《Reckless Love》Falling in love


Julie's POV:

I walk into the school with all eyes on me. Luke grabs my hand and whispers in my ear.

"Just ignore them" he says kissing my cheek. We walk to my locker and Flynn's already here with Willie. Their jaws drop and I pull my hand away from Luke.

"Julie, would you like to explain?" Flynn says with a devious smile.

"I-Umm, we are- I-"

"We're dating" Luke says wrapping his arms around my waist. Willie hits Flynn in the arm.

"Listen Mr, I swear if you hurt my best friend I will-"

"Flynn" I scold her. Luke laughs nervously

"We need to get going, don't wanna be late to class" I say grabbing Luke's hand and dragging him away. As we're leaving Flynn mouths to him.

'Hurt her and I will end you'

My god Flynn.

"So, you think they like me?" He ask, as I lean against the locker next to his.

"I don't know, I'm not sure I like you" I joke. He gives me an offended glance.

"But yeah, I think they like you or at least they will"

"Good, cause you're gonna meet my friends today. I mean after school"

"What Luke, you know I can't"

"Cmon please, you can bring Carlos"

"Fine, what's special about this afternoon?"

"It's band rehearsal" He says with a smile.

Oh god

"Come on" Luke says pulling my arm. Carlos is bunching around excited.

"What if they hate me?" i ask shyly

"There is no way they could ever hate you. Well maybe Alex but that's just Alex" he say opening the door. Carlos runs inside but i look in. All the boys have a smile, Reggie runs over and hugs me.

"by the way, this is Reggie" Alex says coming up behind him and patting his shoulder. I giggle and shake Alex's hand. He stares at my jacket.


"Your jacket is awesome" He cheers, i spin around to show him the back.

"it was my moms" I smile. I think back to when I found it at the back of my closet.


I walk into my room and find my moms old clothing crate in my room. One look at it and I'm in tears.

"Mom, why did you have to leave?" I tremble as I talk. I open the chest and pull out items. I feel like my lungs are collapsing. I slam it closed and throw the clothes in my hands into my closet. I fall onto my bed, now sobbing.

Is it always gonna hurt like this?

"Your mom must have had killer style" He says with a smile.

"yeah she did" I say, found memories of her in my head.

"im sorry by the way, it must have been hard. I've never lost anyone more than a cat" Alex says. I smile a bit.

"Thanks, it was hard but it's getting better"

"And I'm bobby" Another boy says leaning against the wall.

"Julie" I say waving.

"Who's ready to practice?" Luke cheers. Reggie jumps up and down.

"I wanna hear y'all play" Carlos says with a big bright smile.

"Me me me" he yells. We laugh at his childish behavior. I sit down on the couch as they plug in all the instruments.

Take off

Last stop

Countdown till we blast open the top

Face first

Full charge

Electric hammer to the heart

Clocks move forward

But we don't get older, no

Kept on climbing

Till our stars collided

And all the times we fell behind

Were just the keys to paradise

Don't look down

'Cause we're still rising

Up right now

And even if we

Hit the ground

We'll still fly


Keep dreaming like we'll live forever

But live it like it's now or never

Hear the noise

In my head

It's calling out like a voice I can't forget

One life

No regrets

Catch up, got no time to catch my breath

Clocks move faster

'Cause it's all we're after now

Won't stop climbing

'Cause this is our time, yeah

When all the days felt black and white

Those were the best shades of my life

Don't look down

'Cause we're still rising

Up right now

And even if we

Hit the ground

We'll still fly

Keep dreaming like we'll live forever

But live it like it's now or never

We ain't searching for tomorrow (tomorrow)

'Cause we got all we need today (today)

Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins

We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain

Don't look down

'Cause we're still rising

Up right now

And even if we

Hit the ground

We'll still fly

Keep dreaming like we'll live forever

But live it like it's now or never

It's now or never (now or never)

They finish the song and I jump up cheering.

"That was amazing!" I smile. Luke walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist, nuzzling his head in the crock of my neck.

"You act surprised" Alex jokes.

"No like I assumed that y'all were good but that was amazing. You could feel the music in you heart"

"Maybe you could, we just wish everyone could"

"So do you play any thing?" Bobby ask.

Well not really. That whole mom dying thing kinda put a damper on it all.

Carlos starts to open his mouth but I quickly reach over and cover it.

"No I don't" I say in a confirming voice.

"You sing?" I shake my head no cause I don't have an audible answer.

"We'll have to fix this" Hw says, giving a smile.

Bingo, now I think this is gonna work out well

Luke walks me up to the door and we stand there for a moment.

"Did they like me?"

"I think they really liked you, Alex especially"

"I'm glad, I want them to-"

"Julie" Carlos tugs on my arm. I kneel down to him

"Buddy, can you go inside and I'll be in, in a moment. Okay?" He nods and runs inside.

"I should probably get going" Luke says making my heart drop a little.

"Oh okay, yeah"

"Unless you want me to stay?" He kinda ask.

I nod slightly.

"Okay, well let's get inside" He says kissing me quick and pulling me inside.

I'm falling, I'm falling for Luke of all people

A/n: hey y'all, another part :)

I love u so much -R

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