《Reckless Love》My not so crazy ex


Julie's POV:

I can't believe this, I mean this is Luke. He wrote me a letter. How can you hate someone when your also totally crazy in love with them?

There's a knock on my door and I run to open it.

"Hey study buddy" Nick says smiling. He tugs at the backpack on his shoulder. I roll my eyes and step back as a gesture for him to come inside.

"We aren't buddies" I say with a snarky tone.

"You have a killer house. Your parents must have nice jobs"

They did. My momma was always working concerts and booking bands. She even perform with her own band. My dad did photography and he did really well. They worked hard for this.

"Yeah, let's just get some work done" I say to him. He nods and placed a giant folder full of papers in my hands.

Damn, here we go.

"Does that make sense?" He says explaining some algebra problem that shouldn't even exist. Oh

"Yes, can we stop for tonight? I'm so tired" I say with a fake yawn.

"Yeah sure, I mean we got a lot done" He says placing his notebooks back in his in him

For a jock, he's hella smart. For a normal person, he's pretty t. I'm impressed.hyBrueghel

"Hey I know we got off on the wrong foot, but maybe we could get something to eat? I know it's kinda late"

He says, nervously.

"I don't know, I mean-"

"Right your parents must be eating dinner with you"

"No actually, just one moment" I say. I dart upstairs and into Carlos room. I see him passed out on his bean bag chair with his little guitar Luke gave him. I bend down to him and shake him awake.

"Hey kiddo, you wanna go get some food?" He nods and stretches. I pick up him up and hoist him onto my hip. I run back downstairs. I hear arguing as soon as I reach the middle of the stair case. I walk down slowly and I see Nick at the door.


"Nick, who's there?" I ask, he turns around and steps away. I look at the door and see Luke. His head is dropped and hanging in shame.

"Julie, who is this?" Nick ask, gesturing to Luke.

"Just some crazy ex who doesn't know when to quit" I say with an angry stare in Luke's direction.

"Do you mind" I say to Nick as Carlos runs into the the living room. He nods and follows him in the living room.

"Outside now" I snap at Luke.

"Julie I-" Luke starts.

"Don't. You have no right to be here. How'd you even get in my fucking house?" I yell at him.

"Your aunt Tia delivered it" He says, not specifying what it is. Not that I don't know.

"Well I can't forgive you. You betrayed me. You lied and lied. How could I ever fucking trust you again?"

"Who's that guy?" Luke says, jealously and anger laced in his voice.

"He's no one, it's not important and definitely not your problem"

"You sure got over me quick"

"You think he's a rebound? God Luke, your clueless" I laugh angrily. "I STILL FUCKING LOVE YOU. I don't think I'll ever stop. Which makes it hurt 100 times more" I yell, each word taking a part of my broken heart and putting it out for him to see.


"I think you should go. Please" he doesn't say another word, he just turns around and leaves. I stand there watching the driveway until I hear Nick come out of the house.

"Julie, you okay?" He says holding Carlos. I smile at him and nod.

"Perfectly fine, so dinner?"

"Let's go" He says, grabbing my hand and walking to his car.

Luke's POV:

"She said she loves me" I say baffled.

"Really?" Alex says popping piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"Yeah, she hated me I thought. But she loves me. How could I fuck this up so bad?"

"Love, it sucks" Alex groans.

"You're in a very happy committed relationship, why are you whining?"


"Sometimes you just wanna be heartbroken" He smiles. I roll my eyes.

Julie's POV:

"This place is amazing" I smile as we pull up to one of my favorite pizza joints.

"It's my favorite"

"Mine too!" I say, jumping out of the car. I grab Carlos and we all go inside. Carlos sees the game area and begs me to go.

"Kiddo, food first but then yes" I say kissing his head. He smiles and excitedly jumps as the lady hands us our cups.

After we've finished eating, Carlos runs off and now I'm all alone with Nick. For some reason, I feel normal. Not awkward or hurting or anything. Just normal, maybe even a little happy.

"So real talk time" Nick says bringing the cup to his lips.


"Where are your parents?" He ask. Damn that was direct. I shallow a lump forming in my throat and tap my foot nervously.

"Hey, look that game looks killer" I say pointing to the arcade and leaving the table awkwardly.

First time ever really talking to him, not exactly the best time to spill that my parents are dead.

"Carlos we need to go" I say grabbing his hand.

"What no" he whines

"Now Carlos" I say pulling him with me.

"Sorry we have to go. Gotta get him home" I say stopppung at the table "here I don't know how much it is so just keep the change" I say throwing a $20 on the table.

"Wait il give y'all a ride" Nick says following me.

"It's nice outside, I think we'll walk" I say dragging him out of the pizza place.

As soon as we're outside, it starts to rain. Instead of turning back, I take off my jacket and wrap it around Carlos carrying him.

I put Carlos to sleep and I wonder downstairs. My clothes are dripping and wander around the house.

It feels so empty. I look at the time, 1am. I sit at on a stool at the island and remember all the good times here.

There's a knock on the door and I get up to see who it is. I open the door to Nick who's in his pajamas, with sneakers on.

"Nick, what are you doing here?"

"I know it's late and stuff but I just don't understand what happened earlier. I mean, you walked home in the pouring rain instead of riding with me"

"It's not you. I just- it's my parents. My parents are gone"

"Oh, like out of town?" He ask.

"Permanently I guess you would say. They died"

"Damn Julie, I'm so sorry. I-" He says, stumbling on his words

"You didn't know, it's cool" I finish his sentence

"That sucks"

"It does" I say, smiling. Someone gets it, no fake worry.

"No like that really sucks. I mean, are you mad? Cause I think I would be more mad then sad"

"I guess. I hurt and sad and mad and confused just wrapped up in one"

"I get that. I guess I should probably get home"

"Yeah, I'll see you"

"See you Julie" he says. He starts to leave but stops. He turns around and hugs me. I feel my body relax into his hug. We stand like that for a moment. Once he pulls away, I give him a confused look.

"What was that for?" I smile.

"Everyone needs a hug sometime" he says returning the same smile. His jaw line is like perfect and so is his smile. It's not off-white or crooked.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He ask. I nod in response.

"Bye Nick, have a good night"

"Bye Julie" he says as he walks off. I lean on the edge of the frame watching his leave.

As soon as he's gone. My mind wanders to Luke.

My crazy ex, who's not that crazy at all.

A/n: ITS ANOTHER PART, 2 in one day wowwww *one slow clap* teehee.

Love y'all -R

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