EVERYTHING WAS caught up. Vira had heard everything from Poe and Amara. The three of them were huddled down a corridor away from seemingly everyone. Vira just shook her head after hearing it all. The plan. The mutiny. Amara's promotion. Poe's demotions. Leia's state. Finn and Rose at some casino. How much fuel they had before they were all destroyed. It was a lot.
Vira ran a hand through her hair, "Wow, um I really did miss a lot." She says.
Amara glanced at her friend and then down the corridor checking to see if anyone was coming their way or not. She turned back to Poe and Vira.
"That isn't everything," Amara says.
Poe gave her a confused look.
Vira glanced at Amara, "What else is there?"
Amara sighs, "My brother, Ben, he isn't dead." She says, "I mean he isn't the man I remember him as, but he isn't himself anymore. I mean- he is physically himself but just-."
Amara groans and ran a hand through her hair with frustrations. When telling Poe the secret of Kylo Ren's identity, she had the full support in her mother. Leia wanted to keep it on a need to know level, but Amara couldn't ask her mom for permission. Amara needed to get this off her chest.
"Mar," Vira says, "Take your time. What about your brother?"
Amara looks at Vira, "He is no longer Ben Solo, but rather adopted the persona that is Kylo Ren." She says looking at her best friend.
Vira looks shocked, "He- Your brother-?" She shakes her head, "He is responsible for so much death. He- He killed your father-! His father."
Amara frowns and nods, "Yes. I- I told you because I can trust you to keep it quiet," Her eyes drift to Poe, "Poe already knew."
Vira glanced at Poe, "Let me guess, because you two are together now?"
Poe shakes his head, "The General told me." He lies.
Amara knew that Vira seemed a little jealous of Poe and Amara's relationship. Poe decided it would be easier to just tell her that Leia told him. Actually, it would be believable. Leia is grooming him to become her successor.
Vira nods, "Oh, I see."
Amara glanced from Poe to Vira, "I couldn't tell you this before because you were boarded on the other ship but, we had a conversation. Kylo Ren and I."
"When?" Vira asks.
Amara frowns, "Recently," She says, "Before mom got hurt. He contacted me or I did through the Force, I- I really don't know. This is so confusing and new to me."
Vira looks at her friend with a frown.
"Anyways, what I needed to add is we talked again. He knows Leia isn't dead, but no doubt he would've sensed something if she passed." Amara says, "I don't know how to keep him out of my head- I- I don't have Jedi training. So I'm just giving you a heads up, I may hear from him again."
Poe looks at her worried, "When was the last time he contacted you?" He asks.
Amara glanced at him, "Before I first checked in with Holdo." She answers.
Vira scratches her head, "Jeez, this is just a lot."
Amara looks at Vira, "You have no idea."
REY SAT in her hut that night. The rain poured and poured. She was planning on leaving as soon as she got her third lesson, with or without the help of Luke Skywalker. She had no time to wait around, if her friends weren't contacting her meant something was wrong. She sensed him. She didn't bother looking up from cleaning her blaster. A frown was clear on her face the second she sensed him.
"I'd rather not do this now." Rey says.
"Yeah, me too." Kylo Ren says to her.
Rey looks up as if she was looking at him, "Why did you hate your father? Do you have something, a cowl or something you can put on? Why did you hate your father?" She asks him, "Give me an honest answer. You had a father who loved you, he gave a damn about you."
"I didn't hate him," Kylo Ren answered her.
"Then why?" Rey asks as she furrows her eyebrows.
"Why, what?" Kylo Ren asks, "Why, what? Say it."
Rey frowns, "Why did you- Why did you kill him?" She asks, "I don't understand."
Kylo Ren tilt his head, "No? Your parents threw you away like garbage." He says.
Rey got angry, "They didn't!" She yells.
Kylo Ren remain calm, "They did. But you can't stop needing them. It's your greatest weakness. Looking for them everywhere, in Han Solo and now in Skywalker." He says.
Rey kept her frown. She wondered. If this was the off-spring of Han Solo and Leia Organa, how did he fall and Amara didn't. They had the same parents and as far as she knew the same upbringing. Nothing was different, than Luke training Kylo Ren, everything was the same.
"Did he tell you what happened that night?" Kylo Ren further asks.
Rey nods, "Yes."
Kylo Ren shakes his head, "No. He had sensed my power, as he senses yours. And he feared it." He says.
Rey shakes her head, "Liar." She says.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. That's the only way to become what you were meant to be." He tells her.
"No!" Rey shakes her head, "No!"
"Rey?" A female voice spoke to her.
Rey turns to the voice. She was a bit confused and curious to who it was and why. She turned her gaze back to Kylo Ren.
"I should have felt trapped or panicked. But I didn't. This didn't go on forever, I knew it was leading somewhere. And that, at the end, it would show me what I came to see." Rey says.
"Rey," The female voice spoke again.
"Let me see them," Rey says, "My parents, please. I thought I'd find the answers here. I was wrong. I've never felt so alone."
Kylo Ren shakes his head, "You're not alone." He reached out to her.
