is kind of... intimate in a way, you know? Or maybe I think everything's intimate. I think I over dramatize things," she whispered, resting her head on his shoulder.
"You don't over dramatize anything," he commented, snuffing his cigarette out in the ashtray beside him.
"Eh," she breathed, sighing.
"You don't have to stay," he said softly, finding her hand and threading his fingers through hers.
"Jug," she drew out, giving him an upset look. "I'm going to stay. I like watching you play, you're always so happy."
"I don't know if I like it as much anymore," he revealed and she bit her lip. "I mean, I like playing the drums. I always have, that's been my thing for... for years. But I don't know. Fangs today and..." he sighed, shaking his head. "Every date we have on the weekend is cut short because I always have to come to a show and... then you come here after a long day and you sit and... that's not fair to you-"
"No," he sighed, chewing the inside of his lip. "I need... I need a break, I need to figure out what I want to do."
She breathed deeply, kissing the corner of his mouth. "Whatever you do decide," she started, brushing hair off of his forehead. "I know that it'll be the best decision for you."
He let out a breath and she kissed him again. He deepened it after a moment, pulling her into him and helping her adjust so she was straddling his thighs. His hands moved over her waist and hips, freezing at her ribs.
She pulled back from the kiss with a breath, her hands covering his. "Too far?" he questioned and she shook her head. "More?"
"I don't know," she breathed, chewing her lip.
"What feels good?" he asked and she stammered. "Let's wait, okay? I don't want to do anything back here anyway, it's pretty dirty and... you deserve more than a quick lay on these disgusting floors."
She chuckled, resting her head on his shoulder. She shivered after a moment and he moved his hands over her arms. He pulled the flannel he had on off a moment later, draping it over her shoulders.
"I kind of feel like that was just so you could see my arms." he muttered and she laughed. "Was it?"
She bit her lip, glancing away from him. He laughed as she turned a bright shade of red, kissing her temple. "Stop," she half giggled, half whined, covering her face with her hands.
The door opened and they turned their head towards the noise. "Fangs just walked out," Toni explained and Jughead furrowed his brows. "We don't know where he's going but we don't think he's coming back. Not tonight at least."
Betty looked between the two of them with wide, panicked eyes.
"He walked out?" Jughead questioned and Toni nodded. "How the hell are we supposed to do anything? He has a lead part in every song. We're screwed."
"Oh, God," Betty whispered, covering her cheeks. "This is all my fault."
"Why is it all your fault?" Jughead asked, frustrated and annoyed.
"Well, if I hadn't shown up last night, you would have. And then Fangs wouldn't have been upset with you tonight and would have stayed and you guys would have somebody..." she explained in a hushed voice. "I did this."
"No, you didn't," Jughead stated sternly, his hand wrapping around her wrist when she stood up. "Betty, you're fine-"
"I'm not fine!" she shouted, her face pained. "I caused this, Jughead. You're going to need someone to blame and that's me. I did this, this is my fault." She swallowed thickly, dropping his flannel into his lap before leaving hastily.
Jughead stood up quickly, wanting to move after her but Toni placed her hand on his chest, effectively stopping him. "Let her go," she whispered and she stared at him with a pointed look. He shook his head.
"No, I have to go!" he yelled, trying to go around her again but she gave him a hard shove back. "Toni..."
"Jug, she's an adult, she can handle herself. Let her go," she emphasized. "We need you. You have a bigger priority tonight."
He followed her off the stage with a hurt look, his stomach doing flips.
He sighed and clenched his jaw, typing one last text.
He hit send, setting his phone on his dresser.
He came back an hour later, disappointed when he looked at the screen.
He took his glasses off, tossing them onto his nightstand. He plugged in his phone before powering it off, kicking off his pajama pants and getting in bed. He wiped his hands over his face with a groan, pushing them through his hair. He should have followed her.
Betty was running when her phone buzzed, interrupting her music.
She sighed. Every time she would see one of his texts, she'd feel sick. She felt bad. But she also felt a little thrill go through her. It wasn't much, but it was enough to quell down her nausea.
She stared at it for long minutes, having stopped the treadmill. She didn't know what to say.
She breathed deeply, turning her phone off.
A week had gone by and Betty had kept up the act. "God," Jughead huffed, shoving his phone in his pocket and wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.
"What's got your panties in a twist now?" Sweet Pea asked and Jughead snarled. "You always make that face, it's funny." Jughead rolled his eyes, focusing on the car. "No, but seriously, dude. What's up?"
"Just... girlfriend troubles," he answered under his breath, switching tools.
"Ooh," Pea hollered. "Trouble in paradise?"
Jughead rolled his eyes.
"Damn," he laughed, leaning against the car as he furrowed his brows at Jughead. "What'd you do?"
Jughead shrugged, clenching his jaw. "I don't know," he answered truthfully. "It's what she did, or what she thinks she did. She won't fucking answer me so I'm just talking to my goddamn self," he cursed, shaking his head. "This is why I hate relationships. This always happens and it's..." He sighed and stopped what he was doing. "She's great and I like her a lot but she's getting on my fucking nerves."
"Have you considered that maybe she's doing it to piss you off?" Sweet Pea asked and Jughead scoffed. "Think about it, Jug. She's kept this up for a while, there's no way in hell she's still upset or whatever. Dude, she's intentionally acting like this."
"Get your own relationship to over analyze," Jughead huffed, going back to working on the car.
Betty swiped the lip gloss over her lips, straightening in her mirror. She grinned and smirked, setting the small tube down before leaving her bedroom.
She knew what she was doing to Jughead was rude and annoying, but part of her was gaining from his annoyance. Cheryl was doing the same with Toni.
They would make sure to show up to every show and be as close to their eye lines as possible. They would be certain to wear their skimpiest clothes that showed the most, holding eye contact with them most of the night.
Betty could tell Jughead was at his wits end with her and was close to snapping. She didn't blame him, she would be the same way. Toni was annoyed with Cheryl as well, but she was much better at keeping her composure.
As she was clipping her earrings in her ears, there was a knock on her door and she sighed. She adjusted her dress as she stepped over to the door, straightening when Jughead stood with a not-too-impressed glare on his face.
"Hi," she said sweetly, walking away to find where she discarded her shoes.
"Hi? Seriously?" he questioned, shutting the door behind himself. "You don't talk to me for a week and then I get a 'Hi'?" he asked, mimicking her voice at the end.
"I do not sound like that," she started, huffing as she glanced under her couch. "And yes," she finished with a smile over her shoulder.
"Why wouldn't you answer me? You read the texts so it's not like you didn't see them," he added, annoyance in his tone. "What you did was childish and you've honestly been acting like a brat."
"Maybe I want to be treated like a brat," she said under her breath as she moved over to her TV stand.
Jughead furrowed his brows, questioning, "What?"
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