《Coffee Shop》Chapter One


My fingers drum along to the soft pop music playing throughout the café. My head bops slightly as well, keeping up with the rhythm of the unfamiliar song.

I try to focus on reading the textbook laid out in front of me, but it's really hard when I'm getting distracted by the music. Especially when the topic is incredibly boring. I also tend to get distracted by the people that come in to order, because the barista continuously talks unnecessarily loud. I think she's doing it just to annoy me.

I managed to get to the end of the chapter and quickly write down a summary for my class tomorrow. It's my least favorite class this semester, but I need the credits to graduate. Luckily I only have another week left until the semester is over, and then I can kiss it goodbye. Well, after I take the final.

"Only an hour left and then we can ditch this place!" Casey suddenly yelled right in front of me, making me nearly fall off the chair I'm sitting in. She laughs and I glare at her, mad because she made me throw my pen behind me.

I quickly go and grab it and apologize to the poor old lady it almost hit. She looked pissed to say the least.

"You almost made me hit that old lady," I scolded as I sat back down.

"Well, maybe you should keep a better grip on your pens," she playfully responded, leaning on the counter in front of me. I roll my eyes and continue writing the summary, ignoring her as she stares at me. I glance up at her and she looks smug, knowing that she's annoying me.

The bell on the door dings and she finally walks away so she can take their order. And she makes a point to be loud, again.


I manage to finish writing my summary and I quickly pack my stuff into my bag, not wanting to look at it for another second. I've been here for four hours just doing my classwork and studying for finals and I'm sick of it. Thank God I'm finally finished.

When she isn't looking, I reach across the counter and grab the sharpie Casey uses to write people's names on their cups.

Right after, a customer walks in and Casey takes their order. Before she can, I grab a cup for their drink and catch her rolling her eyes. She asks for their name and I quickly write it down and smugly hand the cup over to Casey, who is glaring at me. Luckily the customer has been here for me to do this before, so they aren't weirded out. Several have complained to the manager about me before, and every time she yells at me for it, but I really don't care. And secretly, neither does the manager, she just has to put on a show for the customer so they're happy.

"So, tomorrow is Friday, what should we do?" Casey asked once she's finished making their drink.

"I have to study," I answered, afraid for her reaction.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! I have finals next week," I told her. She does not look happy.

"You can't at least watch a movie with me or something?" She asked.

"I don't know, it depends on how tomorrow goes. I'll try to get as much done as I can while I'm here, but I really do need to study."

"Ugh, you stupid grad students actually caring about school," she complained while dropping her head in her arms on the counter.

"Stop complaining and do your job," I told her after hearing the bell on the door. Her head shoots up and she quickly fixes her appearance, which isn't something she does often here. Because of that, I turn and look at who just walked in and I immediately turn to face her, my eyes wide. She looks at me and I just stare at her in shock.


"Holy shit," I whispered, prompting her to just nod in response.

Before she can even ask her for her order, she quickly says her order and her name. Casey grabs the cup and quickly hands it to me. When I take it from her I can feel her hand shaking and I quickly write her name down and hand it back to her. Casey doesn't waste any time making the drink and hands it to her. The customer pays the exact change and drops it on the table and just walks out. "Since when did the school's president start coming here?" she breathlessly questioned with me quickly nodding in agreement.

I have no idea, but that woman stresses me out. Anytime she's nearby everyone just morphs into the most perfect versions of themselves. She's a very intimidating woman and she radiates grace and high standards.

I have had a couple of conversations with her and I was shitting my pants the entire time. In my time here I've managed to make the president's list every semester and the university holds a nice little get together for those who have and she's been to every single one. That's the only time I've ever had the courage to talk to her. Even then, she was the one who approached me.

We continue our order routine of Casey taking orders and me writing their names down. Casey's boss gives me the side eye when she comes out to help make the drinks when the volume of people increases later in the day.

When Casey finally gets off, we walk to the apartment and both of us immediately shower. Once I'm done, I go into the kitchen and find last night's leftovers.

Our other roommate Jordyn had her girlfriend over yesterday and they cooked some amazing enchiladas and there's still a bunch left.

Casey comes in and pulls up Netflix and she also heats up a couple of enchiladas for herself. We start binging a tv show we started last week and go on until I finally decide to go to bed.

I have a long day tomorrow.

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