《tmnt 2014 wolfwalkers》Eric sacks' banquet/subway attack


*at Sacks' banquet*


sacks-please please please sit down sit down, I have to say, it's wonderful to see so many people out here tonight, especially in a neighborhood so hard hit by the foots crime wave. years ago, my life was touched by tragedy I was a young scientist working with a world class team. on cutting edge research and our laboratory was attacked, set fire to, robbed, by the cowards who call themselves the foot clan. several of my employees lost their lives that day and it is in their honor, in their memory, that sacks industries, whether through sacks biomed, sacks robotics or sacks construction, will remain committed to keeping the city of new York, our city safe, so whenever someone takes flame to this city, I will be there to put the fire out and that's a promise thank you, thank you

*clapping, April walks over to sacks shaking his hand with Robyn behind her*

April-Mr. sacks April O'Neil you worked with my father this is my friend Robyn

sacks-oh I can't believe it I haven't seen you since?.....

April-since his funeral it was a long time ago


April-I just wanted to tell you that your words really resonated with me, and I hope one day contribute to the city in the way that you do

sacks-well, it looks like your doing good job channel 6, very impressive, April

April-*laughs*thank you it's...it isn't exactly everything I anticipated it would be

sacks-as long as you are true to yourself, your father will always be proud of you

sacks' bodyguard-Mr. sacks, we have to be uptown at 7:00?

sacks-I'll see you on TV and Robyn it was nice meeting you

*sacks leaves. In the channel 6 news van*

April-Mr. sacks was so inspiring I know this is a story that actually matters


Vern-the superhero one? That's a good idea I should chase that down

*people runs out of the subway screaming*

Vern-Where's everybody going?

Vern-O'Neil, goodfellowe, where are you going? April! Robyn!

April-what are you running from? hey wait, wait!

*down in the Lair*

Donnie-surveillance uplinks are showing heavy heavy foot clan activity at the broad street platform

raph-they're taking hostages, dude

Leo-but you know we're not supposed to go above ground

Raph-we've done this before we started something, we gotta finish it

Mikey-this is insane that cat is playing chopsticks with chopsticks!

Leo-don't be an idiot

*Leo switches the image on the monitor*


Leo-okay let's rock'n'roll boys

*the boys grabbed their weapons. with April and Robyn in the subway*

foot soldier#1-go, go!

*April and Robyn moved to a different hiding place until they was grabbed by soldiers taking them down to the subway*

soldier#1-JUST STAY DOWN!

soldier#2-get over here!

*the foot soldiers walked April and Robyn over to a clear space near an old lady as the foot place bombs on the subway walls*

soldier#3-keep moving!

soldier#4-keep your hands where I can see them!

soldier#5-move to the side

*they were scared*

hostage#1-they're bombs

soldier#6-shut up!

soldier#7-on the ground!

soldier#8-nobody move!

*a lady with black hair and red tips spoke who was the leader of the groups of foot soldiers*

karai-we know your out there! if you don't surrender, we start executing hostages!

soldier#9-get your head down! don't move!

soldier#10-don't make me tell you again! not a word! don't look at me!

*April takes out her phone to take a picture as an old woman and Robyn tries to stop her*

old lady-*whispering*don't!,don't do it!

Robyn-*whispers*April! no!

*the sound of April's camera caught the leader's attention as she pulled out her gun aiming at April*

karai-YOU! STAND UP!

*everyone suddenly heard a voice*


????-all aboard!

karai-on your 12! come on!

Leo-that's right

Mikey-like a shadow brah

Leo-how do you like that? let's go! let's move!

*April and Robyn reaches the roof*

Mikey-you mess with us you step in the wu!

Raph-Wu tang! you see that guys jaw connected with the concrete?

Donnie-he'll be drinking out of a sippy cup for months

Raph-aw yeah that's what I'm talking about brothers like shadows in the night completely unseen

*camera flash*

Mikey-*whisper*what was that?

Donnie-*whisper*it's a camera flash

Leo-*whisper*we know it's a camera flash

raph*whisper*who's behind the camera flash?

Donnie-*whisper*by my calculations it's two girls

Mikey-*whisper*now we got to kill them...


Mikey-*whisper*with kindness! get some flowers, earn their trust

raph-*whispers*I got this

Leo-*whispers*raph no no no come on

*April and Robyn was pulled up on the roof face to face with raph. Robyn closed her eyes as her spirit wolf came out of her body turning into her wolf form as her sleeping body was in April's arms*


Raph-*batman voice*give me the camera!

Mikey-ooh, look, he's doing his batman voice. oh she's so hot, I can feel my shell tightening

Raph-we can hear you. if you don't give me the camera I'm gonna...

*Leo flips off the water tank then on the ground as April saw Leo*

Leo-enough! Back off raph

raph-i only saw batman once!

Leo-ma'am, hello, I apologize. My colleague here forgot to say please. So, will you "please" hand over the camera?

*Mikey jumps down scaring April*

Mikey-oh no no no whoa, chill it's just a mask. See?

*he takes off his mask*

Mikey-don't freak out. Right?


wolf Robyn-*whines*


*wolf Robyn whined and ran off unaware that she got caged by foot soldiers taking her to sacks estate. back on the roof April faints while holding Robyn's sleeping body*

Donnie-oh I think that went well

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