Rey looks at him, "Neither are you." She reached out to him.
In the background, Rey could sense and even hear Luke's voice. He must've came into her hut, he must've sensed something despite not being connected to the Force anymore.
"Rey?" Luke spoke.
Rey kept her gaze on Kylo Ren, "It isn't too late." She was close to touching him.
"Stop!" Luke yells.
It was like for a brief moment, Luke could see his nephew and his nephew saw him. The two younger adults looked at the older man before the connection faded and the conversation was done. Rey seemed lost for a moment, she shook her head and then turns to him, Luke. Rey sees the older man standing there in her hut.
Rey stands up, "It is true?" She asks, "Did you try to murder him?"
Luke shakes his head, "Leave this island now!"
He goes and leaves the hut. Rey goes after him. It's no longer raining on the island anymore.
"Stop!" Rey yells, "Stop!"
Luke halts. But he kept his back to her.
"Did you do it? Did you create Kylo Ren?" Rey asks, "Tell me the truth."
Luke sighs and side glance at her, "I saw darkness. I'd sensed it building in him. I'd see it at moments during his training, but then I looked inside nad it was beyond what I ever imagined."
Luke had a frown on his face. The guilt resurfacing as the old wound is reopened.
"Snoke had already turned his heart. He would bring destruction, and pain, and death and the end of everything I love because of what he will become. And for the briefest moment of pure instinct, I thought I could stop it. It passed like a fleeting shadow and I was left with shame and with consequence."
Rey stood there. Listening to every word coming out of the old Jedi master. Luke closed his eyes briefly before reopening it, it was as if he had a flashback of that night.
"And the last thing I saw were the eyes of a frightened boy whose master had failed him." Luke says in somber.
Rey got angry, "You failed him by thinking his choice was made, it wasn't. There is still conflict in him if he turned from the dark side, that could shift the tide. This could be how we win." Rey says.
Luke shakes his head, "This is not going to go the way you think." He says.
Rey looks at him, "It is. Just now, when we touched hands, I saw his future. As solid as I'm seeing you. If I go to him, Ben Solo will turn." She tells him.
"Rey, don't do this." Luke tells her.
Rey shakes her head at the older man, "Then he is our last hope." She says.
VOICES ECHOED in her head and she shifted her attention elsewhere. Amara stood on the bridge listening to Connix for a moment, but wasn't really listening. Connix seemed to notice.
"Commander Solo?" Connix asks.
Amara shook her head and turns to Connix, "Um- I'm fine what was it?"
Connix shakes her head, "You look a little pale," She says, "Maybe you should head to medical."
Amara glanced around and noticed a few people seemed to have notice that with Amara, so without further say, Amara just excused herself from the bridge. She got far enough away, but felt like she needed to sit down. Amara picked a small hallway that no one was in. Amara took in a deep breathe as she lowered her head on her knees that are now pulled up to her chest. She slowly lifts her head and then sensed him.
"Hi, brother." Amara says looking at him.
"Hello, sister." Kylo Ren says.
Amara frowns, "You know I'd like it if you stopped calling. I'm not in the mood to talk to you." She tells him.
Kylo Ren shakes his head, "This isn't me and I don't think you're even strong enough to do this." He answers.
Amara groans and lowers her head back on her knees again. When she did that, she felt his eyes on her, so she lifts her head again.
"What?" She asks.
"It's funny," He says.
Amara narrows her eyes at him, "What is so funny?" She asks.
A small smirk appeared on his face, "Despite what you may think of me, I did think of you throughout the years." He says, "And I sense I wasn't the only one."
Amara frowns at him, "What did you expect," She says, "I thought my brother was dead. I was mourning him, I was grieving him."
Amara kept her glare on him, only breaking it briefly when she heard footsteps, but they pass by without even noticing Amara in the hallway.
"When I left I always wondered what kind of woman you'd become," Kylo Ren says, "I always knew you'd follow Leia. You two are so much alike."
Amara felt the tears coming in her eyes but chose to ignore them. She made her hands into fists and looked at her knees.
"I was right, Amara." Kylo Ren says.
"About what?" She asks.
"You are Force sensitive," Kylo Ren says, "I was right. You just had to give it some time."
Amara had a bitter laugh escape her lips, "Yeah, years after my brother dies and my uncle goes missing. Not to mention my dad leaves and I'm stuck helping mom with Resistance trying to protect people from the First Order."
"It doesn't have to be this way," He tells her, "You are I."
Amara looks at him. He offers her his hand. She looks at his hand. He reaches out toward her and she looks at the gloved hand with hesitation.
"We can rule together. Make our own government. Rule over everyone in the galaxy in a fair way." Kylo Ren says.
Amara gives him a sad smile, "If you would've asked me five years ago, maybe. But not now. I'm sorry, Ben."
Kylo Ren frowns, "I'm sorry too Amara. I- I was going to spare you, but I guess now you'll die along with Leia and all the other Resistances."
Amara gives him a small smirk, "Don't count us out just yet." She says.
