YAVIN 4 was exactly how Poe remembered. It was filled with life and not just the people but the environment. Everything just looked lively and filled with potential. It made him sort of feel a little less bad as he saw the lush trees take over the view of below from the Falcon's cockpit.
Sure, Poe was excited to see his dad, but also quite nervous. It's been years since he had actually hugged the man, and he knew he should've visited in the past, but just made excuses to not come back. Poe stepped out of the cockpit, allowing the Wookiee, who've been doing this a lot longer than Poe has been alive, to continue piloting the ship. He stepped into the halls and made his way through the ship, stopping by his droid bumping against his legs.
"Hey, buddy." Poe says and knelt down.
BB-8 beeped at him. Poe forced a smile on his face as he patted the droid on the top of his head. BB-8 was worried and Poe tried to play it off for a while now.
"I'm okay, bud." He says and stands up, "So where is Amara?"
BB-8 beeped again and began to roll off. Poe took that as a sign to follow his droid down the Falcon. As Poe walked he reached where he spots Amara, Rey, and Finn all sitting at the table laughing. They seemed to have gotten close in the sort amount of time, Poe was glad. He knew Amara would get along get with Finn. And sure, he didn't know Rey personally until she came and saved them on Crait, but he had a feeling the Jedi in training would get along get with Amara.
Poe felt his droid roll pass him and into the room. BB-8 beeped at his friends, causing them to look at the droid, although, Amara's eyes moved to Poe lurking by the doorway. Poe gives her a grin. However, before Amara could say anything, Finn noticed Poe first.
"Poe!" Finn stands up.
Finn and Poe had a strong bond. Finn and Poe may have only known each other for a short amount of time, but the two have become close.
Amara couldn't help but smile at it.
Finn goes over to Poe and hugs his pilot friend. Poe accepts Finn in a hug and held onto his former trooper buddy close. Finn let go of Poe and kept the smile on his face, but his hands were on Poe's shoulders.
"I've been wondering where you've been," Finn says, "I haven't seen you since we boarded the Falcon."
Poe grins sheepishly, "Right, um- sorry about that." He says.
Finn kept the smile on his face and says, "No worries buddy," Finn says, "At least you're here now."
Poe nods.
Finn moves back to the table, he scoots over allowing room for Poe to sit. He sits next to Finn on the right side of Finn was Amara, and next to Amara was Rey.
"We were just talking about Yavin 4," Rey spoke up, "I've never been before."
Finn nods as well, "Same here," He says.
Amara doesn't look at anyone but says, "I've been a few times before. But I don't think Poe was around during my visits."
Poe glanced at Amara.
It's true that they didn't officially meet until Amara joined the Resistance officially, but the two knew of each other in passing. Poe was more familiar with Ben Solo than Amara Solo. However, he knew his father had mentioned her a few times.
Poe shakes his head, "I might've been off planet," He says, "Or in the New Republic Navy."
Amara shrugs her shoulders, "Who knows," She says, "But I remember the trees so vividly."
Finn glanced at Amara and then to Poe, "So uh- what is the full history between you two, exactly?" He asks.
Poe and Amara glanced at each other.
Amara spoke first gesturing to Poe, "I knew of Poe for as long as I could remember and I can only assume he knew of me for quite some time." She says, "Poe's parents fought along side my parents back in the days of the Alliance and the Empire."
Finn looked shocked, "Really?"
Rey was amazed, "They fought for the Rebellion?"
Poe nods, "My father is retired now, but he was a sergeant. He fought along side Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewie, and the General." He had a smile on his face, "Hell, Chewie literally saved my dad's ass one time."
Rey looks at Poe, "And your mother?"
Poe frowns a little, "She was a lieutenant and a pilot." He says, "She was my reasoning for becoming a pilot, her and Luke actually."
Finn kept the smile on his face, "I can't wait to meet them." He says with excitement.
Amara's face falters.
Rey seemed to notice or better yet sensed it. Finn hadn't noticed Poe grimace at that mere comment, Amara reached her hand over to Poe, he accepts it.
"Sorry but my mom has been dead for a very long time," Poe says.
