《Reckless Love》Liar


Julie's POV:

It's been a week since he told me. Since I found out my life will never be the same. I've been watching dads every move, making sure he doesn't over work himself.

"Julie, I'm fine seriously" My dad laughs as he carries in things from the car.

"I'm just worried Dad" I say grabbing the bags from his hands.

"I know but I still got some time left in me"

"I know Papa" I give him a small hug and we shuffle inside.

"How about you invite Luke over for dinner? Actually I would really like to meet his whole band"

"Oh yeah, I'll text them"








Thank god, I can always count on Lex. I look up from my phone and my dad has disappeared. I walk into the living room where he's laying on the couch with Carlos in his arms. I smile to myself and go upstairs, no use in waking them up yet.

my phone buzzes and it's a text from.... Carrie?

I look at the time It takes about 30 minutes to get there so I decide to leave early.

My only question is what could use possibly need to tell me?

Luke's POV:

I walk into Bobby's room to find Reggie smiling crazily, Alex wrapped up in a book, and Bobby passed out asleep.

"What are you smiling about?" I ask, sitting beside Reggie.

"We're going to Julie's house for dinner" He says with a giant smile.

"Really?" I ask

"Yep, Julie's dad wants to meet us" Alex says, not taking his eyes off the book.

"Why would he want to meet y'all?" I joke. Alex rolls his eyes and Reggie makes his angry-pouty face. I laugh a little at him.

"Because we're awesome" Bobby smirks with a yawn.


"Guys I don't think I can tell her. I mean everything with her dad and now she's gotta raise Carlos. It's just too much"

"What? No. Luke you have to tell her" Alex says slamming his book on the table beside him.

"How can I?" I ask, shoving my hands nervously in my pockets.

"How can you not? Luke, your whole fucking relationship is built on some stupid dare"

"But I love her Alex"

"Then you have to tell her"

Julie's POV:

I nervously pace around the park, near the middle as the clock ticks faster and faster to the time.

"Wow you showed up" Carrie says from behind me, making me jump a little "Cmon follow me" she says grabbing my arm and guiding me to a coffee shop near the park.

We order our coffees and find a place to sit. I sit beside her awkwardly as I wait for her to say something. Or this to be a dream.

The waitress brings over our drinks. I tap a sip, the coffee hitting the back of my throat. I feel the caffeine hit me instantly.

"So your probably wondering why we're here?" She ask, setting her cup down.

"Yeah kinda" I say, holding the cup nervously.

"I heard something and I thought you need to hear" She says, folding her hands in her lap.

"Okay?" I say confused.

"I was talking to Reggie, Alex, and Bobby about Luke. Turns out, he went out with you on a dare"


"I was shocked to hear that. I mean Luke's low, but I never thought he would do something to cruel"

"You'll do anything for attention or to break me and him up. Damn Carrie, that's too far" I say, anger filling me. I stand up and grab my bag. I rush out the door and I hear her following after me.


"Julie stop, I'm serious. I'm not lying"

"Why would he do that?" I yell.

"I-I don't know. But I swear that's what they told me"

"This is such a twisted thing to say Carrie. Do me a favor and get a life. Like all you can do is hate me, what the hell did I do?"

"I'm trying to help you"

"BY LYING" I scream.

"Fuck you Julie. I was trying to help, to warn you. If you don't wanna listen, it's not my fault" She says storming off.

I can't believe her, that liar.

What the hell, I mean who lies about shit like that?

She was lying right?

Of course she was. I mean Luke wouldn't hurt me like that. He promised me he wouldn't

I storm off to my car and sit in the front seat.

"Momma, I wish you were here. To help me" I say, staring at the sky "it would be like ten times easier with you here"

I wish I didn't have to figure it out by myself.

Who can I tell?


A/n: just y'all wait...... I'm sorry in advance -R

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