《His Unknown Child》Chapter 1: Say Goodbyes


This can't be happening. This can't be. How am I suppose to tell Ashton? What's gonna be his reaction? What if he leaves me? I'm only fifteen. I can't do this at fifteen. We're both teenagers. Fifteen and sixteen year olds shouldn't have to go through this. What about my parents?

I took a deep breath and slipped my shoes on and headed out the door. I have my permit, but my mom's not home, or my dad. Whatever.

Soon I was halfway to Ashton's house. I kept thinking, what will his reaction be? How is he gonna take it?

I was finally at his house and walking up to his door.

Knock knock


Knock knock

Nothing again

I sighed but then the door swung open to reveal Ashton's mother.

"Oh hello Charlie. Ashton's in his room." She invited me in and I thanked her and headed upstairs.

As I climbed to the very top and walked down to Ashton's room. By the time I got to his door I heard moaning.

Slamming open the door, with tears, I say Ashton having sex with another girl. And that girl was Amanda Levon. The school's bitch.

"Charlie, I can explain. Please." He begged. I want to hear his story to tell, but he messed up big time.

"No Ashton, we're done. It's over, you can go back to fucking Amanda now. I never want to see you again." I slammed the door shut and ran downstairs pissed.

"Charlie? What happened?" Ashton's mother asked.

"Ask your whore of a son. I bet he'll love to tell you. Bye, I'm never coming here ever again." With that I ran to my car and drove away. Drove back to my house and to only see my parents still gone.


"ASHTON JAMES BURNS!! GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" I heard my mother scream. Oh god.

"You gotta leave." I told Amanda and pushed her out my window. She climbed down while I got dressed.

"Yes mother." I said being scared. My mom is very scary.

"You want to explain what happened to you and Charlie. I thought you love her." I do.

"Mom, I do. Amanda tricked me." That was a little lie.

"You two were perfect." She mumbled and I hugged her.

"I'll try to get her back. I'll try and try and try. I'll do everything to have her back mom." That was a promise. My mom has lost too much already.

I'm at home crying and my parents get home. Great. Might as well tell them.

"Mom." I sniffled.

"Charlie? Why are you crying?" My dad said in his stern voice.

"Can I move schools?" I asked.

"Of course. We actually knew that this school was bad." I smiled but it quickly went away.

"I'm pregnant." Then the room went silent and my mom released the hug.

I'm nervous. Very nervous. I feel sick even.

"Charlie." My dad said.

"I'm sorry." I started crying but my mom went back to hugging me and my father.

"Honey, we'll help you." My mom said. Wow, I was not expecting that.

"Dad, are you mad?" I wouldn't be surprised.

"Yes, but I'm not gonna kick my little girl out and be a selfish parent." I smiled and hugged them.

At least it didn't go the other way like I expected it to.


Later that day I just looked and looked for a new school to go to. My mom helped and my dad went back to work.


"So, is the father Ashton?" I gulped. I haven't even thought about Ashton.

"Yes mom he is the father, but me and him kind of broke up." I said. I felt so guilty breaking up with him. I should of told him about his child.

"Why did you guys break up?" I sighed but explained.

"I saw him sleeping with Amanda. And the worst part is I never even told him about the baby." My mom turned her head and patted my shoulder.

"You have to tell him, it's his child too." I nodded in agreement.

"Yes I know that but I think it's better for him not to know." My mom just nodded and dropped the subject. Thank god.

"Here, you can go to Lincoln High School in Hills Dale." I looked at the school and smiled.

"Any school is perfect." She smiled and started to call my old school.

A new school. A whole different life.

I can't wait for my journey to begin.

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