Finn frowns, "Oh- Oh! I'm so sorry!"
Poe forces his charming smile, "It's okay, Finn. You didn't know."
He let's go of Amara and stands up. Amara's eyes remain on him though, he was pretending that the mere mention of his mother wasn't going to destroy him. She knew how hard it was for him to talk about Shara Bey. He got better over the years and even spoke a little of her when comforting Amara with the death of Han Solo.
"We should be landing soon," Poe says, "So uh- yeah."
He just left without saying another thing.
Finn glanced at Amara, "I hope he isn't mad at me."
Amara shakes her head, "He isn't, Finn." She says softly, "It's just- It's just despite how long it's been since Shara Bey passed, it still gets to him at times."
Neither Finn and Rey could understand the loss of a parent, which is sad but also a blessing for them. Amara never knew the pain Poe felt for loosing his mom until she lost her father. It is a pain she'd never wish on anyone, including her worst enemy.
HIDDEN IN the trees, the Falcon was deep in the jungle of Yavin 4. Leia had to contact Kes to notify him of their arrival. Amara knew of Yavin 4 to only be populated by the Dameron's and a few other families, but since she had visited as a child, Yavin 4 has made such a large population increase. Although, they didn't seem to destroy the jungles, instead they protected their nature.
When Amara set foot on the soil of Yavin 4, part of her was remained of her time here as a child. Playing around in the jungles and getting lost for hours on end. Amara took in a deep breathe, the air was so clear, and she exhaled.
Finn stood next to her, "It's beautiful here."
Rey also stepped next to her, "Breathtaking."
Amara glanced at the two and nods with a big smile. Although, her eyes move to Poe. He stood next to Leia. They were speaking quietly. Amara wasn't sure if it was Resistance related or something else, she couldn't try and read them, they had their backs to her.
Amara frowns.
"Hello-!" Shouted a male voice.
Many of the Resistance crew reached for their blasters and pointed it at the mysterious stranger, Rey reached for her staff and Finn pulled out his blaster.
"Whoa- Whoa-!" The man shouts.
Amara turned around.
"Kes-!" Amara exclaimed.
After Amara confirmed acknowledgement of the man, everyone lowered their weapons. Poe and Leia stepped forward and ended up standing next to Amara, Rey, and Finn. Kes Dameron and Poe Dameron looked so much alike, Poe clearly got most of his looks from his father. Kes just looked like a much older and more experienced version of Poe.
Finn leaned to Rey, "Are we sure Poe isn't his clone?"
Rey snickered quietly but nudged Finn to be quiet.
Leia formed a smile at Kes and stepped over to hug her old friend. Kes accepts the hug and held onto his princess for a while before parting ways.
"It's good to see you, Kes." Leia says.
Kes kept his smile on his face, "You too, princess." He says.
Leia shakes her head with the smile on her face, "How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not a princess anymore?"
"One more time, princess." Kes says.
Kes's gaze moved to his son. Poe looked at his father. Neither men spoke to each other, but instead embraced each other in a hug. Poe held his father tightly, his arms wrapping around his father's back. Kes had one hand resting in Poe's hair and the other on the back of his neck.
"My son," Kes says softly.
Kes let go of his son, but kept his gaze on Poe. He kept the smile on his son's face and even placed his hand on Poe's cheek.
"Welcome home," Kes says.
Leia held her smile on her face as she watched this interaction, she knew Kes would be good for him after the past few days of stress Poe has been under. Plus, being somewhere neutral like Yavin 4 would be good for them all, it can keep them out of sight and relax from the First Order. Kes turns to Leia, before he spoke he saw Amara. His eye's widen and lightly chuckled upon seeing Amara.
"Little Mari?" Kes asks.
Amara could feel Finn and Rey quietly snickering at the nickname from when she was a child, but decided against turning around and glaring at the two to stop.
"It's Amara now, Kes." She says.
Kes kept the smile on her, "Of course," He says, "Wow, you've grown so much since I last saw you. As beautiful as your mother."
Charming. It's how the Dameron men rolled really.