And then he vanished. Amara sat there in the hallway, staring at the wall. She exhaled deeply and then suddenly, she allowed the tears to slide down her cheeks.
She turns and see Poe standing there.
"Hi," She smiles at him.
He walked over and knelt down next to her. She grabbed his hand and held him tight. She rested her head on his shoulder and he just allowed her to cuddle up against him.
"Is everything alright?" Poe asks her.
Amara glanced at him, "I- I spoke to him again."
Poe rubbed her back, "I see."
She rubbed her tears away with her sleeve and says, "I wonder- I wonder, if this is my future." She says, "The internal struggle of what's good and evil. I mean, I'm apart of him and that's what scares me the most."
Poe kisses her on the top of the head, "Amara, you're nothing like him."
Amara looks at him, "How do you know?"
"Because you're so damn worried about this. If you were like him, you would've care." Poe says and hugs her, "But you do worry about this and it makes you nothing like him."
Amara just rested herself on him and sobbed a little bit. She knew she didn't have time to wallow in her own issues. She didn't need to cry about all of this right now. People have died and those close to them haven't mourned yet, they've been too busy moving from Holdo's orders.
But right now, Amara didn't care if it looked selfish that she was crying. She had been through too much in the short amount of time it's been. The loss of her father. Her brother not being dead. What happened to her mother. And the possibility this might be the end. Amara thinks that she is justified in crying for a few minutes.
- In Serial38 Chapters
A Modern Day Demon King
Reyn, a former demon king is reborn in a modern day world without any mana user's or at least that's what she thought. Sadly, enough she was wrong. But worst of all she picked up a kid and she's not sure what to do with him. Of course, that's if she doesn't end up accidentally end up killing the poor kid first.
8 199 - In Serial7 Chapters
Rend Asunder
Demons have entered the body of “lucky” individuals. As the human body is too weak to harbor demonic powers, a day will come when one’s body will go berserk. Only the strongest demon can be granted full control of the power. Will you die peacefully or will you die trying?Illustrations are included.
8 209 - In Serial48 Chapters
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
A world where magic must be hidden from mankind is a world where mages have no reason to exist. Zara was one of them--a young woman forced to spend her days in confinement, to lessen the risks of outsiders discovering the truth. She was not human. She was, as they say, a living embodiment of a thousand year old curse upon the Kingdom and humanity as a whole. And the only way to handle a curse is to get rid of it--which is precisely what the Kingdom had been doing for centuries--eliminating any being that contained even an ounce of enchanted blood. Zara has lived most of her life with the threat of death hanging over her head, though it never averted her heightening curiosity about magic, nor the abilities innate within her. And when a powerful, enigmatic Sorcerer comes to her with a proposition, Zara finally sees her chance to embrace the curse she was born with. It was a chance laced with precarity and destruction, but a chance nonetheless...
8 102 - In Serial20 Chapters
Vil Agres Tunoi Agness Yvetal - Purusit of the Perfect Dream
This is the journey of Azalea who ends up in a differnet world with Eos as her cheat grandpa, but this cheat Grandpa...isn't he too overpowered? She explores this mysteirous world that resembles nothing like the novels she read. Where's the magic? The Dragons? Why are the politics so difficult? What about the mystical elves? Fine you know what, I'll travel the worlds to find the ideal reality that I've always dreamed of. “I doubt it, I mapped the stars myself. At least in my own universe.” “So you’re from a different universe? Oh god, did I transmigrate? Was it like those novels I read about, Are you my cheat grandpa from another world?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I feel like you’re calling me old. I am not old” the voice ended his sentence with a kind of annoyed tinge. Cover Artist!: https://id.pinterest.com/i40724880222/%E6%BC%AB%E7%95%AB/ Brilliantly Talented Artist, Feel Free to Check Her Out!
8 155 - In Serial13 Chapters
The Dragon & The Demon
Orenda Nochdifache-Firefist has sucessfully overthrown the Empress Xandra and broken the empire to allow the individual colonies to return to self-rule, as well as abolished the chattle slavery that had plagued the land- earning her the title of "Orenda the Reign Ender". The Knights of Order have officially won the war in a bloody revolution, putting an end to the three centuries of warfare under Xandra's leadership. No longer must people live in fear of Xandra's puppet, The Emerald Knight. But now Orenda must face the realities of her dream- the imaginary princess has become queen. And, she has a deadly secret she must keep in the form of a teenage Urillian boy who is not what he seems. Anilla is still on a never ending quest to find her dragon; her people beleive that every memeber of their tribe is born with a soul bonded dragon that exists somewhere in the world- and Orenda's little secret claims to have seen Anilla's soul before. Could he be the key to ending her quest? This work is a direct sequel to The Crimson Mage, and will obviously contain major spoilers for that work, so it might be a better place to start (though I will warn you that the first chapter of that story may be the worst thing I've ever written. Just power through it or encorage me to put up a second draft). It can be found here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/21654/the-crimson-mage/chapter/307763/chapter-1
8 95 - In Serial79 Chapters
Indian Stories
This book will have a list of Indian stories which I personally liked.
8 260