Kes slowly moved his eyes to the Resistance behind, his face falters and frowns before turning to his princess once again.
"Is this it?" Kes asks.
Leia nods, "I'm afraid so."
Kes sighs.
He ran his hand through his hair in a way Poe would, or better yet a way Poe had picked up from his own father. He looked from the Resistance again to their leader.
"Come with me." Kes says.
CAMP WAS made at the Falcon. With the help of Kes there were tents at the small camp site for them all. The only ones remaining at the camp was Rose and Larma, who was watching over her. She had managed to convince Finn he needed air away from her. Kes even offered them access to his home to them all for showering, cooking, and so on.
As Poe saw the farm, memories just flooded him in at such a fast rate. He saw the tree he used to climb up as a young boy and he'd always fall out. He remembered his mother yelling at him to get down from it. He saw the large barn that still housed his mother's A-Wing. Poe wondered how it even looked. He remembered climbing into it as a young boy one day and pretending he was a pilot
Poe saw the fields of crops that his father had to farm. Although, it doesn't seem to be a solo act for Kes Dameron, because Kes has some droids doing farm work for him. Poe glanced at his dad. Was manning the farm getting to be too much for his old man? Was Kes just getting too old? Poe frowns at his thoughts flooding his head.
"Dude," Finn says standing besides Poe, "This is where you grew up?"
Poe glanced at Finn and nods, "Yeah."
Finn had a big smile on his face, "It's amazing."
Kes had invited and even gestured them all inside the large farm house. They all filed into the Dameron home one by one and that included the droids; C-3PO, R2-DR, and BB-8. Inside, Poe was taken back. So much had happened inside these walls and not all of them were worth remembering.
"I expected you all to be hungry after all you've been through," Kes says, "So I've been preparing this all for you."
Leia looks over and sees the soup in a large pot for them all. Next to the pot of soup was some bread for them all as well as pitchers of water and glasses next to it. This was all sitting in the kitchen.
Leia looks at it all and smiles, "Thank you, Kes."
One by one, people began to get food and were thanking Kes in the process. Meanwhile, Poe watched as Kes and Leia drifted off to the side of the room to speak more seriously. Poe could only assumed it had to do with Han's whereabouts, because Kes's smile had faltered for a moment.
Amara stepped next to Poe, "Here," She offers him a bowl.
Poe accepts it and nods, "Thank you,"
Amara's and Poe's hand touched as she handed him the bowl. The two looked from the bowl to each other. Amara moves her hand away and then frowns at him.
"I know a lot is going on, Poe." She says, "But please don't shut me out."
Poe looks at her, "I won't."
She nods at him and pats his chest with a small smile before turning away. Poe slowly moved his gaze to his father, which is when he noticed his father looking at him a bit shocked. Kes Dameron seemed to be surprised to see his son being rather close with the princess's daughter.
Poe just shook his head and went to get food like everyone else. Everyone was sitting in chairs in the dinning area, there wasn't enough table space but enough chairs that Kes seemed to have brought from other rooms for his guests. Both Leia and Kes were the last to grab any food, they had finished having a talk.
Poe sat next to Amara and Finn. Amara sat next to Rey, they two girls seemed to be getting along quite well. Poe couldn't help to look at Amara as she ate and talked with Rey. The two girls quietly talked to each other and sometimes not even saying much before giggling. Poe had a strange feeling it had to do with the Force or maybe it was a girl thing.
"Amara," Kes spoke out.
Amara's eyes shift to Kes.
"I'm sorry about Han," Kes says, "He is- He was a damn good pilot and knew his way with a blaster."
Amara lowered her spoon in the bowl. Her eyes only on Kes, his gaze was at his bowl. Amara could see a mixture of pain and guilt in his eyes.
Rey glanced at Amara before looking at Kes. Han's death effected them all in a way, more for some than others.
Kes let out a sad laugh, "He and Chewie saved my ass more times than I can recount." He says and looks up, "He was an incredible man."
Poe moved his eyes to Amara. He knew that it was hard to talk about Han. Nights before leaving D'Qar, they had spent just laying in silence before bringing it up. Poe knew it was hard for her to be open about how the death of her father affected her. Especially, after watching it happen.
Amara nods, "Thank you," She says with a small smile.
Kes ran his hand through his hair, "And damn shame about Luke as well." He looked at his bowl of soup, "He was quite an amazing pilot and wise beyond his years."
Rey had a small smile on her face because of that comment.
Amara held a sad smile on her face, "He corrected his wrongs," She says, "Luke went out redeeming himself."
Leia looked at her daughter a little shocked to have heard her say that. Leia knew her daughter ran after Luke after he had left them, she just assumed it was a goodbye or something, but did they have a conversation.
OUTSIDE WAS where Amara found peace. She found herself in the backyard of the Dameron farm. She had excused herself after the meal Kes had provided for them all. She assumed she needed a breather after talking about her dad and Luke. Amara stepped down the back yard porch and lowered herself to sit on the steps. She looked at the droids collecting the crops from the fields and putting them in baskets. Yavin 4 was quiet. It was peaceful.
Amara heard the sliding door open. She lifts her head and turns around to find Poe. He walked over and sat down next to her. They didn't speak, neither of them knew where to even start. Poe reached out and held her hand, and Amara didn't fight him on it. She allowed it. Poe ran his other hand through his hair and sighs. The sign gained Amara's attention to look at him.
"Sorry dad kept bringing up-," Poe hesitates, "You know."
Amara nods, "It's okay, Poe. I need to learn to accept it." She says, "After all, he knew my dad and uncle. He's probably grieving in his own way."
There was a moment of silence between them. Amara moved her gaze to the field, frowning as her thoughts come back to her. The thoughts she doesn't want to focus on, the ones that keeps her up during her restless nights.
Amara shakes her head and then says, "How does it feel being back here?"
She looks at Poe. He ran a hand over his face and puffs out an exhausted breath, at least she knew she wasn't the only one not sleeping well. His eyes told her he was running on a limited about of sleep. His sleep on the Falcon after leaving Crait was probably the best rest he had, only because he was too exhausted to fight off his tiredness.
Poe looks forward, "It feels unreal." He says, "I don't know. It feels like part of me never fully left Yavin 4 when I joined the Resistances, but another part of me feels like I don't belong here anymore."
Amara frowns.
"A lot of shit happened here, Amara." Poe says, "After my mom died, my dad and I were never the same."
He paused and opened his mouth to add something, only to shake his head. Ignoring whatever he was going to add to this conversation, Poe just glanced at her.
"Just being here," Poe says, "It is sort of remaining me of a lot of mistakes I've made in my life. So I'm here remembering all the crap I did when I was younger and then being plagued by the events just days ago, and I feel like all I'm good at is making mistakes."
Amara leans her head on his shoulder. He does tense a little bit, and Amara wasn't sure why. Her head rests on his shoulder and she felt his head lower on top of her head. He wrapped his arm around her to keep her close.
"Mistakes are mistakes," Amara says, "We learn from them and move forward. We can redeem ourselves from our past and grow."
Poe glanced at her, "You're sounding like your mother."
Amara couldn't help but smile, "I guess her inspiring words have rubbed off on me." She lightly laughs.
Poe couldn't help but laugh as well. The two of them just continued to laugh for a moment before it fading to silence, where they just sat close in each other's embrace.
Meanwhile, by the door leading to the backyard, Kes stood there watching his son and Leia's daughter. He glanced over and noticed Leia walking over to him.
"So our children, huh?" Kes asks.
Leia gives him a smirk, "I wouldn't have guessed it," She says, "But they compliment each other."
Kes kept the smile on his face, "This just reminds me of Shara and I," He says, "Back when we were so young."
Leia turned to look at the two lovebirds on the porch. She was glad that she wasn't the only one who saw her and her husband in the kids, hearing that Kes sees himself and Shara in them makes her smile.
"They're good for each other," Leia says.
Kes smiles, "I'm glad." He glanced at his princess, "I always worried he wouldn't be able to find someone."
Leia had a small smile on her face, "We never stop worrying about our children, Kes, even when they grow up."
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